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Pruett MGMT Ch. 7

Organizing for action Ch. 7

Organization Chart The reporting structure and division of labor in an organization
Mechanistic Organization A form of organization that seeks to maximize internal efficiency
Organic Structure An or ganizational form that emphasizes flexibility
Differentiation As aspect of the organization's internal environment created by job specialization and the division of labor
Integration The degree to which differentiated work units work together and coordinate their efforts
Division of labor The assignment of different tasks to different people or groups
Specialization A process in which different individuals and units perform different tasks
Coordination The procedures that link the various parts of an organization to achieve the organization's overall mission
Authority The legitimate right to make decisions and to tell other people what to do
Span of Control The number of subordinates who report directly to an executive or supervisor
Delegation The assignment of new or additional responsibilities to a subordinate
Responsibility The assignment of a task that an employee is supposed to carry out
Accountability The expectation that employees will perform a job, take corrective action when necessary, and report upward on the status and quality of their performance
Centralized Organization An organization in which high-level executives make most decisions and pass them to lower levels for implementation
Decentralized Organization An organization in which lower-level managers make important decisions
Line Departments Units that deal directly with the organization's primary goods and services
Staff Departments Units that support line departments
Departmentalization Subdividing an organization into smaller subunits
Functional Organization Departmentalization around specialized activities such as production, marketing, and human resources
Divisional Organization Departmentalization that groups units around products, customers, or geographic regions
Matrix Organization An organization composed of dual reporting relationships in which some mangers report two superiors--a functional manager and a divisional manager
Unity-of-command A structure in which each worker reports to one boss, who in turn reports to one boss
Network Organization A collection of independent, mostly single-function firms that collaborate on a good or service
Modular Network Temporary arraignments among partners that can be assembled and reassembled to adapt to the environment; also called virtual network
Broker A person who assembles and coordinates participants in a network
Standardization Establishing common routines and procedures that apply uniformly to everyone
Formalization The presence of rules and regulations governing how people in the organization interact
Coordination by plan Interdependent units are required to meet deadlines and objectives that contribute to a common goal
Coordination by mutual adjustment Units interact with one another to make accommodations in order to achieve flexible coordination
Strategic Alliance A formal relationship created among independent organizations with the purpose of joint pursuit of mutual goals
Learning Organization An organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights
High-involvement organization An organization in which top management ensures that there is consensus about the direction in which the business is heading
Total quality management (TQM) An integrative approach to management that supports the attainment of customers satisfaction through a wide variety of tools and techniques that result in high-quality goods and services
ISO 9001 A series of quality standards developed by a committee working under the international organization to improve total quality in all businesses for the benefit of producers and consumers
Technology The systematic application of scientific knowledge to a new product, process, or service
Small batch Technologies that produce goods and services in low volume
Large batch Technologies that produce goods and services in high volume
Continuous process A process that is highly automated and has a continuous production flow
Mass customization The production of varied, individually customized products at the low cost of standardized, mass-produced products
Lean manufacturing An operation that strives to achieve the highest possible productivity and total quality, cost-effectively, by eliminating unnecessary steps in the production process and continually striving for impovement
Just-in-time (JIT) A system that calls for subassemblies and components to be manufactured in very small lots and delivered to the next stage of the production process just as they are needed
Created by: starnema
Popular Management sets




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