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La Salud


the ages las edades
infancy ninez
puberty pubertad
youth juventud
adolesence adolescencia
maturity maduerz
old age vejez
diasters los desastres
run over atropellar
to fall caer
crash chocar
car crash cochebombas
cut corte
flood diluvio
epidemic epidemia
huracan hurricane
to kill; murder matar
plague peste
to trip tropezar
illnesses las enfermedades
flu gripe
pnuemonia nuemonia
mumps paperas
rubeola measles
sarampion measles
varicela chicken pox
viruela virus
medicine (catagorey) medicamentos
aspirin aspirina
drugs drogas
syrup jarabe
liniment linimento
medicine medicina
useful words palabras utiles
aprovechar make good use of
break out;to flow;to germinate brotar
to improve mejorar
to break; to shatter quebrar
dentist dentista
gum of mouth encias
molar tooth muela
tooth diente
to take out sacar
rash fresa
to polish pulir
to drill taladrar
decay caries
a great spitter escupidor
blood sangre
saliva saliva
to spit escupir
needle aguja
sharp-pointed aguda
injection inyeccion
novacain novacain
people las personas
doctor doctor/a
sick enfermo
specialist especialista
expert experto
hurt/offended herido
quack matasanos
medical dr. medico
handicapped minusvalido
patient paciente
pediatrian pediatra
phycologist psicologo
psychiary psiquiatra
techinque tecnico
therpaist terapeuta
victim victima
stress el estres
agiated agitado
to yearn ansiar
to frighten asustar
to terrify aterrorizar
crying llanto
to cry llover
whining lloriqueo
panic panico
to worry preocuparse
to moan quejarse
to tremble temblar
tension tension
therapy la terapia
abuse abuso
to advice aconsejar
to alter ajustarse
support apoyo
to soothe calmar
advice consejos
tranquliaze tranquilizante
treatment tratamiento
violation violacion
skin piel
goosebumps piel de gallina
cell celulas
scar cicatriz
shin;blackhead espinilla
gland glandula
pimple grano
grasa oil
horomones hormonas
injury lesiones
bruise magulladuras
nerve nervios
small node nodulos
pores poros
burn quemadura
cyst quiste
scratch rasguno
lump ronchas
sebaceo tallow;pus;fat
familiar words palabras familiares
head cabeza
to head;lead encabezar
rough; pighead;stubborn cabezon
head;headboard cabecera
health salud
to greet;bless saludar
healthy saludable
greetings saludos
disease enfermedad
to get sick enfermarse
ill;sick enfermo
nurse enfermero
relax relajo
to relax relajarse
relaxing relajante
relaxation relajacion
sleepiness sueno
to dream sonar
sleepy sonoliento
dreamer sonador
fright susto
to scare asustar
scared asustado
causes las causas
allergy alergia
lifestyle estilo de vida
stress estres
to smoke fumar
to injure herir
bite mordisco
bite/sting picadura
danger peligro
conditions las condiciones
cancer cancer
cold catarro
congestion congetion
to faint desmayarse
to feel ache;pain dolor
to sneeze estornudar
to pass away (die) fallecer
fever fiebre
fracture fractura
hiccups hipos
incapacity incapacidad
infarction;heart attack infarto
insomnia insomnio
death muerto
to suffer padecer
nauseating nauseabundo
to throb palpitar
to resort to recurrir
cold refriado
to break romper
to bend;sprain torcer
to pull tiron
remedies los remedios
to relieve/diminish aliviarse
to consult consultar
to care cuidar
cure/treatment curacion
to rest descansar
to sleep dormir
energy energia
to put in enyesar
hygiene higiene
massage masaje
crutch muletas
ademas moreover;likewise
hot;crafty calido
hot caliente
debts;tally calvario
capacity capacidad
to escape;aviod evitar
demise fallecimiento
fuctioning funcionamiento
to work;perform funcionar
heavy; deadly grave(mente)
to die morir
adolescent adolescente
to adopt adoptar
to dawn;appear amancecer
to threaten amenazar
to apply aplicar
to make progress aprovechar
to burn;blaze arder
to demolish arruinar
to have a fit ; to attack atacar
to help ayudar
bathroom bano
to block bloquear
hair of head cabello
baldness calvicie
country campo
face cara
accident;event caso
to cause causar
appointment cita
clinic clinica
conjunctivitis;mucus memembrane conjuntiivitis
chronic cronico
to cover cubrir
body cuerpo
to cure;heal curar
unforunate desastroso
to get going again desbloquear
to despair desesperar
disoriented desorientacion
dislocated dislocado
concentration of fungus disminucion
to disminish disminuir
emergenecy emergencia
to make old envejecer
erdication erradicacion
to stimulate estimular
stomach estomago
examen examen
to expose exponerse
extreme extremos
throat garganta
hypodermic hipodermic
uncomfortable incomodo
infection infeccion
lesionado injury
to bite morder
movement movimento
muscular muscular
neck nuca
chest;breast pecho
to comb peinarse
dangerous peligroso
hair pelo
predujice perjudicado
sympathy pesame
foot pie
pressure presion
prognosis pronosticos
to defend proteger
lungs pulmones
pulse pulso
tip punta
small point puntito
stitch punto
to rupture quebrar
chemo therapy quimioterapia
radiation therapy radioterapia
ray rayo
to reoccupy recuperarse
remedio remedy
breathing respiro
risk riesgo
laugh risa
to surivive salvar
blood sanguineo
safe and sound sano y salvo
fat sebo
sure;secure seguro
toliet servicio
severe severo
syndrome sindromes
sweaty sudoroso
lime blossom tila
ankle tobillo
to touch tocar
to take tomar
tumor tumor
Created by: smcurrey528
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