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Interior Design #4

Interior Design Unit 4 vocab

Topography refers to the contour, or slope, of the land and its other physical characteristics
Orientation the position of a home on the lot and the direction the home faces
Cross ventilation the air flow created when air travels in one side of the home and out another
Windbreak something that protects a housing side from strong wind
Footing a continuous concrete base that supports the foundation walls below ground level
Veneer an overlay material that provides an ornamental finish- is used to create the look of a masonry wall
Flashing consists of strips of sheet metal
Flue a vertical shaft through which smoke and hot gases are carried to open air
R value a measure of its capacity to resist winter heat loss and summer heat gain
Contractor a person who oversees a construction project
Subcontractors worker hired by contractors or homeowners to perform a specific function in the construction of a home
Panel box (a service entrance or fuse box) a device that controls the distribution of the electricity to the home wiring system
Ground fault circuit interrupters receptacles that guard people against electric shock
Recovery rate the average amount of water that will be heated in the tank in one hour
Septic tank a tank usually buried underground that is used for solids to settle and eventually decompose due to bacterial action
Cesspool a system that collects sewage and lets it gradually seep into the surrounding earth
Conduction the transfer of heat from a body of higher temperature to one of lower temperature by direct contact
Convection the transfer of heat by means of air flow
Radiation the transmission of heat by means of rays traveling in straight lines from a source
Thermostat a temperature-activated switch that turns the heating system on and off to keep the temperature of a home at a set level
Resource management the wise use of natural resources
Fossil fuels oil, coal, and natural gas
Geothermal energy heat from the earth’s interior
Active solar heating systems a device that collects and stores the sun’s heat
Passive solar heating systems a device that makes direct use of the sun’s heat
U value the measure of a window’s capacity to resist winter heat loss
Retrofitting the process of making a home that is already built more energy sufficient
Energy audit an inspection of the home to determine where heat loss may be occurring
Landscaping refers to the ways people use plants and object to enhance or change the natural environment around the exterior of their homes
Xeriscaping landscaping to conserve water
Created by: AmyMurrell
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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