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Pre-Revolution Ga.

The Road to Revolution - Ch. 11 - Clarimont Press - Ga. Studies

confederation a loose organization of the states with a weak central government and powerful state governments
smuggling secretly importing or exporting goods
Proclamation of 1763 a order issued by the British government that forbade the colonists from moving west of the Appalachians Mountains.
Sugar Act legislation passed by Parliament in 1764 that imposed a tax on sugar and molasses imported from the West Indies
Stamp Act legislation passed by Parliament in 1765 that required stamps be placed on all printed materials and documents
repeal to revoke or withdraw formally or officially
boycott a protest in which people refuse to buy certain items until specific conditions are met
Intolerable Acts a series of laws passed by Parliament to punish Boston and the Massachusetts Colony after the Boston Tea Party
provincial congress a meeting of representatives from Georgia's parishes that generally opposed British policies in the period before the Revolutionary War
Council of Safety a group set up in 1775 to oversee the local committees and to take on the powers of the royal governor and his council
Loyalist one who remained loyal to Great Britain and King George; also called Tory
Patriot those colonists who wanted independence from Great Britain; also called Whigs
Declaration of Independence document issued by the Second Continental Congress by which delegates stated their intention to be free of British rule
Noble Wimberly Jones elected as Speaker of the Commons House in Georgia, Governor Wright refused to approve his selection. One of the three delegates elected by the provincial congress to represent Georgia at the Second Continental Congress in May 1775
Archibald Bulloch one of the three delegates elected by the provincial congress to represent Georgia at the Second Continental Congress in May 1775
John Houstoun one of the three delegates elected by the provincial congress to represent Georgia at the Second Continental Congress in May 1775
Lyman Hall one of the five delegates elected by the second provincial congress to represent Georgia at the Second Continental Congress in July 1775
Thomas Paine author of "Common Sense," a pamphlet arguing a path to independence. He is credited with giving us the name of "The United States of America."
Button Gwinnett One of the three Georgians to sign the Declaration of Independence. Dr. Lyman Hall and George Walton also signed the Declaration of Independence.
John J. Zubly one of the five delegates elected by the provincial congress to represent Georgia at the Second Continental Congress in July 1775. The Reverend did not agree with complete defiance of the British government.
Tondee's Tavern location where the second provincial congress of Georgia met and elected five representatives to the Second Continental Congress.
Created by: mwhite5
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