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External Parasites

Lice, Mites, Ticks, Etc.

What is the condition term for lice? Pediculosis
What are the 3 distinct parts of a louse? Head, thorax and abdomen
2 types of lice? Biting/Chewing (broad head) and Sucking (narrow head)
How is lice transmitted? Direct contact or through fomites
Which are hosts to lice? All, however cats or birds do not get sucking lice
Which tests are done to diagnose lice? Hair pluck and tape test
Name the three burrowing mites (with common name) Sarcoptes scabiei (canis and suis)Common: Sarcoptic Mange or Scabies, Notoedres cati Common: Feline scabies or Head Mange Mite, Cnemidocoptes Common: Scaley leg mite of birds
Describe the characteristics or burrowing mites 8 legged, circular, suction cups on feet
What do burrowing mites feed on? Epithelial cells and lymph
What diagnostic test and treatment is done for burrowing mites? Skin scrape, and Tx is Revolution, Ivermectin, Insecticidal dips (Avian mite is up to specialist)
Name the 3 non burrowing mites (with common name) Chorioptes Common: Itchy leg mite, Psoroptes Common: Rabbit ear mite/Sheep scale mite, Otodectes Common: Ear mites
What do non burrowing mites feed on? Tissue fluids
Name the areas affected by Chorioptes sp. Mainly in large animals, these mites affect the lower part of hind legs, spreading to shoulders, flank and tail with mild pruritis, crusts of scales and coagulated serum on skin
What are the areas affected by Psoroptes? In rabbits: thick black exudates in ear canal/outside of pinna (head tilt/scratching) Sheep/Cattle/Horses: In thick hair/wool areas, crusty alopecia areas with dry lesions
What are the areas affected by ear mites? External ear canal, could spread to head, paws and tail. ALWAYS BILATERAL
What is an Aural Hematoma? Blood vessels in pinna are broken due to excessive head shaking/trauma
What are some other causes of Otitis? Food allergy, yeast, bacteria
What are two other mites? Cheyletiella Common: Walking dandruff, Demodectes/Demotex Common: Hair follicle mite/Red mange mite
What are some characteristics of Cheyletiella? Octagon body shape, white, macroscopic, horn like mouth parts and is a surface dweller (Dx with tape test or hair pluck)
What does Chyletiella affect and what does it feed on? Mainly cats, rabbits, dogs, birds and humans (dorsal midline and head). It feeds off of keratin debris, tissue or lymph fluid.
What is unique about Demodex? It is a normal flora of the body and has a shape that looks like a cigar. Could also predispose Staph. Aureus and is host specific
What areas does Demotectic Mange affect and which are its common hosts? Mostly dogs (shorthair)and most domestic animals, people. Starts around eyes, alopecia, thick scales, spreads to muzzle, chest and forelimbs. Eats around hair follicles.
What is Myiasis? Invasion of body tissues by maggots
What are the 3 bots and what do they affect? 1) Cuterebra (Rabbit/rodent bot fly-affects rabbits, rodents, squirrels, dogs and cats) 2) Gasterophilus (Stomach bot- affects horses) 3) Oestrus (Nose bot-affects sheep)
What is the genus name for Warbles and what does it affect? Hypodermis, affecting cattle
What is the genus for Screw worm flies and what does it affect? Calliphora, affecting cattle
Which 2 parasites take a blood meal other than ticks and fleas? (genus and common name) 1) Trombicula (Chiggers or red bugs) 2) Malophagus (Keds)
Created by: 618201835
Popular Veterinary sets




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