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Reform Movements

Reform Unit - Kansas History - WeberAE

What is the definition of contaminated? Impure, unclean.
What does foreclosure mean? The ending of rights of a debtor to personal property.
Define industrialization: To become industrial.
What does it mean to lobby for something? A group of people would try to influence or convince public officials in favor of a cause.
Prohibition The period during which the 18th amendment forbade the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.
Populism A US political movement seeking to represent the interests of farmers and laborers in the 1890s.
Define regulation: Controlling or enforcing a set standard or rules.
Socialism Social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that plans and controls the economy.
What is suffrage? The right or privilege of voting.
Define temperance restraint in the use of or abstinence from alcoholic liquors.
What made farmers angry during the "Gilded Age"? High prices for shipping crops by RR, high interest rates charged by banks, inequality of wealth between rich & poor.
What happened as a result of the depression of the 1870s? Reform movements began.
Why did Prohibitionists see alcohol as "evil and destructive to society"? It was a threat to the idea of family, caused some to behave poorly.
In what ways did Kansas fail to enforce its own prohibition laws? People could still buy for medicinal purposes, people made/used in their homes, secret saloons.
What role did Carry Nation play during the prohibition movement? She brought national attention to the issue of Prohibition.
Name at least one issue what was of interest to female voters in Kansas: alcohol or gambling.
How did Kansas women achieve full suffrage? Contacted every member of the state legislature, The women were organized and had a plan, Women raised funds for their campaign,Women contacted every woman in the state and encouraged participation in cause,Contacted politicians.
What were 2 goals of the Populist movement? Political & economic reform.
What were 2 goals of the Progressive movement? Election Reform, government regulation of businesses.
What regulations were established under the Child Labor Law of 1905? No one 16 or under may work dangerous jobs.
Name two public health reform topics Dr. Samuel Crumbine campaigned to change: Swat the Fly, Ban the Public Drinking Cup
**Know a problem & solution from one topic of your foldable** **Know a problem & solution from one topic of your foldable**
The Progressive Movement was about... Progress and moving forward.
Progressivism Promoting or favoring progress toward better conditions or new policies, ideas or methods.
Created by: WeberAE
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