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Stack 9

opthalmic medication through the eye
otic medication through the ear
metered dose inhaler device that delivers a specfic amount of medication in a puff of compressed gas
spacer a device used with a metered dose inhaler to decrease the amount of spray deposited on the back of the throat and swallowed (end of the Inhaler)
prokinetic agent change in your digestive system
viscous how thick something is
parental route iv
irritant anything that irriatates
excretion how to get rid of something
diahoresis sweating
alternative medication the use of herbs and stuff that we don't have inthe pharmacy
enuresis involuntary urination
enkephalin pain killer
maintenance medication take it everyday
managed care techniques that are intended to reduce the cost of health care benefits and improve quality of care
receptor site part of the cell that interacts with the drug
systemic action affects the whole body
solubility a drug able to dissolve in body fluids
potency strength of the drug
malpratice improper care
agonist triggers a reaction
immunogloblins proteins with anitbody acitivity; immunity
patent grant that gives the company the right to maufacture a drug for many years(open or unblocked airway)
standard protocol reading description of how to
salt f
united states pharmacopeia reference of formals how to prepare and get the medications
inebriation state of intoxication
mutagenic changes in gentic structure
drug standardiztion rules and regulations to make sure you have theurapetic
dosage amount of medication need to be given to a patient
Created by: Leslie08
Popular Pharmacology sets




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