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Gov't vocab Day 11

Federalism Two or more governments exercise power/authority over the same group of people
Unitary System A system of political organization in which most or all of the governing power resides in a centralized government
Confederation/Confederacy An organization that consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league
Express Powers 27 powers that are EXPRESSED in the constitution and granted to the Federal Government
Implied Powers Any powers NOT mentioned in the constitution. It can be IMPLIED that these powers are left to the states.
Inherent Powers Referred to those powers over and beyond those explicitly spelled out in the Constitution or which can reasonably be implied from express grants
Commerce Clause The provision of the U.S. Constitution that gives Congress exclusive power over trade activities among the states and with foreign countries and Indian tribes
Federal Mandate A requirement in federal legislation that forces states and municipalities to comply with certain rules. An order from the central government that all state and local government must comply with.
Reserved Powers State Powers, which include: Regulate trade within the state, establish local government systems, conduct elections, establish public school systems
Concurrent Powers National and State Powers, which include: Enforce the laws, establish courts, collect taxes, Borrow money, provide for the general welfare
Full Faith and Credit Clause Addresses the duties that the States within the United States have to respect the "public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state."
Extradition The transfer of an accused from one state or country to another state or country that seeks to place the accused on trial
Interstate Compact Contracts between two or more states creating an agreement on a particular policy issue, adopting a certain standard or cooperating on regional or national matter
National Supremacy Refers to the laws and interests of the federal government being superior to the laws and interests of states and their governments.
Preemption A doctrine of state law that holds that a state law displaces a local law or regulation that is in the same field and is in conflict or inconsistent with the state law
Centralists People who seek a way of organizing a political or educational system in which a single authority has power and control over the entire system
Decentralists People who seek to distribute the administrative powers or functions of (a central authority) over a less concentrated area
Devolution The act or process by which a central government gives power, property, etc., to local groups or governments
Created by: rustykoon
Popular American Government sets




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