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govt. flashcards

10-21-14 test

What several roles does (must) the President play? 1) Commander in Chief, 2) Chief Diplomat, 3) Chief citizen, 4) Chief Executive
What are the formal qualifications for the Presidency? 1) Must be at least 35 years of age, 2) US citizen for 14 consecutive years, 3) Natural born citizen
For what term is a president elected? 4 year term
To how many terms may a President be elected? 2 terms
What is the maximum length of time any person may serve as President? 2 terms or 10 years
Who fixes the Presidents pay? Congress
How much is the Presidents pay today? $400,000 per year
What duties does the Constitution give to the Vice President? To step in for the President if necessary
How many Vice Presidents have succeeded to the presidency? 9 times
Who were they and why did they succeed? Tyler death of W. Harrison, Fillmore death of Taylor, Coolidge death of Harding, Truman death of FDR, L. Johnson assess. of JFK, A. Johnson assass. of Lincoln, Arthur assass. of Garfield, T. Roosevelt assass. of Mckinley , Ford resignation of Nixon
Outline provisions of electoral college (first 2) 1) Each state has electors equal to the total of their representatives plus their 2 senators chosen according to the dictates of the State legislature [MS has 6], 2) Each elector casts 2 votes
second 2 3) Congress counts the the votes; the person with most votes is President; the person with the second highest number of votes is Vice President, 4) In case of a tie or no majority; the House of Representatives chooses the President from the top three
What 3 events combined to lay the constitutional setting for the present-day electoral college system? 1) Introduction of political parties into the presidential selection process, 2) Electors pledged to vote for their party's candidate, 3) electors "automatically" voting for the candidate they were pledged to
What major change did the 12th Amendment make in the electoral college system separated the presidential and vice presidential elections
What is the major purpose of a national convention? adopt the party's platform
Why are incumbent Presidents almost certain to win their party's nomination to another term if they want? There is no opposition in the party
How many electors does each state have? Number of representatives plus the number of senators equals the number of electors
How are the number of electors chosen? by popular vote (or by the people) and are at large in all states except Maine
What is the total number of electors? 538
How many electoral votes are needed to win Presidency? 270
How many electoral votes are needed to win Vice Presidency? 270
How is the total number of electors chosen? 100 senators plus 435 House members plus 3 members from DC
What is the authority for DC getting 3 electoral votes? 23rd Amendment
If the Presidential candidate does not have the majority vote who chooses? House of Representatives chooses the President but only by the top 3 vote getters
IF the Vice Presidential candidate does not have the majority vote who chooses? Senate
Define natural born citizen Law of the soil, law of the blood
Created by: a.allsup
Popular American Government sets




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