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What temperature must cold TCS foods be held under?
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What temperature must hot TCS foods be held above?
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ServSafe Chapter 7

ServSafe 7 study guides

What temperature must cold TCS foods be held under? 41*
What temperature must hot TCS foods be held above? 135*
How often must you check the temperature of food you are holding? At least every 4 hours
If you only check every 4 hours, why would you have to throw it out if it wasn't at the right temp? Because it can only be in the TDZ for up to 4 hours
If you check the temperature every two hours, and it is in the TDZ, can you save it? Yes, it gives you time to take a corrective action
Why does food have to be thrown out if it is in the TDZ for 4 or more hours? Because bacteria may have grown to unsafe levels
Why can't you use hot-holding equipment to reheat food? Because it would take too long to get it up to the proper temperature
What are 4 ways to thaw foods? In a refrigerater, under running cold water, during the cooking process, and (gulp) a microwave
Which is the best method for thawing foods? In a refrigerater
If using a microwave, what must you do immediately after thawing? Cook it
Are pooling eggs and storing them acceptable in CT? No
What are TCS foods? Temperature control for safety
How long are you allowed to store leftovers below 41*? 7 days
What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for ground beef? 155*
What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for Pork chops? 145*
What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for eggs? 145*
What is the minimum internal cooking temperature chicken breasts? 165*
What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for stuffed shells? 165*
What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for reheating anything? 165*
What is the minimum internal cooking temperature when cooking in a mirowave? 165*
What is the only part of tableware you should touch when setting a table? Only the handle, not the "business end"
How many different foods can you serve using the same serving utensil? Only one
What type of restaurants are required to have sneeze guards? Self service and buffets
What are three ways you can tell you have a food bourne illness? 1. Upset stomach 2. Diarrhea 3. Fever/ extreme cramping
Why are customers NOT allowed to reuse their plates at a self-serve area? Bacteria/viruses can spread from plate to serving utensil
When serving food to a customer, what part of the plate should you avoid touching, the edge, side, top, or bottom The top
What must be thrown out after bringing back from a customers table, used ketchup bottle, wrapped butter, rolls, or untouched pie returned by customer? Rolls and pie
How do you check the internal temperature of foods? Stick a thermometer in the thickest part
How many different places should you check on one food? At least two
Created by: mtsoxfan
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