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Internal Capsule
Question | Answer |
At the point information is traveling through the internal capsule, it is really traveling through _______ rather than tracts. | Bundles |
The five bundles of information that run through the internal capsule are the ___, ____, ____, ____, & ___. | Thalamocortical (afferent), Corticothalamic, Corticospinal, Corticobulbar, Corticopontine |
What are the 5 division of the internal capsule? | Anterior Limb, Posterior Limb, Genu, Retrolenticular part, Sublenticular part |
The anterior limb carries information from anterior nucleus to where? | Carries information from the Anterior nucleus of the thalamus →Cingulate gyrus |
What type of information does the anterior limb carry from the anterior nucleus? | Attention, emotions, and memory |
The anterior limb carries information from the dorsomedial nucleus to where? | Carries information from the Dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus→Prefrontal cortex |
What type of information does the anterior limb carry from the dorsomedial nucleus? | Memory, affect, foresight and goal-directed behavior |
The anterior limb carries _____ fibers from the Frontal lobe --> _______ pons. | Carries frontopontine fibers from the Frontal lobe→Ipsilateral pons |
The posterior limb carries information from the VA and VL to where? (2 places) | Carries information from the VA and VL→Premotor and Primary motor cortex |
What type of information is carried from the VA and Vl to the premotor and primary motor cortex? | Motor information that originated in the cerebellum and basal ganglia |
The posterior limb also carries information from the ____ and _____ --> to the brainstem and SC. | Carries corticospinal and corticobulbar fibers→Brainstem and SC |
The posterior limb also carris information from the VPL and VPM --> ____ ____ ____. | Carries information from the VPL and VPM→Primary somatosensory cortex |
The genu division of the internal capsule carries what additional type of fibers, connecting what structures? | Additional frontopontine fibers and fibers connecting VA and VL with the Premotor and Primary motor cortex |
The retrolenticular part of the internal capsule carries information from the pulvinar/LP <-> what? | Pulvinar/LP ↔ Parieto-occipital-temporal Association cortex |
Information carried in the retrolenticular division from the Pulvinar/ LP <-> parieto-occipital-temporal association cortex helps us with what? | Sensory integration |
The retrolenticular division also carries information from the ___ ____ nucleus --> primary visual cortex? This is also called what? | Lateral geniculate nucleus→Primary visual cortex. Optic radiation |
The retrolenticular division also has ____ fibers going from the parietal lobe --> ____? | Corticopontine fibers, Parietal lobe→Pons |
The sublenticular fibers are continuos with the _____ fibers so you cannot tease them out visually. | Retrolenticular |
Like the retrolenticular division, the sublenticular division carries information from the lateral geniculate nucleus --> ___ ___ ___, which is also called the ____ ____. | Lateral geniculate nucleus→Primary visual cortex, Optic radiation |
Unlike the retrolenticular division, the sublenticular division carries information from the medial geniculate nucleus --> ___ ___ ___. | Medial geniculate nucleus→Primary auditory cortex |
What is the primary blood supply to the internal capsule? | Primarily the Middle Cerebral Artery - lateral striate and anterior choroidal artery - some blood from the anterior cerebral and the anterior communicating arteries |
With a lesion to the posterior limb, what deficits may you see? (1) Remember there are:Corticospinal and corticobulbar fibers… and 2) Somatosensory fibers | (1) Spastic paralysis, CN dysfunction (2) Hemianesthesia |
If there was a lesion to the sublenticular or retrolenticular division you may see deficits such as ____ ____. | Contralateral hemianopsia |
An interruption to the blood supply of the thalamus and internal capsule would cause? | (1) contralateral sensory dysfunction, contralateral motor dysfunction, and emotional/behavioral issues |
What is thalamic syndrome and what defecits would you see? | (1) contralateral hemiparesis due to interruption of the corticospinal tract in the Posterior Limb, (2) thalamic pain due to spinothalamic, VPL/VPM damage (3) sensory ataxia due to medial lemniscus damage, VPL/VPM |