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Ch. 9- A. Miller

Ch. 9 Vocab

la espontaneidad spontaneity
la lealtad loyalty
el valor value
desanimar to discourage, dishearten
descargar to download
descubrir to discover
diferenciarse to be different, to differ
elaborar to develop
empujar to push
la abnegacio'n self-sacrifice
la aldea global global village
el a'mbito field of expertise
el archivo file
el co'digo code
la conducta behavior
la constancia perseverance
florecer to flourish, flower
humillar to humiliate
implicar to imply
luchar to fight
mantener to provide for; to defend an opinion
pegarse to pick up (an accent)
el desamor lack of love, indifference
promover to promote, develop
la envidia envy
el esfuerzo effort
la falla failure
la globalizacio'n econo'mica economic globalization
el horario schedule, timetable
el infeliz "poor soul, poor devil"
realizar to fulfill, accomplish
someter to subdue
soportar to bear, put up with, stand
sostener to maintain, support
vencer to defeat, overcome
la jerga jargon, slang
la madrugada dawn
la marginacio'n marginalization
el mercado de consumo consumer market
el ocio leisure
el orgullo pride
los pares peers
el peligro danger
la recorrida route, trip, visit
la similitud resemblance, similarity
el sordo hearing-impaired person
el valor value
el vi'nculo link, connection, bond
a trave's by means of, through
en si' mismo on himself, herself, themselves
estar al alcance de to be within reach of
tales como such as
afectar to affect
agregar to add
alargar to prolong; to extend
apoyar to advocate for; to support
burlarse to mock, to make fun of
darse cuenta de to realize
alejado remote, removed from
anterior previous, earlier
centrado focused, centered
co'modo comfortable
desganado lethargic
juvenil youthful, young
novedoso new
pro'spero prosperous, thriving
realizado accomplished
sordo hearing-impaired, deaf
Created by: buckeye13
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