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How many surgeries has August had? 27
"Where did August's friend, Christopher live after he moved from August's neighborhood?" "Bridgeport, CN"
What where the names of August's three friends when he was little? "Christopher, Zachary and Alex"
What nickname did August's parents give the doctor who delivered him? Doogie
How old was August when Christopher moved away? around 7
What was the first name of August's mother? Isabel
What did August's dad compare sending him to middle school with? sending a lamb to the slaughter
What is the principal's name? Mr. Tushman
What kind of shoes was the principal wearing the first time August met him? Red Adidas
What time did Mrs. G. arrive at school every morning? 7:30
What is the number of August's homeroom? Room 301
What is the name of August's dog? Daisy
Why did Julian ask August if he liked the character Darth Sidious in Star Wars? Darth Sidious' face was deformed and so is August's face.
What was Mr. Browne's Sept. Precept? "When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind."
"What did Summer and August name their ""lunch table""?" "The ""summer only"" table."
"On a scale of one to ten, what number did August say that his first day of school was?" A five.
What book is August's mother reading to him the night of his first day at school? The Hobbit
When did Summer find out about the plague? While playing 4-square with August
Who was having the Halloween party and invited Summer? Savanna
Which Egyptian artifact did August get assigned to him for Egyptian Museum Day at school? Step Pyramid of Sakkara
What was Summer's father's occupation? platoon sergeant
Who was August's parents going to fix Summer's mom up with on a blind date? August's Uncle Ben
How many surgeries has August had? 27
"Where did August's friend, Christopher live after he moved from August's neighborhood?" "Bridgeport, CN"
What where the names of August's three friends when he was little? "Christopher, Zachary and Alex"
What nickname did August's parents give the doctor who delivered him? Doogie
How old was August when Christopher moved away? around 7
What was the first name of August's mother? Isabel
What did August's dad compare sending him to middle school with? sending a lamb to the slaughter
What is the principal's name? Mr. Tushman
What kind of shoes was the principal wearing the first time August met him? Red Adidas
What time did Mrs. G. arrive at school every morning? 7:30
What is the number of August's homeroom? Room 301
What is the name of August's dog? Daisy
Why did Julian ask August if he liked the character Darth Sidious in Star Wars? Darth Sidious' face was deformed and so is August's face.
What was Mr. Browne's Sept. Precept? "When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind."
"What did Summer and August name their ""lunch table""?" "The ""summer only"" table."
"On a scale of one to ten, what number did August say that his first day of school was?" A five.
What book is August's mother reading to him the night of his first day at school? The Hobbit
When did Summer find out about the plague? While playing 4-square with August
Who was having the Halloween party and invited Summer? Savanna
Which Egyptian artifact did August get assigned to him for Egyptian Museum Day at school? Step Pyramid of Sakkara
What was Summer's father's occupation? platoon sergeant
Who was August's parents going to fix Summer's mom up with on a blind date? August's Uncle Ben
Why did Miranda fake being sick on the opening night of the play? "She knew she would be great in the play, but there would be no one there to see her and Olivia's family was there to see Olivia."
"August has never attended school, why?" He has had 27 surgeries since he was born.
Where does August live? "North River Heights, a neighborhood in Manhatten"
What happened to the doctor when August was delivered? He fainted
Where did Christopher move to when the boys were 7? Bridgeport Conneticut
What book did Auggie read when he was 6? Dragon Rider
What is the name of the school Auggie's mother wants him to attend? Beecher Prep
What is the principal's name? Mr. Tushman
Who are the three students Mr. Tushman ask to come meet Auggie? "Jack Will, Julian and Charolette"
What is the students' room number and who is their teacher? "room 301, Ms. Petosa"
What play did the students perform the previous school year? Oliver
What school will Via attend in the fall? Faulkner High School
What two important items does the folder Ms. Petosa gave to her class contain? Students' class schedule and lock combination
What are the two things Auggie tells the class about himself? He has a sister named Via and a dog named Daisy
"Mr. Brown wrote the word: precepts"" on the board. How does he define it?" He says precept is like a motto that can motivate you and guides you in decision making.
What is Mr. Brown's precept for September? """When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind."
August has problems eating because of his facial deformities. What animal does he think he looks like when he eats? He says he eats like a tortise.
What number did Auggie rate his first day of school? He rated it a five.
What did Auggie cut off after his first day of school? His braid
What book is Auggies mom reading to him at night? The Hobbitt
When is August's birthday? October 10th or 10/10
Who was the only person that did not RSVP to Auggie's b-day party? Jullian
What does Summer plan on dressing up as on Halloween? A unicorn
Why does Auggie say he feels like old moldy cheese? Because he thinks no one wants to touch him
Who does Auggie plan on dressing up as on Halloween? The adult Boba Fett from Star Wars Episode V
What costume does he wear? Bleeding Scream costume from his 9th Halloween
Who was dressed as darth Sidious? Jullian
One of the mummies joking about Auggie's looks surprised him when he learned their true identity. Who was it? Jack Will
How does Via describe her parents when she was little before Auggie was born? Dad was a hipster dude and mom a Brazillian fashionista.
How did Via and Auggie's beloved grandmother die? She had a sudden heart attack
What was the elementary school Via went to? PS 22
Why is the first day of school difficult for Via? She feels like her friends Miranda and Ella have changed
"What did Mom, Dad and Via argue about at breakfast?" Whether Via could take the subway home from school alone.
"Nate, Auggie's father, parents heritage was what?" They were Jewish from Rusia and Poland
"Isabel, Auggie's mother's heritage was what?" She was Brazillian
Via describes Auggie's deformaties as being caused by what? "A ""mutant gene"""
What table does Via gain entry to because of her new friend Ella? The smart kid's table
What movie did Via and mom watch together when she stayed home from school? The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Who called Auggie to check up on him? Via's old friend Miranda
What name do the students refer to Auggie as according to Summer? And what nickname did Jullian give him? the freak and Zombie Kid
"According to the other fifth graders, what are the consequences of touching Auggie?" "If you touch Auggie you get the ""Plague"""
What does Savanna tell Summer at the party? She could be popular if she didn't hang out with Auggie
Students each are assigned to make an artifact for what school project? What assignment did Auggie get assigned? Egyptian Artifact Day; The Step Pyramid of Sakkara
Why does Auggie like Summer's ideas about reincarnation? He says he will be happy to live a new life with a different face
When did Jack see Auggie for the first time? When he was 5 or 6 outside a store eating an ice cream cone.
What are the four reasons Jack likes Auggie? 1. It just takes a little time to get used to his face. 2. He is cool and funny. 3. He is really smart. 4. He is cool to hang out with and a good friend
What do Jack Will's parents do for a living? His dad is a teacher and his mother is a social worker
"What does Jack discover about his prized sled, Lightning?" It was a cast off from his classmate. Miles.
What did Jack do to Julian when he called August a freak? He punched him in the mouth
What did Julian's mom do th the fifth grade class picture? She photoshopped Auggies's face out of it.
"After Jack is dissed by all his ""friends"" who does he finally sit with at lunch?" Summer and Auggie
What kind of computer does Auggie have? an iMac
What is Auggie's dog's full name? Darth Daisy
What type of music does Via's boyfriend Jusgtin play and what instrument does he play? "He plays Zydecoa, kind of Creole musicand plays a fiddle."
What phrase does Via use to describe Auggie's face? craniofacial abnormality
"When Justin gets stressed, what two facial tics does he stil have?" a few hard blinks and an occassional head pull
"Where did Auggie's dad get their dog, Daisy?" "He bought him from a homeless man. The man only asked for 10 dollars, but Auggies dad gave him 20 dollars."
What is the name of the play Via's school is putting on in the spring? Our Town
Who are the three boys that harrass Jack at the grocery store? "Jullian, Henry and Miles"
What does Justin tell the three boy? How does he act? He tells them not to mess with Jack anymore and acts very tough. He holds his fiddle case like it is a gun case
Who has the part of Emily in the play? "Via's ex-friend, Miranda"
Why does Via feel like an awful person? She does'nt want her parents to bring Auggie to the play because she doesn't want her new classmates to know about him
A doctor told Auggie's family the odds of someone getting the genectic combination Auggie has ? One in four million
Who is Beulah? Beuluh was a made up person's name Auggie and Jack signed all their notes to Jullian with
"As the war between Julian and Jack wears on, what happens to the rest of the boys in the class?" The boys in the class tire of Jullian's pranks and most are tired of it by the end of March.
What did Maya give Auggie? An Ugly Doll keychain
"Of all Auggie's features, which one bothers him most?" His ears and now he has to get hearing aids
Who does Auggie think he looks like with his new hearing aid head piece? Lobot
What surprise does the Pullman family get when the character Emily comes on to the stage? It is Via playing the lead role
Why didn't the school put on the play The Elephant Man? Miranda lied and said her brother was deformed and the play would hit too close to home for her family.
Why did Miranda back out of the play at the last minute? Because noone was there to see her and she knew Via's family was there.
What does Augie decide to take with him to camp in case he can't sleep? What does Auggie do with Baboo? "His stuffed animal, Baboo, a small black bear he slpt with when he was little. He leaves him home for his mom."
Why doesn't Jullian go on the nature trip with his classmates? "He says the trip is ""dorky"""
What is the name of the camp the students went to? Broward Nature reserve
What was the movie that was being shown for Big Movie Night? The Sound of Music
How do the students from the other school react to Auggie and Jack? They freak out and call him names of ugly movie characters
Who comes to help Auggie and Jack out with the other boys? "Amos, Henry and Miles"
What happened after the fight? Auggie discovers he lost his hearing aids and started crying. The other boys comfort him.
What book was Auggie reading at camp? "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"
What does Auggie like his chocolate milk to have on top? A thick froth from mixing it
What surprise does Dad and Via bring home to Auggie? A little black puppy they named Bear.
Auggie notices what when he returns to school? "A 'seismetic' shiftin the attitude the students have toward Jack, Amos, Henry, Miles and Auggie. "
Who had auggie's hearing aids? "Eddie, the ring leader of the bullies"
What two things does Auggie discover in Mr. Tushman's office? That Jullian is not returning to Beecher Prep and Mr. Tushman has Auggie's animal self portrait hanging in his office.
What animal did Auggie choose to represent himself with and why? He painted a duck to represent himself because he thinks he looks like a duck.
What does Dad admit to Auggi in the car before graduation? He hated the astonaut helmet and threw it away
What does Mr. Tushman ask the students to do in his speech? To be kinder than necessary.
Who in Auggie's class won the medal for academic exellence? Ximena Chin
Who receies the Henry Ward Beecher medal for courage? Auggie
How many surgeries has August had? 27
Who are August's best friends (in order)? "Christopher, Zachary and Alex"
Where did Christopher move to? "Bridgeport, Connecticut"
Where does August live? "North River Heights, Manhattan"
What did August's mother nickname her cranky doctor? Doogie
What was the title of the book August read when he was 6? Dragon Rider
What is the principal's name of Beecher Prep? Mr. Tushman
What was the name of the professor August's parents had? "Roberta Butt, Bobbie Butt"
What color and brand of shoe was Mr. Tushman wearing when August first met him? red Adidas
What did Mrs. Garcia tell August to call her? Mrs. G
What homeroom number is August's? Room 301
What Science teacher did Julian say August would want? Mr. Haller
What instrument did Charlotte say Mr. Haller played in class? a baritone horn
What was the name of the play the school put on last year? Oliver!
What elective was August going to take? Science
Where was Via going to start school? Faulkner High School
What is August's dog's name? Daisy
What was the name of August's homeroom teacher? Ms. Petosa
What did August think a teacher should look like? Miss Fowl from Jimmy Neutron
What did August think Ms. Petosa actually looked like? Mon Mothma from Star Wars Episode IV
What were the two things Julian told his homeroom class about himself? He got Battleground Mystic for the Wii and his family got a ping-pong table
How many sisters does Charlotte have? two
What is the name of Charlotte's dog? Suki
What is the name of the Star Wars' braid August wears? Padawan
Who is August's favorite Star Wars character? Jango Fett
What was August's English teacher's name? Mr. Browne
What was the first thing Mr. Browne told the students to write in their English notebook? Precept
"According to Mr. Browne, what were precepts?" Rules about really important things
What was the most important precept to Mr. Browne? Who we are!
What did the plaque next to the door of the school read? Know Thyself
What did August's mother pack him for lunch his first day of school? "A cheese sandwich, graham crackers and a juice box"
What did August say he ate like? A toroise
What Disney story/movie did August compare himself and Summer to? Beauty and the Beast
What did August's dad call him? It was the name of an old cartoon. Auggie Doggie
What did August call his dad? (Based on the same cartoon) Dear ol' Dad
What book was August's mother reading to him? The Hobbit
What was Mr. Browne's precept for October? Your deeds are your monuments
When is August's birthday? October 10th
Who was August going to be for Halloween? Boba Fett
What did Summer dress up as when they made students dress as characters from books (for Halloween)? the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz
"What ""dorky"" thing did Summer want to dress up as for Halloween?" a unicorn
What date were school pictures taken? October 22nd
What is August's dance teacher's name? Mrs. Atanabi
What is August's science elective teacher's name? Ms. Rubin
What did August compare himself to in Diary of a Wimpy Kid? old moldy cheese
What was August's first Halloween costume? pumpkin
What was August's second Halloween costume? Tigger
What was August's third Halloween costume? Peter Pan
What was August's fourth Halloween costume? Captain Hook
What was August's fifth Halloween costume? astronaut
What was August's sixth Halloween costume? Obi-Wan Kenobi
What was August's seventh Halloween costume? clone trooper
What was August's eighth Halloween costume? Darth Vader
What was August's ninth Halloween costume? Bleeding Scream
What was Charlotte dressing as for Halloween? Hermoine from Harry Potter
What was Jack dressing as for Halloween? a wolfman
What was Julian dressing as for Halloween? Jango Fett
What costume did Julian decide to dress as instead of Jango Fett? Darth Sidious
What is the nurse's name? Nurse Molly
Who was Lilly? The doll given to Via to get her used to having a sibling
"Where did Via stay with Grans for four weeks while August had his ""big jaw surgery""?" Montauk
What was Grans secret? She loved Via more than anything else in the world.
What was Grans accent? Portuguese
What is Via's real first name? Olivia
What number was Via's former public school (PS)? PS 22
How long had Miranda and Ella known Via? Since first grade
What creature did Ella compare August to when they dressed him in their Hannah Montana wig? E.T.
What was the name of the song Miranda and August would sing together and who was the artist? Space Oddity by David Bowie
What book was Via reading that made her old enough to ride the subway? War and Peace
Where are August and Via's mother's side of the family from? Brazil
"Where is the ""ritzy"" suburb south of Rio where their mother's family is from?" Alto Leblon
Where did August's and Via's parents meet? Brown University
What are their parents' names? Isabel and Nate
Who did Via hang out with after ending her friendship with Miranda and Ella? Eleanor
What was Eleanor's boyfriend's name? Kevin
What instrument did Justin play? violin
What black and white movie were Via and her mother going to watch together on Halloween? The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
What was Julian's name for August? Zombie Kid
What does Summer like to play with August at recess? Four Square
Why wouldn't students play Four Square with August? What were they afraid of catching? The Plague
What Halloween party did Summer get invited to? Savanna's
What Egyptian project did August get? the Step Pyramid of Sakkara
What Egyptian project did Summer get? "Anubis, the god of the afterlife"
Who did August's parents want to set up Summer's mom with? "August's uncle, Ben"
What was August's step pyramid made out of? sugar cubes
What did August and Summer dress as for the Egyptian Museum exhibit? mummies
When and where did Jack first see August? At the Carvel when he was about five or six
What two people was Jack with when he saw August for the first time? "His babysitter, Veronica, and his brother, Jamie"
What is Jack's younger brother's name? Jamie
What do the two Maxes get August to play at recess? Dungeons and Dragons
Where was the banged up wooden sled? propped up against the Old Indian Rock monument
"Where did Jack, Jamie and their dad go sledding when school closed?" Skeleton Hill
What word did Jack paint on the sled he found? LIGHTNING
What was Mr. Browne's precept for December? Fortune favors the bold
Created by: jordansd



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