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Prenatal Terminology

Prenatal Terminology, Medical Terminology

Antepartum Ante/partum - before / birth (an-teh-par-tum) Can also be interchanged with prenatal
Cephalopelvic Cephalo / pelvic – head in the pelvis Relation of fetal head to maternal pelvis
Engagement Entry of presenting fetal part into the maternal pelvis
Etiology Eti / o / logy – study of causes Studying the cause or origination of something
Fetus Unborn child in the uterus – from 8 weeks until birth
Fundus Top of uterus / furthest from the cervix
Gestation Growth of fetus during pregnancy
Gravida Gravid / a – pregnant woman “Gravida” followed by a number indicates how many times she has been pregnant
Hypertrophy Hyper/trophy – excessive development Enlargement of an organ or body part because of an increase in size of individual cells
Intrauterine Intra/uterine – inside the uterus
Kegel exercises Relaxing and contracting the pelvic floor muscles – helps to strengthen
Libido Desire for sexual activity
Morbidity (in Statistics) The rate of sickness or incidence of disease
Multigravida Multi/gravid/a – multi-gra-vee-dah Woman who has been pregnant at least for a second time
Multipara Multi/para - multi-pair-ah Woman who has had more then one birth
Opaque Unable to see through – opposite of transparent
Para Para –this word has a billion meanings, depending on use Woman how has had at least one live birth
Perinatal mortality Peri/natal – pre birth Fetus who has died in utero. Can also refer to neonate deaths within first week of life
Postmaturity Post/maturity – after maturity Referred to a pregnancy that goes after 42 weeks
Prenatal Pre/natal – before birth
Preterm Before full term gestation, usually refers to an early or “preterm” birth
Primigravida Primi/gravida Woman who has been pregnant for the first time
Primipara Primi/para Woman who has given birth for the first time
RhoD Immune Globulin immunizing agent used to prevent antibodies from forming after during pregnancy when a mother has Rh-negative blood and the baby is Rh-positive
Teratogen Te-rat-oh-jen Drug or other factor capable of interfering with development of fetus
Trimester Period of 3 – in pregnancy refers to the three periods of three months
Turbidity turbid/ity – being thick or opaque In pregnancy, can be used to determine turbidity or urine or amniotic fluid
Viability Ability to survive Term used to describe the ability of the fetus to survive outside the womb
Void Absence In medicine – to excrete, drain away, empty or evacuate
Blastocyst Fertilized egg stage – early pregnancy, about a week after conception. Develops into fetus
Corpus Luteum “yellow body” Remains on ovary where egg was released. If fertilization of egg occurs, secretes hormones that encourage growth of fertilized egg. lasts 14-16 weeks until placenta is fully functioning
Decidua Lining in the uterus (endometrium) where a fertilized egg imbeds. Called such because it is considerably thicker than non-pregnant endometrium.
Embryo Organism in first stage of development – 2-6 weeks after conception
Graafian Follicle Grah-fee-in Follicle a mature ovarian vesicle that ruptures during ovulation to release the ovum.
Intervillious space that allows maternal arterial blood to cascade around placental villi – where exchange of gases, nutrients, minerals and vitamins take place
Menstruation Breakdown of the lining of the uterus that occurs at the end of a normal reproductive cycle, as long as there is no fertilized egg.
Progesterone Hormone secreted by the ovaries to help maintain the lining of the uterus during pregnancy
Zygote Fertilized ovum before segmentation
Linea Nigra Latin for “black line” Temporary dark line during pregnancy from umbilicus to pubis. Happens due to increased melanocytic hormone from pituitary gland.
Leukorrhea (or leucorrhea) Leuko / rrhea = white flow Normal white vaginal discharge secreted by cervical glands. Usually increased at ovulation and during pregnancy
Malaise Tired, feelings of discomfort and illness
Nocturia Noct / uria = urination during the night Excessive urination during the night time
Pica Cravings for abnormal foods/substances during pregnancy. Most notorious is dirt and gasoline. Can sometimes signify nutritional deficiencies
Proteinuria Protein / uria = abnormal urine protein Abnormal condition of protein in the urine
Ptyalism Increase in salvation In pregnancy, usually due to nausea or vomiting
Striae bands, stripes, lines Also known as stretch marks
Syncope Fainting or sudden loss of consciousness
Varicose veins Enlarged veins, due to a failure in the one-way valves and subsequent pooling of blood. In pregnancy, often caused by increased pressure to the pelvis and lower extremities
Auscultation method of examination of internal organs by listening to their sounds During pregnancy, it means listening to the fetal heart with a doppler or fetoscope
Ballotement “Bouncing” In pregnancy, patting the fetus in the amniotic sac, causing it to rebound against examining fingers
Bimanual examination Type of examination f the abdomen using both hands – one hand on abdomen, one finger inserted in rectum or vagina
Fetoscope Feto / scope – Fetal examination instrument Manual instrument used to auscultate fetal heart tones
Fundal Height Distance between fundus and top of pubic symphysis, measured to record growing size of uterus. Measurement in cm is approximate to weeks pregnant.
Malpresentation Mal / presentation – bad presentation Fetus that is presenting in the uterus in an unfavorable way. IE, breech.
Naegele’s Rule Rule for calculating due date. Subtract 3 months from first day of last menstrual period, then add 7 days
Palpation Physical examination by touch In pregnancy, often refers to determining fetal presentation by using finger and hand pressure on the skin of the abdomen
Pelvimetry Pelvic capacity assessment evaluation of the size and shape of pelvis
Speculum Instrument used to open up a cavity not normally accessible Best known for use in vaginal/pelvic exams
Uterine Souffle Uterine “sue-full” Auscultated Cardiac sound of the fetus – a soft, blowing sound
Abruptio Placenta Partial or complete separation of placenta from its site after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Causes pain and hemorrhage.
Amniocentesis Amnio / centesis – surgical puncture of amnion Procedure to remove fluid from the amniotic sac
Anemia An / emia Blood condition where it is lacking nutrients – most common is iron
Bacteriuria Bacteri / uria Bacteria in the urine
Condylomata acuminata Wart like growth near external genitalia or anus. Also known as genital warts
Congenital Condition present at birth
Cystitis Cyst / it is Inflammation the bladder
Cytomegalovirus Cyto / megalo / virus (CMV) Common infection, if first contracted during pregnancy can cause severe fetal anomalies
Eclampsia Complication of pre-eclampsia, peripartum epileptic fits which causes maternal cerebral hemorrhage, pulmonary adema, renal failure, and death
Ectopic Pregnancy A fertilized egg that has embedded in fallopian tube, ovary, or otherwise abnormal area of the uterus
Dysmature Dys / mature Fetus that is small for gestation age
Dyspareunia Dys / pareunia Difficult or painful coitus/intercourse
Dysuria Dys / uria Difficult or painful urination
Glycosuria (or glucosuria) Glycos / uria Sugar in the urine, often indicates diabetes or kidney problems
Homan’s sign Pain in the calf when foot and leg is extended – sign of deep vein thrombosis
Hydatidiform mole Vesicular mole that is often a precursor to choriocarcinoma (uterine cancer)
Hyperemesis gravidarum Hyper-em-eysis Grav-eh-dare-um (HG) Excessive vomiting in pregnancy. Mother must be monited closely to make sure she is not dehydrated and lacking nutrients
Isoimmunization Immunization within species
Infectious Diseases Disease that can easily be spread from person to person
Labile Unstable, liable to variation
Oligohydramnions Oligo / hydr / amnios Condition in pregnancy marked by low amniotic fluid
Placenta Previa Condition where the placenta has attached very close to or covering the cervix. Causes placental abrubtion when the cervix begins to efface and open for labor
Polyhydramnios Poly / hydr / amnios Condition in pregnancy marked by high amniotic fluid
Preeclampsia Hypertension development during the second half of pregnancy
Spirochete Also Spirochaete Spiral-shaped bacteria – some can be serious pathogens for humans
Created by: elisaself
Popular Midwifery sets




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