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Om DiagnosisC

Differentiation of Lung

Differentiation of LungAetiologySymptomsTonguePulsePrincipal TreatmentHerbel FormularAcu Pt
Invasion of Lung by wind cold extn. cold PTF fever, aver to cold, stuff or runny nose w/ clear watery mucus, sneezing, occip headache, body ache thin white coat superficial(floating) tense release ext, scatter cold & stimulate Lu func 1.Ma Huang Tang, in case of Ext. Def(w/ sweat) Gui Zhi Tang Lu7, UB12, Du16
invasion of Lung by Wind-damp(water) combine PTF of wind cold & dampness sudden swelling of eyes & face, gradually, spreading to whole body, bright shiny face, scanty & pale urine, aver to wind, fever, cough, SOB white slippery coating superficial slippery release ext., disperse cold, resolve dampness, restore Lu func & open water passage 1.Yue Bi Tang Lu7, Li4, Li6, Li7, UB12, UB13, Ren9
Damp-Phlegm Obstructing Lu Def of Sp Qi or Sp Yang, recurrent attack of PTF weaken Lu & Sp, In children from whooping cough, exc. consump of greasy &/or cold raw food chronics cough w/ recurrent attack of cough following exposure to PTF w/ profuse white sputum which is easy to expectorate, pale face, SOB, dislike lying down thick-sticky white coat slippery or soft & fine resolve phlegm, strengthen Sp & restore Lu Func 1.Er Chen Tang Lu1, Lu5, Lu7, St40, Pc6, UB13, UB20, Ren12, Ren17, Ren22
Phlegm-heat obstructing Lu exc. consump of greasy & hot food(fried meat, alcohol, greasy & pungent food lead to formation of phlegm & heat, smoking, symptom can also precipitate or aggravate by invasion of wind heat barking cough, profuse yellow or green or dark sputum which is foul smell, SOB, asthma, stuff in chest red body, thick sticky yellow coating slippery rapid dissolve phlegm, clear heat & stimulate Lu func 1.Bei Mu Gua Lou San 2.Ding Chuan Tang Lu1, Lu5, Lu10, UB13, Li11 Ren12, St40,
Lung Yin Def Lu Qi Def for long time, St Yin Def &/or Kid Yin Def, Lu dry for long time dry cough or cough w/ a little sticky sputum, blood tinged sputum, low grade fever in afternoon, malar flush, night sweating, 5 center heat, insomnia, dry mouth & throat, itchy throat red, peeled, crack in Lu area, dry thready & rapid nourish Lu Yin, nourish body fluid & clear def heat 1.Bai He Gu Jin Lu9, Lu10, UB13, UB43, Ren4, Ren12, Ren17, Du12, K6
Lu Qi Def constitutional weak(transverse crack in Lu area of tongue), prolong stop over desk, untreat extn. wind-heat or wind-cold SOB, feeble cough w/ watery sputum, weak voice, spon sweat, aver to wind, dislike to speak, bright white face, tiredness, propensity to catch cold pale tongue w/ thin white coat weak tonify Lu Qi & warm Yang 1.Bu Fei Tang Lu7, Lu9, Ren6, UB13, Du12, St36
Dryness of Lu extr. dryness or hot weather for long time, Intn. dryness from St Yin Def due to irregular diet w/ irregular meal time, eating late night, worry about work while eating dry cough, dry skin, dry lip, dry throat, dry mouth, thirst, hoarse voice dry weak esp. on right front position moisten Lu & nourish Fluid 1.Initial Stage: Shen Mai San 2.Severe & Late Stag: Bei Mu Gua Lou San Lu9, Ren4, Ren12, Sp6
Invasion of Lung by Wind-heat extn. heat PTF cough, fever, aver to cold, sore throat, stuff or runny nose w/ yellow mucus, headache, body ache, sli sweating, thirst, swollen tonsil Body Red on side or tip, thin white or thin yellow coating superficial, rapid release extr., clear heat, 1.Sang Ju Yin Li4, Li11, Lu11, Du14, Du16, UB12, Gb20
Invasion of Lung by Wind-heat extn. heat PTF cough, fever, aver to cold, sore throat, stuff or runny nose w/ yellow mucus, headache, body ache, sli sweating, thirst, swollen tonsil Body Red on side or tip, thin white or thin yellow coating superficial, rapid release extr., clear heat, stimulate Lu func. 1.Sang Ju Yin Li4, Li11, Lu11, Du14, Du16, UB12, Gb20
Created by: djraspberry
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