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spanish test #1

capitulo 1a vocab

agradable pleasant
atrevido/a daring
callado/a quiet
chistoso/a funny
culto/a well-educated
dulce sweet
educado/a polite
encantador(a) charming
hablador(a) talkative
llamativo/a showy, flashy
reservado/a reserved
sensible sensitive
serio/a serious
bruto/a stupid/brutish
cursi tasteless, pretentious, corny
despistado/a absent-minded
grosero/a rude
pesado/a tedious/ annoying
presumido/a conceited
raro/a strange
tacano stingy
testarudo/a stubborn
tiquismiquis picky
el arete/ el pendiente earring
la arruga wrinkle
la barba beard
el bigote moustache
la ceja eyebrow
la cicatriz scar
el codo elbow
las gafas, los lentes eyeglasses
el lunar beauty mark, mole
el ombligo navel
la oreja ear
la patilla sideburn
el pelo hair
canoso grey
liso straight
rizado curly
tenido dyed
la peluca wig
el rasgo trait, characterisitc
el rostro face
el tatuaje tatto
calvo/a bald
pelirrojo/a red headed
carele bien/mal (a alguien) to like/dislike someone
darse cuenta de to realize
estar de moda to be in style
estar pasado/a de moda to be out of style
ir a la moda to dress fashionably
llevarse bien/mal con to get along well/poorly with
parecer to seem, appear
parecerse a to look like
rechazar to reject
alucinante incredible, impressive
degradante degrading
deprimente depressing
emocionante exciting
preocupante worrisome
repugnante disgusting
a primera vista at first sight
las apariencias enganan looks deceive
hablar por los codos to talk a lot
meter la pata to put one's foot in one's mouth
no tener pelos en la lengua to speak one's mind
ser buena/mala gente to be a good/bad person
tener buena/mala pinta to have a good/bad appearance
tener (mucha) cara to have (a lot)of nerve
Created by: nickey rose
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