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Packet 1 intro gov.

What is the minimum wage in the U.S $7.25
What percent of money that goes in to the American wallets came from government funds 20%
The age at which you drive and vote is determined by what to areas of government federal and state
What does apathy mean One who does not care
name at least three benefits that elderly get that youth doesn't retirement fund,Disability, and senior discounts
When was the Vietnam war 1954-1975
how old must you be to vote 18
true or false the people who run for office give money for votes true
why does the youth fail to take interest in voting since the Vietnam war they fail to get any support for their part in the government
what is the preamble what a government must do
define government the physical foundation of a nation in which they make policies
define institution thing
what was the date in which the youth first took a big interest in politics September 11, 2001
Who said "that there has never been, nor ever will be, a people who are politically ignorant and free" Thomas Jefferson
Define empathy "walking in someone Else's shoes"
people who have power has one job what is it to keep yourself in power
What is the single most important thing in the unit politics and government matter
when do you get your social security number when you are born
who benefits most in government the elderly
if you participate in politics do you benefit DONE you do benefit
how should we govern fair and with as it is called democratic
what are the five things that a government should do establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity
what is the only way that the government makes money taxes
how does the government protect the nation with a military
how does the government help education they give the funding for the schools
how does the government preserve order they have military forces that they can dispatch, such as the national guard
how does the government socialize the young they have the youth participate in "rituals" such as saying the pledge of Allegiance
how are taxes collected one put of every three dollars that goes to the American citizens go to the national, state, and local taxes
who makes the decisions for the entire nation federal government
who makes the choices concerning the state state government
who make the decisions for the community local government
what are collective goods services that are given from the government and to the people, such as clan water and food
what is political participation everything that the citizens attempt to do that makes a difference in the government
who gets collective goods if they exist they cannot be denied by anyone so everyone must share them
what are the three institutions of the federal government congress, supreme court, and president
what is bureaucracy a system of government in which the state officials make the decisions not the elected represenatives
how many elected officials are they in the united states about 500,000
what is the foundation of the United States its government
there are some goods that can be provided to some people but does not have to be provide at all. Name to of these food stamps, disability
what is politics DONE the process determining the leaders that we select and the policies they make
who said "who gets what,when, and how" Harold d. Lasswell
what are two things political scientists do not take interest in office politics and sorority politics
what are they primarily concerned about they are focused on government decision making
what does the media focus on concerning politics they focus on the who of politics
how do people get involved in politics campaigning, voting, civil disobedience
who has the lowest voting turnout in the world United States
what are single issue groups a interest group with one goal and is set in their ways
what is the policy making system the process in which policies are made
what does low voter turnout effect who holds power
why does the elderly have more benefits they have a high voting turnout rate
why does the youth have a low benefit level they have a low turnout rate
how can politics be a vocation running for office, or earn live hood from holing office
how do single issue groups vote they only vote based on the issue
how does someone get what he wants from politics donating money or supporting a political authority figure
individual people and organized groups get involved in politics why to get money that can helped them acheive the goals that they have set before them
if the who in politics is cited by the media what is the what it refers to the substance of politics and government
what is the how of politics it refers to how people can participate in government
how can you judge the health of a government how widespread the political participation is
peoples interest and problems shape what policies
voting consist of what people DONE it consists all who vote in the United States
who is responsible for keeping the economy running along the president and congress
if the economy stops and the president and congress do nothing what could happen the voters will take them out of office
high taxes is the result of what the government spending to much money and cannot pay it back
what is a linkage institution the political channels in which the interest of people become the issues on the policy channel
what is the policy agenda the issues that attract the attention of the public officials and other people involved in politics at a point of time
what is a interest group a interest group is a group of people that share the same interests as each other and strive to bring their common goal to a conclusion
what do parties and interest groups strive to do to ensure that their members concerns receive appropriate political attention
what is a political issue an issue that arises when someone disagrees about a problem
what is a policy making institution the branches of government that is charged with taking action on a political institution
what is public policy a choice that the government makes in response to a issue
what is policy impacts the effect that a policy has on people and problems
what is pluralism "everybody gets apiece of the pie"
what is elitism "rich people rule you"
what is hyper pluralism "pluralism gone sour"
what does optimistic mean focus on good
what does pessimistic mean focus on bad
what does hyper pluralism lead to gridlock
how much wealth in the us is owned by the rich 1%
did the writers of the constitution actually liked democracy no
minority rights mean what DONE guarantees rights to those of a minority
how much in debt in the us $16,000,000,000,000
What are the three most important factors the us has to worry about defense,social security, and healthcare
Laissez means what fair
populism means what people-ism
what does egalitarian mean equality
what does individualism mean fight for yourselves
what does political culture mean large interest group
what does liberty mean freedom
what does unalienable mean cant take away
policy gridlock means what a condition that occurs when interest conflict and no coalition is strong enough to form a majority and establish policy, so nothing gets done
what does gridlock mean a complete standstill
what does representation mean describes the relationship between the few leaders and the many followers
what does majority rule mean the one with the most votes has more power and out numbers the other
what do you need to get power influence or money( which is basically influence)
what does diverse mean in politics the two different sides that are of the political parties are diverse
who summarized "of the people, by the people, for the people" Abe Lincoln
what was the PPAC act ensure affordable healthcare
who wrote the constitution the founding fathers
who was the author of the constitution James Madison
was the constitution about equality no
Created by: 1415charlesclark
Popular American Government sets




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