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The First People


Archeology The study of the ancient and recent past through what people leave behind
Monotheism Belief in one god
Polytheism Belief in more than one god
Atheism Rejection of any god; gods do not exist
Genocide Systematic murder of a large group of people who belong to a special race, political or cultural group.
Religion An organized system of beliefs used to worship a god or group of gods as well as to explain the cause and nature of the universe
Karma What goes around comes around
Reincarnation the belief that the soul, upon death of the body, comes back to earth in another body or form.
Samsara (Hinduism) the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. (Buddhism) the transmigration or rebirth of a person
Urban Having the characteristics of a city or town
Agriculture Practice of farming, cultivating soil, producing crops, and raising livestock.
Civilization Advanced stat of human society that possesses culture, science, government and industry.
Nomad People who move from place to place instead of having a permanent residence
Prehistory human history in the period before recorded events, known mainly through archaeological discoveries, study, research, etc.
Antiquity Ancient times or ancient past
Artifact Objects created by and used by humans
Fossil A part of an imprint of something that was once alive
History The study of the past
Lived in the prehistoric era Humans
Early ancestors of humans Hominids
1st hominid bones discovered in 1959
In 1974___________was discovered “Lucy”
Lived more than _________years ago 3 million
Bones showed she walked on two legs
Roamed eastern Africa
Not a tree dweller
Found in 1991 Neolithic man
Lived between 3350 BC and 3100 BC
Provided insight in daily life Clothing and weapons
Form of combat used Hand –to-Hand
What kind of metal used Copper was used
Earliest tools found in Tanzania, Africa
Age of earliest tools found 2.6 millions years old
Tools were mostly used to process food,cut food,rake meat off of bones
Overtime tools advanced Hand Ax,started using flint – sharper an easier to mold,spears
B.C. Before Christ-all years before the 1st century-count backwards
A.D. After Death - all years from 1 and forward
B.C.E. Before Common Era
A.C.E. After Common Era
He focused on the solar year Julius Ceasar
Hominids Over 4 million years ago
Lucy Small brain, ape-like features, walked upright on two feet.
Homoerectus 200,000 years ago, brain enlarged, more use of arm & hands, slow rise of speech, and ability to invent symbols
Homosapiens 100,000 years ago, Modern humans, lived in Africa, devised better ways to hunt & eat, large brains.
Name 3 human advancement Speech primitive grants, hand movements, belief in afterlife-early burial practices
Cave paintings Earliest date back 12,000 years ago. Shows aspects of early society, engraved or painted
Floors, walls and ceilings of caves may have been made by Neanderthals
Ice Age & Migration Began 2 million years ago, Tundra, land was locked in ice, seas lowered, created land bridges.
The development of the calendar Extended to 365 days, 5, hours and 48 minutes.
Leap year created every 4 years
What resulted in population across the earth and allowed continents to be inhabited . Ice Age & Migration
When ice melted about 10,000 years ago If left people stranded as the sea levels rose.
Nomadic societies Moved to where climate and hunting was favorable.
Who lived in caves or rock shelters Nomadic societies
Until 10,000 - 12,000 years ago Hunting & Gathering societies reigned
Where did the future lie for the Nomadic societies Farming and flock-keeping
Where did the Nomadic societies settle Where the land and games were plentiful
What animals were easily domesticated Sheep, goats and cattle
What lead to villages Camps
Name 6 characteristics of civilization Complex way of life, urban settlements, agriculture, centers of population, unique architecture and written language.
What does archaeology do explores places where people lived, places where people fought, buildings, examine jewelry, dishes, weapons
Why is archaeology important Help to understand history, explains past cultures, show the record of combined human effort, uncovers fossils, artifacts, explains time periods before written words.
Created by: Malik2
Popular History sets




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