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Question | Answer |
ABDICATE | to give up a position, right, or power |
ABLUTION | act of cleansing |
ABNEGATE | to deny, renounce |
ABJURE | to reject, abandon formally |
ABROGATE | to abolish or invalidate by authority |
ABSTEMIOUS | consuming moderately |
ABSTRUSE | difficult to comprehend |
ABUT | to touch, to be in contact with |
ACERBIC | bitter, sharp in taste or temper |
ACME | highest point, summit |
ACQUIESCE | to agree or comply in silence |
ADROIT | skillful, accomplished, highly competent |
ADUMBRATE | to sketch, outline in a shadowy way |
AERIE | nook or nest built high in the air |
ALTRUISM | unselfish concern for others’ welfare |
AMBULATORY | itinerant; walking around |
AMORTIZE | to diminish by installment payments |
ANCILLARY | accessory, subordinate; helping |
ANTEDILUVIAN | prehistoric, ancient beyond measure; coming before the biblical flood |
ANTHROPOMORPHIC | attributing human qualities to nonhumans; having human qualities |
APLOMB | poise, confidence |
APOSTATE | one who renounces a religious faith |
APOTHEGM | a short, instructive saying |
APOTHEOSIS | deification; glorified ideal |
ARBOREAL | relating to trees; living in trees |
ASSIDUOUS | diligent, persistent, hardworking |
BACCHANALIAN | drunkenly festive |
BALK | to refuse, shirk; prevent |
BEATIFIC | saintly, angelic |
BEHEMOTH | huge creature |
BELIE | to misrepresent; expose as false |
BENISON | blessing |
BIFURCATE | divide into two parts |
BILIOUS | easily irritated, relating to bile |
BONHOMIE | goodnatured geniality; atmosphere of good cheer |
BULWARK | defense wall; anything serving as defense |
CAJOLE | to flatter, coax, persuade |
CALAMITOUS | disastrous, catastrophic |
CALUMNY | false and malicious accusation, misrepresentation,slander |
CANARD | a lie |
CAROM | to strike and rebound |
CAVALCADE | a procession |
CHAGRIN | shame, embarrassment, humiliation |
CHARLATAN | quack, fake |
CHATTEL | piece of personal property |
CHIMERICAL | fanciful, imaginary, visionary; impossible |
CHOLERIC | easily angered, short |
CHURLISH | rude |
CISTERN | tank for rainwater |
COALESCE | to grow together; cause to unite as one |
COFFER | strongbox, large chest for money |
COGNOMEN | family name; any name, especially a nickname |
COMELINESS | physical grace and beauty |
COMMODIOUS | roomy, spacious |
COMPUNCTIOUS | feeling guilty or having misgivings |
CONCILIATORY | overcoming distrust or hostility |
CONFLAGRATION | big, destructive fire |
CONGENIAL | similar in tastes and habits |
CONSANGUINEOUS | of the same origin; related by blood |
CONTENTIOUS | quarrelsome, disagreeable, belligerent |
CONTUMACIOUS | rebellious |
CORPULENCE | obesity, fatness, bulkiness |
CORRUGATE | to mold in a shape with parallel grooves and ridges |
COSSET | to pamper, treat with great care |
COTERIE | small group of persons with a similar purpose |
COVEN | group of witches |
CURMUDGEON | cranky person |
DECLIVITY | downward slope |
DELETERIOUS | harmful, destructive, detrimental |
DELUGE | flood |
DEMAGOGUE | leader or rabble, rouser who usually uses appeals to emotion or prejudice |
DENIGRATE | to slur or blacken someone’s reputation |
DESCRY | to discover or reveal |
DIAPHANOUS | allowing light to show through; delicate |
DICTUM | authoritative statement; popular saying |
DIDACTIC | excessively instructive |
DILUVIAL | relating to a flood |
DIMINUTIVE | small |
DISCOMFIT | to cause perplexity and embarrassment |
DISTAFF | the female branch of a family |
DITHER | to move or act confusedly or without clear purpose |
DIURNAL | daily |
DOCTRINAIRE | rigidly devoted to theories |
DOLOR | sadness |
DOUGHTY | courageous |
DROLL | amusing in a wry, subtle way |
DYSPEPTIC | suffering from indigestion; gloomy and irritable |
EBULLIENT | exhilarated, full of enthusiasm and high spirits |
EFFLUVIA | outpouring of gases or vapors |
EFFULGENT | brilliantly shining |
EGREGIOUS | conspicuously bad |
EMEND | to correct a text |
EMOLLIENT | having soothing qualities, esp. for skin |
ENCOMIUM | warm praise |
ENDEMIC | belonging to a particular area, inherent |
ENNUI | boredom, lack of interest and energy |
EPICURE | person with refined taste in food and wine |
EPITOME | representative of an entire group; summary |
ERSATZ | fake |
ESCHEW | to abstain from, avoid |
EVINCE | to show clearly, display, signify |
EXORCISE | to expel evil spirits |
EXPATIATE | to wander; to discuss or describe at length |
EXPIATE | to atone for, make amends for |
EXPUNGE | to erase, eliminate completely |
EXPURGATE | to censor |
EXTEMPORANEOUS | unrehearsed, on the spur of the moment |
EXTOL | to praise |
EXTRAPOLATE | to estimate |
FACETIOUS | witty in an inappropriate way |
FATUOUS | stupid; smugly foolish; unconsciously foolish |
FEALTY | intense loyalty |
FECUND | fertile, fruitful, productive |
FETID | foul |
FEY | doomed |
FILCH | to steal |
FILIAL | appropriate for a child |
FLACCID | limp, flabby, weak |
FOLIATE | to grow, sprout leaves |
FORSWEAR | to repudiate, renounce, disclaim, reject |
FRACAS | noisy dispute |
FRACTIOUS | unruly, rebellious |
FRENETIC | wildly frantic, frenzied, hectic |
FULMINATE | to explode with anger |
FULSOME | excessive, overdone, sickeningly abundant |
FURTIVE | secret, stealthy |
GAINSAY | to deny |
GAMBOL | to dance or skip around playfully |
GAUCHE | crude, socially awkward |
GERMINATE | to begin to grow (as in a seed or idea) |
GIBE | to make heckling, taunting remarks |
GLIB | fluent in an insincere manner; offhand, casual |
GNOSTIC | having to do with knowledge |
GRANDILOQUENCE | pompous talk, fancy but meaningless language |
GRATUITOUS | free, voluntary; unnecessary and unjustified |
GUSTATORY | relating to sense of taste |
HACKNEYED | worn out by over |
HARANGUE | a pompous speech |
HEGEMONY | leadership, domination, usually by a country |
HERETICAL | opposed to an established religious orthodoxy |
HERMETIC | tightly sealed |
HOARY | very old; whitish or gray from age |
HUSBAND | to farm; manage carefully and thriftily |
IDIOSYNCRASY | peculiarity of temperament, eccentricity |
IGNOMINIOUS | disgraceful and dishonorable |
ILK | type or kind |
ILLUSORY | unreal, deceptive |
IMBUE | to infuse; dye; wet, moisten |
IMPECUNIOUS | poor, having no money |
IMPERIOUS | arrogantly selfassured, domineering, overbearing |
IMPOLITIC | unwise |
IMPROMPTU | spontaneous, without rehearsal |
IMPUGN | to call into question, attack verbally |
INCARNATE | having bodily form |
INCENDIARY | combustible, flammable, burning easily |
INCULCATE | to teach; impress in the mind |
INCULPATE | to blame; charge with a crime |
INDEFATIGABLE | never tired |
INDIGENT | very poor |
INDOLENT | habitually lazy, idle |
INDUBITABLE | unquestionable |
INERT | unable to move, tending to inactivity |
INFALLIBLE | incapable of making a mistake |
INGENIOUS | original, clever, inventive |
INGRATIATE | to bring oneself purposely into another’s good graces |
INGRESS | entrance |
INNUENDO | indirect and subtle criticism, insinuation |
INSIDIOUS | sly, treacherous, devious |
INSUPERABLE | insurmountable, unconquerable |
INTERDICT | to forbid, prohibit |
INTERLOCUTOR | someone taking part in a dialogue |
INTERLOPER | trespasser; meddler in others’ affairs |
INTERNECINE | deadly to both sides |
INTERPOLATE | to insert; change by adding new words or material |
INTERSTICE | a space between things |
INTIMATION | clue, suggestion |
INTREPID | fearless |
INTRINSIC | inherent, internal |
INURE | to harden; accustom; become used to |
INVETERATE | confirmed, longstanding, deeply rooted |
INVIDIOUS | likely to provoke ill will, offensive |
ITINERANT | wandering from place to place, unsettled |
JIBE | to shift suddenly from one side to the other |
JINGOISM | belligerent support of one’s country |
JOCULAR | jovial, playful, humorous |
JUGGERNAUT | huge force destroying everything in its path |
JURISPRUDENCE | philosophy of law |
KISMET | fate |
KNELL | sound of a funeral bell; omen of death or failure |
LACHRYMOSE | tearful |
LAMBASTE | disapprove angrily |
LAPIDARY | relating to precious stones |
LARGESS | generosity; gift |
LASSITUDE | lethargy, sluggishness |
LEGERDEMAIN | trickery |
LEVITY | humor, frivolity, gaiety |
LEXICON | dictionary, list of words |
LIBIDINOUS | lustful |
LICENTIOUS | immoral; unrestrained by society |
LIMPID | clear and simple in style |
LINIMENT | medicinal liquid used externally to ease pain |
LIONIZE | to treat as a celebrity |
LISSOME | easily flexed, limber, agile |
LUGUBRIOUS | sorrowful, mournful |
MACABRE | gruesome, producing horror |
MACHINATION | plot or scheme |
MALAPROPISM | humorous misuse of a word |
MALEVOLENT | ill-willed; causing evil or harm to others |
MANIFOLD | diverse, varied; comprised of many parts |
MARTINET | strict disciplinarian; one who rigidly follows rules |
MAUDLIN | overly sentimental |
MAWKISH | sickeningly sentimental |
MEGALOMANIA | mental state with delusions of wealth and power |
MENDACIOUS | dishonest |
MENDICANT | beggar |
MERCURIAL | quick, shrewd, and unpredictable |
MERITORIOUS | deserving reward or praise |
MINATORY | menacing, threatening |
MNEMONIC | relating to memory; designed to assist memory |
MOLT | to shed hair, skin, or an outer layer periodically |
MORDACIOUS | caustic, biting |
MOTE | small particle, speck |
MULTIFARIOUS | diverse |
MUNIFICENT | generous |
NADIR | lowest point |
NASCENT | starting to develop, coming into existence |
NEBULOUS | vague, cloudy |
NECROMANCY | black magic |
NEFARIOUS | vicious, evil |
NEOLOGISM | new word or expression |
NEOPHYTE | novice, beginner |
NIHILISM | belief that existence and all traditional values are meaningless |
NOISOME | stinking, putrid |
NOXIOUS | harmful, unwholesome |
NUMISMATICS | coin collecting |
OBFUSCATE | to confuse, obscure |
OBSTREPEROUS | troublesome, boisterous, unruly |
OMNIPOTENT | having unlimited power |
OMNISCIENT | having infinite knowledge |
OSCILLATE | to move back and forth |
OUSTER | expulsion, ejection |
PAEAN | a song of praise or thanksgiving |
PALLIATE | to make less serious, ease |
PANACEA | cure all |
PANEGYRIC | elaborate praise; formal hymn of praise |
PANOPLY | impressive array |
PARLEY | discussion, usually between enemies |
PAROCHIAL | of limited scope or outlook, provincial |
PARSIMONY | stinginess |
PASTICHE | piece of literature or music imitating other works |
PAUCITY | scarcity, lack |
PECCADILLO | minor sin or offense |
PECULATION | theft of money or goods |
PENCHANT | inclination |
PENULTIMATE | next to last |
PENUMBRA | partial shadow |
PERAMBULATE | walk about |
PERIPHRASTIC | using circumlocution |
PERNICIOUS | very harmful |
PERSPICACIOUS | shrewd, astute, keen witted |
PERTINACIOUS | persistent, stubborn |
PHALANX | massed group of soldiers, people, or things |
PHILISTINE | narrow minded person, someone lacking appreciation for art or culture |
PLAIT | to braid |
PLANGENT | resounding; plaintive |
PLAUDIT | applause |
PNEUMATIC | relating to air; worked by compressed air |
POLEMIC | controversy, argument; verbal attack |
POLYGLOT | speaker of many languages |
POSIT | to put in position; to suggest an idea |
PRECEPT | principle; law |
PRECURSOR | forerunner, predecessor |
PREDILECTION | preference, liking |
PRESCIENT | having foresight |
PRIVATION | lack of usual necessities or comforts |
PROBITY | honesty, high-mindedness |
PROGENITOR | originator, forefather, ancestor in a direct line |
PROGNOSTICATE | to predict |
PROLIFIC | productive, fertile |
PROLIX | tedious; wordy |
PROMULGATE | to make known publicly |
PROPINQUITY | nearness |
PROPITIOUS | favorable, advantageous |
PROSELYTIZE | to induce someone to convert to a particular belief or religion |
PROSTRATE | lying face downward, lying flat on the ground |
PROTAGONIST | main character in a play or story, hero |
PROVIDENT | prudent, frugal |
PROVINCIAL | rustic, unsophisticated, limited in scope |
PRURIENT | lustful, exhibiting lewd desires |
PUERILE | childish, immature, silly |
PULCHRITUDE | beauty |
PUNDIT | an authority or critic |
PUSILLANIMOUS | cowardly |
QUERULOUS | inclined to complain, irritable |
QUOTIDIAN | occurring daily; commonplace |
RACONTEUR | a witty, skillful storyteller |
RAILLERY | lighthearted jesting |
RANCOR | bitter hatred |
RAPACIOUS | greedy; predatory |
RAPPROCHEMENT | reestablishing a cordial relationship |
RAZE | to tear down, demolish |
RECALCITRANT | resisting authority or control |
RECIDIVISM | tendency to repeat previous behavior |
RECONDITE | relating to obscure learning; known to only a few |
RECREANT | disloyal; cowardly |
REDRESS | relief from wrong or injury |
REJOINDER | response |
RENEGE | to go back on one’s word |
RENITENT | resisting pressure, obstinate |
REPAST | meal |
REPROBATE | morally unprincipled person |
REQUITE | to return or repay |
RESPITE | interval of relief |
RESTIVE | impatient, uneasy, restless |
RETINUE | group of attendants with an important person |
REVELRY | boisterous festivity |
RIBALD | humorous in a vulgar way |
RIPOSTE | a retort |
ROCOCO | very highly ornamented |
ROTUND | round in shape; fat |
RUMINATE | to contemplate, reflect upon |
SACROSANCT | extremely sacred; beyond criticism |
SAGACIOUS | shrewd, wise |
SALACIOUS | lustful |
SALUBRIOUS | healthful |
SANGUINE | ruddy; cheerfully optimistic |
SAPIENT | wise |
SCABBARD | sheath for sword or dagger |
SCINTILLA | very small amount |
SCINTILLATE | to sparkle, flash |
SCURRILOUS | vulgar, low, indecent |
SEDITION | behavior promoting rebellion |
SENESCENT | aging, growing old |
SENTIENT | aware, conscious, able to perceive |
SEPULCHRAL | typical of a place of burial |
SERAPHIC | angelic, pure, sublime |
SHIRK | to avoid a task due to laziness or fear |
SIMPER | to smirk, smile foolishly |
SINECURE | well-paying job or office that requires little or no work |
SINUOUS | winding; intricate, complex |
SLAKE | to quench or moderate |
SLOVENLY | untidy, messy |
SOJOURN | visit, stay |
SOLECISM | grammatical mistake |
SOLIPSISM | belief that the self is the only reality |
SOMNAMBULIST | sleepwalker |
SONOROUS | producing a full, rich sound |
SOPHIST | person good at arguing deviously |
SPORTIVE | frolicsome, playful |
SQUALID | filthy; morally repulsive |
STAID | self-restrained, strait-laced |
STENTORIAN | extremely loud |
STRIATE | striped, grooved |
STRINGENT | imposing severe, rigorous standards |
STYMIE | to block or thwart |
SUBTERFUGE | trick or tactic used to avoid something |
SULLY | to soil, stain, tarnish; taint |
SUPERCILIOUS | arrogant, haughty, overbearing, condescending |
SURLY | rude and bad-tempered |
SURREPTITIOUS | characterized by secrecy |
SYBARITE | person devoted to pleasure and luxury |
SYCOPHANT | self-serving flatterer, yes-man |
SYNCOPATION | temporary irregularity in musical rhythm |
TABLEAU | vivid description, striking incident or scene |
TALISMAN | something producing a magical effect |
TANTAMOUNT | equivalent in value or significance; amounting to |
TEMERITY | recklessness |
TEMPORAL | relating to time; chronological |
TENABLE | defensible, reasonable |
TENET | belief, doctrine |
TENUOUS | weak, insubstantial |
THRENODY | a sad poem or song |
TRAMMEL | to impede or hamper |
TRENCHANT | acute, sharp, incisive; forceful, effective |
TRITE | shallow, superficial |
TRUCULENT | savage and cruel; fierce; ready to fight |
TURGID | swollen, bloated |
TURPITUDE | inherent vileness, foulness, depravity |
TYRO | beginner, novice |
UMBRAGE | offense, resentment |
UNCTUOUS | greasy, oily; smug and falsely earnest |
UNFETTERED | free, unrestrained |
UNSULLIED | clean |
UNTOWARD | not favorable; unruly |
URBANE | courteous, refined, suave |
USURY | lending money at exorbitant rates |
VACUOUS | empty, void; lacking intelligence, purposeless |
VARIEGATED | varied; marked with different colors |
VIRILE | manly, having qualities of an adult male |
VISCOUS | thick, syrupy, and sticky |
VITIATE | reduce in value or effectiveness |
VITRIOLIC | burning, caustic; sharp, bitter |
VITUPERATE | to abuse verbally |
VOCIFEROUS | loud, vocal, and noisy |
VOLUBLE | speaking much and easily, talkative; glib |
WASPISH | easily irritated |
WIZENED | withered, shriveled, wrinkled |
WRAITH | a ghost |
XENOPHOBIA | fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers |
ZENITH | highest point, summit |