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FR 11-conditionnel
Learn the regular and irregular verbs in the conditional tense
Question | Answer |
I would like | j'aimerais |
we would finish | nous finirions |
she would leave | elle partirait |
you (sing.) would be | tu serais |
we would have | nous aurions |
he would come | il viendrait |
you (plur) would go | vous iriez |
they could | ils pourraient |
they could do | ils pourraient faire |
they would do | ils feraient |
he could | il pourrait |
he should | il devrait |
he would say | il dirait |
I would leave | je partirais |
you (sing.) would have fun | tu t'amuserais |
I would hear | j'entendrais |
I would do | je ferais |
she would want | elle voudrait |
you (plur) would start | vous commenceriez |
you (sing.) would take | tu prendrais |
I would get up | je me lèverais |
she would buy | elle achèterait |
who would help? | qui aiderait? |
who would like to help? | qui aimerait aider? |
I would see | je verrais |
she would go | elle irait |
we would stay | nous resterions |
he shouldn't play | il ne devrait pas jouer |
you (plur) would have | vous auriez |
you (sing.) would be | tu serais |
I would know (savoir) | je saurais |
they would become | ils deviendraient |
it would rain | il pleuvrait |
we would leave (with "on") | on partirait |
she should work | elle devrait travailler |
you (sing) shouldn't give homework | tu ne devrais pas donner des devoirs |