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What is the 'Labour Force'?
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What are the responsibilities of an Employee?
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People at Work

A Study Stack to help study People at Work

What is the 'Labour Force'? All of those both in work and those who are unemployed and looking for work. i.e. It includes all of those people between 18 and 65 who are available for work.
What are the responsibilities of an Employee? To be punctual at all times. To be confidential with sensitive information. To be honest in all dealings. To be courteous to customers. To be co-operative with other staff. To obey the rules and regulations of the employer. To work to the best of th
What is Work ? Any human productive activity that requires effort. It may be physical or mental effort.
What is Employment ? Work undertaken for payment
What is a Shop Steward ? The local union representative, elected by union members.
What are the functions of a Shop Steward ? Recruit new members for the union. Collect union fees (dues). To attend Trade Union meetings and to report back to colleagues and information received from head office. Organise meetings of union members to keep them up to date with developments. Nego
What are the reasons for joining a Trade Union ? The bargaining power of many vs one Access to skilled negotiators Higher standard of living for union members May lead to greater job security The ICTU lobby the Government on behalf of workers
What is a Trade Union ? A group of employees working together for their mutual benefit and to represent the views of workers in negotiations with employers. Example: S.I.P.T.U.
What are the main causes of Industrial Disputes ? Pay Working Conditions Dismissal of Workers Unfair Treatment/Discrimination Redundancy Demarcation Dispute Redundancy Union Recognition Promotion Procedures
What are 'Voluntary Deductions' ? Deductions from wages which are not required by law but which an employee may choose to have taken from their wages. E.g. pension fund, savings scheme, health insurance, union membership fee etc.
What is 'Basic Pay'? The income earned for working a normal week i.e. no over-time
What is 'Overtime' ? Payment for hours worked over and above the normal week. Overtime usually paid at a rate above the basic pay. May be double or triple basic pay per hour.
What are 'Statutory Deductions' ? Deductions from wages which are required by law. E.g. P.R.S.I (Pay Related Social Insurance), P.A.Y.E. (Pay As You Earn)
What is 'Benefit-in-Kind' ? Any non-cash payment for work done e.g. the use of a company car, company phone etc.
What is 'Piece- Rate' ? Pay based on the workers output e.g. €5 per item made, €1 per block laid.
What is 'Flat Rate' ? A method of payment which is a fixed amount per year/week
What is 'Time Rate' ? A method of calculating pay based on the number of hours worked.
What is 'Double Pay' ? Being paid twice the amount you would normally get paid.
What are the Rights of Employees ? To receive a fair wage for work done (At least minimum wage). Not to be discriminated against when being hired, fired or promoted. To have safe working conditions. To join a Trade Union. To receive the statutory amount of holidays/breaks.
What is 'Self-Employment' ? earning a living by choosing to work for yourself rather than being employed by someone else.
What are the advantages of 'Self-Employment' ? Someone may: Have a good idea or hobby they wish to turn into a successful business. Like the idea of risk taking. Consider it more financially rewarding/earn income/keep profits. Consider it more motivating and satisfying. Like being their own boss,
What are the disadvantages of 'Self-Employment'? The entrepreneur may lose all the capital invested or may have unlimited liability and have to pay debt incurred from his/her own personal resources. If an entrepreneur has to borrow money for the business they may have to use their own home as collatera
Name a way of measuring Unemployment The Quarterly National Household Survey The Live Register
What is the 'Live Register' ? The Live Register is a list of all the people who register each week to claim social welfare benefits.
Name the causes of unemployment. Structural Unemployment Cyclical Unemployment Relocation of Multi-National Companies Seasonal Unemployment Technology- Related Unemployment
What are the rights of Employers. To decide the objectives of the business. To organise the business in any manner they want. To expect their employees to do a fair days work. To set conditions of employment
What are the Responsibilities of Employers ? To provide a written contract of employment for each employee. To provide a safe working environment (physically & pschologically). To provide a pay-slip. Not to discriminate when hiring/promoting etc. To act as a tax collector for the Government.
What is Commission ? A method of payment for an employee calculated as a percentage of sales by the employee.
What is Flexitime ? A system which allows employees to choose their own hours of work within reason.
What are the functions of a Trade Union ? To protect jobs. To improve working conditions. To increase wages. To represent workers/ be a voice for workers.
What is a 'Craft Union' ? A Union which represents workers involved in the same craft/using the same skill e.g. National Union of Sheet Metal Workers.
What is an 'Industrial Union' ? A Union which represents all workers in a particular industry. e.g. ESBOA
What is a General Trade Union ? A Union which represents all workers in all industries. e.g. S.I.P.T.U.
What is a 'White-Collar Trade Union' ? A Union which represents people who work in services e.g. ASTI (Association of Secondary Teachers of Ireland)
What is 'ICTU'? The Irish Congress of Trade Unions. A body which represents Trade Unions .
What is 'IBEC' ? Irish business and Employers Confederation. A body which represents business and employers.
What is the 'LRC' ? The Labour Relations Commission - provides a conciliation service.
What is the 'Labour Court' ? A tribunal/Court of Last Resort where industrial relations disputes are solved.
What is 'Conciliation' ? An independent body works with employers and employees to help them solve/negotiate disputes.
What is 'Arbitration' ? An independent body works with employers and employees to solve disputes by giving a judgement to which both sides agree.
Name three types of Industrial Action An Official Strike An All-Out Strike An Unofficial Strike A Wild-cat or Lightning Strike A Work-to-rule
What is an 'Work-to-Rule Strike' ? Workers continue to work but only do the essential parts of their job slowing down production.
Created by: egibbonsnotes
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