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Viaje de Tren

Chapter 1 Spanish Test

el tablero de llegadas arrival board
el tablero de salidas departure board
el horario schedule
la sala de espera waiting room
en primera clase first class
en segunda clase second class
un billete/ un boleto ticket
el billete de ida y vielta round-trip ticket
el billete de ida one-way ticket
la ventanilla ticket window
la via track
la bolsa small carry-on bag, pocketbook
el moso, el maletero porter, helper of baggage
el vagon, el coche train car
el tren train
el anden railway platform
la maleta suitcase
el equipaje baggage, luggage
un viaje trip
salir to leave/ exit
ayudar to help
el quiosco newsstand but can sell anything
la parada stop
el/la pasajero passenger/ el or la depends on gender
el revisor (train) conductor
la pantalla screen
ocupado occupied
libre free
el asiento seat
la plaza seat
la silla seat
el pasillo aisle
reservado reserved
el coche-cama sleeping car
le litera berth
el coche-comedor dining car
el coche-cafeteria cafeteria car
salir a tiempo to leave on time
salir tarde to leave late
salir con retraso to leave with a delay
bajarse del tren to get off the train
transbordar to transfer
hacer to do
querer to want
venir to come
estar to be
andar to walk
tener to have
poder to think
poner to place
saber to be familiar with
decir to say
donde where
estacion station
ferrocarril railroad
los carriles tracks
llegada arrival
palabra word
del coche sin asientos car without seats
cambiar switch
accion action
como what
quien who
cuales which
Conjugate nadar in past tense. yo- nade'. tu- nadaste, el-nado', nosotros, nadamos, ellos-nadaron
Conjugate comer in past tense. yo- comi', tu-comiste, el- comio', nosotros- comimos, ellos-comieron
Conjugate subir in past tense, yo- subi', tu- subiste, el- subio', nosotros- subimos, ellos- subieron
ayer yesterday
anteayer day before yesterday
la semana pasada last week
el mes pasado last month
el ano pasado last year
anoche last night
What are irregular i verbs? hacer, querer, venir
What are irregular UV verbs? estar, andar, tener
What are irregular U verbs? saber, poder, poner
What is the ending for ALL irregular verbs? e, iste, o, imos, ieron
What is the special rule with saber? p changes to a b.
What are all of meanings of quise+infinitive? I tried to, I wanted to, and I wished to.
What are all the meanings of No quise+infinitive I refused to and I did not want to
Pude parar. (After trying hard), I managed to stop.
No pude parar. (I tried to bust) I couldn't stop.
Yo lo supe ayer. I found out (learned it) yesterday.
Conjugate decir in the yo form. digo
Conjugate decir in past tense. dije, dijiste, dijo, dijimos, dijeron
Spelling change for car ending. Replace car with que'
Spelling change for gar ending Replace gar with gue'
Spelling change for zar ending Change car to ce'
Created by: Katrina1212
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