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Final 35
Chinese Patents
Formula | Indications | ZangFu | Notes |
Si Ni San | Cold fingers and toes, a warm body (s/t w/irritable & fullness in chest & hypochon), mood swings, depress,PMS, tooth grinding, cyclical sympt in robust person | Liver Qi Stag T: red w/yellow ct P: wiry | Dawn |
You Gui | Exhaust of long term illness, aver to cold, coolness in extremes, impotence, spermat, ache/weak low back & knees, infertile, loose stools, incont, edema of low extremes | Kid Yang Def w/ Essence def T: pale, swollen, thin white ct | Restore Yang & Essence |
Bu Zhong Yi Qi wan | 3 patterns: Sinking Mid Jiao: hemorr, prolapse, chr diarrhea, irreg uterine bleed Spleen & Stomach def - unable to raise clear noted by dizzy, unclear vis, SOB, loose stools. Qi def Fever:worse w/exert, spont sweat, aver to cold, thirst for warm bev | Sinking Spleen Qi: Prolapse | Uplifting (includes depression) |
Gui Pi Tang | Forgetful, palps, insomnia, dd sleep, anx & phobia, fever, reduced app,chr bleeding,continuous periods of pale blood with little flow | Heart Blood and Spleen Qi def | Spleen qi creates blood to nourish Heart |
Li Zhong | Mid burner cold from def, diarrhea w/watery stools, n/v, loss of app, abd pain,bleeding due to yang def w/nosebleeds, excessive menstrual bleed,rect bleed, blood is pale w/cold ext. Not to use with Yin Xu or fever. | Spleen Yang def T: pale w/white coat P: Thin, submerged | For the Cold Cauldron |
Si Jun Zi Tang | Pale complex, low voice, reduce app, loose stools, weak limbs, weak digest | Spleen Qi Def T: Pale P: Weak | Basic Spleen Qi def |
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi | Reduced app fr Damp, loss of taste, can only eat a little at a time, bloat aft eat, epigast discomfort, gen weakness | Spleen/Stomach Qi def w/cold Damp Cold in Mid burner | Lazy Boy Chair Middle Jiao helper |
Liu Jun Zi Tang | Cough in morning, legs ache till they get moving around = DAMP. Loss of app, n/v: morning sick, abdominal distent, stifle in chest & epigast, cough of thin white sputum, diarrhea | Spleen Qi def w/Phlegm Damp T: greasy, thick ct | Morning Sickness |
Ping Wei | Distension & full epigast & abd, loss of taste and app, heavy sens in limbs, loose stools, diarrhea, inc desire to sleep, n/v, blech, acid reflux | Damp stag in Spleen & Stomach T: swollen w/thick, greasy, white coat P: moderate slippery | Old Tom Jones Let's the body feel the Sunshine Is Out! : ) |
Bao He | Abd distension, full in chest & epigast, occasional pain, rot smell belch, acid regurg, n/v, aver to food | Food Stag in Spleen/ Stomach T: yellow greasy P: slippery | Thanksgiving Meal or contaminated food |
Bu Fei Tang | Breathless, sad, grief, Cough & wheeze, dry parch throat, poss bl streak sputum | Lung Yin Def w/Heat T: red w/ little ct P: float, thin, rapid (Lung Heat) | Lungs w/heat Weak Lung pulse |
Yu Ping Feng | Freq colds & flu,spont sweat, aver to drafts, pale complex, breathless | Lung Qi & Wei Def T: pale w/white coat P: soft, float, deficient | Michael |
Gui Zhi Tang | Fever & chills unrelieved by sweating, HA, aver to wind, stiff neck, nasal congest, dry heaves, disharmony b/t ying & wei, THE BATTLE, wind-cold | Wind Cold Attack T: thin, white, moist P: float | Disharmony of Ying & Wei |
Yin Qiao | Fever with slight chills or no chills Cough, sore throat, headache, and thirst. Sores/boils, no sweating or has difficulty sweating. Constraint of protective Yang Qi causes fever and initially causes chills. | Exterior Wind-Heat with heat toxins T: red tip w/thin yellow or white P: floating & rapid Wind heat develops rapidly, affecting the nose & mouth, then the Lungs | Early Release of Wind Heat. Sweating reps the Qi aspect. If dissemination of Lung Qi is blocked, a cough will develop. When het damages the fluids, it causes thirst. |
Cang Er Zi | copius, purulent, foul-smell nasal discharge, nasal obstruct, dizzy, frontal HA | Wind Heat & Phlegm T: normal or thin white or greasy | Steaming the Sinuses 'Seepage from Brain' |
Ge Gen Tang | Common cold with stiff painful neck & upper back, chills, mild fever, no sweat, alcoholism | Acute Wind Cold invades Tai Yang T: thin white P: Floating, tight | TaiYang invasion |
Sheng Mai | Chr DRY cough w/sparse sputum, diff to expectorate, SOB, spont sweat, dry mouth & tongue, palps, night sweats, insomnia | Lung & Heart Yin & Qi def | Caution if high fever |
Tian Wang Bu Xin | Insomnia, Palps, night sweats, 5 palm, anxiety & panic attacks, vivid dreams, can't think or remember. Low grade fever. Heart Fire going up - the shen is restless. Kidney water is not cooling the fire. Fire not warming the Kidney | Heart & Kidney Yin Def T: red dry, red tip P: thin & rapid | Heart & Kid not communicating |
Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li | Identifying piece: a sense of the energy going out & up, needs to go descend; Yang floats upward - dizzy,palps, insomnia, low abd contraction and pain and cold feeling in genitals. Deplete essence -> loss of hair | Wind Cold, Qi needs to descend and go in | Yang is Floating |
Gan Mai Da Zao | Stressed,wired,burned out, easily upset, like chamomile tea, cheap, moves the Liv qi, soothe the shen, longterm okay | Nourishes Heart, calms shen, Harmonizes middle jiao | Ahhhh!!!! |
Si Wu Tang | Blurred vision,dull complex & nails, gen musc tension,irreg menses w/litt flow, low abd pain | Blood Deficiency T: Pale P: wiry, thin, rapid | Basic Blood def |
Ba Zhen | Pale/sallow, palp w/anx,reduce app, SOB, laconic, extremities easily fatigued,lite head/vertigo | Qi & Blood Def T: Pale w/white | Nettice |
Dang Gui Si ni | Chr icy cold hands & feet that are blood def. pale or purple pale, cramp pain in limbs, bilateral | Cold Extremes blood Def T: pale w/white P deep, thready | Annie |
Si Ni San | Cold fingers and toes, a warm body (s/t w/irritable & fullness in chest & hypochon), mood swings, depress,PMS, tooth grinding, cyclical sympt in robust person | Liver Qi Stag T: red w/yellow ct P: wiry | Lisa Trazadone |
Xiao Yao San Free & Easy Wanderer | Worse w/ upset, PMS, irritable,depress, mood swings, tooth grind, breast tender w/poss lumps, sighing, constip, insomnia | Liver Qi Stag w/Spleen & Blood Def | The B Take in last 2 weeks of cycle |
Xiao Chai Hu Tang | Alt fever & chills, dry throat, bitter taste, treats chr or persis viral, parasitic, or other low grad infect of a ShaoYang type, never well since a severe flu, fatigue, irritable, dizzy N/V, loss of appetite. | ShaoYang Syndrome w/ Alt fever & chills | Alt fever & chills... shaoyang |
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang | Dizzy, HA, red sore eyes, hearing loss,swell in ears, bitter taste, irritable, short temper | Liver Fire, Damp heat in the Liver & GB T:red w/yellow ct P: wiry, rapid, forceful | Gramps |
Zhi Sou san | coughing w/ or w/o Slight chills & fever, itchy throat, diff to expectorate | Damp Phlegm in Lungs: Cuts the Cold Heading for Lungs off at the pass | Stop the Coughing Powder |
Er Chen | Copious white sputum easy to expectorate, stifled chest, n/v, dizzy, palps | Spleen & Lung def leading to phlegm damp T: white, moist, greasy P: slippery | Yuck! |
Ban Xia Hou Po | A feeling as s/t is stuck in throat b/c of emo situation | Plum Pit Qi T: moist or greasy P:slow & wiry or slippery & wiry | Moves Rebel Qi downward |
Wu Ling san | Damp in Middle Jiao, Mild edema assoc w/ Sp Qi def, puffy eyes & fingers, diff urine | Taiyang Syndrome - usu Wind Cold obstruct UB channel | Upper body Puff |
Xue Fu Zhu Yu san | Chr pain in chest, hypochon, stubborn headache with a fixed piercing quality, a choke sens when drink, dry heaves, depress & low spirits, restless sleep, irritability, mood swings, eve tidal fever, incessant hiccup, palp, insomnia | Blood Stasis in Chest T: dark red or purple with dark spots on sides, dark or purplish lips P: choppy or wiry, tight | Bing: impaired blood mvt above diaphragm, obstruct qi in chest, prevents clear qi rising, blood stasis in stomach -> rebel choke feel. Long term stasis -> heat ->fire, may obstruct bl vess to heart |
Yunnan Pai Yao | Bleeding: uterine, blood in vomit, spit up blood, rectal bleed, local bruising, damage to ligaments & tendons, weeping sores | Stops Bleeding all types | Trauma: Contains the Red Pill for serious wounds -> shock |
Liu Wei Di Huang | Sore & weak low back, light head, vertigo, tinnitus, dim hearing, night sweats, spon/noct emissions, 5 palm heat, chr dry & sore throat, toothache, wasting & thirsting disorder | Kidney & Liver Yin Def T: Red w/litt or no coat P: rapid, thin | Classic Formula |
Zhi Bai Di Huang | Malar flush, night sweats,dry mouth & tongue, 5 palm heat, irreg or no menses, low back ache, vag dry, dizzy & tinn, tend to constipate | Kidney Yin Def w/empty heat | Stella! |