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Realidades 5A
Spanish 1
Term | Definition |
los abuelos | grandparents |
el abuelo | grandfather |
la abuela | grandmother |
el esposo | husband |
la esposa | wife |
los hermanos | brothers; brother(s) and sister(s) |
el hermano | brother |
la hermana | sister |
el hermanastro | stepbrother |
la hermanastra | stepsister |
los hijos | children; sons |
el hijo | son |
la hija | daughter |
los padres | parents |
el padre | father |
la madre | mother |
el padrastro | stepfather |
la madrastra | stepmother |
los primos | cousins |
el primo | (male) cousin |
la prima | (female) cousin |
los tíos | uncles; aunt(s) and uncle(s) |
el tío | uncle |
la tía | aunt |
¿Cuántos años tiene? | How old is / are ? |
Tiene años. | He / She is / They are (years old). |
mayor | older |
menor | younger |
la persona | person |
el gato | cat |
el perro | dog |
le gusta | he / she likes / |
le encanta | loves |
abrir | to open |
celebrar | to celebrate |
decorar | to decorate |
las decoraciones | decorations |
hacer un video | to videotape |
el video | video |
preparar | to prepare |
romper | to break |
sacar fotos | to take photos |
la foto | photo |
la cámara | camera |
el cumpleaños | birthday |
¡Feliz cumpleaños! | Happy birthday! |
los dulces | candy |
la flor | flower |
el globo | balloon |
la luz | light |
el papel picado | cut-paper decorations |
el pastel | cake |
la piñata | piñata |
el regalo | gift/ present |
que | who/ that |
solo | only |
tener | to have |
tengo | I have |
tenemos | we have |
tienes | you have |
tenéis | you have (Spain only) |
tiene | he/she/you (formal) have |
tienen | they/you (all) have |
mi | my |
nuestro | our |
tu | your |
vuestro | your (pl.) |
su | your (formal)/ his/her/its your (pl.)/their |