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Mega Vocab
compiled from various online lists; caution
Question | Answer |
Airport | el aeropuerto |
Airplane | el avión |
taxi | el taxi |
taxi driver | el/la taxista |
boarding pass | la tarjeta de emparque |
luggage | el equipaje |
seat | el asiento |
sometimes | a veces |
to wait | esperar |
to take a trip | hacer un viaje |
to brush | cepillar(se) |
hair | el pelo |
arm | el brazo |
toothbrush | el cepillo de dientes |
brush | el cepillo |
mirror | el espejo |
teeth | dientes |
hands | las manos |
to wake up | despertar(se) |
to get up | levantar(se) |
to look at one's self | mirar(se) |
to put on clothes | poner(se) la ropa |
train | el tren |
platform | el andén |
exit | la salida |
entrance | la llegada |
car | el coche |
ticket | boleto |
Next | Próximo(a) |
to transfer | transbordar |
to get on the train | subir al tren |
to get off the train | bajar(se)del tren |
mango | el mango |
lobster | la langosta |
steak | el biftec |
server | el/la mesero(a) |
brains | los sesos |
bread | el pan |
avacado | el aguagate |
salad | la ensalada |
to order | pedir |
to want | desear |
mouse | el ratón |
computer | la computadora |
keyboard | el teclado |
printer | la impresora |
to navigate the web | navegar el red |
MP3 | el MP3 |
cellphone | el móvil |
(no) functionar | (no) function |
to wait | esperar |
to lose | perder |
to ring | sonar |
christmas | la navidad |
party | fiesta |
fireworks | los fuegos artificiales |
to dance | bailar |
to illuminate | iluminar |
bus | el autobús |
metro | el metro |
plaza | la plaza |
city | la ciudad |
shower | la ducha |
bathroom | el cuarto de baño |
hotel | el hotel |
keycard | la llave magnética |
New Year's Day | el Año Nuevo |
to celebrate | celebrar |
as always | como siempre |
to decorate the house | decorar la casa |
Thanksgiving Day | el Día de Acción de Gracias |
Independence Day | el Día de la Independencia |
Mother's Day | el Día de la Madre |
Valentine's Day | el Día de los Enamorados |
Father's Day | el Día del Padre |
to have a party | hacer una fiesta |
Hanukkah | Hanukah |
to invite | invitar |
Christmas | la Navidad |
Christmas Eve | la Nochebuena |
New Year's Eve | la Nochevieja |
We plan to... | Pensamos... |
What plans do you have for...? | ¿Qué planes tienen para...? |
Holy Week | la Semana Santa |
to have a picnic | tener un picnic |
to open gifts | abrir regalos |
last year | el año pasado |
holidays | los días festivos |
to party | festejar |
We spent it at ...'s house. | La pasamos en casa de ... |
to send cards | mandar tarjetas |
mass | la misa |
to spend | pasar |
How was it? | ¿Qué tal estuvo? |
It was great. | Estuvo a todo dar. |
to receive gifts | recibir regalos |
to get together with the (whole) family | reunirse con (toda) la familia |
synagogue | la sinagoga |
temple | el templo |
to see fireworks | ver fuegos artificiales |
now | ahora |
the anniversary | el aniversario |
last night | anoche |
the wedding | la boda |
to talk | to chat |
to hang (up) | colgar(ue) |
to tell jokes | contar(ue) chistes |
the birthday | el cumpleaños |
the decorations | las decoraciones |
your saint's day | el día de tu santo |
candy | sweets |
turnover-like pastries | las empanadas |
to show photos | enseñar fotos |
the appetizers | los entremeses |
Is everything ready for...? | ¿Está todo listo para...? |
the surprise party | la fiesta sorpresa |
the flowers | las flores |
the cookies | las galletas |
the graduation | la graduación |
the invitations | las invitaciones |
the guests | los invitados |
the young people | los jóvenes |
the potato chips | las papitas |
to send | mandar |
the Dominican tamales | los pasteles en hoja |
the piñata | la piñata |
the punch | el ponche |
the preparations | los preparativos |
What are they doing? | ¿Qué están haciendo? |
girl's fifteenth birthday | la quinceañera |
to finish | terminar |
already | ya |
Bye | I'll call you later |
to know | to meet |
take care (of yourself) | Cuídate |
Happy anniversary! | ¡Feliz aniversario! |
Same as usual | Lo de siempre |
It's great to see you! | ¡Qué gusto verte! |
What's new? | ¿Qué hay de nuevo? |
So nice to meet you | Tanto gusto |
Long time | no see! |
I'd like you to meet... | Te presento a... |
Okay. Hope things go well for you. | Vale. Que te vaya bien. |
el pasaporte | passport |
la bienvenida | welcome |
la despedida | farewell |
el destino | destination |
el itnerario | itinerary |
la llegada | arrival |
el pasaje (de ida y vuelta) | (round trip) ticket |
la tarejeta de embarque | boarding pass |
la temporada alta/baja | high/low season |
el/la viajero/a | traveler |
hacer las maletas | to pack |
hacer transbordo | to change (planes/trains) |
hacer un viaje | to take a trip |
ir(se) de vacaciones | to take a vacation |
perder(e:ie) (el vuelo) | to miss (the flight) |
regresar | to return |
a bordo | on board |
retrasado/a | delayed |
vencido/a | expired |
vigente | valid |
el abergue | lodging |
la habitacion individual/doble | single/double room |
la recepcion | front desk |
el servicio de habitacion | room service |
alojarse | to stay |
cancelar | to cancel |
estar lleno/a | to be full |
quedarse | to stay |
reservar | to reserve |
de (buena) categoria | high-quality |
incluido/a | included |
recomendable | recommendable;advisable |
el accidente(automovilistico) | (car)accident |
el/la agente de aduanas | customs agent |
el aviso | notice/warning |
el cinturon de seguridad | seat belt |
el congestionamiento | traffic jam |
las medidas de seguridad | security measures |
la seguridad | safety;security |
el seguro | insurance |
aterrizar | to land |
despegar | to take off |
ponerse/quitarse el cinturon | to fasten/ton unfasten the seat belt |
reducir (la velocidad) | to reduce (speed) |
peligroso/a | dangerous |
prohibido/a | prohibited |
la aventura | adventure |
el/la aventurero/a | adventurer |
la brujula | compass |
el buceo | scuba diving |
el campamento | campground |
el crucero | cruise (ship) |
el (eco)turismo | (eco)tourism |
la excursion | excursion;tour |
la frontera | border |
el/la guia turistico/a | tour guide |
la isla | island |
las olas | waves |
el puerto | port |
las ruinas | ruins |
la selva | jungle |
el/la turista | tourist |
navegar | to sail |
recorrer | to visit;to go around |
lejano/a | distant |
turistico/a | tourist(adj) |
Conditional for querer | querr (ía) |
conditional for tener | tendr (ía) |
conditional for poder | podr (ía) |
conditional for decir | dir (ía) |
conditional for hacer | har (ía) |
conditional for haber | habr (ía) |
conditional for saber | sabr (ía) |
conditional for poner | pondr (ía) |
conditional for salir | saldr (ía) |
conditional for venir | vendr (ía) |
conditional for caber | carbr (ía) |
conditional for valer | valdr (ía) |
forming the imperfect subjunctive | -ra (fuera) |
analfabetismo | illiteracy |
crisis | crisis |
derechos humanos | human rights |
desafío | challenge |
desigualdad | inequality |
desnutrición | malnutrition |
explotación | exploitation |
gente indígena | indigenous people |
guerra | war |
hambre | hunger |
huelga | strike |
injusticia | injustice |
manifestación | demonstration |
narcotráfico | drug traffic |
pobreza | poverty |
prejuicio | prejudice |
salud | health |
secuestro | kidnapping |
subdesarrollo | underdevelopment |
vías de desarrollo | developing |
desarrollado | developed |
terrorismo | terrorism |
bienestar | well being |
campaña | campaign |
ciudadano | citizen |
cuestión | issue |
diversidad | diversity |
esfuerzo | effort |
líder | leader |
liderazgo | leadership |
lucha | fight |
paz | peace |
poder | power |
política | politics |
recursos | resources |
tolerancia | tolerance |
tratamiento | treatment |
colaborar | to help |
combatir | combat |
desarrollar | develop |
donar | donate |
elegir | elect |
enterarse | to become informed |
financiar | to finance |
hacer de voluntario | volunteer |
invertir | invest |
llevar a cabo | to carry out |
postularse | run for office |
promover | to promote |
resolver | resolve |
salvar | to save |
valer la pena | to be worth it |
la prensa | press |
reportaje | report |
titulares | headlines |
alarmante | alarming |
alentador | encouraging |
chocante | shocking |
desesperante | disappointing |
horripilante | horrifying |
impresionante | impressive |
inquietante | disturbing |
polémico | controversial |
aprovecharse | to take advantage of |
aumentar | to increase |
desvelarse | to stay awake all night |
disminuir | decrease |
madrugar | to get up early |
mejorar | to improve |
ponerse al día | to catch up |
posponer | postpone |
realizar | to accomplish |
seguir +ndo | to keep doing something |
trabajar como una mula | to work like a dog |
tratar de | to try |
agobiado | overwhelmed |
agotado | exhausted |
angustiado | distressed |
animado | in good spirits |
desanimado | bummed |
descansado | rested |
dispuesto | willing |
entusiasmado | enthusiastic |
estresado | stressed |
harto | fed up |
hasta las narices | fed up to here |
quemado | burned out |
relajado | relaxed |
renovado | renewed |
satisfecho | satisfied |
tenso | tense |
vago | lazy |
aliviar | to relieve |
cargar las pilas | to recharge las pilas |
charlar | to chat |
disfrutar | to enjoy |
entretener | to entertain |
estar de buen/mal humor | to be in a good/bad mood |
pasarlo bien/mal | to have a good time |
relajarse | to relax |
reunirse | to get together |
tener mucha marcha | to have a lively social scene |
bromear | to joke around |
levantar el ánimo | to life the spirits |
reírse a carcajadas | to laugh out loud |
sonreír | to smile |
broma | practical joke |
chiste | joke |
risa | laughter |
chistoso | funny |
comiquísimo | hilarious |
entretenido | entertaining |
de mal gusto | in poor taste |
aguafiestas | party pooper |
bienestar | well being |
chisme | gossip |
espectáculo | show |
madrugada | early morning |
ratos libres | free times |
recreo | recreation |
resaca | hangover |
El concierto | concert |
el/la musico(a) | Musician |
el grupo | el conjunto |
la banda | band |
el/la cantante | singer |
dar un concierto | to give a concert |
tocar un instrumento | to play an instrument |
cantar | to sing |
asistir a un concierto | to give a concert |
tocar un instrumento | to play an instrument |
cantar | to sing |
asistir a un concierto | to attend a concert |
oir un concierto | to hear a concert |
recibir (muchos) aplausos | to be applauded |
el cine | movie theater |
el pelicula | movie |
la taquilla | box office |
el boleto | la entrada |
el museo | museum |
el salon | gallery |
un cuadro | painting |
una estatua (de bronce) | bronze statue |
une exposicion de arte | the art show |
el/la pintor(a) | painter |
el/la escultor(a) | scupltor |
el cumpleanos | birthday |
la fiesta | party |
la torta | la tarta |
las velas | candles |
el regalo | gift |
las galletas | cracker |
Los cacahutes | peanuts |
el mani | peanut |
los vegetales crudos | raw vegetables |
picar | to nibble on |
todos | everyone |
casi | almost |
nada | nothing |
nadie | nobody |
nunca | never |
algo | something |
alguien | someone |
siempre | always |
visitar | to visit |
salir | to leave |
perder (el autobus) | to miss the bus |
decidir | to deicde |
a proposito | by the way |
present ar yo | -o |
present ar tu | -as |
present ar el | -a |
present ar nosotros | amos |
present ar ellos | an |
pres er yo | -o |
pres er tu | -es |
pres er el | -e |
pres er nosotros | -emos |
pres er ellos | -en |
pres ir yo | -o |
pres ir tu | -es |
pres ir el | -e |
pres ir nosotros | -imos |
pres ir ellos | -en |
pretir ar yo | -e |
pretir ar tu | -aste |
pretir ar el | -o |
pretir ar nosotros | -amos |
Pretir ar ellos | -aron |
pretir er/ir yo | -i |
pretir er/ir tu | -iste |
pretir er/ir el | io |
preit er/ir nosotros | imos |
pretir er/ir ellos | ieron |
peor | worse |
el baño | bathroom |
la bañera | bathtub |
la ducha | shower |
el espejo | mirror |
el inodoro | toilet |
el lavabo | bathroom sink |
la estufa | stove |
el fregadero | kitchen sink |
el horno | oven |
el lavaplatos | dishwasher |
el microondas | microwave |
el refrigerador | refrigerator |
la copa | goblet |
la cuchara | spoon |
la cucharita | teaspoon |
el cuchillo | knife |
el plato | plate |
la servilleta | napkin |
la taza | cup |
el tenedor | fork |
el vaso | glass |
la chimenea | fireplace |
la cocina | kitchen |
el comedor | dining room |
el dormitorio | bedroom |
la recámara | bedroom |
la escalera | stairs |
el garaje | garage |
el jardín | garden/backyard |
la pared | wall |
el (primer) piso | (first) floor |
la sala | living room |
la sala familiar | family room |
el sótano | basement |
el suelo/el piso | floor |
el techo | roof/ceiling |
la alfombra | carpet/rug |
la cómoda | bureau/dresser |
las cortinas | curtains |
el cubo de la basura | garbage can |
el estante | shelf |
el estéreo | stereo |
la lámpara | lamp |
la lavadora | washing machine |
la luz | light |
la mesita | coffee table |
la mesita de noche | nightstand |
los muebles | furniture |
el póster | poster |
la secadora | clothes dryer |
barrer el piso | to sweep the floor |
el sillón | armchair |
el sofá | sofa |
trapear el piso | to mop the floor |
alquilar | to rent |
apagar | to turn off |
ayudar | to help |
bajar | to go down |
guadar | to put away |
mover(se)(ue) | to move (oneself) |
mudarse | to move (from one residence to another) |
prender | to turn on |
resolver(ue) | to solve |
romper | to break |
subir | to go up |
cortar el césped | to mow the lawn |
hacer la cama | to make the bed |
lavar los platos | to wash the dishes |
ordenar el cuarto | to tidy up the room |
pasar la aspiradora | to vacuum |
poner la mesa | to set the table |
quitar la mesa | to clear the table |
sacar la basura | to take out the trash |
secar los platos | to dry the dishes |
los parientes | relatives |
los abuelos | grandparents |
el abuelo | grandfather |
la abuela | grandmother |
los esposos | married couple |
el esposo | husband |
la esposa | wife |
los padres | parents |
el padre (papa) | father |
la madre (mama) | mother |
el padrastro | stepfather |
la madrastra | stepmother |
los hijos | children |
el hijo | son |
el hija | daughter |
el hijastro | stepson |
la hijastra | stepdaughter |
los hermanos | brothers |
el hermano | brother |
la hermana | sister |
el hermanastro | stepbrother |
la hermanastra | stepsister |
los tios | uncles/aunts |
el tio | uncle |
la tia | aunt |
los primos | cousins |
el primo | cousin (male) |
la prima | cousin (female) |
los nietos | grandchildren |
el nieto | grandson |
la nieta | granddaughter |
los sobrinos | nephews and nieces |
el sobrino | nephew |
la sobrina | niece |
el hombre | man |
la mujer | woman |
el joven / la joven | young man / young woman |
las mascotas | pets |
el perro / a | dog |
el gato / a | cat |
el pajaro | bird |
el pez / los peces | fish |
el hamster | hamster |
mayor / mayores | older |
menor / menores | younger |
viejo / vieja | old |
joven | young |
atletico / atletica | athletic |
fuerte | strong |
grande | big |
mediano / mediana | average |
pequeno / pequena | small |
alto / alta | tall (height) |
bajo / baja | short (height) |
hermoso / hermosa | beautiful |
precioso / preciosa | precious / gorgeous |
bonito / bonita | pretty |
guapo / guapa | good-looking |
feo / fea | ugly |
gordo / gorda | fat |
delgado / delgada | thin |
flaco / flaca | skinny |
el pello / el cabello | hair |
canoso | gray |
castano | brown |
negro | black |
rubio | blond |
pelirrojo / pelirroja | red-headed |
largo / larga | long (length) |
corto / corta | short (length) |
hasta los hombros | shoulder-length |
El tiene el pelo... (color) | He has... (color) hair |
Ella tiene el pelo rubio | She has blond hair |
Los ojos | eyes |
azules | blue |
cafes / marrones | brown |
negros | black |
verdes | green |
oscuros | dark |
claros | light |
El / Ella tiene los ojos... (color) | He / She has... (color) eyes |
enojado / a | angry |
nervioso / a | nervous |
furioso / a | furious |
contento / a | content |
emocionado / a | moved |
preocupado / a | worried |
feliz | happy |
alegre | happy |
mal | bad |
triste | sad |
caliente | hot |
frio / a | cold |
enfermo / a | sick |
listo / a | ready |
cansado / a | tired |
ocupado / a | busy |
limpio / a | clean |
sucio / a | dirty |
bueno / a | nice |
carinoso / a | caring |
malo /a | bad |
sincero / a | sincere |
amable | kind |
amigable | friendly |
Feliz cumpleanos! | Happy birthday! |
celebrar | to celebrate |
el cumpleanos | birthday |
abrir | to open |
el regalo | gift |
preparar | to prepare |
el pastel | the cake |
romper | to break |
la pinata | the pinata |
sacar fotos | to take photos |
la camara | camera |
hacer un video | to videotape |
decorar | to decorate |
las decoraciones | decorations |
la flor | flower |
el globo | balloon |
la luz / las luces | light / lights |
el papel picado | cut-paper decorations |
tener... anos | to be... years old |
tener sueno | to be sleepy |
tener hambrea | to be hungry |
tener frio | to be cold |
tener calor | to be hot |
tener sed | to be thirsty |
tener miedo | to be afraid |
tener suerte | to be lucky |
tener prisa | to be in a hurry |
tener razon | to be right |
no tener razon | to be wrong |
tener gripe | to have the flu |
tener dolor | to be in pain |
Tengo dolor de | My.... hurts |
el cuerpo | the body |
la cabeza | head |
el ojo | eye |
la nariz | nose |
la oreja | ear |
la boca | mouth |
los dientes | teeth |
el cuello | neck |
el hombro | shoulder |
el codo | elbow |
el brazo | arm |
la mano | hand |
el dedo | finger |
el estomago | stomach |
la cintura | waist |
la pierna | leg |
la rodilla | knee |
el tobillo | ankle |
el pie | foot |
Ay! Me duele el / la... | My... hurts! |
Ella es rubia | She is blond |
El es pelirrojo | He is red-headed |
El / Ella tiene el pelo... (color) | He / She has... (color) hair |
yo soy | I am |
tu eres | you are |
el es | he is |
ella es | she is |
usted es | you are (formal) |
nosotros / as somos | we are |
vosotros / as sois | you are |
ellos son | they are |
ellas son | they are |
ustedes son | you are |
yo estoy | I am |
tu estas | you are |
el esta | he is |
ella esta | she is |
usted esta | you are (formal) |
nosotros / as estamos | we are |
vosotros / as estais | you are |
ellos estan | they are |
ellas estan | they are |
ustedes estan | you are |
mi / mis | my |
tu / tus | your |
su / sus | his / her |
nuestro(s) / muestra(s) | our |
vuestro(s) / vuestra(s) | your |
su / sus | their |
tener | to have |
venir | to come |
heredar | to inherit |
apretar | to push |
la amargura | bitterness |
el despacho | office |
el financiero | a stock-broker |
el lujo | luxury |
las franjas | borders / trimming |
las cintas | tapes / ribbons |
la esfera terrestre | globe |
acudir | to answer the phone |
retocar | to touch up |
el entero | a point on the stock market |
la cotización | mathematical figure |
capear el temporal | to weather the storm |
acobardarse | to turn into a coward |
las cifras | figures (numbers) |
con tal de | with the end result of |
la empresa | company |
odiar | to hate |
arrastrar | to drag |
rendirse | to surrender |
pactar | to compromise |
los celos | jealousy |
la bandeja | tray |
la coctelera | pitcher of cocktails |
dichos | those already on stage |
probar | to taste |
borrascoso | stormy |
la jauría | pack of hounds |
aullar | to howl |
apretujar | to press |
desprenderse | to dump |
desplomarse | to collapse |
apoderarse | to empower |
empeñar | to persist |
la huelga | strike |
amenazar | to threaten |
el paro | stoppage |
los yacimientos | deposits of minerals |
expropiar | to expropriate |
atreverse | to risk |
la maniobra | handiwork |
hundirse | to sink |
los accionistas | stockholders |
la dimisión | resignation |
el cobarde | coward |
abismado | dejected |
la carpeta de negocios | briefcase |
rapaz | thievish |
perdurable | perpetual |
traicionar | to betray |
las estampas | prints |
ingenuamente | candidly |
la tramoya | trick |
restregar | to rub |
el manicomio | insane asylum |
advertir | to warn |
jurar | to judge |
estirar | to stretch |
la facha | face |
sutil | subtle |
tentar | to tempt |
el pitillera | cigarette case |
la Bolsa | the Stock Market |
el negocio | a business transaction |
el alma | soul |
la ficha | card |
conmover | to move (emotionally) |
el prójimo | neighbor |
codiciar | to covet |
ajeno | belonging to another |
atropellar | to trample |
el mandamiento | commandment |
rondar | to hang around |
los muelles | docks |
podridos | rotten |
arrojar | to throw |
centenares | hundreds |
vagones | railroad cars |
truncada | wasted |
lindo | pretty |
toser | to cough |
engendrar | to bring into the world |
raquítico | sickly |
la vergüenza | shame |
rechazar | to refuse |
encogerse de hombros | to shrug |
la voluntad | will |
encargarse de | to take charge of |
tentadora | tempting |
soñar con | to dream of |
descalzarse | to take off |
girar | to spin |
al azar | at random |
el paisaje | countryside |
la aldea | little town |
la cuesta | hill |
soplar | to blow |
el silbido | whistling |
zumbar | to buzz |
acercarse | to approach |
el despeñadero | cliff |
derribar | to knock down |
al doblar | upon reaching the top of |
vacilar | to hesitate |
desgarrador | chilling |
repentinamente | suddenly |
la ráfaga | gust |
disponerse a | to get ready to |
de todos modos | anyway |
trastornado | upset |
carmín | lipstick |
aliviado | relieved |
el peso | weight |
el vuelco | a turnaround |
el alza | the rise |
agitar | to shake |
las migajas | crumbs |
el revuelo | a flock |
arrancarse | to remove |
Beach Resort | el balneario |
beach | la playa |
sand | la arena |
wave | la ola |
ocean | el mar |
swimming pool | la piscina |
swimming pool (mex) | la alberca |
summer | el verano |
cloud | la nube |
to be cloudy | estar nublado |
sky | el cielo |
It's sunny. | Hace sol. |
It's warm. | Hace calor. |
It's good weather. | Hace buen tiempo. |
It's bad weather. | Hace mal tiempo. |
It's raining. | Llueve. |
sunshine | el sol brilla |
bathing suit | el traje de baño |
suntan lotion | la loción bronceadora |
sun block | la creme protectora |
sunglasses | los anteojos de sol |
sunglasses | las gafas de sol |
beach towel | la toalla playera |
water skiing | el esquí acuático |
sail board | la plancha de vela |
surfboard | la tabla hawaiana |
swimming | la natación |
scuba diving | el buceo |
to swim | nadar |
to suntan | tomar el sol |
to waterski | esquiar en el agua |
to scuba dive | bucear |
to spend the weekend | pasar el fin de semana |
to go surfing | practicar el surfing |
tennis | el tenis |
open air tennis court | la cancha de tenis al aire libre |
covered tennis court | la cancha de tenis cubierta |
tennis player | el tenista |
racquet | ls raqueta |
ball | ls pelota |
net | la red |
singles | singles |
doubles | dobles |
to play tennis | jugar tenis |
to hit the ball | golpear la pelota |
el sándwich | el bocadillo |
la sopa | soup |
las papas fritas | french fries |
el jamón | ham |
el queso | cheese |
la ensalada | salad |
la tortilla | tortilla |
la hamburguesa | hamburger |
el huevo | egg |
el arroz | rice |
la mantequilla | butter |
las tapas | snacks |
el pan tostado | toast |
el yogur | yogurt |
el cereal | cereal |
el postre | dessert |
el pan dulce | sweet roll |
el helado de vainilla | vanilla ice cream |
el helado de chocolate | chocolate ice cream |
el flan | flan |
la torta | cake |
los refrescos | drinks |
la bebida | drink |
el café solo | black coffee |
el café con leche | coffe with milk |
el agua | water |
la leche | milk |
el jugo | juice |
el té | tea |
el té helado | iced tea |
la cola | soda |
la limonada | lemonade |
la pimienta | pepper (spice) |
la sal | salt |
los vegetales | vegetables |
el maíz | corn |
la papa | potato |
la judías verdes | green beans |
los frijoles | kidney beans |
la lechuga | lettuce |
las zanahorias | carrots |
los guisantes | peas |
los pimientos | peppers (vegetable) |
las cebollas | onions |
las frutas | fruit |
los tomates | tomatoes |
las manzanas | apples |
los plátanos | bananas |
las naranjas | oranges |
la piña | pineapple |
las uvas | grapes |
la fresa | strawberry |
la pera | pear |
la sandía | watermelon |
la carne | meat |
el pollo | chicken |
el bistec | el biftec |
los mariscos | seafood |
el atún | tuna |
el pescado | fish |
Cerca | close to |
lejos | far(from) |
vivir | to live |
el apartamento | apartment |
el bano | bathroom |
la cocina | kitchen |
el comedor | dining room |
el cuarto | room |
el despancho | home office |
la escalera | stairs |
el garaje | garage |
el piso | story |
la planta baja | ground floor |
el primer piso | second floor |
la sala | living room |
el segundo piso | third floor |
el sotano | basement |
el arreglar cuarto | to straighten up a room |
ayudar | to help |
cortar el cesped | to cut the lawn |
cocinar | to cook |
dar | to give |
dar de comer al perro | to feed the dog |
hacer la cama | to make the bed |
lavar | to wash |
lavar el coche | to wash the car |
lavar los platos | to wash the dishes |
lavar la ropa | to wash the clothes |
limpiar el bano | to clean the bathroom |
pasar al aspiradora | to vacuum |
poner | to put |
poner la mesa | to set the table |
los quehaceres | chores |
quitar el polvo | to dust |
sacar la basura | to take out the trash |
limpio | clean |
sucio | dirty |
bastante | enough |
? cuales? | which (one) |
el dinero | money |
un momento | a moment |
?que estas haciendo? | what are you doing? |
recibir | to recieve |
si | if |
el restaurante | restaurant |
la mesa | table |
el mesero | waiter |
el menú | menu |
la cuenta | bill |
la propina | tip |
la taza | cup |
el platillo | saucer |
el tenedor | fork |
el cuchillo | knife |
la cucharita | teaspoon |
la cuchara | spoon |
el mantel | tablecloth |
la servilleta | napkin |
los comestibles | food |
la carne | meat |
la carne de res | beef |
el biftec | beef |
el cordero | lamb |
los mariscos | seafood |
los mejillones | mussels |
las almejas | clams |
la langosta | lobster |
la sal | salt |
la pimienta | pepper |
el aceite | oil |
el vinagre | vinegar |
casi crudo | rare |
a término medio | medium |
bien hecho | well done |
poner la mesa | set the table |
quitar la mesa | clear the table |
pedir | to ask for |
servir | to serve |
dejar una propina | to leave a tip |
repetir | repeat |
freír | to fry |
seguir | to follow |
vestirse | to get dressed |
morir | to die |
me muero de hambre | I'm dying of hunger |
cerca (de) | close to |
lejos (de) | far from |
vivir | to live |
el apartamento | apartment |
el bano | bathroom |
la cocina | kitchen |
el comedor | dining room |
el cuarto | room |
el despacho | home office |
la escalera | stairs |
el garaje | garage |
el piso | story |
la planta baja | ground floor |
el primer piso | second floor |
la sala | living room |
el segundo piso | third floor |
el sotano | basement |
arregular el cuarto | to straight up the room |
ayudar | to help |
cortar el cesped | to cut the lawn |
cocinar | to cook |
dar | to give |
dar de comer al perro | to feed the dog |
hacer la cama | to make the bed |
lavar | to wash |
el coche | the car |
los platos | the dishes |
la ropa | the clothes |
limpiar el bano | to clean the bathroom |
pasar la aspiradora | to vacuum |
poner | to put |
que estas haciendo? | what are you doing? |
recibir | to recieve |
si | if |
poner la mesa | to set the table |
los quehaceres | chores |
guitar el polvo | to dust |
sacar la basura | to take the trash out |
limpio | -a |
bastante | enough |
sucio | -a |
cuales? | which (ones) |
el dinero | money |
un momento | a moment |
pañuelo | hankie |
cartera | wallet |
bolso | purse |
chaquetón | coat |
los zapatos de tacón alto | high heels |
traje | suit |
el cinturón | belt |
mocasín | moccasins |
corbata | tie |
el suéter de cello alto | turtle neck sweater |
gorra | baseball hat |
chandal | workout clothes |
chaleco | vest |
botín | boot |
las telas | fabrics |
oscuro | dark |
claro | light |
floreado | flowered |
a rayas | striped |
a cuadros | checkered |
lana | wool |
algodón | cotton |
lona | canvas |
moda | fashion |
liso | plain |
sencillo | simple |
probarse | to try on |
usar | to wear |
¿de qué es_? | What's it made of? |
es de | its made of |
estar de moda | to be in fashion |
nilón | nylon |
plástico | plastic |
elegante | elegant |
sintético | synthetic |
vendedor | salesman |
bolsillo | |
manga | sleeve |
talla | suit size |
botón | button |
vendedora | saleswoman |
cremallera | zipper |
suelo | floor |
cajero | male cashier |
cajera | female cashier |
el cesto de la ropa sucia | laundry basket |
la tarjeta de crédito | credit card |
cheque | check |
número | shoe size |
tamaño | shirt size |
mediano | medium |
pequeño | small |
grande | large |
catálogo | catalog |
el dinero en efectivo | cash |
flojo | loose |
apretado | tight |
colgar | to hang |
encontrar | to find |
escoger | to choose |
guardar | to put away |
alguien | someone |
liquidación | sale |
fiesta | party |
me da igual | it's all the same to me |
lo que | what |
estar en liquidación | to be on sale |
Do you speak English? | Habla ingles? |
Good afternoon. What's going on? | Buenas tardes. Que pasa? |
Good evening. How's it going? | Buenas noches. Que tal? |
Good morning. How are you? | Buenos dias. Como esta? |
Come. | Venga. |
Go with the nurse. | Vaya con la enfermera. |
Sit on the chair. | Sientese en la silla. |
Wait in the room. | Espere en el cuarto. |
Bring | traiga |
Bring the water. | Traiga el agua. |
Call | llame |
Call the doctor | Llame al doctor |
Carry | lleve |
carry the baby | lleve el bebe. |
get up | subase |
get up on the table | subase a la mesa. |
sign | firme |
sign your name | fireme su nombre |
take | tome |
take the medicine | tome la medicina. |
turn | dese vuelta |
turn | please. |
What is your...? | Cual es su...? |
address | direccion |
age | edad |
blood type | tipo de sangre |
cell phone number | numero de telefono celular |
date of birth | fecha de nacimiento |
email address | correo electronico |
first language | primer lenguaje |
first name | primer nombre |
full name | nombre completo |
group number | numero del grupo |
height | altura |
insurance company | compania de seguros |
last name | apellido |
maiden name | nombre de soltera |
marital status | estado civil |
middle initial | segunda inicial |
nationality | nacionalidad |
place of birth | lugar de nacimiento |
place of employment | lugar de empleo |
policy number | numero de poliza |
race | raza |
relationship | parentezco |
religion | religion |
sex | sexo |
social security number | numero de seguro social |
telephone number | numero de telefono |
weight | peso |
zip code | zona postal |
Do you smoke? | Fuma usted? |
Do you drink alcohol? | Toma alcohol usted |
Do you use drugs? | Usa drogas usted? |
Are you ...? | Es ...? |
divorced | divorciado |
married | cosado |
single | soltero |
Do you have ...? | Tiene ...? |
allergies | alergias |
documents | los documentos |
a driver's license | una licencia de manejar |
the forms | los formularios |
high blood pressure | alta presion sanguinea |
identification | identificacion |
a lot of pain | mucho dolor |
medical insurance | seguro medico |
a question | una pregunta |
the receipt | el recibo |
the results | los resultados |
seizures | ataques |
high temperature | fiebre |
Do you need...? | Necesita ...? |
an appointment | una cita |
a class | una clase |
a consultation | una consulta |
a counselor | un consejero |
an exam | un examen |
an interpreter | un interprete |
a schedule | un horario |
Are there...? | Hay ...? |
Problems with your heart | problemas con su corazon? |
Problems with your hearing | problemas con sus oidos |
problems with your kidneys | problemas con sus rinones |
problems with your respiration | problemas con su respiracion |
problems with your stomach | problemas con su estomago |
problems with your vision | problemas con su vision |
el alquiler | rent |
el apartamento | apartment |
el edificio | building |
el estilo | style |
las ruinas | ruins |
la vivienda | housing |
el aire acondicionado | air conditioning |
el armario | closet |
el bano | bathroom |
la basura | trash |
la calefaccion | heating |
la chimenea | fireplace |
la cocina | kitchen |
el comeador | dining room |
el cuarto | room or bedroom |
la escalera | stairs |
el garaje | garage |
el habitacion | bedroom |
la lavanderia | laundry room |
el pasillo | corridor or hall |
la piscina | swimming pool |
el piso | floor or apartment |
la planta baja | first floor or ground floor |
la sala | living room |
la terraza | terrace |
la alfombra | carpet or rug |
la butaca | armchair |
la cama | bed |
la comoda | dresser |
la cortina | curtain |
el cuadro | picture or painting |
el espejo | mirror |
la lampara | lamp |
el sofa | sofa |
la aspiradora | vacuum |
la lavadora | washing machine |
el lavaplatos | dishwasher |
el (horno) microondas | microwave (oven) |
el/la radio | radio |
el refrigerador | refrigerator |
la secadora | dryer |
el ventilador | fan |
la almohada | pillow |
la manta | blanket |
la sabana | sheet |
la banera | bathtub |
la ducha | shower |
el inodoro | toilet |
el jabon | soap |
el lavabo | bathroom sink |
la toalla | towel |
la estufa | stove |
el fregadero | kitchen sink |
el plato | plate or dish |
la barbacoa | barbecue pit or barbecue gathering |
el cesped | lawn |
la hoja | leaf |
las afueras | outskirts |
el barrio | neighborhood |
la calle | street |
el centro | downtown |
cerca (de) | near or close (to) |
lejos (de) | far (from) |
el pueblo | village |
la zona | area |
limpio/a | clean |
ordenado/a | tidy |
seco/a | dry |
sucio/a | dirty |
ayudar | to help |
barrer | to sweep |
cocinar | to cook |
cortar | to cut |
creer | to believe |
doblar | to fold |
limpiar | to clean |
ordenar | to tidy up |
pasar la aspiradora | to vacuum |
planchar | to iron |
preparar | to prepare |
recoger (j) | to pick up |
regar (j) | to water |
sacar | to take out |
tender (ie) | to hang (clothes) |
la desventaja | disadvantage |
el trabajo | work |
la ventaja | advantage |
la vista | view |
la salchicha | sausage |
el tocino | bacon |
el huevo | egg |
el cereal | cereal |
el yogur | yogurt |
el pan tostado | toast |
el paniqueque | pancakes |
el jarabe | syrup |
el wafle | waffle |
el donut | donut |
el bollo | bagel |
el jamon | ham |
el queso | cheese |
el pan | bread |
la ensalada | salad |
el sandwich | sandwich |
la pizza | pizza |
la hamburguesa | hamburger |
el perrito caliente | hot dog |
las papas fritas | french fries |
la sopa | soup |
la jalea | jelly |
la mantequilla de mani | peanut butter |
el pollo | chicken |
el bistec | steak |
el pescado | fish |
el espagueti | spaghetti |
el carne de cerdo | pork |
el pavo | turkey |
el arroz | rice |
la manzana | apple |
la naranja | orange |
el limon | lemon/lime |
el platano | banana |
la fresa | strawberry |
la sandia | watermelon |
la pera | pear |
la pina | pineapple |
las uvas | grapes |
la papa | potato |
la zanahoria | carrot |
la cebolla | onion |
el hongo | mushrooms |
los guisantes | peas |
la judia verde | green beans |
el maiz | corn |
el broculi | broccoli |
la lechuga | lettuce |
el tomate | tomato |
el apio | celery |
el pimiento | pepper |
la leche | milk |
la limonada | lemon aide |
el agua | water |
el jugo | juice |
el te | |
tea | |
el te helado | ice tea |
el cafe | coffee |
el refresco | soda |
los macarrones con queso | macaroni and cheese |
las patatas | potato chips |
las palomitas | popcorn |
las pepitas de pollo | chicken nuggets |
el batido de leche | milkshake |
la salsa de tomate | ketchup |
la mostaza | mustard |
la mayonesa | mayonnaise |
la salsa barbacoa | barbecue sauce |
el bonbon | marshmallow |
la galleta seca | crackers |
las pasas de uva | raisins |
el nuez | nuts |
el pastel | cake |
la torta | pie |
la galleta | cookie |
el pudin | pudding |
la gelatina | jello |
el dulce | candi |
el helado | ice cream |
Lavantarse | to get up |
Lavarse | to wash yourself |
Ducharse | to shower yourself |
Peinarse | to comb yourself |
El espejo | mirror |
fiebre | fever |
la tos | cough |
el consultorio/la consulta | office |
el/la médico/a | doctor |
examinar | to examine |
acostarse | to go to bed |
arreglar | to arrange |
los deberes | tasks |
despertarse | to wake up |
la tele | short for televisión |
la cama | bed |
vestirse | to get dressed |
peine | comb |
desayunarse | to breakfast |
dolor | pain |
cepillarse | to brush yourself |
un catarro | a cold |
el hospital | hospital |
la gripe | the flu |
la temperatura | temperature |
elevada | elevated |
el cuerpo | the body |
desgraciadamente | unfortunately |
casarse | to get married |
maquillarse | to make-up oneself |
llamarse | to call oneself |
bañarse | to bathe oneself |
cepillo | brush |
la salud | health |
la higiene | hygiene |
la rutina | routine |
afeitar | to shave |
barra de jabón | bar of soap |
toalla | towel |
caerse | to fall down |
oír | to hear |
deber | should (still conjugate) |
oído | inner ear |
irse | to go away |
escoger | to choose |
unir | to join |
limpiar | to clean |
partir | to depart |
dejar | to leave |
recomendar | to recommend |
esta mañana | this morning |
____ pasado | _____ past |
ayer | yesterday |
anteayer | day before yesterday |
anoche | last night |
divertirse | to enjoy yourself |
el boligrafo | pen |
la calculadora | calculator |
la carpeta | folder |
la computadora | computer |
el cuaderno | notebook |
el diccionario | dictionary |
el lapiz/los lapices | pencil/pencils |
la mochila | backpack |
mucho(a) | as lot of |
muchos(as) | a lot of |
Necesitgas algo para al colegio/la clase de arte? | Do you need anything for school/art class? |
No | no necesito nada |
el papel | paper |
poco(a) | little |
pocos(as) | few |
la regla | ruler |
el reloj/los relojes | clock |
la ropa | clothes |
Si | necesito muchas cosas |
si | tengo un monton |
tienes...? | do you have...? |
un/una | a/as |
unos/unas | some |
los utiles escolares | school supplies |
loz zapatos | shoes |
el aleman | German |
el almuerzo | lunch |
el arte | las artes |
la biologia | biology |
las ciencias | science |
la computacion | computer science |
cual es tu materia preferida? | whats you favorite sport? |
la educacion fisica | physical education |
es facil/dificil | its easy/hard |
el espanol | Spanish |
el frances | French |
la historia | history |
el ingles | English |
las matematicas | mathematics |
las materias | school subjects |
mi materia peferida es..... | my favorite subject is.. |
primero tengo.... y despues tengo.... | first i have...and afterwards i have... |
por la manana/tarde | in the morning/afternoon |
que clases tienes esta tarde? | what classes do you have this afternoon? |
chemistry | la quimica |
el taller | shop |
tener | to have |
venir | to come |
el auditorio | auditorium |
la bibilioteca | library |
la cafeteria | cafeteria |
la clase de baile | dance class |
el concierto | concert |
es estadio | stadium |
esta semana | this week |
este fin de semana | this weekend |
hacer | to do |
hay | there is |
manana | tomorrow |
el partido de... | |
pasado manana | day after tomorrow |
poner | to put |
presentar un examen | to take a test |
la proxima semana | next week |
saber(de) | to know information |
salir(de) | to go out |
el salon de clase | classroom |
traer | to bring |
ver | to see |
el viernes proxmo | next Friday |
¿Qué tal si vamos al partido de fútbol?...... | How about if we go to the soccer game? |
No sé. ¿Sabes qué? No tengo ganas | I don’t know. Do you know what? I don’t feel like it |
¿Vienes conmigo a la cafeteria | ¿ no? |
¡Claro que sí! Tengo mucha hambre…… | Yes |
Hay un concierto…Vas a ir | ¿ verdad? |
No | no voy a ir. Tengo que estudiar |
el/la abuelo(a) | grandfather (granmother) |
los abuelos | grandparents |
almorzar (ue) | to have lunch |
callado (a) | quiet |
canoso(a) | gray-haired |
castano (a) | dark brown |
ciego(a) | blind |
corto(a) | short |
de color cafe | brown |
delgado(a) | thin |
dormir(ue) | to sleep |
empezar (ie) | to begin |
entender (ie) | to understand |
el/la gato | cat |
gordo | fat |
hasta | until |
el/la hermano(a) | brother (sister) |
los hermanos | siblings |
el/la hijo(a) | son(daughter) |
los hijos | children |
joven | young |
largo(a) | long |
la madre (mama) | mother (mom) |
mayor | older |
menor | younger |
merendar (ie) | to have a snack |
negro(a) | black |
el/la nieto(a) | grandson |
los nietos | grandsons |
el padre (papa) | father (dad) |
los padres | parents |
el pelo | hair |
el/la perro(a) | dog |
la persona | person |
wl/la primio(a) | cousin |
los pimos | cousins |
la silla de ruedas | wheelchair |
el/la sobrino | nephew (neice) |
los sobrinos | nephews |
sordo(a) | deaf |
tener (ie) los ojos azules | to have blue eyes |
el/la tio(a) | uncle(aunt) |
los tios | uncles nad aunts |
todoos (a) | everyone |
travieso(a) | mischievous |
usar lentes | to wear glasses |
verde | green |
viejo(a) | old |
volver(ue) | to go back or come back |
el/la abuelo(a) | grandfather (grandmother) |
los abuelos | grandparents |
almorzar (ue) | to have lunch |
callado(a) | quiet |
canoso(a) | gray-haired |
castaño(a) | dark brown |
ciego(a) | blind |
corto(a) | short |
de color café | brown |
delgado(a) | thin |
dormir (ue) | to sleep |
empezar | to begin |
entender | to understand |
el/la gato(a) | cat |
gordo(a) | fat |
hasta | until |
el/la hermano(a) | brother (sister) |
los hermanos | siblings |
el/la hijo(a) | son (daughter) |
los hijos | children |
joven | young |
largo(a) | long |
la madre (mamá) | mother (mom) |
mayor | older |
menor | younger |
merendar (ie) | to have a snack |
negro(a) | black |
el/la nieto(a) | grandson |
los nietos | grandchildren |
el padre (papá) | father (dad) |
los padres | parents |
el pelo | hair |
el/la perro(a) | dog |
la persona | person |
el/la primo(a) | cousin |
los primos | cousins |
la silla de ruedas | wheelchair |
el/la sobrino(a) | nephew (niece) |
los sobrinos | nephews |
sordo(a) | deaf |
tener (ie) los ojos azules | to have blue eyes |
el/la tío(a) | uncle (aunt) |
los tíos | uncles and aunts |
todos(as) | everyone |
travieso(a) | mischievous |
usar lentes | to wear glasses |
verde | green |
viejo(a) | old |
volver(ue) | to go back or come back |
el analabetismo | illiteracy |
la crisis | crisis |
los derechos humanos | human rights |
el desafio | challenge |
la desigualdad | inequality |
la desnutricion | malnutrition |
la explotacion | expolitation |
le gente indigena | indigenous people |
la guerra | war |
el hambre | hunger |
la huelga | strike |
la injusticia | injustice |
la manifestacion | demonstration |
el narcotrafico | drug traffic |
la pobreza | poverty |
el prejucio | prejudice |
la salud | health |
el secuestro | kidnapping/hijacking |
el SIDA | AIDS |
el subdesarrollo | underdevelopment |
en vias de desarrollo | developing |
desarrollado | developed |
el terrorismo | terrorism |
el bienestar | well-being |
la campana | campaign |
el ciudadano | citizen |
la cuestion | issue |
la diversidad | diversity |
el esfuerzo | effort |
el lider | leader |
el liderazgo | leadership |
la lucha | fight/struggle |
la paz | peace |
el poder | power |
la politica | politics |
los recursos | resources |
la tolerancia | tolerance |
el tratamiento | treatment |
colaborar (con) | to help/work with |
combatir | |
to combat | |
desarollar | to develop |
donar | to donate |
elegir | to elect |
enterarse (de) | to become informed (about) |
financiar | to finance |
hacer de voluntario | to volunteer |
invertir | to invest |
llevar a cabo | to carry out |
postularse | to run for office |
promover | to promote |
resolver | to resolve |
salvar | to save (someone |
valer la pena | to be worth it |
la prensa | press |
el reportaje | report |
los titulares | headlines |
alarmante | alarming |
alentador | encouraging |
chocante | shocking |
desesperante | infuriating |
desilusionante | disappointing |
horripilante | horrifying |
impresionante | impressive |
inquietante | disturbing |
polemico | controversial |
las organizaciones sin fin de lucro | non-profit organizations |
el/la abuelo(a) | grandfather (grandmother) |
los abuelos | grandparents |
almorzar (ue) | to have lunch |
callado(a) | quiet |
canoso(a) | gray-haired |
castano(a) | dark brown |
ciego(a) | blind |
corto(a) | short |
de color cafe | brown |
delgado(a) | thin |
dormir(ue) | to sleep |
empezar (ie) | to begin |
entender(ie) | to understand |
el/la gato(a) | cat |
gordo(a) | fat |
hasta | until |
el/la hermano(a) | brother (sister) |
los hermanos | siblings |
el/la hijo(a) | son (daughter) |
los hijos | children |
joven | young |
largo(a) | long |
la madre (mama) | mother(mom) |
mayor | older |
menor | younger |
merendar(ie) | to have a snack |
negro(a) | black |
el/la nieto(a) | grandson |
los nietos | grandsons |
el padre(papa) | father(dad) |
los padres | parents |
el pelo | hiar |
el/la perros(a) | dog |
la persona | person |
el/la primo(a) | cousin |
los primos | cousins |
la silla de ruedas | wheelchair |
el/la sobrino(a) | nephew (niece) |
los sobrinos | nephews |
sordo(a) | deaf |
teners (ie) los ojos azules | to have blue eyes |
el/la tio(a) | uncle(aunt) |
los tios | uncles and aunts |
todos(as) | everyone |
travieso(a) | mischievous |
usar lentes | to wear glasses |
verde | green |
viejo(a) | old |
volver (ue) | to go back or come back |
me parece muy bien | its alright with me |
que lata! | what a pain! |
me parece injusto | it seems unfair to me |
no es gran coso | its no big deal |
a menudo | often |
me toca | its my turn |
el resfriado/el catarro | cold |
el doctor/la doctora | doctor |
el paciente/la paciente | patient |
el enfermero/la enfermera | nurse |
venda | bandaid |
el dentista/la dentista | dentist |
la tos | cough |
las gotas | eye drops |
sala de emergencia | emergency room |
el consultorio | doctors office (exam room) |
el dolor de cabeza | headache |
enfermo | sick |
la fiebre | fever |
la prueba | test |
estar deprimido | to be depressed |
la gripe/la influenza | the flu |
dar de comer | to feed |
la alergia | allergy |
la infeccion (accent over the o) | infection |
la inyeccion(accent over the o) | injection |
ponerse en forma | to get in shape |
la vacuna | vaccine |
herir | to hurt |
las pastillas/las pildoras | pills |
herirse | to hurt oneself |
el jarabe | cough syrup |
las gotas | eye drops |
debil | weak |
la sala de emergencia | emergency room |
la tos | cough |
el yeso | cast |
la visita de rutina | check up |
el pulso | pulse |
la presion(accent over the o) | blood pressure |
la curita | bandage |
saludable | healthy |
deprimido/a | depressed |
congestionado/a | conjested |
cansado/a | tired |
ronco/a | hoarse |
frio | to be cold |
miedo | afraid |
hambre | hungry |
la nariz | nose |
vomitar | vomit |
gritar | to scream |
enyesar | to put a cast on |
respirar | breath |
tratar | to treat |
tomar | to take |
sufrir | to suffer |
cortarse | to cut |
recuperarse | recuperate |
mejorarse | to feel better |
estanudar | to sneeze |
romperse | to break |
torcerse (o-ue) | to twist |
sonarse (o-ue) | to blow your nose |
quemarse | to burn |
morearse | to get dizzy |
desmayarse | to faint |
golpearse | to bump/hit yourself |
andar con muletas | walk with crutches |
poner puntos | to get stiches |
herirse (e-ie) | injur yourself |
fracturarse | fracture/break |
vendar | to bandage |
el comedor | dining room |
el cuarto de baño | bathroom |
el despacho | study |
el dormitorio | bedroom |
el salón | lounge |
la terraza | terrace |
arriba | upstairs |
debajo de | under |
delante de | in front of |
detrás de | behind |
encima de | on top of |
enfrente de | opposite |
a la derecha de | to the right of |
a la izquierda de | to the left of |
la alfombra | rug |
la butaca | armchair |
las cortinas | curtains |
el escritorio | desk |
la pared | wall |
el aseo | toilet |
la cocina | kitchen |
arreglar el dormitorio | to tidy the bedroom |
cocinar / preparar la cena | to cook / to prepare the dinner |
fregar los platos / el suelo | to wash the dishes / the floor |
hacer la cama | to make the bed |
hacer la compra | to do the shopping |
limpiar el cuarto de baño | to clean the bathroom |
pasar la aspiradora | to hoover |
planchar | to do the ironing |
poner la mesa | to set the table |
quitar la mesa | to clear the table |
sacar la basura | to take out the rubbish |
no hacer nada | to do nothing |
una casa | house |
una casa adosada | semi-detached / terraced house |
un chalé / chalet | detached house |
una construcción nueva | new development |
un piso | flat |
una torre / un bloque | tower block |
mi (casa) está… | my (house) is… |
cerca (de) | close (to) |
lejos (de) | far (from) |
en el campo | in the countryside |
en la costa | on the coast |
en el centro | in the centre |
en una zona céntrica | in a central area |
en las afueras | in the suburbs |
a (cinco) minutos andando | (five) minutes walk away |
el balcón | balcony |
la tienda | shop |
la tienda (de ropa) | (clothes) shop |
el tipo | type |
los vaqueros | jeans |
el vestido | dress |
la zapatería | shoe shop |
los zapatos | shoes |
los guantes | gloves |
la imagen | image |
irse bien | to fit / to suit |
la lana | wool |
llevar | to wear |
las medias | stockings / tights |
la oferta (especial) | (special) offer |
el pañuelo | scarf |
los pendientes | earrings |
el precio | price |
probarse | to try on |
el supermercado | supermarket |
la talla | size (clothes / shoes etc) |
las botas | boots |
los calcetines | socks |
la calidad | quality |
de (buena) calidad | (good) quality |
la camisa | shirt |
la camiseta | t-shirt |
el cinturón | belt |
el collar | necklace |
la comodidad | comfort |
la corbata | tie |
costar | to cost |
el cuero | leather |
de segunda mano | second hand |
el descuento | discount |
estar de moda | to be fashionable |
la falda | skirt |
la gorra | cap / hat |
pantalones | trousers |
bufanda | scarf |
rebeca/chaqueta de punto | cardigan |
chaqueta | jacket |
abrigo | coat |
pantalones cortos | shorts |
calzoncillos | pants/ boxers |
joyería | jewellery |
anillo | ring |
reloj | watch |
pulsera | bracelet |
bañador | swimsuit |
zapatillas de deporte | trainers |
gafas de sol | sunglasses |
de seda | silk |
de lunares | polka dots |
de algodón | cotton |
de rayas | stripy |
sudadera | tracksuit |
blusa | blouse |
tener miedo | to be afraid |
el vino | wine |
la violencia | violence |
mejorar | to improve |
obtener | to get / to obtain |
olvidar | to forget |
peor | worse |
preocupar | to worry |
provocar | to cause / to provoke |
la rehabilitación | rehabilitation |
seropositivo/a | HIV positive |
sin techo | homeless |
la sociedad | society |
el canabis | cannabis |
comprar | to buy |
el crimen | crime |
el dinero | money |
distinto/a | different |
la droga | drug |
las drogas blandas | soft drugs |
las drogas duras | hard drugs |
el/la drogadicto/a | drug addict |
emborracharse | to get drunk |
la inyección | injection |
los jóvenes | young people |
la manera | way |
el alcoholismo | alcoholism |
el alimento | food |
la ayuda | help |
borracho/a | drunk |
el botellón | binge drinking |
la calle | street |
el olor | smell |
el peligro | danger |
la población | population |
preocupante | worrying |
la prohibición | ban |
prohibido/a | banned |
los pulmones | lungs |
respiratorio/a | breathing / respiratory |
se permite (fumar) | (smoking) is allowed |
el sitio | place |
(no) fumador | (no) smoking area |
el/la fumador/a | smoker |
el fumar pasivo | passive smoking |
la ley | law |
el lugar | place |
la muerte | death |
el cigarrillo | cigarette |
el corazón | heart |
el daño | damage / harm |
dejar de (fumar) | to stop (smoking) |
la enfermedad | illness / disease |
el/la adolescente | young person |
afectar | to affect |
asqueroso/a | disgusting / filthy |
causar | to cause |
ahorrar | to save |
apagar | to turn off |
conservar | to conserve |
el aire acondicionado | air conditioning |
el aparato | appliance |
el bombillo | lightbulb |
el calentador | heater |
el detector de humo | smoke detector |
el estante | shelf |
el extinguidor de incendios | fire extinguisher |
el fregadero | sink |
el horno | oven |
el incendio | fire |
el lavaplatos | dishwasher |
el microondas | microwave |
el tostador | toaster |
el ventilador | fan |
eléctrico | electric |
en caso de | in case of |
encender | to turn on |
funcionar | to work |
la calefacción central | central heat |
la electricidad | electricity |
la emergencia | emergency |
la energía | energy |
la lámpara | lamp |
la lavadora | washer |
la linterna | flashlight |
la mesa de noche | nightstand |
la pila | battery |
la posesión | posession |
la secadora | dryer |
reparar | to repair |
suficiente | sufficient |
los pasatiempos | pastimes |
los ratos libres | spare (free) time |
caminar | to walk |
dar una fiesta | to give a party |
hacer una fiesta | to have a party |
hacer camping | to go camping |
hacer planes para... | to make plans to... |
ir al cine | to go to teh movies |
ir a una discoteca | to go to a disco |
ir a un bar | to go to a bar |
ir al teatro | to go to the theater |
ir a un concierto | to go to a concert |
ir a ver una pelicula | to go to see a movie |
jugar al ajedrez | to play chess |
jugar a las cartas | to play cards |
sacar fotos | to take pictures |
tomar el sol | to sunbathe |
visitar un museo | to visit a museum |
ser aburrido | to be boring |
ser divertido | to be fun |
los deportes | sports |
el ciclismo | bicycling |
esquiar | to ski |
el futbol | soccer |
el futbol americano | football |
hacer surfing | to surf |
nadar | to swim |
la natacion | swimming |
patinar | to skate |
patinar en linea | to rollerblade |
el basquetbol | basketball |
el beisbol | baseball |
el golf | golf |
el tenis | tennis |
el hockey | hockey |
el voleibol | volleyball |
el equipo | team |
el jugador | male player |
la jugadora | female player |
entrenar | to practice/train |
ganar | to win |
jugar al... | to play... |
perder | to lose |
practicar | to participate |
ser aficionado a... | to be a fan of... |
correr | to run |
la aspiradora | vacuum cleaner |
la cafetera (P.U.!!!) | coffee maker |
el congelador | freezer |
la estufa | stove |
el horno de microondas | microwave oven |
la lavadora | washing machine |
el lavaplatos | dishwasher |
el refrigerador | refrigerator |
la secadora | clothes dryer |
la tostadora | toaster |
dejar en... | to leave behind in... |
lavar los platos | to wash the dishes |
lavar la ropa | to wash the clothes |
limpiar | to clean |
limpiar la casa entera | to clean the whole house |
poner la mesa | to set the table |
quitar la mesa | to clear the table |
la cocina | stove |
yo hablaba | I spoke |
comíamos | we ate |
él vivía | he lived |
mas....del mundo | the the world |
mejor | best (one thing) |
peor | worst (one thing) |
mejores | best (several things |
peores | worst (several things |
¿Cómo? | How? |
¿Cuándo? | When? |
¿A qué hora? | At what time? |
¿Qué? | What? Which? |
Use it when you are: asking for a definition or an explanation | or when a noun directly follows it. |
¿Cuál(es)? | What? Which one(s)? |
¿Por qué? | Why? |
¿Dónde? | Where? |
¿De dónde? | From where? |
¿Adónde? | Where (to)? |
¿Cuánto/a? | How much? |
¿Cuántos/as? | How many? |
¿Quién(es)? | Who? |
¿De quién(es)? | Whose? |
sacudir los muebles | to dust the furniture |
sacar la basura | to take out the trash |
lavar las bentanas | to wash the windows |
la afición | hobby |
el aparato doméstico | home appliance |
pesado/a | boring/difficult |
de joven | as a youth |
de nino | as a child |
demasiado | too much |
en la actualidad | currently/right now |
mientras | while |
father | Padre |
Mother | Madre |
Wife | Esposa |
Husband | Esposo |
Son | Hijo |
Daughter | Hija |
Brother | Hermano |
Sister | Hermana |
Grandfather | Abuelo |
Grandmother | Abuela |
Cousin | Primo/Prima |
Niece | Sobrina |
Nephew | Sobrino |
Uncle | Tio |
Aunt | Tia |
Pet | Mascota |
Dog | Perro |
Cat | Gato |
Birthday | cumpleanos |
Present | Regalo |
Celebration | Celebracion |
Joven | Young |
Anciano | Old |
Living room | Sala |
Dining room | El comedor |
Kitchen | La cocina |
bedroom | El cuarto |
Bathroom | El cuarto de bano |
Around | Alredor de |
Close to | Cerca de |
Far from | Lejos de |
Newspaper | El periodico |
Book | El libro |
Magazine | Larevista |
To turn a certain age | Cuplir anos |
house | la casa |
first floor | la planta baja |
floor | el piso |
elevator | el ascensor |
stairs | escalera |
private | privado |
to have | tener |
to invite | invitar |
to go up | subir |
to watch tv | ver la televison |
To write a letter | escribir una carta |
Yo tener | Tengo |
Tu tener | tienes |
el tener | tiene |
ella tener | tiene |
usted tener | tiene |
nostros tener | tenemos |
vosotros tener | teneis |
ellos tener | tienen |
ellas tener | tienen |
ustedes tener | tienen |
My | Mi |
Your | Tu |
His | su |
her | su |
its | su |
our | Nuestro/nuestra |
Y'all's | Vuestro/vuestra |
their | su |
its(plural) | su |
Y'all's (l.a) | su |
usted/tener/una chaqueta bonita | tiene una chaqueta bonita |
maria y jorge/tener que/hacer la tarea | maria y jorge tienen que hacer la tarea |
el jardin de mis padres | sus jardin |
our father has to work | nuestro padre tiene que trabajar |
When hispanic people talk about their famil | to whom are they referring to? |
What is a quinceanera? | 15 cumpleanos |
Who goes to a quinceanera? | Parientes |
What importance does hispanic culture place on families? | mucho importance |
Who are padrinos? | godparents |
to have to | tener que |
___feels like | tener ganas de |
to be__yrs old | Tener__anos |
La Cena | Dinner |
El Bistec | Beefsteak |
La Carne | Meat |
El Pescado | Fish |
El Pollo | Chicken |
La Cebolla | Onion |
Los Guisantes | Peas |
Las Judias verdes | Green beans |
La Lechuga | Lettuce |
Las Papas | Potatoes |
Los Tomates | Tomatoes |
Las Uvas | Grapes |
Las Zanahorias | Carrots |
El Arroz | Rice |
Los Cereales | Grains |
Los Grasas | Fats |
La mantequilla | Butter |
El Helado | Ice-cream |
Los Pasteles | Pastries |
Las Bebidas | Beverages |
Tengo Hambre | I'm Hungry |
Tengo Sed | I'm Thirsty |
Caminar | To walk |
Hacer ejercicio | To exercise |
Yo hago | I do |
Levantar pesas | To lift weights |
Para la salud | For one's health |
Para mantener la salud | To maintain one's health |
Yo prefiero | I prefer |
Tu prefieres | You prefer |
Deber | Should |
Creer | To think |
Creo que... | I think... |
Creo que si/no... | I (don't) think so... |
Por que? | Why? |
Porque | Because |
Algo | Something |
Muchos | Many |
Todos | All |
Horrible | Horrible |
Malo | Bad |
Sabroso | Tasty |
Cada dia | Everyday |
aqueduct | el acueducto |
arch | el arco |
architecture | la arquitectura |
tile | azulejo |
balcony | el balcón |
construction | la contrucción |
railing | la reja |
tower | la torre |
before | anteriormente |
weapon | el arma |
battle | la batalla |
colony | la colonia |
conquest | la conquista |
empire | el imperio |
native | el indígena |
marvel | la maravilla |
mission | la misión |
missionary | el misionero |
population | la población |
power | el poder |
powerful | poderoso |
challenge | el reto |
wealth | la riqueza |
soldier | el soldado |
land | la tierra |
African | africano |
ancestor | el atepasado |
Arab | el árabe |
Christian | cristiano |
descent | la descendencia |
unkown | desconocido |
meeting | el encuentro |
time | la época |
European | europeo |
war | la guerra |
ethnic group | el grupo étnico |
heritage | la herencia |
language | el idioma |
influence | la influencia |
exchange | el intercambio |
Jew | el judío |
language | la lengua |
merchandise | la mercancía |
mix | la mezcla |
Muslim | el musulmán |
Roman | el romano |
race | la raza |
result | el resultado |
similarity | semejanza |
unity | la unidad |
variety | la variedad |
to adopt | adoptar |
to assimilate | asimilar(se) |
to be formed by | componerse de |
to conquer | conquistar |
to leave a trace | dejar huellas |
dominate | dominar |
to face | confront |
to establish | establecer |
expel | expulsar |
to found | fundar(se) |
to rule | gobernar |
to integrate | integrarse |
to invade | invadir |
to fight | luchar |
to occupy | ocupar |
to rebel | rebelarse |
to reconquer | reconquistar |
upon arriving | al llegar |
wonderful | maravilloso |
only | único |
se despierta | wakes up |
despertarse | to wake up |
Invitan | they invite |
invitar | to invite |
están haciendo ejercicios | they are exercising |
hacer ejercicios | to exercise |
ver | to see |
están nadando | they are swimming |
nadan | they swim |
nadar | to swim |
venden | they sell |
vender | to sell |
recibe | he or she receives |
recibir | to receive |
tenemos | we have |
prende el radio | turn on the radio |
está fuerte | it is loud |
bajen el volumen | lower the volume |
oye | he or she hears |
oír | to hear |
está cansada | she is tired |
niños | children |
piscina | pool |
ropa puesta | all their clothes on |
tienda | store or shop |
plátano | banana |
un kilo | 2.2 pounds |
película | movie |
enfrente de... | in front of |
ir de compras | to go shopping |
ver una pelicula | to see a movie |
la leccion de piano | piano lesson (class) |
Me quedo en casa. | I stay at home. |
la biblioteca | library |
el cafe | cafe |
el campo | countryside |
la casa | home |
en casa | at home |
el centro comercial | mall |
el cine | movie theater |
el gimnasio | gym |
la iglesia | church |
la mezquita | mosque |
las montanas | mountains |
el parque | park |
la piscina | swimming pool |
la playa | beach |
el restaurante | restaurant |
la sinagoga | synagogue |
el templo | temple |
el trabajo | work |
a | to (prep.) |
a la | al (a + el) |
Adonde? | (To) where? |
a casa | (to) home |
Con quien? | With whom? |
con mis/tus amigos | with my/your friends |
solo | -a |
Cuando? | When? |
despues | afterwards |
despues (de) | after |
los fines de semana | on weekends |
los lunes | los martes... |
tiempo libre | free time |
De donde eres? | Where are you from? |
de | from |
generalmente | generally |
No me digas? | You don't say! |
para + infinitive | in order to + infinitive |
Conjugate ir: yo | voy |
Conjugate ir: tu | vas |
Conjugate ir: Usted. el ella | va |
Conjugate ir: Nosotros/nosotras | vamos |
Conjugate ir: Ustedes ellos ellas | van |
I put | Pongo |
You put | Pones |
She puts | Pone |
We put | Ponemos |
They put | Ponen |
You all put | Ponen |
I leave | Salgo |
You leave | Sales |
He leaves | Sale |
We leave | Salimos |
They leave | Salen |
I do | Hago |
You do | Haces |
She does | Hace |
We make | Hacemos |
They make | Hacen |
You all make | Hacen |
You all do | Hacen |
I bring | Traigo |
You bring | Traes |
She brings | Trae |
We bring | Trae |
They bring | Traen |
You all bring | Traen |
I know | Sé |
You know | Sabes |
She knows | Sabe |
We know | Sabe |
They know | Saben |
I see | Veo |
You see | Ves |
He sees | Ve |
We see | Vemos |
They see | Ven |
You all see | Ven |
I have | Tengo |
I come | Vengo |
You have | Tienes |
He has | Tiene |
She has | Tiene |
We have | Tenemos |
They have | Tienen |
You come | Vienes |
She comes | Viene |
We come | Venimos |
They come | Vienen |
van de compras | go shopping |
la ropa | clothing |
centro comercial | shopping center/mall |
una falda | a skirt |
un vestido | a dress |
unos pantalones | some pants |
una blusa | a blouse |
una camisa | a shirt |
unos jeans | some jeans |
un par de zapatos | a pair of shoes |
sandalias | sandals |
minifolda | short skirt |
sueter | sweater |
chaqueta | jacket |
camiseta | t-shirt |
en mi opinion | in my opinion |
porque no te compras ropa nueva | why don't you buy yourself new clothes |
cominza a llorar | begins to cry |
no te entiendo | i don't understand you |
espera | wait |
la conexion entre | the connection between |
vas sola | go alone |
conmigo | with me |
contigo | with you |
cuando quieres ir | when do you want to go |
no encontramos | we will meet/find each other |
toma su bicicleta | takes his bicycle |
ay dios mio | oh my goodness(g-d) |
buena suerte | good luck |
quieres ir con nosotros | do you want to go with us |
me queda bien | it fits well |
que piensas | what do you think |
a ver | lets see |
la talla | the size |
o es mejor | or is it better |
quizas | perhaps |
esta es una buena pregunta | that is a good question |
hasta la seis | until six |
ha encontrada | has found |
tan divertido | so much fun |
viejo | old |
nuevo | new |
shorts | pantalones cortos |
pants | pantalones |
coat | abrigo |
bathing suit | trase de bano |
dress | vestide |
suit | traje |
jeans | pantalones jeans |
purse | la bolsa |
wallet | cartera |
hat | sombrero |
high heels | tacones |
boots | botas |
sneakers | zapatos tennis |
neck tie | corbata |
socks | calcetines |
belt | cinturon |
gloves | los guentes |
glasses | lentes/gafas |
sunglasses | lentes de sol/gafas de sol |
blue | azul |
orange | anaranjado |
red | rojo |
green | verde |
yellow | amarillo |
black | negro |
purple | morado |
pink | rosa |
white | blanco |
brown | marron |
gray | gris |
cafe | El cafe |
table | |
la mesa | |
waiter | El mesero |
menu | El menu |
order | la orden |
bill | check |
free | libre |
occupied | occupado |
to see to watch | ver |
to read | leer |
to eat | comer |
to drink | beber |
may i help you | Que desea usted |
is the tip included | Esta includio El servicio |
la alfombra | rug |
el armario | closet |
la cama | bed |
la comoda | dresser |
las cortinas | curtains |
el cuadro | painting |
el despertador | alarm clock |
el dormitorio | bedroom |
el espejo | mirror |
el estante | shelf |
la lampara | lamp |
la mesita | night table |
la pared | wall |
el disco compacto | compact disk |
el equipo de sonido | sound system |
el lector DVD | DVD player |
el televisor | television set |
el video | video |
la videocasetera | VCR |
De que color? | what color? |
los colores | colors |
amarillo | -a |
anaranjado | -a |
azul | blue |
blanco | -a |
gris | grey |
marron | brown |
morado | -a |
negro | -a |
rojo | -a |
rosado | -a |
verde | green |
bonito | -a |
feo | -a |
grande | large |
importante | important |
mismo | -a |
pequeno | -a |
propia | -a |
a la derecha | to the right of |
a la izquierda | to the left of |
mejor(es) que | better than |
el/la mejor | |
los/las mejores | the best |
menos.. que | less |
peor(es) que | worse than |
el/las peor | |
los/las peores | the worst |
la cosa | thing |
para mi | in my opinion |
para ti | in your opinion |
la posesion | possession |
dormis | to sleep |
duermo | i sleep |
duermes | you sleep |
duerme | he/she/it sleeps |
dormimos | we sleep |
dormis | they (pl) sleep |
duermen | they sleep |
poder | to be able to |
puedo | i can |
puedes | you can |
puede | he/she/it can |
podemos | we can |
pueden | they can |
detras | behind |
al lado | next to |
debajo | below |
encima | on top |
delante | in front of |
el almacén | the department store |
en la Red | on the internet |
la joyería | the jewelry store |
la librería | the bookstore |
la tienda de descuentos | the discount store |
la zapatería | the shoe store |
la tienda de descuentos | the discount store |
la zapatería | the shoe store |
la tienda de electrodomésticos | the household appliance store |
barato | inexpensive |
caro | expensive |
mirar | to look at |
pagar | to pay |
pagar por | to pay for |
vender | to sell |
comprar | to buy |
anoche | last night |
ayer | yesterday |
hace dos meses | two months ago |
el año pasado | last year |
la semana pasada | last week |
Campánula | Bluebell |
Narciso | Daffodil |
Margarita | Daisy |
Lavanda | Lavender |
Lirio | Lily |
Caléndula | Marigold |
Orquídea | Orchid |
Rosa | Rose |
Girasol | Sunflower |
Tulipán | Tulip |
Violeta | Violet |
Nenúfar | Water lily |
Begonia | Begonia |
Crisantemo | Chrysanthemum |
Dalia | Dahlia |
Gladiolo | Gladiolus |
Hibisco | Hibiscus |
Jacinto | Hyacinth |
Jazmín | Jasmine |
Magnolia | Magnolia |
Vincapervinca | Periwinkle |
Petunia | Petunia |
Amapola | Poppy |
Salvia | Salvia |
Zinia | Zinnia |
Carbón de leña | Charcoal |
Parrilla | Grill |
Hacha | Hatchet |
Azada | Hoe |
Manguera | Hosepipe |
Escalera de mano | Ladder |
Cortacésped | Lawnmower |
Cortador | Mower |
Rastrillo | Rake |
Tijeras de poda | Shears |
Pala | Shovel |
Regadera | Watering/sprinkling can |
Carretilla | Wheelbarrow |
Capullo | Bud |
Arbusto | Bush/shrub |
Lodo | Mud |
Malas hierbas | Weeds |
Cerca | Fence |
Arriate | Flowerbed |
Mueble de jardín | Garden furniture |
Invernadero | Greenhouse |
Seto | Hedge |
Estanque | Pond |
Cobertizo | Shed |
Aspersor | regadera |
Sombrilla | Sunshade |
Piscina | Swimming pool |
Gusanos | Worms |
Estético | Aesthetic |
Leaf-blade | Lámina de la hoja |
Borde | Edge |
Horticultura | Horticulture |
Arquitectura de paisajes | Landscape architecture |
Ajardinar | To landscape |
Mantillo | Mulch |
Pensamiento | Pansy |
Brocha | Paintbrush |
Wet Paint | Recién pintado |
Paint Remover | Decapante |
Paint Roller | Rodillo (para pintar) |
Paint Spray | Pistola de pintura |
A coat of paint | Una mano de pintura |
Paint Thinner | Disolvente |
Paint Stripper | Raspador de paredes |
Warning signs | Avisos de precaución |
Carretilla | Wheelbarrow |
Hierro | Iron |
Acero | Steel |
Cinta para medir | Measuring tape |
Tapones de oídos | Ear plugs |
Pulgada | Inch |
Hueco/agujero | Hole |
Casco | Helmet |
Etiqueta | Label |
Remoción de riesgo | Abatement (asbesto |
Recorte | Trim (casa) |
Fertilizante | Fertilizer |
Destornillador | Screwdriver |
Martillo | Hammer |
Sierra o serrucho de mano | Saw |
Los clavos | Nails |
Los tornillos | Screws |
el anillo | the ring |
los anteojos de sol | the sunglasses |
los aretes | the earrings |
el bolso | the purse |
la cadena | the chain |
la cartera | the wallet |
el collar | the necklace |
la corbata | the tie |
los guantes | the gloves |
el llavero | the keychain |
el perfume | the perfume |
la pulsera | the bracelet |
el reloj pulsera | the wrist watch |
el software | the software |
el novio | the boyfriend |
la novia | the girlfriend |
The thing I like the most | Lo que más me gusta |
The thing I like the least | Lo que menos me gusta |
The good thing is | Lo bueno es |
Exciting | Emocionante |
Informative | Informativo |
Educational | Educativo |
Long | Largo |
Slow | Lento |
Bad | Malo |
Unforgettable | Inolvidable |
Silly | Tonto |
Entertaining | Entretenido |
Curious | Curiouso |
Funny | Gracioso |
It makes me | Me hace |
It seems to me | Me parece es |
From my way of seeing things | A mi modo de ver |
From my point of view | Desde mi punto de vista |
Depressing | Deprimente |
Mysterious | Misteriosa |
Beautiful | Bonita |
Original | Original |
Fascinating | Fascinante |
Strange | Rara |
Ugly | Fea |
Magical | Mágica |
Terrifying | Terrorífica |
Suprising | Sorprendente |
Makes an impression | Impresionante |
Sad | Triste |
Happy | Alegre |
The characters | Los personajes |
The sound effects | Los efectos sonoros |
It tells the story of | Cuenta las historia de |
The special effects | Los efectos especiales |
I would recommend it because | La recomendaria porque |
Directed by | Dirigida por |
It is about | Trata de |
Plays the role of | Actúa en el papel de |
I have just seen | Acabo de ver |
Takes place in | Tiene lugar |
The end | El final |
In school | En el colegio |
On Saturdays | Los sábados |
In my free time | En mi tiempo libre |
We train in | Entrenamos en |
Last week | La semana pasada |
Last month | El mes pasado |
Once a week | Una vez a la semana |
Twice a week | Dos veces a la semana |
I play | Juego al |
I play in a ____ team | Juego en el equipo de |
A park | Un parque |
A swimming pool | Una piscina |
The pitch | El polideportivo |
The stadium | El estadio |
A tennis court | Una pista de tenis |
An athletics pitch | Una pista de atletismo |
When I was young | Cuando era joven |
Practice | Practiqué |
Nightmare | Pesadilla |
Fan | Hincha |
Match | Partidos |
Risky | Arriesgado |
Never | Jamás |
In my opinion it is | En mi opión es |
I have never seen | Nunca he visto |
A review | Una critica |
las peliculas | the films |
emociante | emotional |
educativo | educational |
malo | bad |
largo | long |
tonto | stupid |
informativo | infirmative |
entriedo | entertaining |
curioso | curios |
lento | slow |
inolviable | unforgetable |
gracioso | funny |
que piensas de...? | what do you think of...? |
en mi opinon es | in my opinon its |
nunca ne visto | never seen it |
me hace | it makes me |
me hacen | they make me |
me chifla | I love |
me gusta | I like |
No me gusta | I don't like |
porque es | because it's |
a pensar que es | i think it is |
un poco | a bit |
muy | very |
me parce | it seems to me |
para mi... | or me.. |
creo ques es... | I believe it is... |
Desde mi punto de vista | from my point of view |
deprimente | depressing |
misteriosa | mysterious |
bonita | well shot |
original | original |
emociante | exciting |
fascinate | fasinating |
rara | strange |
extrana | strange |
fea | ugly |
fea | badly shot |
magica | magical |
terrorifica | terrifying |
sorprendente | suprising |
impresionate | impressonable |
triste | sad |
feliz | happy |
alegre | happy |
Lo que mas me gusta es.. | the thing i like the most is.. |
Lo que menos me dusta es.. | the thing i like the least is.. |
los efectos sonoros | the sound effects |
cuenta la historia de... | tells the story of... |
los efectos especiales | the special effects |
la recomedaria porque | i would reccomeneded it because |
dirigida por | directed by |
trata de | it's about |
actua en el papel de | plays the role of |
tiene lugar en | takes place in |
acabo de ver | i have just seen |
el final | the end |
estar enfermo | to be sick |
estar cansado | to be tired |
estar contendo | to be happy |
estar triste | to be sad |
estar nervioso | to be nervous |
estar resfriado | to have a cold |
estar tranquilo | to be calm |
estar de mal humor | to be in a bad mood |
tener catarro | to have a bad cough |
tener a gripe | to have the flu |
estar estático | to be ecstatic |
estar deprimido | to be depressed |
guardar cama | to stay in bed |
toser | to cough |
la cama | the bed |
tener dolor de... | to have a ... ache |
los escalofrios | the chills |
el/la pobre | the poor (thing) |
la fiebre | the fever |
estornudar | to sneeze |
la garganta | the throat |
?Que te pasa? | What's wrong with you? |
tener indigestion | to have indigestion |
el jarabe | the cough syrup |
el consultorio | the doctor's office |
el médico | the doctor |
la consulta de médico | the doctor's appointment |
el enfermero | the nurse |
examinar | to examine |
el síntoma | the symptom |
la diagnosis | the diagnosis |
la invección | the injection |
la alergia | the allergy |
creer | to think/believe |
el termómetro | the thermometer |
la terapeuta | the therapist |
la farmacia | the pharmacy |
el farmacéutico | the pharmacist |
la receta | the prescription |
el medicamento | the medicine (that you take) |
la aspirina | the aspirin |
la píldoras/las pastillas | the pills |
la tableta | the tablet |
el antibiótico | the antibiotic |
a dosis | the dose |
despachar | to give out medicine |
el pediatra | the pediatrician |
amor | love |
anoche | last night |
aunque | kiss |
cada | each |
callar | to be silent |
con | with |
corazon | part |
decir | to stay |
dejar | to let/leave behind |
digo | i tell/say |
entre | between/among |
estas | you are |
ganas | desire |
H+ado | have |
hare' | I will do |
hombre | a man |
libre | free |
llamar | to call |
llevo | I wear/ carry |
llorar | cry |
lo que | what |
luchar | free for all/ to struggle |
mejor | better |
mil | measurement |
olvidar | to forget |
quedar | to stay/ return |
recuerdo | recall/ remember |
reir | to laugh |
se' | i know |
sentimiento | feeling/ sentiment |
ser | to be |
siempre | always |
siento | i feel |
tanto | so much |
todo | all |
u'nico | the only |
va a ir | going to go |
viento | win |
luis fonsi | even if you are with him |
Que bonita estas | cada dia mas. |
Tanto que decir. | so much to say |
Tanto que reir | so much to laugh about |
Pera no llorar | in order to not cry |
se que puedo controlar | I know that I can control |
pero no consigo callar el sentimiento | but I cannot silence the feelings |
que es libre como el viento | that is free like the wind |
no pretendo que lo dejes todo por mi amor | Im not pretending that you leave it all behind for my love. |
No te digo que conmigo | Im not saying that things will go better for you with me. |
Solo digo que no ignores a tu corazon | Im only saying that dont ignore your heart. |
En el unico que siempre tiene la razon. | Its the only thing thats always right. |
He inventado mil razones para olvidarte | i have invented 1 |
He luchado con mis ganas para no llamarte | I have fought with my desire not to call you |
Mi promessa siempre ha sido ser un hombre fiel | my promise has always been to be a faithful guy. |
Mi promesa es respectar tu piel | My promise is to respect you. |
Y no dejare de amarte | aunque estes con el. |
Sobrevivire. Pensada en ti | lo hare. |
Quedan los recuerdos | flotando entre tus besos |
Anoche los sone. | Last night |
Se que puedo controlar mis pensamientos | I know that I can control my thoughts. |
Pero es imposible callarme lo que siento | But its impossible to silence what I feel. |
Que me arde muy dentro... | It burns deep inside. |
dia | day |
que | what/that |
puedo controlar | I can control |
callar | silence |
todo | everything |
mejor | maybe |
corazon | heart |
siempre | always |
no llamarte | to not forget |
hombre | a man |
respalar tu piel | to respect you |
recuerdos | to remain |
besos | kisses |
sone | dreamed about |
bonita | pretty |
puedo | to know |
pero | but |
callarme | to silence |
arde | it burns |
dentro | inside |
no te rindas | dont give up |
amanecer | a new day |
sanar | heal |
esperando | waiting |
pain | pena/dolor |
te quiero | i love you |
i'm going to | me voy a |
tratare de | case of |
herida | wound |
faith | fe |
hope | esperanza |
courage | valor |
extranas tanto | to miss someone so much |
soledad | lonelyness |
cambia | change/changing |
suerte | chance/luck |
gira | around/tour |
the sun will come out | sale el sol |
valiente | brave |
la cara | face |
de ie | stand up |
hasta | to/until |
lo sabes | you know |
las penas | your trouble |
pronto | soon |
llegar | to come |
renacer | be reborn |
morir | death |
no te rajes | Dont give up on me. |
sebra | to plant |
aguanta | bear it |
roble | oak tree |
café | el café |
Center | downtown |
Movie theater | el cine |
Park | el parque |
Restaurant | el restaurante |
Theater | el teatro |
Concert | el concierto |
Tickets | las entradas |
Rock music | la música rock |
Movie | la película |
Ticket window | la ventanilla |
By foot | a pie |
Street | la calle |
By bus | en aútobus |
By car | en coche |
To find | Encontrar (ue) |
To take | tomar |
Server | el camarero |
To cost | costar (ue) |
Bill | la cuenta |
For dessert | de postre |
Menu | el menú |
Table | la mesa |
Main Course | el plato principal |
Tip | la propina |
To order | ask for |
To serve | servir (i) |
Rice | el arroz |
Beef | el bistec |
Broccoli | el brócoli |
Meat | el carne |
Salad | la ensalada |
Beans | los frijoles |
Cake | el pastel |
Potato | la patata |
Fish | el piscado |
Chicken | el pollo |
Tomato | el tomate |
Vegetables | las venduras |
There | allí |
To eat lunch | almorzar (ue) |
Here | aquí |
To sleep | dormir (ue) |
Place | el lugar |
To be able | poder (ue) |
Maybe | tal vez |
To see | ver |
To return | volver (ue) |
Church | la iglesia |
Building | el edificio |
Arcade | el centro de videojueges |
Pool | la piscina |
Sidewalk | la acera |
Post office | el correo |
Bookstore | la librería |
Shoe store | le zapatería |
Temple | el templo |
Music store | la tienda de discos |
Rap | el rap |
Alternative | alternativa |
Electronic music | techno |
Song | la canción |
Lyrics | la letra |
Spoon | la cuchara |
Knife | el cuchillo |
Fork | el tenedor |
Glass | el vaso |
Napkin | la servilleta |
Bowl | la tazón |
Cup | la taza |
Pork | el puerco |
Turkey | el pavo |
Noodles | los fideos |
Sauce | la salsa |
Pepper | la pimienta |
Salt | la sal |
Seafood | los mariscos |
Carrot | la zanahoria |
Lettuce | la lechuga |
Corn | el maíz |
el pastel | la torta |
los bizcochitos | cupcakes |
las galletas | cookies |
las velas/ las candelas | candles |
el regalo | present |
lor parientes/ los familiares | relatives |
nacer (nazco/ nací) | to be born |
venir a la fiesta | to come to the party |
divertirse | to have fun |
Feliz cumpleaños | Happy Birthday |
La boda/ el casamiento | wedding |
la novia | bride |
el novio | groom |
los novios | bride and groom |
la pareja | couple |
la dama de honor | maid of honor |
el caballero de honor | man of honor |
el padrino | godfather |
la madrina | godmother |
la recepción | reception |
el salon | lounge |
la orquesta | orchestra |
casarse | to marry |
Felicitaciones | congratulations |
Enhorabuena | congratulations |
la luna de miel | honey moon |
recien casados | newly weds |
La Navidad | Christmas |
el árbol de Navidad | christmas tree |
La Nochebuena | Christmas Eve |
las misa de gallo | Midnight Mass |
el día de los Tres Reyes Magos | Three Kings (January 6) |
los camellos | camels |
la paja | straw |
la grama | grass |
Feliz Navidad | Merry Christmas |
los regalos | presents |
el aguinaldo | Christmas bonus (money) |
Hanukah | Hanukah |
la fiesta de las luces | festival of lights (Hanukah) |
la menora | menorah |
fiesta hebrea | hebrew festival |
encender las luces/ las velas | to light the lights/ candles |
durar | to last |
Feliz Hanuka | Happy Hanuka |
Año Nuevo | New Year |
La víspera de Año Nuevo | |
New Years Eve | |
Nochevieja | New Years Eve |
Año Viejo | New Years Eve |
el reloj | clock |
dar las doce | to turn 12' o clock |
celebrar | to celebrate |
Feliz Año Nuevo | Happy New Year |
alegrarse | to have fun |
divertirse | to have fun |
ayunar | to fast |
Día de acción de Gracías | Thanksgiving |
Las Pascuas Floridas | Easter |
Las Pascuas | Passover |
comitiva | people in wedding |
traje de etiqueta | tuxedo |
traje de pinguino | tuxedo |
de gala | formal |
El acontecimiento | event |
La actualidad | current events |
El anuncio | advertisement |
La censura | censorship |
Internet | internet |
Los medios de comunicación | media (communication) |
La parcialidad | bias [partial] |
La publicidad | advertising [publicity] |
La radio | radio |
La radioemisora | radio station |
El reportaje | news report |
El sitio web | website |
La temporada | season [temperature] |
enterarse (de) | to become informed (about) |
[enter info] | |
navegar en la red | to surf the web [navigate] |
opinar | to express opinion |
[opinion] | |
ser parcial | to be biased [to be partial] |
tener buena/tener mala fama | to have a good/bad reputation |
actualizado/a | up-to-date [current event] |
destacado/a | prominent |
en directo/vivo | live [directly/live] |
imparcial | unbiased [impartial] |
influyente | influential |
el/la actor/actriz | actor/actress |
el/la cantante | singer [cantar=to sing] |
el/la crítico/a de cine | film critic |
el/la director(a) | director |
la estrella (de cine) | movie star |
el/la fotógrafo/a | photographer |
el/la locutor(a) de radio | radio announcer [locator of radio] |
el/la oyente | listener |
el/la periodista | journalist |
el público | audience/public |
el/la redactor(a) | editor |
[redact=edit for publication] | |
el/la reportero(a) | reporter |
el/la televidente | television viewer |
la banda sonora | soundtrack |
la cadena | network |
el cine | the movies |
el doblaje | dubbing |
el documental | documentary |
los efectos especiales | special effects |
el estreno | premiere |
la pantalla | screen |
la película | movie |
el programa de concursos | game show |
el programa de telerrealidad | reality show |
los subtítulos | subtitles |
la telenovela | soap opera |
la transmisión | broadcast |
el video musical | music video |
ensayar | to rehearse |
entretener | to entertain |
entrevistar | to interview |
[entrevista=interview] | |
rodar (o:ue) | to shoot a movie |
grabar | to record |
[grab scenes] | |
transmitir | to broadcast |
[transmit] | |
el horóscopo | horoscope |
la libertad de prensa | freedom of the press |
las noticias locales/internacionales/nacionales | local/international/national news |
el periódico/el diario | newspaper |
la portada | front page |
la revista | magazine |
la sección de sociedad | lifestyle section |
la sección deportiva | sports section |
la tira cómica | comic strip |
el titular | headline |
[title] | |
investigar | to research |
publicar | to publish |
suscribirse (a) | to subscribe (to) |
las afueras | suburbs |
los alrededores | the outskirts |
el ayuntamiento | city hall |
el barrio | neighborhood |
el centro comercial | mall |
el cine | movie theater |
la ciudad | city |
la comisaría | police station |
la discoteca | dance club |
el edificio | building |
la estación (de trenes/autobuses) | (train/bus) station |
la estación de bomberos | fire station |
la estación de policía | police station |
el estacionamiento | parking lot |
el estadio | stadium |
el metro | subway |
el museo | museum |
la parada (de metro | de autobús) |
la plaza | square |
el rascacielos | skyscraper |
el suburbio | suburb |
la vivienda | housing;home |
la acera | sidewalk |
la avenida | avenue |
la calle | street |
la cuadra | city block |
[quadrant] | |
la dirección | address |
la esquina | corner |
el letrero | sign |
el puente | bridge |
el semáforo | traffic light |
el tráfico | traffic |
el transporte público | public transportation |
cruzar | to cross |
estar perdido(a) | to be lost |
indicar el camino | to give directions |
pruguntar el camino | to ask for directions |
el/la alcalde(sa) | mayor |
el/la cuidadano/a | citizen |
el/la conductor(a) | driver |
la gente | people |
el/la pasajero/a | passenger |
el/la peatón/peatona | pedestrian |
el policía/la mujer policía | policeman/policewoman |
bajar | to go down; to get off (a bus) |
construir | to build |
conversar | to talk |
convivir | to live together [live with] |
to coexist | |
dar un paseo | to take a stroll |
dar una vuelta | to take a walk/ride |
dar una vuelta en bicicleta/carro/motocicleta | to take a bike/car/motorcycle ride |
disfrutar de | to enjoy |
doblar | to turn |
hacer diligencias | to run errands |
parar | to stop |
pasarlo/la bien/mal | to have a good/bad time |
poblar | to settle; to populate |
quedar | to be located |
quedarse | to remain |
recorrer | to travel (around a city) |
correr | run |
relajarse | to relax |
residir | to reside |
subir | to go up; to get on (a bus) |
la vida nocturna | nightlife |
atrasado/a | late |
cotidiano/a | everyday [día] |
inesperado/a | unexpected |
lleno/a | full |
ruidoso/a | noisy [rowdy] |
vacío/a | empty |
el abrigo | coat |
los bluejeans | jeans |
la blusa | blouse |
la bolsa | bag; purse |
las botas | boots |
los calcetines | socks |
la camisa | shirt |
la camiseta | t-shirt |
la cartera | wallet |
la chaqueta | wallet |
el cinturón | belt |
la corbata | tie |
la falda | skirt |
las gafas (de sol) | (sun)glasses |
los guantes | gloves |
el impermeable | raincoat |
las medias | pantyhose |
los pantalones | pants |
los pantalones cortos | shorts |
el par de zapatos | pair of shoes |
la ropa | clothing |
la ropa interior | underwear |
las sandalias | sandals |
el sombrero | hat |
el suéter | sweater |
el traje | suit |
el traje de baño | bathing suit |
los zapatos de tenis | sneakers |
barato/a | cheap |
bueno/a | good |
cada | each |
caro/a | expensive |
corto/a | short (in length) |
elegante | elegant |
hermoso/a | beautiful |
largo/a | long |
loco/a | crazy |
nuevo/a | new |
otro/a | other; another |
pobre | poor |
rico/a | rich |
el almacén | department store |
la caja | cash register |
el centro comercial | shopping mall |
el/la cliente/a | client |
el/la dependiente/a | clerk |
el dinero | money |
el mercado (al aire libre) | (open-air) market |
el precio (fijo) | (fixed |
la rebaja | sale |
la tarjeta de crédito | credit card |
la tienda | shop |
el/la vendedor(a) | salesperson |
costar (o:ue) | to cost |
gastar | to spend (money) |
hacer juego (con) | to match |
ir de compras | to go shopping |
llevar | to wear; to take |
pagar (con) | to pay (with) |
regatear | to bargain |
usar | to wear; to use |
vender | to sell |
anoche | last night |
anteayer | the day before yesterday |
el año pasado | last yaer |
ayer | yesterday |
de repente | suddenly |
desde | from |
hasta | until |
pasado/a | (adj.) last; past |
la semana pasada | last week |
une vez; dos veces | once; one time; twice; two times |
ya | already |
el beso | kiss |
la mentira | lie |
el regalo | gift |
la verdad | truth |
Qué hiciste? | What did you (fam. sing.) do? |
Qué hizo usted? | What did you (form. sing.) do? |
Qué hizo él/ella? | What did he/she do? |
Qué hicieron ustedes? | What did you (form. pl.) do? |
Qué hicieron ellos/ellas? | What did they do? |
acabar de (+ inf.) | to have just done something |
dar | to give |
decir | to say; to tell |
prestar | to loan |
blanco/a | white |
amarillo/a | yellow |
anaranjado/a | orange |
gris | grey |
rojo/a | red |
rosado/a | pink |
morado/a | purple |
azul | blue |
verde | green |
café | brown |
negro/a | black |
101 | ciento uno |
200 | doscientos/as |
300 | trescientos/as |
400 | cuatrocientos/as |
500 | quinientos/as |
600 | seiscientos/as |
700 | setecientos/as |
800 | ochocientos/as |
900 | novecientos/as |
1.000 | mil |
1.100 | mil cien |
2.000 | dos mil |
5.000 | cinco mil |
100.000 | cien mil |
200.000 | doscientos mil |
550.000 | quinientos cincuenta mil |
1.000.000 | un millón (de) |
8.000.000 | ocho millones (de) |
The Preterite Tense (past) -ar | -é |
#NAME? | |
#NAME? | |
#NAME? | |
#NAME? | |
#NAME? | |
**Stem-change verbs in the Present Tense do not have a stem change in the preterite | |
The Preterite Tense (past) -ir/-er | -í |
#NAME? | |
#NAME? | |
#NAME? | |
#NAME? | |
#NAME? | |
**Stem-change verbs in the Present Tense do not have a stem change in the preterite | |
Preterite Tense (past) Exceptions | Verbs that end in: -car |
Example: buscar >> busqué; llegar >> llegué; empezar >> empecé | |
**Creer | leer |
creer: creí | creíste |
Preterite Tense (past) Exceptions | cont'd... |
oír: oí | oíste |
ver (no accents): vi | viste |
Words Commonly Used with the Preterite | Anoche: last night |
Anteayer: the day before yesterday | |
el año pasado: last year | |
ayer: yesterday | |
de repente: suddenly | |
desde... hasta...: from... until... | |
pasado/a: (adj.) last; past | |
la semana pasada: last week | |
una vez: once; one time | |
ya: already | |
Indirect Object Pronouns | me |
nos | os |
Example: Roberto le prestó cien pesos a Luisa. | |
Te compré un abrigo. No te compré nada. | |
**since le and les are unclear | use: a + noun / a + pronoun |
Dar (to give) & Decir (to say; to tell) are often used with indirect object pronouns | Dar: doy |
Decir: digo | dices |
Demonstrative Adjectives | este/esta; estos/estas: this; these |
ese/esa; esos/esas: that; those | |
aquel/aquella; aquellos/aquellas: that; those (over there) | |
Demonstrative Pronouns | éste/ésta; éstos/éstas: this one; those |
ése/ésa; ésos/ésas: that one; those | |
aquél/aquélla; aquéllos/aquéllas: that one; those (over there) | |
Unidentified or Unspecified nouns | etc. |
la calculadora | calculator |
la camera digital (de video) | digital (video) camera |
el canal | (tv) channel |
el cibercafe | cybercafe |
la contestadora | answering machine |
el control remoto | remote control |
el disco compacto | compact disc |
el estereo | stereo |
el fax | fax (machine) |
el radio | radio (set) |
el reproductor de MP3 | MP3 player |
el telefono celular | cell phone |
la television por cable | cable television |
el televisor | television set |
el tocadiscos compacto | compact disc player |
la video (casete) | video (cassette) |
la videocasetera | VCR |
apagar | to turn off |
funcionar | to work |
llamar | to call |
poner | prender |
sonar (o:ue) | to ring |
decompuesto/a | not working; out of order |
lento/a | slow |
lleno/a | full |
abrazar (se) | to hug; to embrace (each other) |
ayudar (se) | to help (each other) |
besar (se) | to kiss (each other) |
encontrar (se) (o:ue) | to meet (each other); to run into (each other) |
saludar (se) | to greet (each other) |
el archivo | file |
arroba | @ symbol |
el cederron | CD-ROM |
la computadora (portatil) | portable computer; (laptop) |
la dirrecion electronica | e-mail address |
el disco compacto | compact disc |
la impresora | printer |
Internet | Internet |
el mensaje de texto | text message |
el monitor | (computer) monitor |
la pagina principal | home page |
la pantalla | screen |
el programa de computacion | software |
el raton | mouse |
la red | network; Web |
el reproductor de DVD | DVD player |
el sitio web | website |
el teclado | keyboard |
borrar | to erase |
descargar | to download |
grabar | to record |
guardar | tp save |
imprimir | to print |
navegar (en Internet) | to surf (the Internet) |
quemar | to burn (a CD) |
la autopista | la carretera |
el baul | trunk |
la calle | street |
el capo | el cofre |
el carro | el coche |
la circulacion | el trafico |
el garaje | el taller (mechanico) |
la gasolina | gasoline |
la gasolinera | gas station |
la licencia de conducir | driver's license |
la llanta | tire |
el/la mechanico/a | mechanic |
el parabrisas | windshield |
la policia | police (force) |
el velocidad maxima | speed limit |
el volante | steering wheel |
arrancar | to start |
arreglar | to fix; to arrange |
bajar (se) de | to get off of/ out of (a vehicle) |
conducir | manejar |
estacionar | to park |
llenar (el tanque) | to fill (the tank) |
parar | to stop |
revisar (el aceite) | to check (the oil) |
subir (se) a | to get on/into (a vehicle) |
por aqui | around here |
por ejemplo | for example |
por eso | that's why; therefore |
por fin | finally |
la empleada | Clerk |
el empleado | Clerk |
la caja | Cash register |
¿Dónde pago? | Where do I pay? |
Pagas en la caja. | You pay at the cash register. |
¿Qué talla usas? | What size do you wear (use)? |
la talla | size |
la ropa | clothing |
la gorra | cap |
la camisa | shirt |
la camiseta | T-shirt |
el pantalón corto | Shorts |
los tenis | Tennis shoes |
la blusa | Blouse |
la chaqueta | jacket |
el saco | jacket |
el pantalón largo | Pants |
el blue jean | blue jeans |
los zapatos | shoes |
la bolsa | purse |
las botas | boots |
la bufanda | scarf |
los calcetines | socks |
la falda | skirt |
el traje | suit |
el vestido | dress |
lunes | Monday |
martes | Tuesday |
miércoles | Wednesday |
jueves | Thursday |
viernes | Friday |
sábado | Saturday |
domingo | Sunday |
enero | January |
febrero | February |
marzo | March |
abril | April |
mayo | May |
junio | June |
julio | July |
agosto | August |
septiembre | September |
octubre | October |
noviembre | November |
diciembre | December |
la primavera | spring |
el verano | summer |
el otoño | fall |
el invierno | winter |
yo | I |
tú | you (informal) |
él | he |
ella | she |
Ud. | you (formal) |
nosotros | we |
ellos | they |
Uds. | You all |
fuel | el combustible |
el efecto | effect |
el planeta | planet |
la poblacion | population |
por todas partes | everywhere |
los recursos naturales | natural resources |
la tierra | land |
el aerosol | aerosol |
la capa de ozono | ozone layer |
complicado (a) | complicated |
la contaminacion del aire | air pollution |
el contaminante | pollutant |
danino (a) | damaging |
el derrame de petroleo | oil spill |
el desperdicio | waste |
la destruccion | destruction |
echar | to throw away |
inutil | useless |
Que Lio! | What a mess! |
el quimico | quemical |
el smog | smog |
A todos nos toca! | its up to all of us! |
la botella | bottle |
el carton | cardboard |
desarollar | to develop |
descubrir | to discover |
increible | incredible |
intituir | to institute |
la lata | can |
el permiso | permission |
el plastico | plastic |
el programa de reciclaje | recycling program |
prohibir | to prohibit |
proteger | to protect |
reducir | to reduce |
respetar | to respect |
separar | to seperate |
el vidrio | glass |
las zonas de reserva ecologica | conservation land |
la altura | height |
el bosque | forest |
el cielo | sy |
el clima | climate |
la colina | hill |
diverso(a) | diverse |
el ecosistema | ecosystem |
las especies | species |
la fauna silvestre | wild animal life |
la flora silvestre | wild plant life |
la naturaleza | nature |
la piedra | rock |
la selva | jungle/forest |
la sequia | drought |
valle | valley |
contaminar | to contaminate |
destruir | to destroy |
el aire puro | clean air |
el basurero | garbage dump |
el calentamiento global | global warming |
el clima | climate |
el medio ambiente | environment |
el papel | paper |
el petro`leo | oil |
el planeta | planet |
el pla`stico | plastic |
el futuro | future |
el reciclaje | recycling (noun) |
el recurso natural | natural resource |
el riesgo | risk |
el smog | smog |
el suelo | ground/earth |
el terremoto | earthquake |
el vidrio | glass |
la basura | trash |
la capa de ozono | ozone layer |
la contaminactio`n | pollution |
la deforestacio`n | deforestation |
desastre natural | natural disaster |
el combustible | fuel |
el gas natural | natural gas |
el ha`bitat | habitat |
el huraca`n | hurricane |
el maremoto | tsunami |
el tifo`n | typhoon |
el tornado | tornado |
el volca`n | volcano |
la atmo`sfera | atmosphere |
la avalancha | avalanche |
la comida orga`nica | organic food |
la energi`a solar | solar energy |
la energi`a verde | green energy |
la gasolina | gasoline |
la inundacio`n | flooding |
la lluvia a`cida | acid rain |
la sequi`a | drought |
la tierra | earth/dirt |
mejorar | to improve |
molino de viento | wind turbine/wind mill |
proteger | to protect |
reciclar | to recycle |
reducir | to reduce |
respirar | to breathe |
reutilizar | to reuse |
salvar | to save |
el lujo | luxury |
llevar una vida de lujo | to lead a life of luxury |
el sirviente | servant |
el empleado | employee |
el criado | servant/maid |
el analfabeto | illiterate person |
enamorarse de | to fall in love with |
estar enamorado a/de | to be in love with |
veranear | to summer |
el veraneo | summer vacation |
las caderas | hips |
el rostro | face |
la tez | complexion |
aprovechar | to take advantage |
vigilar | to keep watch |
meterse en | to get into something |
el delantal | apron |
el príncipe azul | Prince Charming |
entretenerse | to entertain oneself |
la sangre | blood |
el conde | count |
la condesa | countess |
secuestrar | to kidnap |
el aristócrata | aristocrat |
aristócracia | aristocracy |
el jardinero | gardener |
raptar | to kidnap |
la arena | sand |
la orilla | edge/shore |
el frasco de aceite bronceador | jar of tanning lotion/oil |
la lectura | reading |
las uñas | fingernails |
¡Basta ya! | Enough already! |
tutear a alguien | to address someone in the 'tú' form |
una ola | wave |
inquietarse | to worry |
atreverse a | to dare to do something |
el patrón | boss/owner |
espantoso | horrible/frightful |
desde | since (time period) |
ya que | since (motive/reason) |
ya no | not anymore (time period) |
ya | already (time period) |
todavía | still |
todavía no | not yet |
aún | still |
aún no | still not |
aun | even |
aunque | even though |
mantenerse | to stay/keep |
parecer | to seem/look like |
resultar | was |
estar hecho | to be made of |
hacerse/realizar | to be (is |
tener lugar | to take place |
provenir | to come from |
encontrarse | to be(is |
hallarse | to be (is |
permanecer | to stay |
quedar | to stay |
lucir | to look |
sentirse | to feel |
producirse | to produce |
surgir | to surge |
suceder | to happen |
llevarse a cabo | to carry out |
convertirse | to convert into |
causar | to cause |
provocar | to provoke |
acercarse | to approach |
alejarse | to move away |
avanzar | to advance |
dirigirse | to go towards |
emprender la marcha | to set out |
regresar | to return |
asistir | to attend |
La barbilla | Chin |
La boca | Mouth |
El brazo | Arm |
La cabeza | Head |
La cara | Face |
La cintura | Waist |
El codo | Elbow |
El cuello | Neck |
El cuerpo | Body |
El dedo | Finger |
El dedo de pie | Toe |
Los dientes | Teeth |
La espalda | Back |
El estómago | Stomach |
El hombro | Shoulder |
Los labios | Lips |
La lengua | Tongue |
La mano | Hand |
La muela | Molar |
La muñeca | Wrist |
La nariz | Nose |
El oído | Inner ear |
El ojo | Eye |
La oreja | Ear |
Las pestañas | Eyelashes |
El pie | Foot |
La pierna | Leg |
La rodilla | Knee |
La uña | Nail |
El tobillo | Ankle |
El trasero | Butt |
La aspirina | Aspirin |
El hueso | Bone |
La inyección | Injection (shot) |
the library | la biblioteca |
the cafeteria | la cafeteria (acccent on the i) |
tennis court | la cancha de tenis |
stadium | el estadio |
school of art | la facultad de arte |
school of science | facultad de ciencias |
school of medicen | la facultad do medicina |
gym | el gimnasio |
book store | libreria (accent on the I |
auditorium | el auditorio |
student union | el cento estudiantil |
school of lay | la facultad de derecho |
school of humanities | la facultad de filosofia (accent on the a) y letras |
school of engineering | la facultad de ingenieria (accent on the last I) |
school of mathmatics | la facultad de matematicas (accent on middle A) |
language lab | el laboratorio de lenguas |
presidents office | la rectoria (accent on I) |
always | siempre |
only | solo (accent on o) |
well | pues |
next to | al lado (de) |
on the right | a la derecha de |
left of | a la izquierda de |
neaby | cerca (de) |
in fron of | delante de |
behind | detras de (accent on a) |
facing or across from | enfrente de |
between | entre |
far from | lejos (de) |
to be | estar |
to do | hacer |
to go | ir |
i go | voy |
you go | vas |
he she go | va |
they go | van |
we go | vamos |
i do | hago |
you do | haces |
we do | hacemos |
they do | hacen |
he does | hace |
you are | estas ( accent over the a) |
he is | esta (accent over the a) |
they are | estan ( accent over the a) |
bored | aburrido |
tired | cansado |
married | casado |
happy | contento |
in love | enamorado |
sick | enfermo |
angry | enojado |
busy | ocupado |
worried | preocupado |
sad | triste |
business administraciopn | la administracion (accent on o) de empresas |
algebra | el algebra accent on the a |
anthropology | la antropologia Accent on i |
aarchetecture | la arquitectura |
art | el arte |
biology | la biologia (accent on I) |
calculus | el calculo (accent on a) |
political science | las ciencias politicas (accent on I) |
social science | las ciencias sociales |
communications | las communicaciones |
accounting | la contabilidad |
law | el derecho |
design | el diseno (n) |
physical education | la educacion (o) fisica (first i) |
statistics | la estadistica (I) |
philosophy | la filosofia (I) |
finance | las finanzas |
physics | la fisica (I) |
geography | La geografia |
geology | la geologia (I) |
history | la historia |
computer science | la informatica (a) |
engineering | la ingenieria (I) |
electrical engineering | LA INGENIERia (I) electrica (e) |
liturature | la literatura |
math | lad matematicas (middile A) |
medicine | la medicina |
Music | la musica (u) |
teaching | pedagogia |
psychology | la psicologia |
chemistry | la quimica (first I) |
socialogy | la sociologia(I) |
veterinary science | la veterinaria |
chica chico | girl boy |
el horario | schedule |
fairly | bastante |
after | despues (e) |
only | solamente |
complicated | complicado |
challenging | exigente |
el bolígrafo | pen |
la calculadora | calculator |
el cuaderno | notebook |
el diccionario | dictionary |
el lápiz/los lápicies | pencil/pencils |
la mochila | `backpack |
mucho(a) | a lot of |
muchos(as) | a lot of |
¿Necesitas algo para el colegio/la clase de arte? | Do you need anything for school/art class? |
No | no necesito nada. |
el papel | paper |
poco(a) | little |
pocos(as) | few |
la regla | ruler |
el reloj/los relojes | clock |
la ropa | clothes |
Sí | necesito muchas cosas. |
Sí | tengo un montón. |
¿Tienes...? | Do you have...? |
un/una | a/an |
unos/unas | some |
los útiles escolares | school supplies |
los zapatos | shoes |
el alemán | German |
el almuerzo | lunch |
el arte | las artes |
la biologia | biology |
las ciencias | science |
la computación | computer science |
¿Cuál es tu materia preferida? | What's your favorite subject? |
la educación fisica | physical education |
Es fácil/dificil. | It's easy/hard. |
el español | Spanish |
el francés | French |
la historia | history |
el inglés | English |
las matemáticas | mathematics |
las materias | school subjects |
Mi materia preferida es... | My favorite subject is... |
Primero tengo... y después tengo... | First I have... and afterwards I have... |
por la mañana/tarde | in the morning/afternoon |
¿Oué clases tienes esta tarde? | What classes do you have this afternoon? |
la química | chemistry |
el taller | shop |
tener | to have |
venir | to come |
el auditorio | auditorium |
la biblioteca | library |
la cafetería | cafeteria |
la clase de baile | dance class |
el concierto | concert |
el estadio | stadium |
esta semana | this week |
este fin de semana | this weekend |
hacer | to do |
hay | there is |
mañana | tomorrow |
el partido de... | |
pasado mañana | day after tomorrow |
poner | to put |
presentar un examen | to take a test |
la próxima semana | nest week |
saber (de) | to know information |
salir (de) | to go out |
el salón de clase | classroom |
traer | to bring |
ver | to see |
el viernes próximo | next Friday |
to spend (time) | to pass (by) |
to practice | practicar |
to visit | visitar |
to walk | caminar |
to dance | bailar |
to use | usar |
to call | to phone |
to pay | pagar |
to draw | dibujar |
to answer | contestar |
to hope | to expect |
to ask (a question) | preguntar |
to watch | mirar |
to sing | cantar |
to buy | comprar |
to enter | entrar |
to help | ayudar |
to travel | viajar |
to touch | to play an instrument |
to look for | buscar |
to teach | enseñar |
to finish | terminar |
to want | to wish |
to need (often followed by infinitive of another verb) | necesitar |
to learn | aprender |
to attend | asistir a |
to open | abrir |
to drink | beber |
to believe | creer |
to write | escribir |
to read | leer |
to live | vivir |
to sell | vender |
to receive | recibir |
ought to | must |
to understand | comprender |
to rest | descansar |
to listen | escuchar |
to study | estudiar |
to arrive | llegar |
to send | mandar |
to need | necesitar |
to return | regresar |
to take | to drink |
to work | trabajar |
to do | to make |
to want | querer |
to know(a fact) | to know how |
to go | ir |
to give | dar |
to find | contrar |
be able to(infinitive) | can |
los antepasados | ancestors |
la bisabuela | great grandmother |
el descendiente | descendant |
el emigrante | emigrant |
la escalva | slave |
el extranjero | foreigner |
el inmigrante | immigrant |
el mestizo | mestizo (indigenous and European) |
la mulata | mulatto (Black and European) |
el pariente lejano | distant relative |
el refugiado político | political refugee |
el residente | resident |
el tartarabuela | great great grandmother |
la ascendencia | ancestry |
en busca de nuevos horizontes | in search of new opportunities |
la discriminación | discrimination |
discriminar a alguien | to discriminate against someone |
la emigración | emigration |
el extranjero | abroad |
hacer algo contra su voluntad | against one's will |
hacerse ciudadano | to become a citizen |
hacerse la América | to seek success in America |
la inmigración | immigration |
inmigrar | to immigrate |
la libertad | freedom |
orgullo | pride |
recibir a alguien con brazos abiertos | to receive someone with open arms |
sentir nostalgia (por) | to be homesick |
sentirse rechazado | to feel rejected |
ser bilingüe | to be bilingual |
ser mano de obra barata | to be cheap labor |
ser oriundo de (ciudad) | to be originally from |
ser una persona de pocos recursos | to be of low income |
ser una persona preparada | to have an education |
tener incentivos | to have incentives |
tener iniciativa | to have drive |
tener prejuicios contra alguien | to have prejudice against someone |
tener título | to have a degree |
tener un futuro incierto | to have an uncertain future |
acabar/terminar | to run out of |
caer | to fall |
descomponer | to break down |
olvidar | to forget |
perder | to lose |
quedar | to leave behind |
quemar | to burn |
romper | to break |
a la hora de + infinitive | when the time comes |
a pesar de que | even though |
por parte de mi (madre | padre) |
Caray! | Geeze! |
Fuiste de Guatemala de Guatepeor | you went from bad to worse |
lo pasaste bien/mal | you had a good/bad time |
no puede ser/ no te creo | that can't be true/ i don't believe you |
Qué cursi | how tacky |
Qué genial | how great |
Qué horror | how terrible/horrible! |
Te cayó bien/mal | You like/disliked him/her |
amarillo/a | yellow |
anaranjado/a | orange |
azul | blue |
blanco/a | white |
(de)color café | brown |
gris | gray |
morado/a | purple |
negro/a | black |
rojo/a | red |
rosado/a | pink |
verde | green |
el abrigo | coat |
los aretes | earrings |
la blusa | blouse |
la bolsa | purse |
las botas | boots |
los calcetines | socks |
la camisa | shirt |
la camiseta | T-shirt |
la cartera | wallet |
las chanclas | flip-flops |
la chaqueta | jacket |
el cinturón | belt |
la corbata | tie |
la falda | skirt |
la gorra | baseball cap |
el impermeable | raincoat |
los jeans | blue jeans |
las medias | stockings |
los pantalones | pants |
el reloj | watch |
las ropa | clothing |
la ropa interior | underwear |
las sandalias | sandals |
el sombrero | hat |
la sudadera | sweatshirt |
el suéter | sweater |
el traje | suit |
el traje de baño | swimsuit |
el vestido | dress |
los zapatos (de tenis) | tennis shoes |
de cuadros | plaid |
de lunares | polka-dot |
de rayas | striped |
es de algodón | cotton |
es de lana | wool |
es de oro | gold |
es de plata | silver |
es de seda | silk |
la ganga | bargain |
el precio (fijo) | (fixed |
las rebajas | sales |
este/esta | this |
estos/estas | these |
ese/esa | that |
esos/esas | those |
aquel/aquella | that (over there) |
aquellos/aquellas | those (over there) |
tener | to have |
tengo | I have |
tienes | you have |
tiene | he/she/Ud have |
tenemos | we have |
tenéis | you have (spain) |
tienen | they have |
poder | to be able |
puedo | I can |
puedes | you can |
puede | he/she/ud can |
podemos | we can |
podéis | you can (spain) |
pueden | they can |
venir | to come |
vengo | I come |
vienes | you come |
viene | he/she/ud come |
venimos | we come |
venís | you come (spain) |
vienen | they come |
preferir | to prefer |
prefiero | I prefer |
prefieres | you prefer |
prefiere | he/she/ud prefer |
preferimos | we prefer |
preferís | you prefer (spain) |
prefieren | they prefer |
querer | to want |
quiero | I want |
quieres | you want |
quiere | he/she/ud want |
queremos | we want |
queréis | you want (spain) |
quieren | they want |
ir | to go |
voy | I go |
vas | you go |
va | he/she/ud go |
vamos | we go |
vais | you go (spain) |
van | they go |
ir + a + infinitive | Van a venir (example) |
e --- ie | stem changing |
o --- ue | stem changing |
e --- i | stem changing |
despertarse | to wake up (reflexive) |
me despeirto | I wake up (reflexive) |
ducharse | to take a shower (reflexive) |
me ducho | I take a shower (reflexive) |
te duchas | you take a bath (reflexive) |
se ducha | he/she/ud take a bath (reflexive) |
nos duchamos | we take a bath (reflexive) |
os ducháis | you take a bath (spain)(reflexive) |
afeitarse | to shave (refelxive) |
vestirse | to get dressed (reflexive) |
me visto | I get dressed (reflexive)(stem change) |
sentarse | to sit down (reflexive) |
me siento | I sit down (reflexive) |
me | myself (reflexive Pronouns) |
te | yourself (reflexive Pronouns) |
se | himself |
nos | ourselves (reflexive pronoun) |
os | yourselves (spain) reflexive pronoun) |
se | themselves; yourselves (reflexive) |
pensar en | think about |
tomar sol | sun bathe |
pasar tiempo | spend time |
papas fritas | french fries |
tarea | homework |
cada dia | everyday |
vivia | used to live |
sabia | she knew |
puso | put |
parece que | seems that |
dijo | said |
sonrisa | smile |
exigentes | demanding |
noticias | news |
dio | gave |
acostumbrada | accostumed |
antes | before |
fue | went/was |
dentro | inside |
crees | you know |
chicle | gum |
no tengo ganas de hacerlo | i dont want to do it |
El grito fuerte | he shouted loud |
trato de | tried to |
pasajeros | passengers |
por favor aborden | please board |
olvidado | forgotten |
casi | almost |
llego | arrives |
portate | behave |
los extrano mucho | I miss them a lot |
no se preocupe | do not worry |
planes | plans |
con ese | with that |
iba | was going |
coraje | courage |
encontrar | to find |
almohada | pillow |
facilmente | easily |
comoda | comfy |
leon | lion |
tratando | trying |
azafata | flight attendant |
vacio | vacant |
volver | return |
trataba de | tried to |
carino | sweetheart |
no llores | dont cry |
hombre | shoulder |
pronto | soon |
recuerda | remember |
mas que | more than |
encanta | to enchant |
volar | to fly |
ver | to see |
sentarse | to sit |
mal humor | bad mood |
algo | something |
tener que | had to |
leeme | read me |
amable | pleasent |
verduras | vegetables |
hambre | hungry |
quejarse | complaining |
tantas cosas | so many things |
iba | was going |
vez | time |
el básquetbol | basketball |
el béisbol | baseball |
el fútbol americano | football |
la natación | swimming |
el tenis | tennis |
el voleibol | volleyball |
el bate | bat |
el casco | el guante |
los patines en línea | in line skates |
la pelota | ball |
la raqueta | racket |
el campo | field |
la cancha | court |
el estadio | stadium |
la piscina | pool |
comprender las reglas | to understand the rules |
ganar | to win |
nadar | to swim |
patinar | to skate |
patinar en linea | to in-line skate |
perder | to lose |
los aficionados | fans |
el/la atleta | athlete |
el campeón | champion |
ganadora | winner |
jugador | player |
equipo | team |
favorito | favorite |
el partido | game |
peligroso | dangerous |
esquiar | t oski |
hacer snowboard | to snowboard |
caerse | to fall |
saltar | to jump |
hacer trucos | to do tricks |
correr a campo travieso | to do cross country |
el gol | goal |
el hockey | hockey |
el golf | golf |
la gimnasia | gymnastics |
el jonrón | homerun |
los deportes de pista y campo | track and field |
la porrista | cheerleader |
la carrera | race |
las artes marciales | martial arts |
la pista | track |
la entradora | coach |
el captain del equipo | team captain |
el árbitro | ref |
tall | alto(a) |
arrogant | arrogante |
artistic | artistico(a) |
athletic | atlético(a) |
short | bajo(a) |
bilingual | bilingüe |
pretty | bonito(a) |
coward | cobarde |
humorous | comico(a) |
conservative | conservador(a) |
short | corto(a) |
thin | delgado(a) |
dramatic | dramático(a) |
outgoing | extrovertido(a) |
generous | generoso(a) |
fat | gordo(a) |
big | grande |
handsome | guapo(a) |
honest | honesto(a) |
humble | humilde |
indecisive | indeciso(a) |
intellectual | intelectual |
intelligent | inteligente |
introverted | introvertido(a) |
irresponsible | irresponsable |
young | joven |
long | largo(a) |
liberal | liberal |
smart | ready |
modern | moderno(a) |
brunette | moreno(a) |
patient | paciente |
small | pequeño(a) |
lazy | perezoso(a) |
poor | pobre |
progressive | progresista |
rebellious | rebelde |
reserved | reservado(a) |
responsible | responsable |
rich | rico(a) |
blonde | rubio(a) |
sincere | sincero(a) |
stingy | tacaño(a) |
timid | timido(a) |
tolerant | tolerante |
silly | foolish |
hardworking | trabajador(a) |
brave | valiente |
old | viejo(a) |
health | la salud |
fever | la fiebre |
chills | los escalofríos |
flu | la gripe |
cold | el catarro |
cough | la tos |
energy | la energía |
pain | el dolor |
sick | enfermo |
tired | cansado |
to sneeze | estornudar |
to have a cold (use estar) | estar resfriado |
to have a cold (use tener) | tener catarro |
to cough | toser |
What's the matter with you? | ¿Qué te pasa? |
Doctor's office (feminine) | la consulta |
Doctor's office (masculine) | el consultorio |
doctor | el médico |
hospital | el hospital |
symptom | el síntoma |
diagnosis | la diagnosis |
allergy | la alergía |
injection | la inyección |
hurts me | me duele |
I have pain of | tengo dolor de |
to believe | creer |
to examine | examinar |
to open the mouth | abrir la boca |
to stay in bed | guardar la cama |
to prescribe | recetar |
to walk | caminar |
to love | amar |
to learn | aprender |
to dance | bailar |
to drink | beber |
to search | buscar |
change/exchange | cambiar |
to sing | cantar |
to eat | comer |
to buy | comprar |
to know | conocer |
to run | correr |
to believe | creer |
to give | dar |
to sleep | dormir |
to teach | ensenar |
understand | entender |
to write | escribir |
to listen | escuchar |
to be | estar |
to study | estudiar |
to win | ganar |
to like | gustar |
to speak | hablar |
make/do | hacer |
to go | ir |
to play | jugar |
to read | leer |
to call | llamar |
to arrive | llegar |
to wear/carry | llevar |
to watch | mirar |
to swim | nadar |
to need | necesitar |
to pay | pagar |
to lose/miss | perder |
to be able | poder |
to put | poner |
to want | querer |
to know | saber |
to leave | salir |
to be | ser |
to have | tener |
to take/drink | tomar |
to work | trabajar |
El aceite | cooking oil |
El ajo | garlic |
El caldo | broth |
El camarón | shrimp |
La estufa | stove |
El fregadero | sink |
El fuego | fire |
El horno | oven |
Los mariscos | shellfish |
El microondas | microwave |
La olla | pot |
El pedazo | piece |
El refrigerador | refrigerator |
La salsa | salsa |
La sartén | frying pan |
El vinagre | vinegar |
Añadir | to add |
No añadas | don’t add |
Batir | to beat |
Calentar (e > ie) | to hear |
La cucharada | tablespoon |
Freír (e > í) | to fry |
Hervir (e > ie | i) |
El ingrediente | ingredient |
Mezclar | to mix |
Pelar | to peel |
Picar | to chop |
Probar (o > ue) | to taste |
La receta | recipe |
Al horno | backed |
Apagar | to turn off |
Caliente | hot |
¿Cómo se hace…? | How do you make…? |
¿Con qué se sirve? | What do you serve with? |
Congelado | -a |
Dejar | to leave |
No dejes | don’t leave |
Encender (e > ie) | to turn on |
Enlatado | -a |
Fresco | -a |
Frito | -a |
Olvidarse de | to forget about/to |
No te olvides de | don’t forger about/to |
Tirar | to spill to throw away |
No tires | don’t spill |
Se puede | you can |
No hables | don’t speak |
No comas | don’t eat |
No escribas | don’t write |
sugar | el azucar U accent |
carbohydrates | los carbohidratos |
fast food | la comida rapida A accent |
balanced diet | la dieta balanceada |
protein | las proteinas |
vegetarian | vegetariano |
vitamins | las vitaminas |
chili pepper | el aji I accent |
to taste | al gusto |
almonds | la almendra |
to add | anadir N tilde |
onion | la cebolla |
cooked | cocido |
meal | la comida |
frozen | congelado |
raw | crudo |
to cover | cubrir |
tablespoon | la cucharada |
melted | derretido |
to melt | derretir |
to put in | echar |
whole | entero |
spices | las especias |
to avoid | evitar |
to boil | hervir |
to bake | hornear |
it smells like... | huele a... |
scrambled eggs | los huevos revueltos |
can of tomato sauce | la lata de salsa de tomate |
butter | la mantequilla |
while | mientras |
diced | picado |
mustard | la mostaza |
recipe | la receta |
to stir | to scramble |
stirred | scrambled |
it tastes like... | sabe a... |
measuring cup | la taza de medir |
toasted | tostado |
piece | el trozo |
What words are used when talking about location? | Estar and Quedar |
Next to | alongside |
In front | enfrente |
near | close |
far | lejos |
What preposition is used when a point of reference is used (location words)? | de (EX: 'enfrente de X'; in front of X) |
What is the difference between ESTAR and QUEDAR? | Only ESTAR can be used to talk about ANIMATE BEINGS. |
Could you tell me...? | ¿Me podría decir...? |
Excuse me | how do you get to...? |
Where is...? | ¿Dónde está (queda)...? |
Continue... | Follow... |
Continue (Go) straight... | Siga derecho (recto)... |
Turn right (left) | Doble a la derecha (izquierda). |
Cross...Street... | Cruce la calle... |
Block | Una cuadra |
Intersection | La bocacalle |
Corner | La esquina |
Traffic light | El semáforo |
What is the FAMILIAR form of giving directions? | SIGUE |
Watch out! Careful! | ¡Cuidado! |
Step | El paso |
What is PARA used to indicate | and what is the English equivalent? |
What is POR used to indicate | and what is the English equivalent? |
The (most) impressive thing about... | Lo más impresionante de... |
The interesting thing about... | Lo interesante de... |
The curious thing about... | Lo curioso de... |
The good thing about... | Lo bueno de... |
The difficult thing about... | Lo difícil de... |
The (most) surprising thing about... | Lo más sorprendente de... |
Could you repeat that? | ¿Podrías repetir eso? |
Pardon | I did not understand... |
I did not understand the part about... | No entendí la parte sobre... |
To see if I understand | did you say...? |
En _________ la economía depende de la fabricación de productos electrónicos and farmacéuticos. | PUERTO RICO |
La economía de la ____________ se basa en la minería | sobre todo en la extracción de hierro |
La economía de ______ depende de la exportación de azúcar | petróleo |
Durante los años 90 | __________ empieza a sufrir varias crisis a causa de una demanda reducida del petróleo (oil) (su exportación principal) |
En el ________ (1999) la moneda nacional se deprecia más del 70% debido a un colapso financiero y a la destrucción causada por El Niño entre 1997 y 1998. | ECUADOR |
En _______ (1999) una fuerte sequía exacerba una recesión ya en progreso. _______ experimenta un crecimiento (GROWTH) negativo por primera vez en quince años. | CHILE |
En_________ (2002) la ECONOMÍA sufre un COLAPSO fuerte cuando el peso pierde la mayor parte de su valor por DEUDAS (debt) de unos 140 millones de dólares. | ARGENTINA |
La economía ya vulnerable de muchos países centroamericanos sufre PÉRDIDAS (LOSSES) muy grandes a causa de la destrucción causada por EL HURACÁN MITCH. (3) | Honduras |
El economía de este país | todavía recuperándose del huracán Mitch |
Boring | ABURRIDO/A |
Ambitious | AMBICIOSO/A |
Apathetic | APÁTICO |
Coward | cowardly |
Conformist | CONFORMISTA |
uninteresting | of little interest |
docile | dócil |
frivolous | frívolo/a |
uncertain | incierto/a |
indifferent | indiferente |
just | justo/a |
evil | malévelo/a |
practical | práctico/a |
superficial | superficial |
stupid | tonto/a |
melancholy | melancólico/a |
serious | serio/a |
tenacious | tenaz |
astute | astuto/a |
charming | encantador(a) |
seductive | seductor(a) |
curious | curioso/a |
determined | determinado/a |
visionary | visionario/a |
fighter | luchador |
dreamer | soñador |
valiant | valiente |
passionate | apasionado/a |
eccentric | excéntrico/a |
individualistic | individualista |
What did Cervantes originally mean for Don Quixote to be like? | Un caballero (gentleman) determinado |
What is the CONDITIONAL tense used to express? | HYPOTHETICAL situations; equivalent to English 'WOULD + VERB' |
How do you use the CONDITIONAL tense? | Add -ÍA and PERSON/NUMBER endings to the infinitive (EX: sería |
Conjugate DECIR into the CONDITIONAL. | DIRía |
Conjugate HACER into the CONDITIONAL. | HARía |
Conjugate PODER into the CONDITIONAL. | PODRía |
Conjugate SALIR into the CONDITIONAL. | SALDRía |
Conjugate TENER into the CONDITIONAL. | TENDRía |
Conjugate HABER into the CONDITIONAL | HABRía |
Which tense is often used with what is called the PAST SUBJUNCTIVE to make IF...THEN statements of a HYPOTHETICAL nature? | The CONDITIONAL tense (EX: Si conocieras a alguien como Don Quijote |
What is the PAST SUBJUNCTIVE? | (yo) -ara/iera; (tú) -aras/ieras; (Ud.) -ara/iera; (nos) -áramos/iéramos; (Uds.) -aran/ieran |
What tense do you use when you need to express concepts that are CONTRARY TO FACT or HYPOTHETICAL? | PAST SUBJUNCTIVE (EX: 'I would go to Europe tomorrow if I had the money'/ 'Iría a Europa mañana si TUVIERA dinero'. |
The _____________ tense is hypothetical because it expresses situations in which something does NOT EXIST. | PAST SUBJUNCTIVE |
The stem or root of the PAST SUBJUNCTIVE is the same as the _____ form of the ________. | ELLOS; PRETERITE |
Which preposition is used to mark OBJECTS OF A VERB when both the subject and the verb are EQUALLY CAPABLE of PERFORMING | |
How do you say | 'as for me (you |
Argentina is famous for its studies in _________. | paleontology |
How many Nobel Prizes has the hispanic community won? | 23 (veintitrés) |
What paleontological discovery was made in Patagonia | Argentina? |
Descubrió en Argentina | el dinosaurio carnívoro más grande del mundo se llama que? |
to WEAR | llevar |
to dress | get dressed |
overcoat | el abrigo |
jeans | los bluejeans |
T-shirt | la camiseta |
leather | el cuero |
design | el diseño |
pullover | el jersey |
shorts | los pantalones cortos |
sweats | sweatpants |
sweater | suéter |
(high) heels | el tacón (alto) |
bathing suit | el traje de baño |
inexpensive | barato/a |
expensive | caro/a |
cotton | el algodón |
wool | la lana |
silk | la seda |
natural fabrics | las telas de fibras naturales |
synthetic fabrics | las telas de fibras sintéticas |
polyester | el poliéster |
rayon | el rayón |
To put on | ponerse |
to look (good) | verse (bien) |
to take off | quitarse |
What preposition do you add to VESTIRSE when you are trying to say 'to dress in'? | The preposition A |
How do you say | 'By what means are we traveling?' |
bus | el autobús |
airplane | el avión |
boat | el barco |
cruise ship | el crucero |
train | el tren |
airport | el aeropuerto |
cabin | la cabina |
station | el estación |
abroad | el extranjero |
waiting room | la sala de espera |
(no) smoking section | la sección de (no) fumar |
(travel) agent | el/la agente (de viajes) |
flight attendant (3) | el/la aeromozo/a; el/la auxiliar de vuelo; el/la camarero/a |
porter | skycap |
passenger | el/la pasajero/a |
to rent | aquilar |
to get off (a bus | car |
to check luggage | facturar el equipaje |
to hitchhike | hacer autostop |
to stand in line | hacer cola |
to make a stop | hacer escala |
to pack one's suitcase | hacer la maleta |
to take a trip | hacer un viaje |
to get sick | become nauseated |
to take pictures | sacar fotos |
to get on/in (a bus | car |
to travel | viajar |
seat | el asiento |
ticket | el boleto |
one-way | de ida |
round-trip | de ida y vuelta |
economy class | la clase turística |
delay | demora |
luggage | el equipaje |
arrival | la llegada |
ticket | passage |
first class | la primera clase |
departure | la salida |
flight | el vuelo |
lodging | el alojamiento |
closet | el armario |
bellhop | el botones |
double bed | la cama matrimonial |
twin bed | la cama sencilla |
conveniences | amenities |
room with a (private) bath | la habitación con baño (privado) |
with a shower | con ducha |
luxury hotel | el hotel de lujo |
four-star hotel | el hotel de cuatro estrellas |
guest | el/la huésped(a) |
bellhop | el mozo |
full room and board | la pensión completa |
boardinghouse | bed and breakfast |
room and breakfast (often with one other meal) | la media pensión |
front desk | la receptción |
room service | el servicio de cuarto |
to stay | lodge |
to confirm | confirmar |
to reserve (one month) in advance | reservar con (un mes de) anticipación |
to have a view | tener vista |
full | no vacancy |
vacant | unoccupied |
Al aire libre | outdoors |
El cielo | sky |
Dar una caminata | to take a walk |
Dentro de | inside |
Fuera (de) | outside |
La hormiga | ant |
La mosca | fly |
La nube | cloud |
La piedra | rock |
El sendero | trail |
El suelo | ground |
La fogata | bonfire |
El fósforo | match |
Hacer una parrillada | to have a barbecue |
La leña | firewood |
A la parrilla | on the grill |
El puesto | (food) stand |
El aguacate | avocado |
Asado | -a |
Asar | to grill |
La carne de res | steak |
La cereza | cherry |
La cesta | basket |
La chuleta de cerdo | pork chop |
El durazno | peach |
Los frijoles | beans |
La harina | flour |
El maíz | corn |
La mayonesa | mayonnaise |
El melón | melon |
La mostaza | mustard |
El olor | smell |
El pavo | turkey |
La piña | pineapple |
El sabor | taste |
La salsa de tomate | ketchup |
La sandía | watermelon |
Dulce | sweet |
Grasoso | -a |
Mojado | -a |
Picante | spicy |
Seco | -a |
Acompañar | to accompany |
la conducta | behavior |
destacarse | to be remarkable for to stand out |
idealizar | to idealize |
imitar | to imitate |
personificar | to personify |
representar | to represent |
atrevido | daring |
compresnsivo | understanding |
considerado | considerate |
dedicado | dedicated |
desagradable | disagreeable |
fiel | faithful |
generoso | generous |
impaciente | impatient |
popular | popular |
persumido | presumptuous |
ingenioso | clever |
sincero | sincere |
sorbesaliente | outstanding |
timido | shy |
vanidoso | vain |
atronauta | astronaut |
cientifico | scientist |
detective | detective |
electricista | electrician |
empresario | business perso |
entrenador | trainer |
mecanico | mechanic |
obrero | laborer |
piloto | pilot |
programador | programmer |
trabajador social | social worker |
aconsejar | to advise |
dejar | to allow |
exigir | to demand |
mandar | to order |
prohibir | to prohibit that |
sugerir | to suggest |
desear | to wish |
esperar | to hope |
querer | to want |
ojala | hope |
mandar | to order |
pedir | to request |
dejar | to allow |
insistir | to sinsist |
sugerir | to suggest |
aconsejar | to advise |
exigir | to demand |
recomendar | to recommend |
El dolor | pain |
El enfermero/la enfemera | the nurse |
Examinar | to examine |
La inyección/ las inyecciones | injection/shot |
Poner la inyección | to give an injection |
La medicina | medicine |
Las muletas | crutches |
Las pastillas | pills |
Las puntadas | stitches |
Dar puntadas | to stitch (surguically) |
La radiografía | x-ray |
Sacar un radiografía | to take an x-ray |
La receta | prescription |
Recetar | to prescribe |
Roto/a | broken |
La sala de emergencia | the emergency room |
La sangre | blood |
La silla de ruedas | wheelchair |
La venda | bandage |
El yeso | cast |
El accidente | the accident |
La abulencia | the ambulance |
Caerse | to fall |
Me caigo | I fall |
Se cayeron | they fell |
Chocar con | to crash into |
Cortarse | to cut (oneself) |
Lastimarse | to hurt (oneself) |
¿Qué te pasó? | What happened to you? |
Romperse | to break |
Torcerse (o-ue) | to twist |
Tropezar | to trip (over) |
El codo | elbow |
El cuello | neck |
La espalda | back |
El hueso | bone |
La muñeca | wrist |
El músculo | muscle |
La rodilla | knee |
El tobillo | ankle |
Moverse (o-ue) | to move |
Pobrecito/a | poor thing |
¡Qué lástima! | What a shame! |
happy | contento/a |
sad | triste |
happy | feliz |
good mood | de buen humor |
bad mood | de mal humor |
nervous | nervioso/a |
chill; calm | tranquilo/a |
relaxed | relajado/a |
frustrated | frustrado/a |
depressed | deprimido/a |
angry | enojado/a |
stressed | estresado/a |
irritated | irritado/a |
fantastic | fantastico/a |
excited | emocionado/a |
confused | confundido/a |
health | la salud |
fever | la fiebre |
chills | los escalofrios |
cough | la tos |
cold | el catarro/ el resfriado |
flu | la gripe |
energy | la energia |
pain | el dolor |
sick | enfermo/s |
tired | consado/a |
sneeze | estornudar |
to vomit | vomitar |
to cough | toser |
What's wrong? | Que te pasa? |
I have a hurt of... | Tengo dolor de... |
Does it hurt you? | Te duele..? |
It hurts me... | Me duele... |
diagnosis | la diagnosis |
injection/ shot | la inyeccion |
to believe | creer |
to review | examinar |
doctors office | la consulta/ el consultorio |
patient | el/la paciente |
doctor | el/la medico/a |
dentist | el/la dentista |
nurse | enfermero/a |
symptom | el sintoma |
each/every | cada |
to open | abrir |
to be in bed | guaradar cama/ estar en cama |
to prescribe | recetar |
hospital/clinic | el hospital/ la clinica |
emergency | la emergencia |
allergy | la alergia |
irritation | una irritacion |
infection | una infeccion |
boy | el nino |
girl | la nina |
man | el hombre |
woman | la mujer |
wound/injury | la herida |
fracture | una fractura |
to break | quebrar |
throat | la garganta |
eyes | los ojos |
mouth | la boca |
nose | la nariz |
head | la cabeza |
foot | el pie |
leg | la pierna |
knee | la rodilla |
arm | el brazo |
hand | la mano |
shoulder | el hombro |
stomach | el estomago |
pharmacy | la farmacia |
pharmacist | el/la farmaceutico/a |
prescription | la receta |
medicine | el medicamento; la medicina |
aspirin | la aspirina |
antibiotic | el antibiotico |
pill | la patilla/ tableta |
dosage/ dose | la dosis |
to dispense | despachar |
to sell | vender |
to request | pedir |
to serve | servir |
to follow | seguir |
to compete | competir |
to say | decir |
tener un accidente | to have an accident |
hacerse dano | to hurt oneself |
caerse | to fall |
romperse | to break |
torcerse | to twist |
cortarse | to cut oneself |
picar | to sting |
ocurrir | to occur |
tener lugar | to take place |
acabar de | to finish |
el servico de primeros auxillos | First aid service |
la ambulancia | ambulance |
la camilla | strecher |
el hospital | hospital |
la sala de emergencia | Emergency room |
la recepcion | admissions |
la silla de ruedas | wheelchair |
las muletas | crutches |
la victima | victim |
llenar el formulario | to fill out the form |
el cirujano | orthapedic surgeon |
el enfermero | nurse |
el tecnico | technician |
el socorrista | paramedic |
una fractura | fracture |
una herida | wound |
una picadura | bite |
el dolor | pain |
hinchado | swollen |
ayudar | to help |
doler | to feel |
tomar la tension arterial | take blood pressure |
tomar el pulso | take the pulse |
tomar una radiografia | take a X-ray |
tomar unos rayos equis | take X-rays |
reducir el hueso | to set the bone |
poner en un yeso | put in a cast |
poner un vendaje | put a bandage |
cerrar la herida | close the wound |
poner puntos | to give stiches |
parecer | to seem |
el cuerpo | body |
el homro | shoulder |
el brazo | arm |
el cuello | neck |
el pecho | chest |
el codo | elbow |
la muneca | wrist |
el dedo | finger |
la pierna | leg |
la rodilla | knee |
el tobillo | ankle |
el pie | foot |
la cara | face |
la frente | forehead |
la mejilla | cheek |
la nariz | nose |
el labio | lip |
el oreja | ear |
el ojo | eye |
Actividades | Activities |
aprender algo | to learn something |
Bailar | to dance |
Cantar | to sing |
Caminar | to walk |
cocinar | to cook |
coleccionar cosas | to collect things |
conversar con amigos | to talk with friends |
Correr | to run |
Dibujar | to draw |
Escuchar música | to listen to music |
Escribir cuentos | to write stories |
Estudiar | to study |
estar al aire libre | to be outside |
Esquiar | to ski |
Hablar por teléfono | to talk on the phone |
hacer ejercicios | to do exercise |
hacer gimnasia | to do gymnastics |
hacer viajes | to take trips |
ir a fiestas | to go to parties |
ir de camping | to go camping |
Ir de compras | to go shopping |
ir a conciertos | to go to concerts |
ir al parque de diversiones | to go to the amusement park |
Ir de pesca | to go fishing |
ir a un partido de basquetbol | to go to a basketball game |
Jugar | to play |
Jugar al fútbol | to play soccer |
jugar con mi mascota | to play with my pet |
Jugar videojuegos | to play videogames |
Leer | to read |
mirar la televisión | to watch tv |
Montar a caballo | to ride horses |
montar en bicicleta | to ride bike |
Nadar | to swim |
Pasear en bote | to go boating |
Patinar | to skate |
Practicar deportes | to practice sports |
sacar fotos | to take pictures |
Tocar la guitarra | to play the guitar |
Usar la computadora | to use the computer |
ver películas | to watch movies |
Ganar | to win |
Perder | to lose |
Lugares | Places |
La cancha / El campo (de) | the field |
El cine | the movie theater |
El lago | the lake |
El parque | the park |
El parque de diversiones | the amusement park |
La piscina | the pool |
La playa | the beach |
El pueblo | the town |
la asimilacion | assimilation |
la causa | cause |
la diversidad | diversity |
el/la emigrante | emigrant |
la frontera | border |
la herencia cultural | cultural heritage |
la humanidad | humankind |
los ideales | principles; ideals |
el idioma oficial | official language |
la inmigracion | immigration |
la integracion | integration |
la lengua materna | mother tongue |
el lujo | luxury |
la meta | goal |
la natalidad | birthrate |
la poblacion | population |
adivinar | to guess |
anticipar | to anticipate; to expect |
asimilarse | to assimilate |
atraer | to attract |
aumentar | to grow |
disminuir | to decrease |
predecir | to predict |
superarse | to better oneself |
bilingue | bilingual |
conformista | conformist |
inconformista | nonconformist |
excluido/a | excluded |
monolingue | monolingual |
previsto/a | forseen |
solo/a | alone |
la anoranza | homesickness |
el caos | chaos |
elcoraje | courage |
el dano | harm |
el dialogo | dialogue |
el entendimiento | understanding |
la incertidumbre | uncertainty |
la inestabilidad | instability |
el maltrato | abuse |
el nivel de vida | standard of living |
la polemica | controversy |
la sobrepoblacion | overpopulation |
hacer un esfuerzo | to make an effort |
luchar | to fight |
prescindir | to do without |
protestar | to protest |
debido a | due to |
masificado/a | overcrowded |
adaptarse | to adopt |
alcanzar un sueno | to fulfill (a dream) |
alcanzar una meta | to reach (a goal) |
dejar | to leave behind |
despedirse | to say goodbye |
enriquecerse | to become enriched |
establecerse | to establish oneself |
extranar | to miss |
integrarse (a) | to become part (of); to fit in |
lograr | to attain |
pertenecer | to belong |
rechazar | to reject |
la actitud | attitude |
la aduana | customs |
el cura | priest |
la facha | look |
el jardin | garden |
el mantenimiento | maintenance |
la nostalgia | nostalgia |
la paciencia | patience |
el progreso | progress |
el rancho | ranch |
el territorio | territory |
arreglar | to fix |
crecer | to grow |
desconfiar | to be suspicious |
estar embarazada | to be pregnant |
jurar | to promise |
mezclar | to mix |
reconocer | to recognize |
tomar el pelo | to pull someone's leg |
el acento | accent |
la convivencia | coexistence |
el/la exiliado/a politico/a | political exile |
la falta (de) | lack (of) |
el hogar | home |
la homogeneidad | homogeneity |
la mejora | improvement |
la razon | reason |
la variedad | variety |
acomodarse | to adopt |
convertirse (en algo) | to turn (into something) |
surgir | to emerge |
comodo/a | comfortable |
de hecho | in fact |
distinto/a | different |
forzado/a | forced |
heterogeneo/a | heterogeneous |
por delante | ahead (of) |
proveniente | (coming) from |
semejante | similar |
el arroz | rice |
la hora del lonche/almuerzo | lunch time |
la mantequilla | butter |
la monja | nun |
el monton | bunch |
la mostaza | mustard |
el pan | bread |
el pepinillo | pickle |
la similitud | similarity |
comportarse | to behave |
convencer(se) | to convince (oneself) |
cortar | to cut |
dar igual | to not matter |
dar lata | to bother |
dar pena | to become embarrassed |
desmayarse | to faint |
marearse | to get dizzy |
pertenecer | to belong |
sobresalir | to excel |
valorar | to appreciate |
presionado/a | pressured |
el hogar | home |
la cocina | kitchen |
el refrigerador | the refrigerator |
el horno | the oven |
el fregadero | the kitchen sink |
la estufa | the stove |
el gabinete | the cabinet |
el microondas | the microwave |
el lava platos | dishwasher |
el dormitorio | dormitory |
el cuarto | quarter |
la cama | the bed |
la mesita | the nightstand |
el escritorio | desk |
la cómoda | the dresser |
el armario | the closet |
la almohada | the pillow |
la manta | the blanket |
el comedor | the dining room |
las sillas | the chairs |
la mesa | the table |
la sala | the living room |
el sofá | the sofa |
el sillón | recliner |
la lámpara | the lamp |
la alfombra | the carpet |
el cuadro | painting |
la cortina | the curtains |
el baño | the bathroom |
el retrete | the restroom |
el inodoro | the toilet |
el lavabo | bathroom sink |
la ducha | the shower |
la bañera | the bathtub |
encima de | above/on top of |
debajo de | below |
alrededor de | around |
delante de | in front of |
detrás de | behind |
al lado de | to the side of/beside |
a la derecha de | to the right of |
a la izquierda de | to the left of |
dentro de | inside of |
fuera de | outside of |
cerca de | close to |
lejos de | far from |
amanecer | dawn |
anochecer | dusk |
espejismo | illusion |
llovizna | drizzle |
neblina | mist |
niebla | fog |
penumbra | half-light |
tiniebla | darkness |
anhelar | to yearn for |
callejear | to walk the streets |
empapar | to soak |
entrever | to glimpse |
deambular | to wander |
envenenar | to poison |
guiñar | to wink |
lloriquear | to whine/whimper |
mirar de reojo | to look out of the corner of one's eye |
pestañear | to blink |
salpicar | to sprinkle |
avergonzado | ashamed/embarrassed |
embrujado | haunted |
cicatrizado | scarred |
boquiabierto | flabbergasted |
sin paragón | incomparable/unequaled |
fosa común | mass grave |
necrología | obituary |
ceniza | ash |
bufete | law firm |
relojero | watchmaker |
invernadero | greenhouse |
telaraña | web |
artilugio | contraption |
charol | patent leather |
cerradura | lock |
cuero | leather |
rostro | countenance |
semblante | countenance |
párpado | eyelid |
bobada | nonsense |
sandez | nonsense |
corazonada | hunch |
parpadeo | flicker |
acercarse | to approach |
caramelo | candy |
peldañol | step |
mendigar | to beg |
balbucear | to babble |
vástago | offspring |
pedido | order |
chaval | kid |
abofetear | to slap |
pantano | reservoir |
escupir | to spit |
atterado | terrified |
manchar | to stain |
madrugar | to get up early |
heder | to stink |
gallardía | bravery |
burlarse | to mock |
tartamudear | to stutter |
creído | vain |
eso es pan comido | that's a piece of cake |
cicatriz | scar |
atónito | astonished |
aullido | howl |
alejarse | to move away |
mostrador | counter |
postín | posh |
cantamañanas | loudmouth |
chorizo | thief |
sollozar | to sob |
mirar de soslayo | to glance |
matarife | thug |
analfabeto | illiterate |
matasellos | postmarks |
rebobinar | to remind |
sudor | sweat |
desvelar | to stay up all night |
trastienda | backroom |
beata | pious person |
deshilacharse | to fray |
andrajos | rags |
golosina | candy |
musitar | to whimper |
adelantar | to advance |
adular | to flatter |
advertir | to warn |
agradecer | to appreciate |
almibarar | to sugarcoat |
antojar | to crave |
arrastrar | to drag |
averiguar | to ascertain/find out |
desencaminar | to go astray |
desplomar | to collapse |
encoger | to shrink |
prenderse | to catch fire |
rozar | to graze/rub |
tropezarse con | to run into |
vengarse | to take revenge |
alivio | relief |
asombro | astonishment |
aya | governess |
caparazón | shell |
careajada | loud laughter |
celo | zeal |
desprecio | scorn |
ensalmo | spell |
entierro | burial |
escopeta | shotgun |
gentuza | riff-raff |
merienda | snack |
recelo | suspicion |
resoplido | snort |
recoveco | nook |
aguacero | downpour |
ataúd | coffin |
cadera | hip |
calabozo | dungeon |
lápida | gravestone |
pomo | doorknob |
rastro | trace |
resquemor | resentment |
tez | complexion |
varón | male |
chiflado | crazy |
erguido | upright |
tibio | lukewarm |
mugre | filth |
mamarracho | idiot/buffoon |
engaño | deception |
desconcertado | bemused |
harto | fed up |
imprescindible | essential |
irremediable | hopeless |
pulcro | neat |
los huevos | eggs |
el jugo | juice |
la leche | milk |
el pan | bread |
la mantequilla | butter/margarine |
la marmelada | marmelade |
el cereal | cereal |
el cafe | coffee |
el yogur | yogurt |
los panqueques | pancakes |
el azucar | sugar. |
la fruta/ | fruit. |
la sopa | soup |
el sandwhich | sandwhich |
el atun | tuna |
las galletas | cookies |
la pizza | pizza |
el jamon | ham |
la hamburguesa | hamburger |
las papas fritas | french fries |
el queso | cheese |
los refrescos | soda |
sal y la pimienta | salt and pepper |
el agua | water |
el ensalada de tomates y lechuga | salad and tomatoes and lettuce |
el carne | meat |
el pollo | chicken |
el pavo | turkey |
el pescado | fish |
el arroz los frijoles. | rice and beans |
el vino | wine |
el pure de papas | mashed potatoes |
las zanahorias | carrots |
el maiz | corn |
el flan | custard |
el helado | ice cream |
el pastel | pie |
la torta | cake |
las manzanas | apples |
las peras | pears |
las naranjas | oranges |
las mandarinas | tangerine |
los duraznos | peach |
las fresas | strawberrys |
las cerezas | cherry |
las uvas | grapes |
la pina | pineapple |
el coco | coconut |
los mangos | mangos |
os abocados | avacados |
el melon | melons |
la sandia | watermelon |
algo mas? | anything else? |
pastante | too much |
abrir | to open |
poner | to put |
traer | to bring |
mantel | tablecloth |
sobre | on top of |
por aqui | this way |
vista | view |
tambien | also |
puesta | position |
bebida | a drink |
me gustaría | i would like |
a la última moda | in the latest style |
además | besides |
barato/a | cheap/inexpensive |
caro/a | expensive |
costar (ue) | to cost |
¡Es un robo! | It's a rip-off! |
ese/a | that |
este/a | this |
feo/a | ugly |
la ganga | bargain |
pasado/a de moda | out of style |
pequeño/a | small |
quedar bien/mal | to fit well/badly |
tener razón | to be right |
el abrigo | coat |
la blusa | blouse |
la bolsa | purse/bag |
las botas | boots |
los calcetines | socks |
la camisa | shirt |
la camiseta | t-shirt |
cerrar (ie) | to close |
la chaqueta | jacket |
el/la cliente | client/customer |
de algodón/lana/seda | made of cotton/wool/silk |
el/la dependiente | salesclerk |
devolver (ue) | to return something |
¿En qué le puedo servir? | How can I help you? |
Nada más estoy mirando | I'm just looking. |
la falda | skirt |
llevar | to wear |
Me gustaría... | I would like... |
el número | shoe size |
los pantalones (cortos/vaqueros) | pants (shorts/jeans) |
los jeans | jeans |
un par de ... | a pair of ... |
para hombres/mujeres/niños | for men/women/children |
el saco | jacket/sports coat |
las sandalias | sandals |
el sombrero | hat |
el suéter | sweater |
la talla | clothing size |
la tienda de ropa | clothing store |
el traje de baño | swimsuit |
usar | to use/wear |
el vestido | dress |
los zapatos (de tenis) | (tennis) shoes |
rojo/a | red |
azul | blue |
verde | green |
amarillo/a | yellow |
morado/a | purple |
blanco/a | white |
negro/a | black |
anaranjado/a | orange |
gris | grey |
café | brown/coffee/cafe |
rosado/a | pink |
cien | 100 |
ciento uno(a) | 101 |
ciento dos | 102 |
doscientos(as) | 200 |
trescientos(as) | 300 |
cuatrocientos(as) | 400 |
quinientos(as) | 500 |
seiscientos(as) | 600 |
setecientos(as) | 700 |
ochocientos(as) | 800 |
novecientos(as) | 900 |
mil | one thousand |
dos mil | two thousand |
un millón | one million |
¿Cuánto cuesta el vestido? | How much does the dress cost? |
¿Cuánto cuestan los calcetines? | How much do the socks cost |
la fotograpfa | photographer |
el abogado | lawyer |
la mecanico | mechanic |
la doctora | doctor |
el enfermero | nurse |
la arqueologa | archeologist |
la bibliotecaria | library |
el veterinario | verterinarian |
la piloto | pilot |
la arquitecto | arcatect |
artista | artist |
asesor | consultant |
asistente social | social worker |
banquero | banker |
bombero | firefighter |
cientifico | scientist |
contable | accountant |
director | director |
disenador | designer |
empleado | employee |
entrenador | trainer |
escritor | writer |
fontanero | plumber |
el hombre de negocios | buisnessman |
ingeniero | engineer |
politico | politican |
programador | programer |
secretario | secretary |
traductor | translator |
consultar | to consult |
agencia de colocaciones | job placement agency |
definir los objectivos | define personal objectives |
los anuncios | ads |
llenar solicitudes | fill out applications |
pedir cartas de recomendacion | ask for letters of recomendation |
preparar un curriculum | prepare a resume |
competencia | skill |
empresa | company |
formacion | background |
deseable | desireable |
acorde | according to |
futuro prometedor | promising future |
la conocimientos | knowledge |
formulario | form |
la fuerza fisica | physical strength |
puesto | job/position |
exigir | demand |
ganar | to earn |
amplio | ample |
multilngue | multilingual |
el aeropuerto | airport |
el taxi | taxi |
la linea aerea | airline |
el avion | airplane |
el mostrador | counter |
el/la agente | agent |
el billete | el boleto |
el pasaporte | passport |
la pantalla de salidas y llegadas | arrival and departure screen |
la tarjeta de embarque | boarding pass |
el numero del asiento | seat number |
el numero de vuelo | flight number |
el destino | destination |
al puerta de sailda | departure gate |
la sala de salida | departure area |
la seccion de no fumar | no smoking section |
la bascula | scale |
el talon | luggage claim ticket |
la maleta | suitcase |
el/la maletero(a) | porter |
el/la pasajero(a) | passenger |
el equipaje (de mano) | (carry-on) luggage |
el control de seguridad | security |
el control de pasaportes | passport inspection |
la aduana | customs |
el reclamo de equipaje | baggage claim |
el/la agente | agent |
la tripulicion | crew |
el/la comandante | el/la piloto |
el/la copiloto | copilot |
el/la asistente de vuelo | flight attendant |
hacer un viaje | to take a trip |
dar la bienvenida | to welcome |
salir a tiempo | to leave on time |
salir tarde (con una demora) | to leave late (with a delay) |
revisar el boleto | to check the ticket |
pasar por el control de seguridad | to pass through security |
tomar un vuelo | to ake a flight |
facturar el equipaje | to chech baggage |
abrir las maletas | to open the suitcases |
inspeccionar | to inspect |
abordar | to board |
desembarcar | to disembark |
despegar | to take off (airplane) |
aterrizar | to land (airplane) |
reclamer (recoger) el equipaje | to claim baggage |
el pais | country |
extranjero(a) | foreign |
permitir | to permit |
venir | to come |
poner | to put |
saber | to know (how) |
conocer | to know |
las clases | the classes |
el arte | art |
las ciencias naturales | natural sciences |
las ciencias sociales | social studies |
la educacion fisica | P.E. |
el espanol | spanish |
el ingles | english |
las matematicas | math |
la tecnologia | technology/computer |
la quimica | chimstery |
la fisica | physics |
la biologia | biology |
el calculo | calculus |
el algebra | algebra |
la historia | history |
mochila | bookbag |
la pluma | pen |
el boligrafo | pen |
una calculadora | calculator |
una carpeta | folder |
una carpeta de argollas | 3 ring binder |
un cuaderno | notebook |
un diccionario | dictionary |
una hoja de papel | sheet of paper |
un lapiz | pencil |
un libro | book |
la tarea | homework |
un asiento | seat |
una bandera | flag |
un cartel | poster |
un escritorio | office desk/teacher desk |
una mesa | table |
la papelera | trashcan |
la puerta | door |
un pupitre | desk |
un reloj | clock |
un sacapuntas | pencil sharpener |
una silla | chair |
la ventana | window |
el horario | sechuale |
primera hora | first block |
segunda hora | second block |
tercera hora | third block |
cuarta hora | fouth block |
quinta hora | fifth block |
sexta hora | sixth block |
septima hora | seventh block |
octava hora | eighth block |
novena hora | nineth block |
decima hora | tenth block |
aprende de memoria | to memorize |
contestar | to answer |
conocer | to know |
dar un discurso | to give a speech |
discutir | to decuss |
escribir | to write |
escribir informes | to write reports |
estudiar | to study |
escuchar | to listen to |
explicar | tp explain |
hacer una pregunta | to ask a question |
hacer un proyecto | to do a project |
leer | to read |
pedir ayuda | to ask for help |
saber | to know |
sacar una buena nota | to get a good grade |
socar una mala nota | to get a bad grade |
tomar apuntes | to take notes |
tomar examenes | to take a exam |
trabajar en el laboratorio | to work in the lab |
las reglas | the rules |
llegar a tiempo | to arrive on time |
llegar tarde | to arrive late |
entregar | to turn in |
prestar atencion | to pay attention |
respetar | to respect |
hay que | one must |
se prohibe | its forbidden |
el armario | the locker |
la biblioteca | the library |
el carnet de identidad | a i.d. card |
el campo de recreo | the playground |
la cinta adhesive | the tape |
la grapadora | the stapler |
el informe | the report |
el laboratorio | the lab |
los materiales | the materials |
la palabra | the word |
la pantalla | the screen |
el pizarron | the board |
el proyecto | the project |
las tijeras | the scissors |
lo que | that which |
sobre | on or about |
llevar | to take |
la lata | can |
el centro de reciclaje | recycling center |
el cartón | cardboard |
la caja | box |
la botella | bottle |
bag | sack |
el periódico | newspaper |
el plástico | plastic |
reciclar | to recycle |
recoger | to collect |
separar | to separate |
usado | used |
el vidrio | glass |
el barrio | neighborhood |
la calle | street |
la comunidad | community |
el jardín | garden |
el río | river |
los ancianos | older people |
el anciano | older man |
la anciana | older woman |
el campamento | camp |
los demás | others |
la escuela primaria | primary school |
le gente | people |
el hospital | hospital |
el juguete | toy |
los niños | children |
el niño | young boy |
la niña | young girl |
pobre | poor |
el problema | problem |
el proyecto de construcción | construction project |
el trabajo voluntario | volunteer work |
el voluntario | la voluntaria |
a menudo | often |
decidir | to decide |
Es necesario. | It's necessary. |
la experiencia | experience |
Hay que... | One must... |
incredíble | incredible |
inolvidable | unforgetable |
¿Qué más? | What else? |
la vez | time |
otra vez | again |
deci | to say |
el / la arqueólogo(a) | archaeologist |
la civilización | civilization |
la escritura | writing |
la pirámide | pyramid |
las ruinas | ruins |
sagrado | -a |
el símbolo | symbol |
la creencia | belief |
el / la dios(a) | god |
la leyenda | legend |
el mito | myth |
la nave espacial | spaceship |
el origen | origin |
la estructura | structure |
la evidencia | proof |
extraño | -a |
el fenómeno | phenomenon |
la función | function |
la imagen | image |
inexplicable | inexplicable |
el misterio | mystery |
misterioso | -a |
la teoría | theory |
el alto | height |
el ancho | width |
el centímetro | centimeter |
el círculo | circle |
el diámetro | diameter |
el diseño | design |
la distancia | distance |
geométrico | -a |
el largo | length |
el óvalo | oval |
el rectángulo | rectangle |
redondo | -a |
la tonelada | ton |
el triángulo | triangle |
el conejo | rabbit |
cualquier | -a |
el intento | attempt |
improbable | unlikely |
probable | likely |
el / la astrónomo(a) | astronomer |
el eclipse | eclipse |
el / la habitante | inhabitant |
la Luna | moon |
el observatorio | observatory |
el planeta | planet |
el pueblo | people |
la sombra | shadow |
la Tierra | earth |
el universo | universe |
al igual que | as |
o sea que | in other words |
sino | but |
ya que | because |
aparecer (zc) | to appear |
arrojar(se) | to throw(oneself) |
brillar | to shine |
convertirse(en) | to turn (into) |
contribuir(u?y) | to contribute |
cubrir | to cover |
dudar | to doubt |
excavar; | to excavate |
existir | to exist |
medir (e?i) | to measure |
pesar | to weigh |
ponerse (el sol) | to set (sun) |
resolver (o?ue) | to solve |
trazar | to draw |
calcular | to calculate |
El secuestro | kidnapping |
secuestrar | kidnap |
el rehen | hostage |
el rescate | ransom |
rescatar | to rescue |
salvar | to save |
arrestar | to arrest |
el subversivo/a | subversive |
desaparecer | to disappear |
el desaparecido | the missing |
matar | to kill |
asesinar | to assassinate |
atterorizar | to terrify |
interrogar | interrogate |
torturar | to torture |
tumba nn | mass grave of unknown |
el certificado de nacimiento o defuncion | birth or death certificate |
el golpe de estado | coup |
la represion | repression |
la manifestacion | demonstration |
manifestante | demonstrator |
la protesta | protest |
el reclamo | complaint |
reclamar | to demand |
el preso o el recluso | prisoner |
la carcel o la prision | prison |
el reformatorio | reformatory |
la ley | the law |
obedecer | to obey |
violar | to violate |
el delincuente | delinquent |
el criminal | criminal |
el delito o el crimen | crime |
la cadena perpetua | life imprisonment |
la pena de muerte | death penalty |
la ejecucion | execution |
robar | robber |
la pelea | to fight |
acusar | to accuse |
el juez | judge |
el abogado | lawyer |
el testigo | witness |
el fiscal | district attorney |
el juicio | court |
el testimonio | testimony |
el logro | achievement |
la meta o el objetivo | the goal |
rice | el arroz |
bread | el pan |
toast | pan tostado |
oatmeal | la avena |
grain | cereal |
popcorn | las palomitas de maiz |
lettus | la lechuga |
spinach | la espinaca |
brocoli | el brocoli |
tomato | el tomate |
onion | la cebolla |
carrot | zanahoria |
potato | la papa |
corn | |
on the cob | el maiz |
el choclo | |
apple | la manzana |
banana | el platano |
strawberry | la fresa |
orange | la naranja |
grapes | las uvas |
avocado | el aguacate |
milk | la leche |
cheese | queso |
yogurt | el yogur |
sour crean | le crema |
ice cream | el helado |
meat | la carne |
chicken | el pollo |
fish | el pescado |
eggs | los hueves |
beans | el frijoles |
nuts | la nuez |
oil | |
olive oil | el aceite |
de oliva | |
butter | la mantequilla |
margarine | margina |
salt | el sal |
pepper | la pimienta |
vinegar | el vinagre |
juice | el jugo |
coffee | el cafe |
tea | el te |
water | agua |
soda | el refresco |
cake | pastel |
tart | tarte |
cookie | galletas |
rice w/ milk | el arroz con leche |
delicious | |
yummy | sabroso |
que rico | |
disgusting | |
ew | horrible |
que asco | |
healthy | saludable |
unhealthy | malo para la salud |
meal/lunch/food | la comida |
lunch | el almuerzo/la comida |
light meal between lunch and dinner | la merienda |
dinner | la cena |
aprovecharse | to take advantage of |
aumentar | to increase |
desvelarse | to stay awake all night |
madrugar | to get up early |
mejorar | to improve |
ponerse al dia | to catch up |
posponer | postpone |
realizar | to accomplish |
sequir + -ndo | to keep doing something |
tener exito | to be successful |
trabajar como una mula | to work like a dog |
tratar de | to try to |
agobiado | overwhelmed |
agotado | exhausted |
angustiado | distressed |
animado | in good spirits |
desanimado | bummed |
descansado | sad |
dispuesto | willing to |
entusiasmado | enthusiastic |
estresado | stressed out |
harto | fed up |
hasta las narices | to be fed up to here |
quemado | burned out |
relajado | relaxed |
renovado | renewed |
satisfecho | satisfied |
tenso | tense |
vago | lazy |
aliviar | to relieve |
cargar las pilas | to recharge one's batteries |
charlar | to chat |
disfrutar de | to enjoy |
entretener | to entertain |
estar de buen/mal humor | to be in a good/bad mood |
pasarlo bien/mal | to have a good/bad time |
relajarse | to relax |
reunirse | to get together with |
tener mucha marcha | to have a lively social scene |
bromear | to joke around |
levantar el animo | to fit the spirits |
reirse a carcajadas | to laugh out loud |
snreir | to smile |
la broma | practical joke |
el chiste | joke |
la risa | laughter |
chistoso | funny |
comiquisimo | hilarious |
entretenido | entertaining |
de mal gusto | in poor taste |
el/la aguafiestas | party pooper |
el bienestar | well-being |
el chisme | gossip |
el espectaculo | show/performance |
la madrugada | early morning |
los ratos libres | free time |
el recreo | recreation |
le resaca | hangover |
!Que lo pase bien! | Have a good time |
?Como lo paso? | How was it? |
lo pase muy bien/de maravilla/fatal | I had a great time/a blast/a terrible time. |
¿Qué tiempo hace? | What’s the weather like? |
Las estaciones | The seasons |
el invierno | winter |
la primavera | spring |
el verano | summer |
el otoño | autumn |
temperatura | temperature |
grados | degrees |
bajo cero | below zero |
¿Cuál es la temperatura? | What’s the temperature? |
el tiempo | the weather |
el mundo | the world |
el sistema métrico | the metric system |
¡Qué bueno! | Great! |
¡Qué malo! | That’s bad! |
Está... | It is... |
lluvioso | rainy |
nublado | cloudy |
nevado | snowy |
soleado | sunny |
el termómetro | thermometer |
el pronóstico | forecast |
hace calor | it's hot |
caluroso | warm |
fresco | cool |
hace frío | it's cold |
helado | freezing |
con neblina | foggy |
con viento | windy |
seco | dry |
mojado | wet |
la nube | cloud |
los relámpagos | lightning |
el tornado | tornado |
el huracán | hurricane |
el frente frío | cold front |
el frente cálido | warm front |
el frente estacionario | stationary front |
despejado | clear |
la lluvia | rain |
el granizo | hail |
el sol | sun |
la niebla | fog |
Hace viento. | It's windy. |
Hace sol. | It's sunny. |
Hace buen tiempo. | The weather is good. |
Hace mal tiempo. | The weather is bad. |
Hace fresco. | It's brisk/cool. |
Hay niebla. | It's foggy. |
Hay neblina. | It's misty. |
Hay sol. | The sun is shining. |
Hay luna. | The moon is out. |
Hay relámpagos. | It's lightning. |
Hay humedad. | It's humid. |
Hay nubes. | It's cloudy. |
Hay lluvias torrenciales. | It's pouring. |
Hay un vendaval. | There's a windstorm. |
Hay granizo. | It's hailing. |
Hay lloviznas. | It's sprinkling. |
Está oscuro. | It's dark. |
Está nublado. | It's cloudy. |
Llueve. | It is raining. or It rains. |
Nieva. | It is snowing. or It snows. |
Truena. | It is thundering. or It thunders. |
Llovizna. | It is drizzling. or It drizzles. |
¿Qué clima hace? | What's the weather? |
¿Cómo está el clima en ...? | How's the weather in ...? |
la boca | mouth |
la cara | face |
el codo | elbow |
el corazón | heart |
el cuello | neck |
el diente | tooth |
la espalda | back |
el estómago | stomach |
la garganta | throat |
el hombro | shoulder |
la lengua | tongue |
la nariz | nose |
el oído | (inner) ear |
el ojo | eye |
la oreja | (outer) ear |
el pecho | chest |
la rodilla | knee |
abre (command) | open@ |
acostumbrar(se) | to get used to |
broncear(se) | to tan |
caer(se) | to fall (down) |
comer(se) | to eat |
cuidar(se) | to take care of |
dejar (de) | to leave |
descansar | to rest |
despedir(se) | to say good bye |
di (command) | Tell/Say! |
divertir(se) | to have fun |
doler (o-> ue) | to hurt |
dormir(se) | to fall asleep |
equivocar(se) | to be mistaken |
fumar | to smoke |
ir(se) | to go |
llevar(se) | to take away |
olvidar(se) | to forget |
pescar | to fish |
preguntar(se) | to wonder; to ask one's self |
reunir(se) | to get together |
saca (command) | Stick out/Get out! |
sentir(se) | to feel |
siéntate (command) | Sit! |
tócate | Touch! |
la cita | appointment |
derecho | -a |
el doctor | la doctora |
el ejercicio | exercise |
el enfermero | la enfermera |
la gripe | flu |
irse de viaje | to go away on a trip |
izquierdo | -a |
el lago | lake |
la medicina | madicine |
el niño | boy |
la niña | girl |
el pez (peces) | fish |
el resfriado | cold |
el azúcar | sugar |
los carbohidratos | carbohydrates |
la comida rápida | fast food |
la dieta balanceada | balanced diet |
nutritivo/a | nutritious |
las proteínas | protein |
vegetariano/a | vegetarian |
las vitaminas | vitamins |
el ají | chili pepper |
al gusto | to taste |
la almendra | almonds |
añadir | to add |
la cebolla | onion |
cocido/a | cooked |
la comida | food/meal |
congelado/a | frozen |
crudo/a | raw |
cubrir | to cover |
la cucharada | tablespoon |
la cucharadita | teaspoon |
derretido/a | melted |
derretir (i/i) | to melt |
echar | to put in / to add |
entero/a | whole |
las especias | spices |
evitar | to avoid |
freír (i/i) | to fry |
frito/a | fried |
hervir (ie/i) | to boil |
hornear | to bake |
huele a ... | it smells like... |
los huevos revueltos | scrambled eggs |
los ingredientes | ingredients |
la lata de salsa de tomate | can of tomato sauce |
la lata | can |
la mantequilla | butter |
la mayonesa | mayonnaise |
mientras | while |
la mostaza | mustard |
picado/a | diced |
picar | to dice |
la pimienta | pepper |
la receta | recipe |
sabe a ... | it tastes like... |
la sal | salt |
la taza de medir | measuring cup |
la taza | cup |
tostado/a | toasted |
el trozo | piece/chunk |
los vegetales | vegetables |
nono | whiny |
tacano | stingy |
timido | timid |
tramposo | cheater |
travieso | mischievious |
el ninio | boy |
el vecino | neighbor |
el mundo | world |
todo el mundo | everyone |
la ninez | childhood |
de nino | when i was a kid |
de pequeno | when i ws little |
cuando era nino | as a child |
de vez en cuando | occasionally |
la fabula | fable |
la verdad | truth |
la moneda | coin |
por lo general | generally |
el balon/la bola/la pelota | ball |
los bloques | blocks |
los carritos | toy cars |
la coleccion | collection |
el dinosaurio | dinosaur |
la muneca | doll |
el muneco | action figure |
el muneco de peluche | stuffed animal |
el oso de peluche | teddy bear |
el tren electrico | electric train |
el triciclo | tricycle |
coleccionar | to collect |
construir | to build |
jugar | to play |
escondite | hid and seek |
marro | tag |
molestar | to annoy |
saltar la cuerda | to jump rope |
trepar a los arboles | to climb trees |
mentir | to lie |
obedecer | to obey |
ofrecer | to offer |
permitir | to permit |
portarse bien/mal | to behave |
pelearse | to fight |
asustarse | to scare |
esconderse | to hide |
caerse | to fall |
la guarderia infantil | day care |
el patio de recreo | playground |
el zoologico | zoo |
amable | kind |
animado | cheerful |
bien educado | polite |
celoso | jealous |
consentido | spoiled |
mimado | spoiled |
generoso | generous |
obediente/desobediente | obedient/disobedient |
mentiroso | liar |
activist | activista |
vote | voto |
ballot box | urna |
campaign | campaña |
candidate | candidato |
challenger | aspirante |
citizen | ciudadano |
congress | congreso |
congressman | congresista |
conservative | conservador |
constitution | constitución |
capitalism | capitalismo |
communism | comunismo |
democracy | democracia |
dictator | dictador |
election | elección |
freedom | libertad |
government | gobierno |
left-wing | izquierdista |
right-wing | derechista |
liberal | liberal |
laws | leyes |
majority | mayoría |
minority | minoría |
minister | ministro |
cabinet | gabinete |
party | partido |
politician | el/la político |
politics | la política |
poll | encuesta |
president | presidente |
rights | derechos |
socialist | socialista |
support | apoyar |
to vote | votar |
to win | ganar |
corruption | corrupción |
El Edificio | building |
la inglesia | church |
el semaforo | light traffic |
el estacionmento | parking garage |
LA parada de autobus | bus stop |
subirse al autobus | to board the bus |
bajarse del autobus | to get off the bus |
el letereo | sign |
el conductor/la conductora | bus driver |
los turistias | tourists |
el rio | river |
el puente | bridge |
la lancha | boat |
el guia | guide |
?Sabe ud si hay un banco por aqui? | Do you know if there's a bank around here? |
Si | claro hay una muy cerca |
Me podria decir cuanto cuesta la entranda? | Could you tell me how much does it cost to enter? |
Por supuesto | en gratis |
Sabes cuando abrien los museos | Do you know when the museum opens? |
No estoy seguro/a lo puedes aveiguar alla | I'm not sure but can find it over there |
?Disculpen sabe ud donde | esta la mision San Jose? |
Lo sieto | pero no tengo ni idea |
la izquera | left |
le derecha | right |
seguir derecho | go straight |
detras de | behind |
delante de | in front of |
al lado de | next to |
el cruce | intersection |
cruzer | to cross |
subir por | to go up a street or road |
bajar por | to go down a street or road |
la cuadra | city block |
calle | street |
aveinda | avenue |
norte | north |
sur | south |
creste | west |
este | east |
el pasatiempo | pastime |
el hobby | hobby |
el ajedrez | chess |
el tablero | board |
las damas | checkers |
el dominò | |
dominoes | |
la ficha | piece |
El/la coleccionista | collector |
Elcompeo’n | champion |
La compeona | champion |
La sala do juegos | game room |
El juego do video | |
Vidogame | |
El futboli’n | foosball |
Pasat el tiempo | to spend time |
Coleccionar sellos | to collect stamps |
Llemar un crucigrama | to do a crossword puzzle |
El parquet | park |
El bote | boat |
El zoolo’gico | zoo |
El mono | monkey |
La jaula | cage |
La boleteri’a | ticket booth |
El parquet de atracciones | amusement park |
El tiovivo | merry |
El caballito | little horse |
La Montana rusa | roller coaster |
La noria/ la rueda de Chicago | Ferris Wheel |
El mimo | mime |
El payaso | clown |
El globo | balloon |
El helado | ice cream |
La piragua/ la canoa | canoe |
Dar un paseo | to take a walk |
Caminar por la senda | to walk on the path |
Remar por el lago | to row on the lake |
Hacer cola | to wait in line |
Delante de | in front of |
Detra’s de | behind |
Al lado de | beside |
A la derecha | to the right |
A la izquierda | to the left |
Listo (a) | ready (estar) |
La fila | line |
Le entrada | entrance |
huir | to flee |
latir | to beat (i.e. heart) |
agradable | nice |
rabillo de ojo | corner of your eye |
bolsillo | pockets |
rabo | tail |
cola | tail |
campana | bell |
probar(se) | to try; to try on(se) |
calentar | to heat up; to warm up |
comedor | dining room |
sugerir | to suggest |
bulsa | blouse |
alimentar | to feed |
los muebles | furniture |
las herramientas | tools |
el sillón | armchair |
engañar | to trick |
el traje | suit |
caber | to fit |
el dormitorio | bedroom(casa); dormitory(school) |
tropezar | to trip; to stumble |
el zaguán | entrance hall |
atravesar | to cross; to put across |
el salón (en casa) | sitting room; lounge |
morder | to bite |
el horno | oven |
perseguir | to pursue; to persecute |
el martillo | hammer |
despedir(se) | to say goodbye (to) |
agrio(a) | sour; bitter |
medir | to measure |
el banco (como mueble) | bench |
el usuario | user |
el enchufe | plug |
degustar | to taste |
anfitrión/-ona | host/hostess |
asegurar | to make sure; to reassure |
apetecible | appetizing; tempting |
plantear | to pose; to raise (a problem/question) |
los quehaceres | chores; housework |
meter | to put in |
jugoso(a) | juicy |
amordazar | to muzzle (animal); to gag (person) |
los huéspedes | guests |
atar | to tie up |
la estufa | stove; heater |
acelerarse | to speed up; to accelerate |
el hogar | home |
el armario | locker; closet; cupboard |
agarrar | to grab; to catch |
colocar | to place; to put |
diseñar | to design |
disparar | to shoot; to fire |
el domicilio | home; residence |
matricularse | to register |
la empleada de casa | servant; maid |
encaminarse | to set off for/towards |
los aparatos | appliances; machines |
convertirse | to become; to turn into |
esponjoso(a) | spungy |
emigrar | to emigrate; to migrate |
ingresar | to join |
fallercer | to pass away; to die |
el destornillador | screwdriver |
enviudar | to be widowed |
adoptar | to adopt; to pass(law-ley) |
crudo(a) | raw; undercooked |
encargar | to put in charge |
el melocotón | peach |
redactar | to write (up); to draft |
el bacalao | cod; techno (spain) |
otorgar | to award; to present |
la trucha | trout |
destacarse | to stand out (from/because of) |
la sandia; lapatilla (V) | watermelon |
partir | to leave; to set off |
las caraotas | beans (V- venezuela) |
golpearse | to hit; to bang |
el molino de viento | windmill |
licenciarse | to graduate |
proponer | to propose (an idea) |
la antena parabólica | sattelite dish |
lanzar | to throw; to hurl; to launch |
las pasas | raisons |
saludable | healthy |
lograr | to get; to acheive; to obtain |
vagar | to wander; to roam |
los rábanos | radishes |
quebrarse | to break |
romperse | to break |
el pulpo | octopus |
aclarar | to clarify; to explain |
los cerezas | cherries |
arruinar | to ruin |
hidrogenado(a) | hydrogenated |
amarrar | to tie up |
la zanahoria | carrot |
congregar | to assemble; to bring together |
el cerdo | pig; pork |
derribar | to knock down; to demolish |
el camello | camel |
implorar | to implore |
la chuleta (de cerdo) | chop; pork chop |
las escaleras | stairs; staircase; ladder |
el vinagre | vinegar |
hacer burla de | to mock |
la salchicha | sausage |
la fe | faith |
el ajo | garlic |
sublevarse | to rise in a revolt; rebel |
paralelamente | parallelly |
el arrojo | boldness; fearlessness; courage |
la cebolla | onion |
apoderarse | to seize; to take hold of |
aislar | to isolate |
confluir | to converge OR to meet at |
el vidrio | glass |
teñir | to dye |
la fábrica | factory |
fundir una bombilla | to fuse a lightbulb (blow) |
el esmalte | nail polish/varnish |
encender | to turn on; to switch on |
la retaguardia | rearguard (national guard) |
acordar | to agree on/ to do something |
el acuerdo | an agreement |
extender | to cross |
la choza | hut |
cruzar | to cross |
el cordel | thin rope |
fregar las ollas | to wash the pots |
la selva | jungle |
cortar la leña | to cut the wood |
el rescate | rescue |
estrellarse | to crash |
la nave; el navío | ship; (large) ship |
zozobrar | to be shipwrecked |
el perejil | parsley |
sazonar | to season |
el apetito | appetite |
prender | to arrest; to fasten; to light |
el arrecife | reef |
extraer | to extract; to mine |
la borrasca | storm (a lot of water |
tambalearse | to stagger; to sway |
arrebatador | snatched |
abarcar | to embrace; to take in |
hundido(a) | sunken |
pastar | to graze |
la estancia | cattle ranch |
remontarse | to soar; to go back to; to date back to |
la madera | wood |
acometer | to attack |
el picaportes | doornocker |
bastar | to be enough |
el latifundio | large rural estate |
pisar | to step foot on; to tread on |
el gaucho | cowboy (argentina) |
cobrar | to charge; to cash |
la empresa | company; firm |
sobrevivir | to survive |
la aguja | needle |
proporcionar | to adapt |
el duelo | duel |
recoger | to pick up; to clear (up); to tidy |
los restos | remains; leftovers (comida) |
planchar | to iron |
el microondas | microwave |
la gripe | flu |
el lecho | bed |
neumonía | pneumonia |
la lavadora | washing machine |
las paperas | mumps |
los mozos/las mozas | young boys/ young girls |
aderezada | seasoned |
el puñal | dagger |
la crueldad | cruelty |
orar | to pray |
hechizar | to bewitch; to cast a spell on |
parir | to give birth to; to bring forth |
agravar | to aggrevate |
el coche descapotable | convertable |
conglear | to freeze |
alambrado | fencing |
enfriar | to cool |
el pepinillo | pickle |
enfrentarse (con) | to meet; to cash; to confront |
inmobiliar(a) | property; real estate |
atropellar | to run over; to trample on |
pedazo | piece |
deshacerse | to get rid of |
fachada | facade; outward appearance |
adecuadamente | appropriately |
sombría | gloomy |
clavar | to drive (clavo); to thrust (dagger/puñal) |
mordaz | caustice |
masificación | overcrowding |
el icono | icon |
asesinar | to assasinate; to murder |
la supultura | burial; grave |
planificar | to plan |
las represalias | reprisals |
reverenciar | to revere (to respect) |
los dirigentes | leaders (partido político) |
venerar | to worship; to venerate |
los fueros | priviledges; code of laws |
adeudar | to owe |
la bancarrota | bankruptcy |
vincularse | to tie oneself to ; to be linked |
la deuda | debt |
replegarse | to fall back; to withdraw; to retreat |
el huérfano/la huérfana | orphan |
asumir | to assume; to accept |
la apoplejía | apoplexy (STROKE) |
aprovechar | to take advantage; to use |
la gestión | arrangment; measure |
acupar | to occupy; to hold |
el cargo | post; position |
amanecer | dawn |
el retiro | retirement; retreat |
desmayarse | to faint |
la piel de gallina | goose bumps |
iniciar | to initiate; to start |
los escalofríos | shiver |
desatar | to untie; to undo; to unleash |
el huracán | hurricane |
nacionalizar | to nationalize; to naturalize |
el rasguño | scratch |
estornudar | to sneeze |
despejado | clear |
casarse | to get married |
Érase una vez | once upon a time |
caerse | to fall down |
hace much tiempo | a long time ago |
la ciencia ficción | science fiction |
se cuenta que... | to story goes that... |
despedirse | to say goodbye |
egoísta | selfish |
el buey | ox |
bondadoso(a) | kind |
la largartija | lizard |
consentido(a) | spoiled |
acariciar | to caress; to pet; to cherish |
la abeja | bee |
escabullirse | to slip away (from); to sneak away |
el nido | nest |
el león; la leona | lion; lioness |
la huelga | strike |
la tortuga | turtle |
gigantesco(a) | gigantic |
enlodar | to cover or splatter with mud |
el conejo | rabbit |
el secuestro | kidnapping; hijack; seizure |
la barbaridad | nonsense; cruelty |
la hormiga | ant |
calladito(a) | quiet |
desesperarse | to give up; to lose hope |
cojo(a) | lame |
suceder | to happen |
necio(a) | ignorant; stupid |
fijarse | to notice; to pay attention |
el lombriz | earthworm |
la jirafa | giraffe |
la golondrina | swallow |
la rana | frog |
de rayas | stripped |
de lunares | polka-dotted |
gracioso(a) | funny; amuzing; witty |
maleducado(a) | rude; bad-mannered |
terco(a) | stubborn |
la cárcel | jail |
desvelarse | to stay up late; to keep awake |
estar hecho polvo | to be worn out |
el (la) guardia | guards |
estar rendido(a) | to be worn out |
el malvado/la malvada | villian |
madrugar | to get up early |
el botón/los botones | button/buttons |
despertarse | to wake up |
el recadito | note |
acostarse | to go to bed |
la meta | goal |
exponerse | to run the risk of |
el cuatrimestre | a period of four months |
incrementar | to increase |
el flujo | flow |
superar | to beat; to break; to overtake/pass |
las toneladas | tons |
alcanzar | to reach; to catch up with; to pass |
el acero | steel |
atentar | to attempt/ on (somebody's life) |
el acero inoxidable | stainless steel |
el botones | bellboy/bellhop |
levantarse | to get up |
el espía | spy |
agilizar | to speed up |
variopinto(a) | multicolored; diverse |
promover + (a) | to promote; to set up |
acualizar | to modernize; to update |
negar | to deny |
el rehén (rehenes) | hostage |
rechazar | to reject; to turn down |
to satélite | satelite |
figurar (en) | to appear (in); to figure (in) |
la finca | farm |
autorizar | to authorize; to allow |
agrícola | agricultural |
temblar (de) | to shiver; to tremble (with) |
la frontera | border |
la laguna | lagoon; gap; loophole |
descabellado (a) | crazy; preposterous |
afferrarse | to cling to |
el augurio | omen; sign; prediction |
augurar | to predict |
cotidiano(a) | daily |
concurrir | to go to/attend smthg.; to take part in |
el rubro | heading |
anular | to cancel;repeal; call off; nullify |
desigualdad | inequality |
refutar | to refute |
las brechas | holes; openings |
azotar | to afflict; to devastate |
desempleo | unemployment |
agrandarse | to make bigger |
prevenir | to prevent |
porcurar | to try to do smthg.; to make sure that |
la supercicie | surface |
disminuir | to diminish; reduce; decrease |
el tamaño | size |
brindar | to drink a toast; to offer |
el rebaño (de vacas) | flock; heard |
arrarsar | to destroy; devastate; level |
el hígado | liver |
satisfacer | to satisfy; quench; pay; settle |
los escoceses | the Scottish; the Scots |
curar | to cure |
el ejemplar | specimen; example; copy |
advertir | to notice; to warn |
clonar | to clone |
perjudicar | to damage; injure; harm |
los seres humanos | human beings |
resurgir | to reappear; to be revived |
los ganderos | livestock farmers |
la célula | cell |
el ganado | livestock |
la ética | ethics |
el mujeriego | Player (Playa'); womanizer; lady's man |
tratar | to treat |
las enfermedades | illnesses |
la terapias | therapies |
la sangre | blood |
erradicar | to eradicate |
los fármacos | medicines; drugs |
vanagloriarse | to boast (about); to find |
el SIDA | AIDS (Síndrome de Inmuno-Deficienia Adquirida) |
el hallazago | discovery; find |
la vacuna | vaccine |
retozar | to romp about; to frolic |
la habitación | bedroom |
gruñir | to growl; to grunt (cerdo); to grumble |
la alcoba | bedroom |
probar | to try; to taste; to check; to test |
el grifo | faucet; tap |
moler | to grind; to press; to mill |
los granos | grains |
envolver | to wrap (up); to wind |
el OVNI | UFO objecto volarte no identificado |
el planeta | planet |
La tierra | Earth |
el hada madrina | fairy godmother |
el chisme | gossip |
el enano/la enana | dwarf |
hacer los paces | to make up |
la nave especial | space ship |
enamorarse | to be in love(with) |
el castillo | castle |
la galaxia | galaxy |
el ladrón/la ladrona | thief |
la pricesa/el príncipe | princess/prince |
el chismoso/la chismosa | gossipy person; a gossip |
el metiche/la metiche | busybody; nosey person |
romer con | to break up |
perderse | to get lost |
despejado | clear |
casarse | to get married |
Érase una vez... | Once upon a time... |
caerse | to fall down |
Hace mucho tiempo... | a long time ago... |
la ciencia ficción | science fiction |
se cuenta que... | the story goes that... |
despedirse | to say goodbye |
egoísta | selfish |
el buey | ox |
bondadoso(a) | kind |
la largartija | lizard |
consentido(a) | spoiled |
la abeja | bee |
acariciar | to caress; to pet; to cherish |
escabullirse | to slip away(from); to sneak away |
el nido | nest |
el león/la leona | lion/lioness |
la huelga | strike |
la tortuga | turtle |
gigantesco(a) | gigantic |
enlodar | to cover/to splatter with mud |
el conejo | rabbit |
el secuestro | kidnapping; hijack; siezure |
la barbaridad | nonsense; cruelty |
la hormiga | ant |
calladito(a) | quiet |
desesperarse | to give up; to lose hope |
cojo(a) | lame |
suceder | to happen |
necio(a) | ignorant; stupid |
fijarse | to notice; to pay attention |
el lombriz | earth worm |
de rayas | stripped (made of stripes) |
la jirafa | firaffe |
la rana | frog |
la golondrina | swallow |
de lunares | polka-dotted |
gracioso(a) | funny; amusing; witty |
maleducado(a) | rude; ban-mannered |
terco(a) | stubborn |
la cárcel | jail |
desvelarse | to stay up; to keep awake |
estar hecho polvo | to be worn out |
el (la) guardia | guards |
estar rendido(a) | to be worn out |
el malvado/la malvada | villian |
madrugar | to get up early |
el botón/los botones | bellboy/bellhop |
despertarse | to wake up |
el recadito | note |
acostarse | to go to bed |
la meta | goal |
exponerse | to run the risk of |
el cuatrimestre | a period of 4 months |
incrementar | to increase |
el flujo | flow |
superar | to beat; to break; to overtake; to pass |
las toneladas | tons |
alcanzar | to reach; to catch up with; to pass |
el acero | steel |
atentar | to attempt/attack on (somebody's life) |
el acero inoxidable | stainless steel |
La boca | The Mouth |
el brazo | arm |
la cabeza | head |
el corazon | heart |
el cuello | neck |
el cuerpo | body |
el dedo | finger |
el dedo del pie | toe |
el stomago | stomach |
la garganta | throat |
el hueso | bone |
la nariz | nose |
el oido | (sense of) hearing |
inner ear | |
el ojo | eye |
la oreja | (outter) ear |
el pie | foot |
la peirna | leg |
la rodilla | knee |
el tobillo | ankle |
el accidente | accident |
el antibiotico | antibiotic |
la asprina | aspirin |
la clinica | clinic |
el conslutorio | doctors office |
el/la dentista | the dentist |
el/la doctora | the doctor |
el dolor (de cabeza) | (head) ache; pain |
el/la enfermero/a | nurse |
el examen medico | physical exam |
la farmacia | pharmacy |
la gripe | flue |
el hospital | hospital |
la infeccion | infection |
el medicamento | medication |
la medicina | medicine |
la operacion | operation |
el/la paciente | patient |
la pastilla | pill;tablet |
la radiografia | x-ray |
la receta | prescription |
el resfriado | cold (illness) |
la sala de emergencia(s) | emergency room |
la salud | health |
el sintoma | symptom |
la tos | cough |
caerse | to fall (down) |
danar | to damage; to break down |
darse con | to bump into; to run into |
doler (o:ue) | to hurt |
enfermarse | to get sick |
estar enfermo/a | to be sick |
estornudar | to sneeze |
lastimarse (el pie) | to injure (one's foot) |
olvidar | to forget |
poner una inyeccion | to give an injection |
prohibir | prohibit |
recetar | to prescribe |
romper | to break |
romperse (la pierna) | to break (one's leg) |
sacarse un diente | to have a tooth removed |
ser alergico/a | to be allergic |
sufrir una efermedad | to suffer an illness |
tener dolor | to have pain |
tener fiebre | to have a fever |
tomar la temperatura | to take someone's temperature |
torcerse (o:ue)(el tobillo) | to sprain ones ankle |
toser | to cough |
congestionado/a | congested; stuffed up |
embarazada | pregnant |
grave | grave; serious |
mareado/a | dizzy;nauseated |
medico/a | medical |
saludable | healthy |
sano/a | healthy |
a menudo | often |
a tiempo | on time |
a veces | sometimes |
ademas(de) | furthermore;besides |
apenas | hardly; scarcely |
asi | like this; so |
bastante | enough;rather |
casi | almost |
con frecuencia | frequently |
de nino/a | as a child |
de vez en cuando | from time to time |
despacio | slowly |
menos | less |
mientras | while |
muchas veces | a lot; many times |
poco | little |
por lo menos | at least |
pronto | soon |
rapido | quickly |
todos los dias | every day |
la cabina | cabin (on a ship) |
la estacion de autobuses | bus station |
la estacion del tren | train station |
el puerto | port |
la sala de espera | waiting room |
la sala de fumar/fumadores | smoking area |
el vuelo | flight |
ir en autobus | to go/travel by bus |
ir en avion | to go/travel by plane |
ir en tren | to go/travel by train |
la agencia de viajes | travel agency |
el/la agente de viajes | travel agent |
el asiento | seat |
el billete (Spain)/el boleto (Latin America) | ticket |
el boleto de ida | one-way ticket (Latin America) |
el billete de ida | one-way ticket (Spain) |
el boleto de ida y vuelta | round-trip ticket (Latin America) |
el billete de ida y vuelta | round-trip ticket (Spain) |
la demora | delay |
la llegada | arrival |
el pasaje | fare |
la salida | departure |
bajarse (de) | to get down (from)/ to get off (of) (a vehicle) |
estar atrasado/a | to be late |
facturar el equipaje | to check baggage |
guardar (un puesto) | to save (a place in line) |
hacer cola | to stand in line |
hacer escalas/paradas | to make stops |
hacer la(s) maleta(s) | to pack one's suitcase |
hacer un viaje | to take a trip |
pasar por el control de la seguridad | to go/pass through security |
quejarse (de) | to complain (about) |
subir (a) | to go up/to get on (a vehicle) |
viajar | to travel |
volar (vuelo) en avion | to fly |
el camping | campground |
el mar | sea |
el oceano | ocean |
estar de vacaciones | to be on vacation |
ir de vacaciones a... | to go on vacation to... |
pasar las vacaciones en... | to spend one's vacation in... |
salir de vacaciones | to leave on vacation |
tomar unas vacaciones | to take a vacation |
anunciar | to announce |
contar (cuento) | to tell |
encantar | to like very much |
mandar | to send |
la ventanilla | small window (on a plane) |
facturar el equipaje | to check baggage |
la camioneta | station wagon; van |
la foto(grafia) | photo(graph) |
la tienda (de campana) | tent |
la montana | mountain |
hacer camping | to go camping |
nadar | to swim |
sacar fotos | to take photos |
tomar el sol | sunbathe |
el chiste | joke |
juntos/as | together |
la flor | flower |
a tiempo | on time |
me gustaria... | I would like... |
por | through/for |
el pasillo | aisle (in a plane) |
la ciudad | city |
el estadio | stadium |
el lago | lake |
el lugar | place |
el mar | sea |
el monumento | monument |
el museo | museum |
el país | country |
el parque de diversiones | amusement park |
el parque nacional | national park |
el teatro | theatre |
la obra de teatro | play |
el zoológico | zoo |
el animal | animal |
el árbol | tree |
la atracción pl. las atracciones | attraction(s) |
el mono | monkey |
el oso | bear |
el pájaro | bird |
aprender(a) | to learn |
bucear | to scuba dive/snorkel |
(comprar) recuerdos | (to buy) souvenirs |
descansar | to rest |
montar a caballo | to ride horseback |
pasear en bote | to go boating |
tomar el sol | to sunbathe |
visitar | t visit |
en | by |
el autobús | bus |
el avión | airplane |
el barco | boat |
el tren | train |
el boleto | ticket |
como | like |
¿Cómo lo pasaste? | How was it (for you)? |
dime | tell me |
fantástico-a | fantastic |
Fue un desastre. | It was a disaster. |
el hotel | hotel |
impresionsante | impressive |
ir de vacaciones | to go on vacation |
Me gustó. | I liked it. |
¿Qué hiciste? | What did you do? |
¿Qué te pasó? | What happened to you? |
regresar | to return |
salir | to leave |
¿Te gustó? | Did you like it? |
tremendo | -a |
vi | I saw |
¿viste...? | Did you see...? |
viajar | to travel |
el viaje | trip |
durante | during |
tarde | late |
temprano | early |
el canal | channel |
el programa de concursos | game show |
el programa deportivo | sports show |
el programa de dibujos animados | cartoon show |
el programa de entrevistas | interview program |
el programa de la vida real | reality program |
el programa de noticias | news program |
el programa musical | musical program |
la telenovela | soap opera |
la comedia | comedy |
el drama | drama |
la película de ciencia ficción | science fiction movie |
la película de horror | horror movie |
la película policíaca | crime movie |
la película romántica | romantic movie |
cómico | -a |
emocionante | touching |
fascinante | fascinating |
infantil | for children |
tonto | -a |
violento | -a |
me aburre(n) | it bores me (they bore me) |
me interesa(n) | it interests me (they interest me) |
el actor | actor |
la actriz | actress |
dar | to show |
durar | to last |
empezar ( | to begin |
terminar | to end |
más/menos de | more / less than |
medio | -a |
¿Qué clase de...? | What kind of...? |
acabar de + infinitive | to have just... |
aburrir | to bore |
doler (o...ue) | to hurt |
encantar | to please very much |
faltar | to be missing |
interesar | to interest |
quedar | to fit |
antes de | before |
casi | almost |
¿De veras? | Really? |
especialmente | especially |
por eso | therefore |
sobre | about |
ya | already |
alérgico (a) | allergic |
el banco | bank |
el diccionario | dictionary |
la enciclopedia | encyclopedia |
la motocicleta | la moto |
el policía | police |
probablemente | probably |
la rosa | rose |
supersticioso (a) | superstitious |
demasiado | too |
seguro | sure |
el hidrante | fire hydrant |
la cuenta | |
#NAME? | |
#NAME? | |
checking account | |
savings account | |
la flor | flower |
la florería | flower shop |
el incendio | el fuego |
la multa | fine |
los pantalones | pants |
el pez de color | goldfish |
el (la) probrecito (a) | poor thing |
el préstamo | loan |
el ramo | bouquet |
el regalo | present |
la suerte | luck |
la tintorería | dry cleaners |
ahorrar | to save |
contar | to tell |
depositar | to deposit |
estacionar | aparcar |
pasar | ocurrir |
prestar | to lend |
regalar | to give |
robar | to steal |
casi | almost |
dar (poner) una multa | to fine |
desgraciadamente | por desgracia |
en fin | anyway |
encantarle a uno | to love |
frente a | in front of |
hacer diligencias | to run errands |
pedir (solicitar) un préstamo | to apply for a loan |
salir de casa | to leave the house |
todo | all |
a plazos | on installments |
al contado | in cash |
el cheque de viajero | traveler's check |
abrir una cuento | to open an account |
el cargo automático | ATM machine |
cobrar un cheque | to cash a check |
la cuenta conjunta | joint account |
en efectivo | in cash |
la firma | signature |
fechar | to date |
firmar | to sign |
gratis | free of charge |
la libreta de ahorros | savings passbook |
el talonario de cheques | la chequera |
la tarjeta de crédito | credit card |
el loro | bird |
el mono | monkey |
el canario | canary |
el conejo | bunny |
la tortuga | turtle |
el gato | cat |
el perro | dog |
el conejillo de Indias | guinea pig |
la camelia | camellia |
el clavel | carnation |
el geranio | geranium |
la lila | lilac |
la margarita | daisy |
la orquídea | orchid |
el pansamiento | pansy |
el tulipán | tulip |
la violeta | violet |
abrazarse (c) | to embrace |
besarse | to kiss each other |
darse la mano | to shake hands |
encontrase (me encuentro) (con) | to meet (someone somewhere) |
quererse | to love each other; to be fond of each other |
saludarse | to greet each other |
la rueda de molino | treadmill |
cansarse | to get tired |
cuidarse | to take care of oneself |
dejar de + inf. | to stop (doing something) |
doler (duele) | to hurt |
guardar cama | to stay in bed |
llevar una vida sana/tranquila | to lead a healthy/calm life |
molestar | to bother |
ponerle una inyección | to give (someone) a shot |
resfriarse (me resfrío) | to get/catch a cold |
respirar | to breathe |
sacar (qu) | to extract |
sacar la lengua | to stick out one´s tongue |
sacarle un diente/una muela | to extract (someone´s) tooth/molar |
tener dolor de | to have a pain/ache in |
tomarle la temperatura | to take someone´s temperature |
toser | to cough |
la boca | mouth |
la cabeza | head |
el cerebro | brain |
el cuerpo | body |
el diente | (front) tooth |
el estómago | stomach |
la garganta | throat |
la muela | molar |
la nariz | nose |
el oído | inner ear |
el ojo | eye |
la oreja | (outer) ear |
los pulmones | lungs |
la sangre | blood |
el bienestar | well-being |
el chequeo | check-up |
el consultorio | (medical) office |
el dolor (de) | pain |
la enfermedad | illness |
la fiebre | fever |
las gafas | glasses |
la gripe | flu |
el jarabe | (cough) syrup |
los lentes de contacto | contact lenses |
la pastilla | pill |
la receta | prescription |
el resfriado | cold |
la sala de emergencias/urgencia | emergency room |
la salud | health |
el síntoma | symptom |
la tos | cough |
el tratamiento | treatment |
el/la enfermero/a | nurse |
el/la farmacéutico/a | pharmacist |
la cita | date; appointment |
mareado/a | dizzy; nauseated |
pasado/a | past |
resfriado | congested |
sano/a | healthy |
anoche | last night |
anteayer | the day before yesterday |
de repente | suddenly |
desgraciadamente | unfortunately |
dos veces | twice |
en seguida | rigth away |
eso quiere decir... | that means |
lo bueno | the good thing/news |
lo malo | the bad thing/news |
lo suficiente | enough |
huracan | hurricane |
inundacion | flood |
llover | to rain |
nevar | to snow |
terremoto | earthquake |
tormenta | storm |
articulo | article |
investigar | to investigate |
locutor | announcer |
noticiero | newscast |
ocurrir | to occur |
reportero | reporter |
tratar | to try to |
apagar | to put out |
bajar | to go down |
bombero | firefighter |
comenzar | to start |
destruir | to destroy |
dormido | asleep |
edificio de apartamentos | apartment building |
escalera | ladder |
escaparse | to escape |
esconder | to hide |
humo | smoke |
incendio | fire |
muebles | furniture |
muerto | dead |
paramedico | paramedic |
quemar | to burn |
se murieron | they died |
subir | to go ip |
herido | injured |
el heroe | hero |
heroina | heroine |
rescatar | to rescue |
salvar | to save |
valiente | brave |
vida | life |
vivo | living |
a causa de | because of |
afortunadamente | fortunately |
asustado | frightened |
la causa | cause |
de prisa | in a hurry |
de repente | suddenly |
gritar | to scream |
hubo | there was |
llamar (por teléfono) | to call (on the phone) |
oir | to hear |
sin duda | without a doubt |
socorro | help |
el huracan/los huracanes | hurricane |
la inundacion/las inundaciones | flood |
llover (o-ue) | to rain |
nevar (e-ie) | to snow |
el terremoto | earthquake |
la tormenta | storm |
el articulo | article |
investigar | to investigate |
el locutor | la locutora |
el noticiero | newscast |
ocurrir | to occur |
el reportero | la reportero |
tratar de | to try to |
apagar | to put out (fire) |
bajar | to go down |
el bombero | la bombera |
comenzar (e-ie) | to start |
destruir(i-y) | to destroy |
dormido | a |
el edificio de apartamentos | apartment building |
la escalera | ladder |
escaparse | to escape |
la explosion/las explosiones | explosion |
el humo | smoke |
el incendio | fire |
los muebles | funiture |
muerto | a |
el paramedico/la paramedica | paramedic |
quemar(se) | to burn (onself) |
se mutieron | they died |
subir | to go up |
esconder(se) | to hide (oneself) |
herido | a |
el herido | la herida |
el heroe | heroe |
la heroina | heroine |
recatar | to rescue |
salvar | to save |
valiente | brave |
la vida | life |
vivo | a |
a causa de | because of |
afortunadamente | fortunately |
asustado | a |
la causa | cause |
de prisa | in a hurry |
de repente | suddenly |
gritar | to scream |
hubo | there was |
llamar (por tlefono) | to call (on the phone) |
oir | to hear |
sin duda | without a doubt |
iSocorro! | help! |
copa | wine glass |
cubiertos | table setting |
cuchara | soup spoon |
cuchillo | knife |
fuente (f) | soup bowl |
mantel (m) | tablecloth |
platillo | saucer |
plato | plate |
servilleta | napkin |
taza | cup |
tenedor (m) | fork |
vaso | glass |
carnicería | butcher shop |
frutería | fruit shop |
lechería | dairy shop |
panadería | bakery |
pescadería | fish shop |
verdulería | vegetable shop |
cabrito | kid |
carne (f) | beef |
cerdo | pork |
cordero | lamb |
fiambre | luncheon meat |
jamón | ham |
pato | duck |
pavo | turkey |
pollo | chicken |
salchicha | sausage |
ternera | veal |
tocinco | bacon |
aceituna | olive |
aguacate (m) | avocado |
ajo | garlic |
apio | celery |
bróculi (m) | broccoli |
calabacita | zucchini |
calabaza | squash/pumpkin |
cebolla | onion |
ensalada | salad |
espinaca | spinach |
frijol (m) | bean |
guisante (m) | pea |
judía verde | green bean |
lechuga | lettuce |
maíz (m) | corn |
papa | potato |
tomate (m) | tomato |
tuna | cactus fruit |
zanahoria | carrot |
durazno | peach |
fresa | strawberry |
limón (m) | lemon |
mango | mango |
manzana | apple |
melón | melon |
naranja | orange |
papaya | papaya |
pasa | raisin |
pera | pear |
piña | pineapple |
plátano | banana |
toronja | grapefruit |
uva | grape |
aceite | oil |
crema | cream |
mantequilla | butter |
mayonesa | mayonnaise |
mostaza | mustard |
pimienta | pepper |
sal (f) | salt |
salsa de tomate | tomato sauce/ketchup |
vinagre | vinegar |
atún (m) | tuna |
calamar (m) | squid |
camarón (m) | shrimp |
cangerjo | crab |
ceviche (m) | raw fish marinated in lime juice |
langosta | lobster |
mariscal (m) | shellfish marinated in lime juice |
mejillón (m) | mussel |
ostra | oyster |
pulpo | octopus |
salmón (m) | salmon |
trucha | trout |
agua | water |
arroz (m) | rice |
azúcar (m) | sugar |
café (m) con leche | coffee with hot milk |
chocolate (m) | chocolate |
huevo | egg |
leche (f) | milk |
licuado | smoothie made with fruits |
pan (m) | bread |
pastel (m) | pastry |
queso | cheese |
sopa | soup |
vino | wine |
almorzar (ue) | to eat a morning snack/lunch |
almuerzo | morning snack |
cena | supper |
cenar | to eat supper |
comer | to eat |
comida | meal |
desayunar | to eat breakfast |
desayuno | breakfast |
merendar (ie) | to eat a snack |
merienda | snack |
picar | to nibble |
tentempié (m) | snack |
cocinar | to cook |
docena | dozen |
duro | tough |
fresco | fresh |
ingrediente (m) | ingredient |
kilo | kilogram |
libra | pound |
litro | liter |
plato principal | main dish |
postre (m) | dessert |
rico | rich |
sabroso | delicious |
tierno | tender |
¿Cuánto cuesta la entrada? | How much is the cover charge? |
¿Esta incluída la propina? | Is the tip included? |
Me falta/faltan...hielo/servilletas | I |
¿Me puede traer...por favor? | Can you please bring me...? |
¿Puedo ver la carta/el menú/la lista de vinos? | May I see the menu/wine list? |
¿Qué recomienda usted? | What do you recommend? |
¿Qué tarjetas de crédito aceptan? | What credit cards do you accept? |
Quisiera hacer una reservación/reserva para... | I'd like to make a reservation for... |
¿se necesitan reservaciones? | Are reservations necessary? |
¿Tiene usted una mesa para...? | Do you have a table for...? |
Tráigame la curenta | por favor. |
ser | to be (essential/permanent quality) |
estar | to be (health |
tener | to have |
hacer | to do |
poder | to be able to |
decir | to say |
ir | to go |
ver | to see |
dar | to give |
saber | to know (information) |
querer | to want |
llegar | to arrive |
pasar | to pass |
deber | to owe |
poner | to put |
parecer | to seem |
quedar | to stay |
creer | to believe |
hablar | to speak |
llevar | to carry |
dejar | to leave |
seguir | to follow |
encontrar | to find |
llamar | to call |
venir | to come |
pensar | to think |
salir | to leave |
volver | to return |
tomar | to take |
conocer | to know |
vivir | to live |
sentir | to feel |
tratar | to treat |
mirar | to watch |
contar | to count |
empezar | to begin |
esperar | to wait |
buscar | to search for |
existir | to exist |
entrar | to enter |
trabajar | to work |
escribir | to write |
perder | to lose |
producir | to produce |
ocurrir | to occur |
entender | to understand |
pedir | to request |
recibir | to receive |
recordar | to remember |
terminar | to finish |
permitir | to permit |
aparecer | to appear |
conseguir | to get |
comenzar | to begin |
servir | to serve |
sacar | to take out |
necesitar | to need |
mantener | to maintain |
resultar | to turn out (to be) |
leer | to read |
caer | to fall |
cambiar | to change |
presentar | to introduce |
crear | to create |
abrir | to open |
considerar | to consider |
oir | to hear |
acabar | to finish |
convertir | to convert |
ganar | to win |
formar | to form |
traer | to bring |
partir | to divide |
morir | to die |
aceptar | to accept |
realizar | to achieve |
suponer | to suppose |
comprender | to understand |
lograr | to get |
explicar | to explain |
preguntar | to ask |
tocar | to touch |
reconocer | to recognize |
estudiar | to study |
alcanzar | to reach |
nacer | to be born |
dirigir | to direct |
correr | to run |
utilizar | to use |
pagar | to pay |
ayudar | to help |
gustar | to please |
jugar | to play (a game or sport) |
escuchar | to listen to |
cumplir | to fulfil |
ofrecer | to offer |
descubrir | to discover |
levantar | to raise |
intentar | to try |
usar | to use |
el accidente | accident |
el antibio'tico | antibiotic |
la aspirina | aspirin |
la cli'nica | clinic |
el consultorio | doctor's office |
el/la dentista | dentist |
el/la doctor(a) | doctor |
el dolor (de cabeza) | (head)ache; pain |
el/la enfermero/a | nurse |
el examen me'dico | physical exam |
la farmacia | pharmacy |
la gripe | flu |
el hospital | hospital |
la infeccio'n | infection |
el medicamento | medication |
la medicina | medicine |
la operacio'n | operation |
el/la paciente | patient |
la pastilla | pill; tablet |
la radiografi'a | X-ray |
la receta | prescription |
el resfriado | cold (ilness) |
la sala de emergencia(s) | emergency room |
la salud | health |
el si'ntoma | symptom |
la tos | cough |
abierto/a | open |
cainoso/a | loving |
comprensivo | understanding |
conservador | conservative |
decepcionado | disappointed |
entrometido | meddlesome |
estricto | strict |
exigente | demanding |
indulgente | lenient |
involucrado | involved |
mandon | bossy |
orgulloso | proud |
protector | protective |
quejon | complaining |
egoista | selfish |
ensimismado | self-centered |
envidioso | envious |
inquieto | restless |
insoportable | unbearable |
malcriado | ill-mannered |
mimado | spoiled |
rebelde | rebellious |
sumiso | submissive |
travieso | mischievous |
acostumbrarse | to adjust (to) |
alabar | praise |
apoyar | to support |
castigar | to punish |
compartir | to share |
contar | to count on |
criar | to bring up/raised |
cuidar | to take care of |
extranar | to miss someone/something |
heredar | to inherit |
lamentar | to regret |
mantener | to maintain |
mudarse | to move |
obedecer | to obey |
pelearse | to fight |
portarse | to behave |
quejarse | to complain |
reganar | to scold |
volverle loco | to drive someone crazy |
disfuncional | dysfunctional |
estable | stable |
estrecho | close |
intimo | close between people |
pesimo | awful/terrible |
unido | close-knit |
los antepasados | ancestors |
el benjamin | baby of the family |
el gemelo | twin |
el hemanastro | step-brother |
el hijo adoptivo | adopted child |
el hijo unico | only child |
la madrastra | step-mother |
el medio hermano | half-brother |
el padrastro | step-father |
la brecha generacional | generation gap |
el comportamiento | behavior |
la comprension | understanding |
la desilusion | disappointment |
la esperanza | hope |
la expectativa | expectation |
el malentendido | misunderstanding |
los malos modales | bad manners |
las raices | roots |
los valores | values |
Espada | sword |
héroe | hero |
mitad | half |
bisabuelos | great grandparents |
mundo | the world |
patria | patriot |
dama | lady |
vencer | conquer |
tontería | foolishness |
hazañas | brave deeds |
venta | inn |
rezar | to pray |
capilla | chapel |
ruina | ruins |
atrevido | bold |
batalla | battle |
atacar | attack |
proteger | protect |
suerte | luck |
alba | dawn |
aldea | village |
escuerdo | squire |
azotar | to whip |
partir | depart |
furia | fury |
milla | mile |
seda | sick |
cielo | sky |
huir | retreat |
armadura | armor |
testigo | witness |
regresar | to return |
sobrina | niece |
quemar | to burn |
elcura | priest |
gobernador | governor |
rendir | surrender |
arrepentir | not be sorry |
llanto | crying |
molino | windmill |
cobarde | coward |
enamorado | to fall in love with |
dar palos | beat up |
venganza | vengeance |
aceite | olive oil |
mezclar | mixed |
agradecer | to be thankful |
castigar | to punish |
enganar | to be mistaken |
huespedes | guests |
mantear | toss in a blanket |
fantasma | ghosts |
culpar | to blame |
regresa | return |
prometa | promise |
nube | cloud |
polvo | dust |
ejercito | army |
oveja | sheep |
soldado | soldier |
barbero | barber |
bacia | barber's basin |
laton | brass |
oro | gold |
cadena | chain gang |
libertad | liberty |
estupideces | stupid things |
malagradecido | ingrates |
esconderse | hide |
pentencia | penance |
ausencia | absence |
pena | sorrow |
locura | insanity |
rescatar | rescue |
sano y salvo | safe and sound |
rogar | beg |
abrazar | embrace |
sangre | blood |
cuero | large |
jaula | cage |
dar a conocer | to make known |
dar con | to run into |
dar cuerda | to wind |
dar gritos | to shout |
dar la hora | to strike (the hour) |
dar las gracias | to thank |
dar recuerdos a | to give regards to |
dar un abrazo | to hug |
dar un paseo | to take a walk |
dar un paseo/una vuelta en coche | to go for a drive (in a car) |
dar una vuelta | to take a walk |
darse prisa | to hurry |
darse cuenta de (que) | to realize (that) |
darse la mano | to shake hands |
echar de culpa | to blame |
echar (una carta | una tarjeta |
echarle de menos a alguien | to miss someone |
echar(se) a perder | to spoil |
echarse a reir | a busrt out laughing |
estar a punto de | to be about to |
estar al dia | to be up to date (current) |
estar bein enterado | to be well informed |
estar de acuerdo | to agree unanimously |
estar buen humor/mal humor | to be in a good/bad mood |
estar de moda | to be in style (fashionable) |
estar de pie | to be standing |
estar de vuelta | to be back |
estar enamorado(a) de | to be in love with |
estar harti de | to be fed up with |
estar muerto de hambre | cansancio |
estar para + infinitive | to be about to |
(no) estar para bromas | to not be in the mood for jokes |
estar por | to be in favor of |
estar seguro | to be sure |
(no) hacer caso | (not) to pay attention |
hacerle dano alguien | to hurt someone |
hacer escala | to make a stope (i.e. |
hacer al papel de | to play the part/role of |
hacer(le) falta | to lack |
hacer hincapie | to emphasize |
hacer la cama | to make the bed |
hacer la maleta | to pack one's suitcase |
hacer pedazos | to smash |
hacer(le) saber | to inform |
hacer un viaje | to take a trip |
hacer una visita | to pay a visit |
hacer una pregunta | to ask a question |
hacerse cargo | to take charge of |
hacerse dano | to get hurt |
hacerse tarde | to get late |
Que tiempo hace? | What is the weather like? |
Hace buen tiempo | The weather is good |
Hace (mucho) calor | It is (very) hot/warm |
Hace (mucho) fresco | It is (very) cool |
Hace (mucho) frio | It is (very) cold |
Hace mal tiempo | The weather is bad |
Hace (mucho) sol | It is (very) sunny |
Hace (mucho) viento | It is (very) windy |
ir de compras | to go shopping |
ir al centro | to go downtown |
ir de tiendas | to go shopping |
llegar a tiemp | to be/arrive on time |
llegar tarde | to be/arrive late |
llegar temprano | to be/arrive early |
llegar a ser | to become (goal achieved over time) |
ponerse de acuerdo | to agree |
ponerse de pie | to stand |
ponerse de rodillas | to kneel (down) |
tener buena/mala cara | to look good/bad |
tener (mucha) calma | to be (very) calm |
tener (mucho) calor | to be/feel (very) hot |
tener (muchos) celos (de) | to be (very) jealous (of) |
tener (mucho) cuidado | to be (very) carful |
tener deseos de | to feel like |
tener dolor de (garganta | cabeza |
tener (mucha) envidia (de) | to be (very) envious (of) |
tener (mucho) exito | to be (very) successful |
tener (mucho) frio | to be/feel (very) cold |
tener ganas de | to feel like |
tener mucho gusto en | to be pleased with |
tener (mucha) hambre | to be (very) hungry |
tener en cuenta | to take into account |
tener la culpa (de) | to be to blame (for) |
tener la palabra | to have the floor |
tener (mucha) lastima de | to feel (very) sorry for |
tener lugar | to take place |
tener (mucho) miedo (de) | to be (very much) afraid of |
tener presente | to keep in mind |
tener (mucha) prisa | to be in a (big) hurry |
tener que + infinitive | to have to |
tener que ver con | to have to do with |
(no) tener razon | to be right (wrong) |
tener (mucha) sed | to be (very) thirsty |
tener (mucho) sueno | to be (very) sleepy |
tener (mucha) suerte | to be (very) lucky |
tener (mucha) verguenza (de) | to be (very) ashamed (of) |
tener...anos | to be... years old |
andar mal (de salud | de dinero |
aprender de memoria | to memorize |
caerle bien/mal a alguien | to make a good/bad impression on someone |
caerse muerto | to drop dead |
cambiar de idea | to change one's mind |
contar con | to rely on |
costarle trabajo | to be difficult for someone |
creer que si (no) | (not) to think so |
cumplir...anos | to turn... years old |
deberse a | to be due to |
decir (muchos) disparates | to talk (a lot of) nonsense |
decir que si/no | to say yes/no |
dejar caer | to drop |
dormir a pierna suelta | to sleep like a log/soundly |
ganarse la vida | to earn one's living |
llamar a la puerta | to knock on the door |
llevar a cabo | to carry out |
llevarse bien/mal con | to get/no get along with |
mantener le interes | to hold one's interest |
morirse de risa | to die laughing |
no servir para nada | to be good for nothing |
pagar al contado/ en efectivo | to pay cash |
pasar lista | to call the roll |
pasarlo bien/mal | to have a good/bad time |
pedir prestado | to borrow |
perder le tiempo | to waste one's time |
ponerse de acuerdo | to agree |
ponerse de pie | to stand (up) |
portarse bien/mal | to behave/misbehave |
prestar atencion | to pay attention |
quedar(le) bien/mal | to look good/bad (clothing |
querer decir | to mean |
saber a | to taste like |
sacar una foto(grafia) | to take a picture |
sacar una nota | to get a grade (on paper or assignment) |
sentar bien | to agree with one |
ser aficionado(a) a | to be a fan of |
ser hora de | to be time to |
tomar el sol | to sunbathe |
tomar(le) el pelo | to fool (someone) |
tocarle a uno | to be one's turn |
tomarle el pelo a alguien | to pull someone's leg (fool someone) |
valer la pena | to be worthwhile |
volverse loco | to go crazy |
a bordo | on board |
a ciegas | blindly |
a diario | daily |
a fin de cuentas | in the end |
a fondo | thoroughly |
a la + nationality (f.) | in (nationality) style |
a la carrera | quickly |
a la fuerza | by force |
a la larga | in the long run |
a la vez | at the same time |
a lo largo | throughout |
a lo lejos | in the distance |
a mas tardar | at the latest |
a menudo | often |
a mi parecer | in my opinion |
a pie | on foot |
a proposito | by the way |
a solas | alone |
a tiempo | on time |
a ultima hora | at the last minute |
a/algunas veces | sometimes |
a ver | let's see |
a su vez | in turn |
a tropezones | by fits and starts |
ahora mismo | right now |
al aire libre | outdoors |
al amanecer | at dawn |
al anochecer | at dusk |
al contado | cash |
al contrario | on the contrary |
al fin | finally |
al fin y al cabo | in the end |
al menos | at least |
al mismo tiempo | at the same time |
al parecer | apperently |
al pie de la letra | literally |
al por mayor | wholesale |
al por menor | retail |
al principio | at first |
al reves | upside down |
asi | asi |
asi es que | so |
Basta! | Enough! |
cada vez | each time |
cada vez mas | more and more |
cada vez menos | less and less |
claro que si (no) | Of course (not) |
como siempre | as usual |
con cuidado | sin cuidado |
con frecuencia | frequently |
con mucho qusto | gladly |
con (su) permiso | excuse me |
Creo que no. | I don't think so |
Creo que si | I think so |
cuanto antes | as soon as possible |
de antemano | beforehand |
de aqui en adelante | from now on |
de buena gana | de mala gana |
de costumbre | usually |
de dia | by day |
de ese modo/ de ese manera | in that way |
de excursion | on a picnic |
de frente | facing forward |
de golpe | all at once |
de hecho | in fact |
de hoy en adelante | from now on |
de memoria | by heart |
de nada | you are welcome |
de ninguna manera | by no means |
de ningun modo | by no means |
de noche | by night |
de nuevo | again |
de otra manera | in another way |
de otro modo | otherwise |
de par en par | wide open |
de postre | for dessert |
de prisa | quickly |
de pronto | suddenly |
de repente | suddenly |
de todos modos | at any rate |
de una vez | at once |
de ultima moda | in the latest style |
de veras | really |
de vez en cuando | from time to time |
dentro de poco | in a short while |
derecho | straight ahead |
desde luego | of course |
dia de fiesta | holiday |
en balde | in vain |
en broma | in fun |
en casa | at home |
en alguna parte | somewhere |
en cambio | on the other hand |
en cuanto | as soon as |
en el acto | immediately |
en efecto | as a matter of fact |
en el fondo | at heart |
en fin | finally |
en la actualidad | presently |
en primer lugar | in the first place |
en punto | on the dot |
en realidad | actually |
en resumidas cuentas | in short |
en seguida | immediately |
en serio | seriously |
en todas partes | everywhere |
en todo caso | in any case |
en voz alta | aloud |
en voz baja | in a low voice |
entre parentesis | in parentheses |
hace poco | a (short) while ago |
hasta la fecha | up until now |
hoy dia | nowadays |
hoy mismo | this very day |
lo mismo | the same thing |
lo de menos | the least important thing |
lo de siempre | just as usual |
lo mas pronto posible | as soon as possible |
lo que importa | what matters |
mejor dicho | in other words |
mejor que nunca | so much the better |
mientras tanto | meanwhile |
ni siquiera | not even |
no obstante | nevertheless |
otra vez | again |
para siempre | forever |
peor que nunca | worse than ever |
pocas veces | rarely |
poco a poco | little by little |
por ahora | for now |
por alli | that way |
por aqui | this way |
por casualidad | by chance |
por cierto | by the way |
por consiguiente | therefore |
por desgracia | unfortunately |
por ejemplo | for example |
por el/lo contrario | on the contrary |
por escrito | in writing |
por ese motivo | for that reason |
por eso | therefore |
por favor | please |
por fin | finally |
por la manana | in the morning |
por la noche | in the evening |
por lo comun | as a rule |
por lo general | generally |
por lo menos | at least |
por lo mismo | for that very reason |
por lo pronto | for the time being |
por lo tanto | therefore |
por lo visto | apperently |
por mas que | no matter how much |
por otra parte | on the other hand |
por otro lado | on the other hand |
por poco | almost |
por supuesto | of course |
por telefono | by phone |
por todas partes | everywhere |
por un lado | on one hand |
quince dias | two weeks |
rara vez | rarely |
sano y salvo | safe and sound |
sin duda | without a doubt |
sin embargo | however |
sin querer | unintentionally |
sobre todo | above all |
tal vez | perhaps |
tal como | such as |
tanto mejor | so much the better |
tarde o temprano | sooner or later |
todavia no | not yet |
todo el mundo | everyone |
una vez que | as soon as |
un poco de | a little (bit of) |
uno a uno | uno por uno |
vivo o muerto | dead or alive |
ya | already |
ya lo creo | I should say so |
ya no | no longer |
drunk | borracho |
growling | el rugido |
to plow | arar |
unequal | desigual |
buyer | el comprador |
to boast | to brag |
gravel | la grava |
war | la guerra |
a scale (for weighing) | la balanza |
a wheel | la rueda |
to scrutinize | to inquire into |
to wound | herir |
a wound | la herida |
such | such a |
to happen | to occur |
a tax | el impuesto |
but rather | sino |
perhaps | by any chance |
to take away | remove |
fabric | la tela |
a patch (for clothing) | el remiendo |
distressed | angustiado |
to direct | to lead |
to drag | to tow |
reject | rechasar |
to deny | negar |
crooked | chueco |
contentious | rencilloso |
assembly | meeting |
to deliver | to hand in |
to provide | to supply |
to supply oneself with | proveerse |
to find out | to ascertain |
to shake | to beat |
to persevere | perseverar |
daughter-in-law | la nuera |
to shovel | mover con pala |
undecided | indeciso |
to sled | ir en trineo |
hillsides | las laderas |
something | somewhat |
nothing | nada |
somebody | alguien |
to take place | tener lugar |
some | something |
no | none |
neither | not either |
either...or | o...o |
neither...nor | |
to be guilty | tener la culpa |
to feel like | tener ganas de |
it is foggy | hay niebla |
it is misty | hay neblina |
it is humid | hay humedad |
it's lightning | hay relámpagos |
it's cloudy | hay nubes |
it's pouring | hay lluvias torrenciales |
there's a windstorm | hay vendaval |
it's sprinkling | hay lloviznas |
it's dark | está oscuro |
it's rainy | está lluvioso |
it's snowing | nieva |
it's thundering | truena |
to have just done | acabar de |
to do something again | volver a (plus infinitive) |
fourth | cuarto |
fifth | quinto |
sixth | sexto |
seventh | séptimo |
eighth | octavo |
ninth | noveno |
tenth | décimo |
to express equality using adjective or adverbs | tan + adj or adverb + como |
as much ____ as | as many ____ as |
when comparing equal actions with use of an adjective (A works as hard as B) | verb + tan + adjective + como |
stain | blot |
according to | según |
approval | consent |
similarly | as well |
acquired | adquirido |
to acquire | to gain |
to cease | dejar de |
to light | to illuminate |
to produce | to bring about |
coming | future (adj.) |
to subjugate | subordinate |
fullness (n) | la plenitud |
dull | obtuse |
fist | el puño |
to collect | gather |
to wrap (in a covering) | envolver |
boundary | limit |
a shield | el escudo |
to reprove | reprender |
to remove | to move away |
a portion | la porción |
to slander | calumniar |
a slave | el/la esclavo(a) |
a master (over animals or slaves) | el amo |
whose | of whom |
eyelid | el párpado |
to be satisfied | saciarse |
womb | el útero |
barren (woman) | estéril |
barren (ground) | árido |
raven | el cuervo |
rock | crag |
locust | la langosta |
lizard | el lagarto |
majestic | majestuoso |
goat | la cabra |
army | el ejército |
to push | to squeeze |
a vow | la promesa |
to afflict | afligir |
jewel | la joya |
wool | la lana |
with pleasure | willingly |
to evaluate | assess |
to strengthen | to fortify |
to notice | notar |
to extend | to lengthen |
idleness | la inactividad |
to surpass | exceed |
to excel | to stand out |
lawful | legal |
crowd | multitude |
to be in excess | sobrar |
basket | la cesta |
immediately | inmediatamente |
to sink (like in water) | hundirse |
to beg | to plead |
at least | siquiera |
not even | ni siquiera |
cured | curado |
the day after tomorrow | pasado mañana |
the night before last | la noche anterior |
El libro | Book |
El barril | Barrel |
El actor | Actor |
La foto | Photo |
La mano | Hand |
La moto | Motorcycle |
La radio | Radio |
La capital | Capital |
La cárcel | Jail |
La catedral | Cathedral |
La miel | Honey |
La moral | Morale |
La piel | Skin |
La sal | Salt |
La señal | Sign |
La trama | Plot |
La libertad | Liberty |
La costumbre | Custom |
La luz | Light |
La condición | Condition |
La decisión | Decision |
El día | Day |
El arroz | Rice |
El tranvía | Streetcar |
El maíz | Corn |
El matiz | Shade of color |
El pez | Fish |
El huésped | Guest |
El césped | Lawn |
El lápiz | Pencil |
El ataúd | Coffin |
El clima | Climate |
El poema | Poem |
El crucigrama | Crossword puzzle |
El poeta | Poet |
El drama | Drama |
El problema | Problem |
El fantasma | Ghost |
El ajedrez | Chess |
El idioma | Language |
El síntoma | Symptom |
El mapa | Map |
El sistema | System |
El panorama | Panorama |
El telegrama | Telegram |
El planeta | Planet |
El tema | Theme |
El lunes | Monday |
El poder | Power |
El amanecer | Dawn |
El hombre | Man |
La mujer | Woman |
El/La estudiante | Student |
El/La joven | Young man/woman |
El/La modelo | Model |
El/La turista | Tourist |
El/La atleta | Athlete |
El/La ciclista | Cyclist |
El/La comunista | Communist |
El/La pianista | Pianist |
El/La guía | Guide |
El/La demócrata | Democrat |
El policía | Policeman |
La policía | The police |
El papa | The pope |
La papa | Potato |
El cura | Priest |
La cura | Cure |
El/La refugiado/a | Refugee |
aprender | to learn |
asistir a | to attend |
caminar | to walk |
comenzar | to begin (e to ie) (-zar verb) |
comprar | to buy |
contestar | to answer |
decir | to tell/say (e to i) |
despertarse | to wake up |
ensayar | to rehearse |
ensenar | to teach |
entregar | to hand in (-gar verb) |
esperer | to wait for/hope |
ganar | to win |
gastar | to spend |
grabar | to record |
(form of) ir + a + infinitive | going to do something |
llegar | to arrive (-gar verb) |
llevar | to wear/carry |
mirar | to look at/watch |
pagar | to pay (-gar verb) |
pedir | to ask for/order (e to i) |
pensar | to think about/plan (e to ie) |
poder | can/to be able to (o to ue) |
poner | to put/set/place |
sacar | to take out/to get (-car verb) |
secarse | to dry (-car) |
tomar | to take |
traer | to bring |
vender | to sell |
volver | to return (o to ue) |
atrevido | daring |
gracioso | funny |
reservado | shy |
simpatico | nice/friendly |
divertido | fun |
aburrido | boring |
algun | some |
ningun | none |
algo | something |
nada | nothing |
alguien | someone |
nadie | no one |
siempre | always |
a veces | sometimes |
nunca | never |
tambien | also |
tampoco | neither |
la fila | line |
la hilera | string |
la linea | line |
alinear | to line up |
el renglon | (written) line. actually printed or drawn on a page |
la raya | stripe |
la cola | tail |
hacer cola | to stand (wait) in line |
el timbre | bell |
el cascabel | bell. refers to a small |
la campana | bell. found in churces |
el cecerro | (cow) bell. farm animals |
la campanilla | bell |
despierto | awake |
(d)espabilado | wide awake |
listo | bright |
vivo | bright |
la calle | street. public thoroughfare in a city or town |
la carretera | highway. any major road |
la autovia | freeway. a newer freeway with more lanes than a carretera |
el carril | lane. in streets and highways |
el peaje | toll |
la autopista | freeway. a highway without stoplights or stop signs intended for rapid |
la autopista de peaje | toll road |
el camino | road |
la via | lane |
el lugar | place |
el sitio | place |
el paraje | place |
el local | place |
la localidad | place |
la punta | point |
el punto | point. a moment in time or a point in space or in an argument |
en punto | sharp. if a specific hour is indicated. |
a punto | on time. punctually |
estar a punto de + infinitive | to be about to do something |
poner a punto | to tune up |
arrollar | to roll (over) |
atropellar | to run over; to knock down. to run violently into |
aplastar | to crush. or flatten something. like arrollar. |
aniquilar | to annihilate. to destroy totally something or someone |
poner | to put or to place |
meter | to put |
colocar | to place |
introducir | to put in |
acosar | to harass. persistent or continuous pursuing of a person or animal |
perseguir | to pursue. indicates a high degree of intensity but may have both people or goals as its direct object. Lacks the negative connotation. |
importunar | to annoy. |
molestar | to annoy |
hostigar | to lash |
la escapatoria | getaway |
escapar(se) | to escape |
la fuga | flight |
fugarse | to flee |
la huida | flight |
huir | to flee |
la evasion | escape |
evadirse | to escape |
poder | to be able |
el poder | power |
la potencia | power. sense of meaurable mechanical or electrical energy. or when referring to a nation as a political |
la fuerza | power |
darse cuenta de | to realize. to become aware of something. |
caer en la cuenta | to realize. stresses the suddenness of one's perception. |
realizar | to realizar. to accomplish or to achieve something. |
el dolor | pain |
doler | to ache |
el sufrimiento | suffering. both physical or mental suffering. |
sufrir | to suffer or to endure without complaint |
el padecimiento | suffering. |
padecer | to suffer |
pasar + certain nouns | to suffer or to endure when used in conjunction with nouns as hambre |
regalar | to give (as a gift or a present) |
hacer un regalo | to give a gift |
el regalo | gift |
el don | gift. natural gift or talent. |
el presente | gift. indicates a modest gift that is ceremonial or formal in nature. |
el obsequio | gift. token gift or a gift meant to gain or keep the favor of the recipient. |
el donativo | gift |
la dadiva | gift. implies something given disinterestedly and freely |