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AICP Prep; Quant Analysis: Site; Statistics: Pop Estimates

Identify methodology used for population estimates Linear; Symptomatic; Step-Down Ration; Cohort Survival
Linear population methodology uses what data? Rate of growth (or decline) to estimate future population
Symptomatic population methodology uses what data? Available data is used to project current population e.g. av household size is applied to new housing units to identify pop growth
Step Down Ration population methodology uses what data? A ration is applied to current or future population
Cohort Survival population methodology uses what data? Current population + natural increase + net migration. Typically by gender and specific age group.
Which of the population estimate methodology is the most accurate? Cohort survival population methodology is most accurate. Requires large amounts of data.
What is the smallest area for which Census information is released? Census Tract (2,000 - 8,000 people)
What is the population reported in a Census Tract? 2,000 - 8,000 people
What is the typical size of a Census Block? typically 400 housing units/block
what is the smallest level for which census data is collected? The Census Block (ca. 400 housing units)
identify types of data typically analyzed and describe Nominal data: can be grouped; lacks intrinsic order. Ordinal data: values can be ranked; no fixed interval between values. Interval data: ordered relationship with magnitude; has a true "0" point. Ratio data: ordered relationship with equal intervals;
Provide example(s) of Nominal Data and identify best analysis method Age, Height, SSN. Group into mutually exclusive groups. MODE is best measure of central tendency
Provide example(s) of Ordinal Data and identify best analysis method Educational achievement; grades; heights of people; groups of people (e.g. richest in county). MODE and MEDIAN best identify central tendency
Provide example(s) of Interval Data and identify best analysis method Temperature; aircraft altitude; years of sun spot data. MEAN is best measure
Provide example(s) of Ratio Data and identify best analysis method Length; area; volume; time. Can use any central tendency: MEAN, MEDIAN, or MODE
what technique is used to indicate SIGNIFICANCE of relationships among variables. ANOVA (analysis of variance)
Name the common data distribution patterns Normal (distributed around a mean; bell curve); skewed (right or left); uniform
when would you use the chi-square test? (x2) Used to test for a relationship between two nominal or ordinal based variables.
Created by: bfmorgan



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