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SAK Civivs Final 14

People select those who make decisions in government. Popular Sovereignty
Each branch of government can do certain things to control the other branches. Checks and Balances
When people don't agree and decide to find common ground. Compromise
Division of powers between the states and federal government. Federalism
Wanted all states to have equal representation in Congress. New Jersey Plan
Protects the rights of the accused with established rule of law. Due Process of Law
Powers that are not written specifically in the Constitution, but are "understood" based on other things that are written. Implied Powers
When a person or group is treated unfairlt based on race, religion, religion or other reasons. Discrimination
A court's authority to hear a case first. Original Jurisdiction
The five freedom's. This amendment discusses Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, The Right to Peaceably Assembly, The Right to Petetion the Government. First Amendment
The introduction the Constitution. It explains what the Constitution will do. Preamble
Formally accusing a high ranking official of wrong-doing. Impeach
People who work together to achieve a common goal. Interest Groups
The written law of the land. Constitution
A legal process for becoming a citizen. Naturalization
The case that is the reason you are given your 5th amendment rights. Miranda
A plan that called for representation by state population in Congress. Virginia Plan
A case that made it so that all people have a right to a lawyer. Gideon
Economic system that was a mixture of the Market and Command systems. Mixed Economic Systems
How much money a business has left after paying out all of its expenses. Profit
Things a person must have to survive. Needs
Outlines the rights of the accused through Due Process of Law. Fifth Amendment
More than half. Majority
The Courts ability to determine what they think the Constitution means. Interpret
Work that is provided to people. Teachers provide a service. Services
An economy that is based on things that have been done in the past. Traditional Economy
An economy where buyers and sellers agree on what, how, and for whom to produce. Market Economy
Created by: krisestu
Popular American Government sets




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