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Chapter 14

A 20 question test all about what we learned.

Is vernacular a common language of a place or region? True
In medieval Europe, was selling positions in the Church, a sin? True
What was made so a horse can plow the fields? Harness
What is a three-field system? a system of farming developed in medieval Europe, in which farmland was divided into three fields of equal size and each of these was succes- sively planted with a winter crop, planted with a spring crop, and left unplanted.
What is day worker? A journeyman
What is the expansion of trade and business as agriculture was expanding called? Commercial revolution
What were documents given by a bank called? Letters of credit
Who was the English king that led the third crusade? Richard the Lion-Hearted
What is Simony? The practice of selling positions in the Church
Who was the pope that issued the call for the first crusade? Urban the second
What organized effort was to drive the Muslims out of Spain? Reconquista
Who was the most famous and respected Muslim leader of his age? Saladin
Which crusade that resulted in the looting of Constantinople by Western Christians? Fourth Crusade
What did the church court use in Spain to persecute Jews and Muslims? Inquisition
What was the architecture style most associated with the age of faith? Gothic style
What Danish king conquered England? Canute
Who was the descendant of Alfred the Great? King Edward
William, duke of Normandy became who? William, the Conqueror
What is a French term for Vikings? Northmen or Normans
Who was Williams rival for the throne? Harold Godwinson
Created by: allyfrins7
Popular European History sets




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