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Chp.31 ECEII

Students with exceptionalities

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Federal law requiring all states to provide education for children who are developmentally delayed.
inclusion Term used to refer to an education setting in which children with and without special needs are integrated
Individual Education Plan (IEP) A written strategy for learning, designed to ensure each child with special needs is educated in the most appropriate manner for him or her.
Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) Stategy developed when a preschool age child is diagnosed as having a disailibty.
referral Directing a parent to obtain a diagnosis from a professional when a problem exists with a child.
hearing impaired Term that refers to a problem in one or more parts of the ear, which usually prevents a child from hearing adequately.
articulation problems Omissions, distortions or substitutions of volwels or constants or both.
visual impairment Any eye or nerve problem that prevents a person from seeing normally.
chronic health needs Needs for special care caused by illness that persists over a period of time.
asthma A chronic inflammatory discorder of the airways that causes labored breathing, gasping, coughing, and wheezing.
hemophilia Genetic blood disease in which the blood cannot clot normally.
learning disability Problems with one or more basic skills of learning. Poor memory skills, trouble following directions, or poor coordination may be signs
behavior disorder A condition that affects an indiviual's social and emotional functions, such as attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity conduct disorder or autism.
autism A behavior disorder in which children are unable to interact with others socially because of ritualistic and compulsive behavior. Their language development is also atypical.
giftedness Having exceptional skills in one or more of six areas, creative or productive thinking, general intellectual ability, leadership ability, psychomotor ability, specific academic aptitude and/or visual or performing arts.
acceleration Process in which a gifted child is assigned to a class with older children.
enrichmnet A process to broaden the range of experiences with special curriculum.
Created by: mrsbgilliam
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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