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Unit 3 Voc

Political Party An association of voters with broad common interests who wants to influence or control decision making in govt by electing the party candidates to public office.
Two Party system System of govt in which two parties complete for power
Plat form A series of statements expressing the parties principles, beliefs and positions on election
Caucus a meeting of political party members to conduct party business
Political Machine a strong party organization that can control political appointments and deliver votes.
Direct Primary an election in which voters choose candidates to represent each party in a general election
third party party that challenges the two major parties
closed primary an election in which only the declared members of a party are allowed to vote for the party's nominees.
open primary an election in which voters need not declare their party preference to vote for the party's nominees.
Plurality most voters among all those running for a political office
Majority a number that is more than 50 percent of the total
petition a formal request for govt action.
polling place the location where jobs is to conduct polls regularly.
ballot list of candidates on which you cast your vote
absentee ballot one that allows a person to vote without going to the polls on election day
returns ballots and results of an election
exit poll a survey taken at polling places of how people voted
electorate all the people who are eligible to vote
proposition a petition asking for citizens to vote on state or local laws
recall special election in which citizens can vote to remove a public official from office
propaganda certain ideas that may involve misleading messages designed to manipulate people.
political action committee political organization established by a corporation labor union or other special interest group designed to support candidates by contributing money.
soft money donations given to political parties and not designated for a particular candidates elections campaign
public opinion the ideas and attitudes the most people hold about elected officials and candidates, govt and political issues
mass media mechanisms of mass communication TV radio books
interest group group of people who share a point of view about an issue and unite to promote their beliefs
public opinion poll survey in which people are asked questions about a particular issue or person
pollster a specialist whose job is to conduct polls regularly
survey gather information about as in a poll
print media newspaper, books, newsletter
electronic media radio, TV, internet
prior restraint govt censorship of material before its published
malice evil intent
regulatory used to describe an agency of body whose functions is to control or govern.
nonpartisan free from party ties or bias
lobbyist representation of an interest group who contacts lawmakers or other govt officials directly to influence their policy making
Created by: olivialocklear
Popular History sets




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