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anthropomorphism ascribing human form or attributes to a being or thing not human, especially to a deity.
sated satisfied
insular detached; standing alone; isolated.
egotistical vain; boastful; opinionated.
psuedonym a pen name E.G. Mark Twain
plot the storyline
setting place, time, day, season, and culture
Protaganist the main character in a play or novel
physical conflict conflict on a physical setting between two bodies
character conflict conflict between two or more characters in a story
inner mental conflict conflict inside one self
static character a character that stays the same
dynamic character a character that changes and grows
prose normal writing
poetry a form of writing with some meter
quatrain four lines
quintain five lines
stanza a group of lines set apart in a poem
genre a type of literature that had either definite characteristics of form or content or both
texture the feel of a literary work through specific techniques, devices, and style
novella a fictional prose work which focuses intimately on characters as a novel does
foreshadowing a plot device whereby the author hints at a future outcome
topic what a work of literature is about
theme tells us what the author believes on the subjects
symbol an element in a work of literature that in addition to its basic meaning or role in that work also stands for something more
tone the emotional color or disposition of a story. It includes the author's emotions as well as those of the characters
allegory a work in which an author embodies abstact or spiritual realities in a concrete and physical story in such a way that there is a clear correspondece between the abtract or spirtual and the concrete of physical
indirect characterization when the author informs the reader about a character by giving the reader detail about their looks, manners, actions, etc.
central character one whose actions and personality are central to the plot and meaning of the story
peripheral/minor character one whose actions and personality are less centralto the plot and meaning of the story
irony a device of artistic contrast
sympathetic character a fictional character in a story whom the writer expects the reader to identify with and care about, if not necessarily admire.
experiment in living a character's purpose, thoughts and actions
content what is said in a story
form how the author says the content
artistry the selection and arrangement of different forms
meaning through form the relationship between the form and content when an author wants to communicate some meaning or message (content) he does so by wrapping it in a suitable artistic form
Created by: mossboyz
Popular Literature sets




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