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TLC 7th Math Vocab

Chapters 1-7

absolute deviation the absolute value of the difference of x and a given value
absolute value equation an equation containing an absolute value expression
algebraic expression an expression with at least one variable
base the factor being multiplied in a power
best-fitting line a line that corresponds to a trend in a graphed data set
causation when a strong correlation does not imply cause and effect between paired variables
compound inequality 2 inequalities connected by and or or
compound interest interest earned on an initial investment and previously earned interest modeled by I=PRT
consistent dependent system a linear system with infinity solutions (same line)
consistent independent system a linear system with exactly 1 solution because they are distinct intersecting lines
constant a number
constant of variation the constant k in the direct variation equation, a non-zero constant
converse the statement formed by exchanging the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement- is not necessarily true
cross product finding this is the first step in the preferred method for solving an equation with a ratio equal to a ratio
decay factor 1 - the decay rate is this; this is what decreases exponentially
decay rate r in the exponential decay model; a percent of decreased (which is then subtracted from 1 to make the decay factor)
dependent variable output
direct variation the relationship of 2 variables x and y if there is a nonzero number k such that y=kx (also called directly proportional)
domain the set of x's in a function
elimination/combination linear ______-an equation obtained by adding one equation in a 19 across to another equation in a 19 across- also, one of our methods for solving systems
equivalent equations equations with the same solution, or value
equivalent inequalities two inequalities with the same solutions
exponent represents the number of times the base is multiplied
exponential decay an exponential function when a>0 and 0<b<1, and it decreases exponentially over a time period
exponential function a function in the form y=ab^x that is nonlinear; a does not equal 0, b > 0, and b does not equal 1
exponential growth this is an exponential function where a>0 and b>1, and it increases exponentially over a time period
extrapolation using a line or equation to approximate a value OUTSIDE the range of known values
family of functions functions with graphs with common characterisitics- if in family are transformations of the parent
formula literal equation showing a rule for a certain relation
function a relationship in which each X or input has one corresponding Y or output
function notation a way to define or name a relationship in which each x has exactly one corresponding y: f(x)=y
graph of a system of linear inequalities a graph showing all solutions in the system
graph of an inequality a set of points which represent all solutions of an inequality on a number line
graph of an inequality in 2 variables a set of points which represent all solutions of an inequality on a coordinate plane
growth factor one plus the growth rate is this; this is what grows exponentially
growth rate r in the exponential growth model; a percent of increase (which is then added to 1 to make the growth factor)
half-plane in a coordinate plane, the region of each side of a boundary line
identity an equation that IS true for all values of the variable
inconsistent system a linear system that has no solution (parallel lines)
independent variable input
interpolation using a line or equation to approximate a value BETWEEN two known values
inverse operations two operations that undo each other
irrational number a number that cannot be written as a quotient of two integers that is a non-terminating, non-repeating decimal
line of fit a line used to model the trend in data on a scatter plot
linear equation an equation whose graph is a line
linear function a function you can write as y=mx+b and its graph is a line
linear inequality in 2 variables an equation that can be written as y is less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, or not equal to mx+b
linear regression the statistical process of finding the best-fitting line to model a data set
literal equation an equation in which the coefficients and constants have been replaced by letters
negative correlation a correlation where y tends to decrease as x increases
negative exponent when a base is raised to a negative power, it is equivalent to the reciprocal (a^-n = 1/a^n) when the base isn't zero
open sentence an equation or inequality containing an algebraic expression
order of magnitude this is the power of ten nearest to a given quantity often used to estimate or roughly calculate
order of operations the established procedure for evaluating expressions with more than one operation
parallel two lines are this if their ratios of rise to run are equivalent
parent linear function the original and simplest line in the family of linear functions
perfect square a number multiplied by itself- one of the numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 ...
perpendicular two lines are this if their ratios of rise to run are opposite reciprocals
point-slope form y-y1 = m(x-x1) where point is (x1, y1) and slope is m
positive correlation a correlation where y tends to increase as x increases
power an expression that represents repeated multiplication of the same factor
precision how much detail an instrument or tool is capable of measuring
proportion an equation in which a fraction is set equal to a fraction
quadrant one of the four regions of the coordinate plane (divided by axes)
radicand number underneath radical symbol, or sign showing the square root of the number underneath it; the thing you're finding the square root of
range the set of y's in a function
rate ratio comparing two amounts with different units
rate of change a comparison of 2 different quantities that are changing; a ratio to compare the dependent variable change to the independent variable change
ratio a description of a relationship between two quantities
real numbers one of the set of numbers that includes those that can be written as a fraction and those that cannot be written as a fraction
relation any collection of ordered pairs (x,y)
relatively no correlation when x and y points on a scatter plot have no apparent relationship
scale the ratio of the length in a drawing to the actual object's length
scale drawing a drawing using a scale to make a smaller or larger representation of an original object
scale model a 3D model using a scale to make a smaller or larger representation of an original object
scatter plot a graph of pairs of numbers (x,y) that represent real life quantities
slope ratio of rise to run- the number of units a nonvertical line rises compared to the number of units it runs (slantiness of a line)
slope-intercept form y=mx+b, a line m=slope and b=y int
solution of a system of linear equations an ordered pair that works in each/ALL equation(s) in the system
solution of a system of linear inequalities an ordered pair that works in each inequality in the system
solution of an inequality in 2 variables an x and y ordered pair that produces a true statement when substituted into an inequality
square root when you multiply a number by itself once to get a product, the number is the ___________ of that product
standard form Ax+By=C
substitution linear ______- one of our methods for solving systems where one equation set equal to a variable is substituted into the other equation
system of linear equations a system or set of equations which are all linear in the same variables
system of linear inequalities two or more inequalities with the same variables (like a set)
unit rate a comparison of two quantities with a denominator of one
variable a letter used to represent one or more numbers or a changing quantity
verbal model using words, labels, and math symbols to describe a real life situation
x-intercept where a line intersects the x-axis on the graph
y-intercept where a line crosses the y-axis on the graph
zero exponent when a base is raised to the zero power, the answer is always 1 (when the base isn't zero)
zero of a function for the function f, any value x so that f(x) = 0 so, it is an x-intercept of the function's graph #
Created by: owlevb
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