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Microsoft Office2016

Office Fundamentals and File Management

Access Relational database management software that enables you to record and link data, query databases, and create forms and reports.
Backstage view A component of Office that provides a concise collection of commands related to common file activities and provides information on an open file.
Backup A copy of a file or folder on another drive.
CAPTCHA A scrambled code used with online forms to prevent mass sign-ups. It helps to ensure that an actual person is requesting the account.
Clip art An electronic illustration that can be inserted into an Office project.
Clipboard An office feature that temporarily holds selections that have been cut or copied and allows you to paste the selections.
Cloud storage A technology used to store files and to work with programs that are stored in a central location on the Internet.
Command A button area within a group that you click to perform tasks.
Contextual tab A Ribbon tab that displays when an object, such as a picture or table, is selected. A contextual tab contains groups and commands specific to the selected object.
Copy To duplicate an item from the original location and place the copy in the Office Clipboard.
Cut To remove an item from the original location and place it in the Office Clipboard.
Default Office settings that remain in effect unless you specify otherwise.
Dialog box A window that displays when a program requires interaction with you, such as inputting information, before completing a procedure. This window typically provides access to more precise, but less frequently used, information.
Dialog Box Launcher An icon in a Ribbon group that you can click to open a related dialog box. It is not found in all groups.
Enhanced ScreenTip A feature that provides a brief summary of a command when you point to the command button.
Excel A software application used to organize records, financial transactions, and business information in the form of worksheets.
File Electronic data such as documents, databases, slide shows, worksheets, digital photographs, music, videos, and Web pages.
File Explorer A component of the Windows operating system that can be used to create and manage folders.
Find An Office feature that locates a word or phrase that you indicate in a document.
Folder A directory into which you place data files in order to organize them for easier retrieval.
Font A combination of typeface and type style.
Format Painter A command that copies the formatting of text from one location to another.
Gallery A set of selections that displays when you click a More button, or in some cases when you click a command, in a Ribbon group.
Group A subset of a tab that organizes similar tasks together; to combine two or more objects.
Homegroup A Windows 8 feature that enables you to share resources on a home network.
Key Tip The letter or number for the associated keyboard shortcut that displays over features on the Ribbon or Quick Access Toolbar.
Landscape orientation An orientation for a displayed page or worksheet that is wider than it is tall.
Library A collection of files from different locations that is displayed as a single unit.
Live Preview An Office feature that provides a preview of the results of a selection when you point to an option in a list or gallery. Using Live Preview, you can experiment with settings before making a final choice.
Margin The area of blank space that displays to the left, right, top, and bottom of a document or worksheet.
Microsoft Office A productivity software suite including four primary software components, each one specializing in a particular type of output.
Mini Toolbar The feature that provides access to common formatting commands, displayed when text is selected.
Navigation Pane Enables you to navigate through a document by viewing headings, viewing pages, and browsing the results of your last search.
Operating system Software that directs computer activities such as checking components, managing system resources, and communicating with application software.
Paste To place a cut or copied item in another location.
Picture A graphic file that is retrieved from storage media of the Internet and placed in an Office project.
Portrait orientation An orientation for a displayed page or worksheet that is taller than is wide.
PowerPoint A software application used to create dynamic presentations to inform groups and persuade audiences.
Quick Access Toolbar A component of Office, located at the top-left corner of the Office window, that provides handy access to commonly executed tasks such as saving a file and undoing recent actions.
Replace An office feature that finds text and replaces it with a word or phrase that you indicate.
Ribbon The long bar of tabs, groups, and commands located just beneath the Title bar.
Shortcut menu Provides choices related to the selection or area at which you right-click.
SkyDrive An application used to store, access, and share files and folders.
SmartArt A visual representation of information that can be created to effectively communicate a message or idea in one of many existing and visually appealing layout.
Snip The output of using the Snipping Tool.
Snipping Tool A Windows 8 accessory program that provides users the ability to capture an image of all (or part of) their computer's screen.
Start screen The display that you see after you turn on your computer and respond to any username and password prompts.
Status bar A horizontal bar found at the bottom of the program window that contains information relative to the open file.
Subfolder A folder that is housed within another folder.
Tab A component of the Ribbon that is designed to appear much like a tab on a file folder, with the active tab highlighted, that is used to organize groups by function.
Template A partially completed document containing preformatted text or graphics.
Theme A collection of design choices that includes colors, fonts, and special effects used to give a consistent look to a document, workbook, database form or report, or presentation.
Tile A colorful block on the Start screen that when clicked will launch a program, file, folder, or other Windows 8 app.
Title bar A component of Microsoft Office that identifies the current file name and the application in which you are working and includes control buttons that enable you to minimize, maximize, restore down, or close the application window.
Toggle The action of switching from one setting to another. Several Home tab tasks, such as Bold and Italic, are actually toggle commands.
User interface The screen display through which you communicate with the software.
View The way a file appears on screen.
Windows 10 A Microsoft operating system that can operate on touch-screen devices as well as laptops and desktops because it has been designed to accept multiple methods of input.
Word A word processing software application used to produce all sorts of documents, including memos, newsletters, forms, tablets, and brochures.
Zoom slider A horizontal bar on the far right side of the status bar that enables you to increase or decrease the size of file contents onscreen.
The Recent Documents list shows documents that have been previously Opened
Which of the following File Explorer features collects related data from folders and gives them a single name? Libraries
When you want to copy the format of a section but not the content, you should click Format Painter in the Clipboard group.
Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using SkyDrive? Hold Video conferences with others
What does a red wavy underline in a document, spreadsheet, or presentation mean? A word is misspelled or not recognized by the Office dictionary
When you close a file, You are prompted to save the file (unless you have made no changes since last saving it)
Live Preview provides a preview of the results of a choice you are considering before you make a final selection.
You can get help when working with an Office application in which one of the following areas? Help button
The Find and Replace enables you to do which of the following? Find any character string and replace it with another
A document or worksheet printed in landscape orientation is wider than it is tall.
A tool that copies all formatting from one area to another. Format painter
Software that directs computer activities such as checking all components, managing system resources, and communicating with application software. Operating system
A task-oriented section of the Ribbon that contains related commands. Group
An app used to store, access, and share files and folders. SkyDrive
Any of the several colorful block images found on the Start screen that when clicked takes you to a program, file, folder, or other Windows 8 app. Tile
A component of Office 2013 that provides a concise collection of commands related to an open file. Backstage view
A tool that displays near selected text that contains formatting commands. Mini toolbar
A level of folder structure indicated as a folder within another folder. Subfolder
A command used to locate each occurrence of a series of characters. Find
A Windows accessory program that allows you to capture a screen display so that you can save, annotate, or share it. Snipping tool
What you see after starting your Windows 8 computer and entering your username and password. Start screen
Provides handy access to commonly executed tasks such as saving a file and undoing recent actions. Quick Access Toolbar
A Microsoft operating system that is available on laptops, desktops, and tablet computers. Windows 10
A component made up of five icons that provide similar functionality to the Start button found in previous versions of Windows. Charms
The captured screen display created by the Snipping Tool. Snip
The long bar located just beneath the title bar containing tabs, groups, and commands. Ribbon
Provides access to computer resources, folders, files, and networked peripherals. Navigation Pane
A technology used to store files and to work with programs that are stored in a central location on the Internet Cloud storage
A character design or the way characters display onscreen. Font
Windows Explorer A windows component that can be used to create and manage folders.
Created by: TroyIS2241
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