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VTA 130 Hematology review

Define Hematology The study of blood
Define Hematopoiesis the formation of blood cells
What is plasma? the liquid portion of blood, separated from the cells but still contains fibrinogens
What is serum? The fluid portion of the blood that carries the cells but it is w/o ALL fibrinogens, cells and clotting factors
-penia decrease from normal, deficiency
-philia increase
Erythrocytes mature red blood cells
Leukocytes White blood cells, there are 5 types. Neutrophils, Eosinophil, Basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes
Thrombocytes Facilitate the clotting and repair procedure, helps maintain the integrity of the endothelium, pale, blue, granular bodies
Rouleaux red blood cells affixed in groups resembling stacks of coins
Anisocytosis Variation in the size of erythrocytes
Crenation- the margins of erythrocytes appearing as sharp points
Schistocyte a red blood cell undergoing fragmentation or a fragmented part of a red blood cell
Hemolysis the destruction or dissention of red blood cells
icterus yellow, jaundiced
Lipemia excessive fat of fatty substance in the blood
Morphology The branch of biology that deals with the form and structure of organisms w/o consideration of function
What are the functions of blood? carry oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body & waste products back to the lungs, kidney & liver for disposal, essential to the immune system, fluid & temperature balance, hydraulic fluid for certain function, highway for hormonal messages
What is the difference between plasma and serum? both are separated from cells, however, plasma still has fibrinogens, while serum which has clotted leaving it w/o ALL fibrinogens and clotting factors
What vessel of the hind leg is commonly used in canine patients Lateral saphenous
What vessel of the hind leg is commonly used in feline patients? medial saphenous
What general group of tests is a purple top tube used for? CBC & Platelet count
What substance does a PTT contain? EDTA
What general group of tests is a red top tube or a serum separator tube used for? Blood Chemistry Test
What substance does an RTT contain? NO chemicals
What type of test is a blue top tube used for? coagulation assay
What substance does a BTT contain? sodium or potassium citrate
What substance does a green top tube contain? Heparin
What tubes can be used to hold urine? Glass red top
How can hemolysis of the blood sample occur? using a needle that is too small OR drawing blood too quickly
What parts of the CBC can be run manually? differential count, pcv, wbc
What does an elevated PCV indicate? Dehydration
What does a low PCV indicate? Anemia
What is a Neutrophil and what does it do? the most predominant WBC- fights bacterial infections
What is a lymphocyte and what does it do? fights against viral infection
What is a Eosinophil and what does it do?
What is a basophil and what does it do?
What is a monocyte and what does it do? Helps other WBS's remove dead and damaged tissue
What blood chemistry values are associated with the kidney? creatinine, BUN
What blood chemistry values are associated with the liver? total bilirubin, total protein, ACT, bile acid, ALK-PHOS
What blood chemistry values are associated with the pancreas? Amylase, Lipase, Serum glucose
Which electrolytes are commonly included in blood chemistries? sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus
Created by: Adeprey4311
Popular Veterinary sets




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