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Prenatal Terminology
Prenatal Terminology, Medical Terminology
Term | Definition |
Antepartum | Ante/partum - before / birth (an-teh-par-tum) Can also be interchanged with prenatal |
Cephalopelvic | Cephalo / pelvic – head in the pelvis Relation of fetal head to maternal pelvis |
Engagement | Entry of presenting fetal part into the maternal pelvis |
Etiology | Eti / o / logy – study of causes Studying the cause or origination of something |
Fetus | Unborn child in the uterus – from 8 weeks until birth |
Fundus | Top of uterus / furthest from the cervix |
Gestation | Growth of fetus during pregnancy |
Gravida | Gravid / a – pregnant woman “Gravida” followed by a number indicates how many times she has been pregnant |
Hypertrophy | Hyper/trophy – excessive development Enlargement of an organ or body part because of an increase in size of individual cells |
Intrauterine | Intra/uterine – inside the uterus |
Kegel exercises | Relaxing and contracting the pelvic floor muscles – helps to strengthen |
Libido | Desire for sexual activity |
Morbidity (in Statistics) | The rate of sickness or incidence of disease |
Multigravida | Multi/gravid/a – multi-gra-vee-dah Woman who has been pregnant at least for a second time |
Multipara | Multi/para - multi-pair-ah Woman who has had more then one birth |
Opaque | Unable to see through – opposite of transparent |
Para | Para –this word has a billion meanings, depending on use Woman how has had at least one live birth |
Perinatal mortality | Peri/natal – pre birth Fetus who has died in utero. Can also refer to neonate deaths within first week of life |
Postmaturity | Post/maturity – after maturity Referred to a pregnancy that goes after 42 weeks |
Prenatal | Pre/natal – before birth |
Preterm | Before full term gestation, usually refers to an early or “preterm” birth |
Primigravida | Primi/gravida Woman who has been pregnant for the first time |
Primipara | Primi/para Woman who has given birth for the first time |
RhoD Immune Globulin | immunizing agent used to prevent antibodies from forming after during pregnancy when a mother has Rh-negative blood and the baby is Rh-positive |
Teratogen | Te-rat-oh-jen Drug or other factor capable of interfering with development of fetus |
Trimester | Period of 3 – in pregnancy refers to the three periods of three months |
Turbidity | turbid/ity – being thick or opaque In pregnancy, can be used to determine turbidity or urine or amniotic fluid |
Viability | Ability to survive Term used to describe the ability of the fetus to survive outside the womb |
Void | Absence In medicine – to excrete, drain away, empty or evacuate |
Blastocyst | Fertilized egg stage – early pregnancy, about a week after conception. Develops into fetus |
Corpus Luteum | “yellow body” Remains on ovary where egg was released. If fertilization of egg occurs, secretes hormones that encourage growth of fertilized egg. lasts 14-16 weeks until placenta is fully functioning |
Decidua | Lining in the uterus (endometrium) where a fertilized egg imbeds. Called such because it is considerably thicker than non-pregnant endometrium. |
Embryo | Organism in first stage of development – 2-6 weeks after conception |
Graafian Follicle | Grah-fee-in Follicle a mature ovarian vesicle that ruptures during ovulation to release the ovum. |
Intervillious | space that allows maternal arterial blood to cascade around placental villi – where exchange of gases, nutrients, minerals and vitamins take place |
Menstruation | Breakdown of the lining of the uterus that occurs at the end of a normal reproductive cycle, as long as there is no fertilized egg. |
Progesterone | Hormone secreted by the ovaries to help maintain the lining of the uterus during pregnancy |
Zygote | Fertilized ovum before segmentation |
Linea Nigra | Latin for “black line” Temporary dark line during pregnancy from umbilicus to pubis. Happens due to increased melanocytic hormone from pituitary gland. |
Leukorrhea (or leucorrhea) | Leuko / rrhea = white flow Normal white vaginal discharge secreted by cervical glands. Usually increased at ovulation and during pregnancy |
Malaise | Tired, feelings of discomfort and illness |
Nocturia | Noct / uria = urination during the night Excessive urination during the night time |
Pica | Cravings for abnormal foods/substances during pregnancy. Most notorious is dirt and gasoline. Can sometimes signify nutritional deficiencies |
Proteinuria | Protein / uria = abnormal urine protein Abnormal condition of protein in the urine |
Ptyalism | Increase in salvation In pregnancy, usually due to nausea or vomiting |
Striae | bands, stripes, lines Also known as stretch marks |
Syncope | Fainting or sudden loss of consciousness |
Varicose veins | Enlarged veins, due to a failure in the one-way valves and subsequent pooling of blood. In pregnancy, often caused by increased pressure to the pelvis and lower extremities |
Auscultation | method of examination of internal organs by listening to their sounds During pregnancy, it means listening to the fetal heart with a doppler or fetoscope |
Ballotement | “Bouncing” In pregnancy, patting the fetus in the amniotic sac, causing it to rebound against examining fingers |
Bimanual examination | Type of examination f the abdomen using both hands – one hand on abdomen, one finger inserted in rectum or vagina |
Fetoscope | Feto / scope – Fetal examination instrument Manual instrument used to auscultate fetal heart tones |
Fundal Height | Distance between fundus and top of pubic symphysis, measured to record growing size of uterus. Measurement in cm is approximate to weeks pregnant. |
Malpresentation | Mal / presentation – bad presentation Fetus that is presenting in the uterus in an unfavorable way. IE, breech. |
Naegele’s Rule | Rule for calculating due date. Subtract 3 months from first day of last menstrual period, then add 7 days |
Palpation | Physical examination by touch In pregnancy, often refers to determining fetal presentation by using finger and hand pressure on the skin of the abdomen |
Pelvimetry | Pelvic capacity assessment evaluation of the size and shape of pelvis |
Speculum | Instrument used to open up a cavity not normally accessible Best known for use in vaginal/pelvic exams |
Uterine Souffle | Uterine “sue-full” Auscultated Cardiac sound of the fetus – a soft, blowing sound |
Abruptio Placenta | Partial or complete separation of placenta from its site after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Causes pain and hemorrhage. |
Amniocentesis | Amnio / centesis – surgical puncture of amnion Procedure to remove fluid from the amniotic sac |
Anemia | An / emia Blood condition where it is lacking nutrients – most common is iron |
Bacteriuria | Bacteri / uria Bacteria in the urine |
Condylomata acuminata | Wart like growth near external genitalia or anus. Also known as genital warts |
Congenital | Condition present at birth |
Cystitis | Cyst / it is Inflammation the bladder |
Cytomegalovirus | Cyto / megalo / virus (CMV) Common infection, if first contracted during pregnancy can cause severe fetal anomalies |
Eclampsia | Complication of pre-eclampsia, peripartum epileptic fits which causes maternal cerebral hemorrhage, pulmonary adema, renal failure, and death |
Ectopic Pregnancy | A fertilized egg that has embedded in fallopian tube, ovary, or otherwise abnormal area of the uterus |
Dysmature | Dys / mature Fetus that is small for gestation age |
Dyspareunia | Dys / pareunia Difficult or painful coitus/intercourse |
Dysuria | Dys / uria Difficult or painful urination |
Glycosuria (or glucosuria) | Glycos / uria Sugar in the urine, often indicates diabetes or kidney problems |
Homan’s sign | Pain in the calf when foot and leg is extended – sign of deep vein thrombosis |
Hydatidiform mole | Vesicular mole that is often a precursor to choriocarcinoma (uterine cancer) |
Hyperemesis gravidarum | Hyper-em-eysis Grav-eh-dare-um (HG) Excessive vomiting in pregnancy. Mother must be monited closely to make sure she is not dehydrated and lacking nutrients |
Isoimmunization | Immunization within species |
Infectious Diseases | Disease that can easily be spread from person to person |
Labile | Unstable, liable to variation |
Oligohydramnions | Oligo / hydr / amnios Condition in pregnancy marked by low amniotic fluid |
Placenta Previa | Condition where the placenta has attached very close to or covering the cervix. Causes placental abrubtion when the cervix begins to efface and open for labor |
Polyhydramnios | Poly / hydr / amnios Condition in pregnancy marked by high amniotic fluid |
Preeclampsia | Hypertension development during the second half of pregnancy |
Spirochete | Also Spirochaete Spiral-shaped bacteria – some can be serious pathogens for humans |