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social studies

What was the Columbian Exchange? Exchange of goods, slavery, disease between Europe, America’s, and Africa.
What was the Spanish Armada? English Naval Victory over Spanish Spain loses Global dominance.
What was the Renaissance? Period of history in which there was a revival of interest in art and learning.
What was the line of Demarcation ? Pope draws a line to split land between Spain and Portugal Spain gets better end of deal and more land.
What were the Crusades? Series of wars fought to recapture the holy lands from Muslim Forces.
New Amsterdam Dutch Colony as result of Henry Hudson
Who were the Conquistadors? Men who conquered and claimed land for Spain Mean, cruel, ruthless, evil
Who conquered the Inca and when? Francisco Pizarro 1532, Peru
Who was Hernando Cortes? Responsible for the Conquest of Aztecs
Who was Montezuma? King of Aztecs
Who was Ferdinand Magellan? Explorer whose crew navigated the world
Who was Francisco Pizarro? He was responsible for the conquest of the Inca
Who was Atahualpa? Thought Pizarro was God-like Was killed and Pizzarro took over
Who was Amerigo Vespucci ? Italian explorer who realized Americas was not part of Asia Realized it was North and South America ( different continents, not Asia)
Why were Europeans exploring sea routes? What were they looking for? The were looking for Gold, God, and Glory
gold This was the currency that all countries used
god They wanted to convert natives to Christianity/missionaries
glory were they looking for? Pride in ones country
Who were the Vikings? Explorers from Scandinavia
Why is it ignored that the Vikings made it to America prior to Christopher Columbus? Nothing came of the Vikings coming to America No exploration happened, so it was not important.
who payed from columbus's voyage King and Queen of Spain
How can a historian use journals (like Chris Columbus) to learn about past? What did we learn from his journal? Shows us what was happening then What Columbus writes tells us things→ what happened, his feelings, native Americans, their relationships, how he felt about them and how they felt about him
The French and English Explorers believed in the Northwest Passage. What was this? Jacques Cartier and Henry Hudson believed there was a water passage through the America’s that would take them to Asia
Where did England and France explore? Why? As a result of Henry Hudson’s voyages, the Dutch established a colony in present day New York - The French established colonies in present day Canada
Why was there trouble between England and Spain? They were both trying to colonize the America’s
What were the reasons for the easy conquest of Native Americans? Guns, Germs, and Steel They had Iron, a geographic advantage, better fighting techniques, and disease
Where did they explore and conquer? Having conquered major Native American empires in Central and South America, the Spaniards began to explore other parts of North and South America
What was their relationship with the Native American’s? Spain made alliances with Native Americans who were enemies of Aztec’s and Inca’s
What were Missionaries? People who were sent to convert people to Christianity
Created by: maddyb24
Popular History sets




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