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repartee clever and amusing comments and replies that are made quickly She engaged him in witty repartee. حاضر جوابی
deride to treat somebody/something as ridiculous and not worth considering seriously ; mock دست انداختن ، مسخره کردن His views were derided as old-fashioned. The play was derided by the critics.
evince to show clearly that you have a feeling or quality ابراز کردن ؛ نشان دادن He evinced a strong desire to be reconciled with his family. She evinced little enthusiasm for the outdoor life.
mascot نماد خوش شانسی The team's mascot is a giant swan. Zakumi—the official mascot of the 2010 FIFA World Cup
doughty brave and strong a doughty defender of women's rights
impetuous acting or done quickly and without thinking carefully about the results ; impulsive بی پروا an impetuous young woman an impetuous decision
penchant strong tendency ; میل شدید She has a penchant for champagne.
kinship blood relationship ; خویشاوندی
heady having a strong effect on your senses; making you feel excited and confident synonym intoxicating قوی ، مست کننده the heady days of youth the heady scent of hot spices a heady mixture of desire and fear
largess the act or quality of being generous with money; money that you give to people who have less than you She is not noted for her largesse (= she is not generous). to dispense largesse to the poor
backpedal to change an earlier statement or opinion; The protests have forced the government to back-pedal on the new tax.
rapacious aggressively greedy or grasping. "rapacious landlords"
legerdemain slight of hand , conjuring تر دستی
odium حس نفرت "his job had made him the target of public hostility and odium"
occlude to cover or block something ; مسدود کردن an occluded artery
portentous شوم ؛ بد یمن "the envelope and its portentous contents"
ostensible eeming or stated to be real or true, when this is perhaps not the case synonym apparent صوری ؛ الکی The ostensible reason for his absence was illness.
recalcitrant unwilling to obey rules or follow instructions; difficult to control ; rebellious a recalcitrant child
monolithic یک پارچه
desiccation the process of becoming completely dry ; dehydrate ; dry The dramatic desiccation of North Africa is a perplexing phenomenon.
perplex make sb confused
pleonasm تکرار بی مورد ‘see with your eyes’ is a pleonasm
abstemious not allowing yourself to have much food or alcohol, or to do things that are enjoyable پرهیزگار He was a hard-working man with abstemious habits.
shrub /ʃrʌb/ a large plant that is smaller than a tree and that has several stems of wood coming from the ground ; bush evergreen shrubs shrub roses
errant erring or straying from the proper course or standards. اشتباه "he could never forgive his daughter's errant ways"
err to make a mistake
surfeit large amount ; Indigestion can be brought on by a surfeit of rich food. a surfeit of violence on television
scintilla small amount ; There is not a scintilla of truth in what she says. They had not found a scintilla of evidence against him.
havoc a situation in which there is a lot of damage, destruction or confusion ; خرابی ؛ ویرانی The floods caused havoc throughout the area.
conflagration a very large fire that destroys a lot of land or buildings ; حریق بزرگ
culminate to end with a particular result, or at a particular point ; منتهی شدن به a gun battle which culminated in the death of two police officers Months of hard work culminated in success. Their summer tour will culminate at a spectacular concert in London.
bid offer (specially in auction)
rankle جانسوز بودن Her comments still rankled. His decision to sell the land still rankled with her.
enervate to make somebody feel weak and tired ; weaken an enervating disease/climate
debase to make somebody/something less valuable or respected ; کم ارزش کردن Sport is being debased by commercial sponsorship.
minatory threatening minatory words
insularity only interested in your own country, ideas, etc. and not in those from outside ; انزوا The British are often accused of being insular.
lucid clearly expressed; easy to understand ; clear ; a lucid style/explanation
incentive something that encourages you to do something انگیزه ; pop. disincentive : مانع tax incentives to encourage savings There is no incentive for people to save fuel.
countermand to cancel an order that has been given, especially by giving a different order ; an order revoking a previous one ; لغو کردن
iniquitous very unfair or wrong ; نا حق ؛ an iniquitous system/practice
halcyon peaceful and happy ; روز خوب و ارام ; the halcyon days of her youth
stratify to arrange something in layers ; طبقه طبقه کردن ; a highly stratified society; stratified rock
notorious well known for being bad ; بد نام و رسوا a notorious criminal
unheralded not previously mentioned; happening without any warning ; ناگهانی I didn't want to make an unheralded entrance. an unheralded visit
opacity تاری ؛ کدری sheets of frosted glass with varying degrees of opacity
connotation معنی ضمنی The word ‘professional’ has connotations of skill and excellence.
plumb to try to understand or succeed in understanding something mysterious She spent her life plumbing the mysteries of the human psyche.
demographic امار the demographics of radio listeners
deceleration opp. acceleration
dearth a lack of something; کمبود There was a dearth of reliable information on the subject.
clangor a continuous loud crashing or ringing sound ; صدای جرق جرق
deleterious harmful and damaging ; اسیب رسان ؛ زیان اور the deleterious effect of stress on health
subdued unusually quiet, and possibly unhappy ; رام و مطیع He seemed a bit subdued to me. She was in a subdued mood.
noisome extremely unpleasant ; noisome smells
undulate to go or move gently up and down like waves ; fluctuate The countryside undulates pleasantly.
erstwhile former ; an erstwhile opponent His erstwhile friends turned against him.
vagrant a person who has no home or job, especially one who begs (= asks for money) from people ; اواره ؛ ولگرد
mendicant living by asking people for money and food ; گدا
jeopardy /ˈdʒepədi/ danger ; hazard The civil war has put thousands of lives in jeopardy. The future of the school and 50 jobs are in jeopardy.
proselyte /prɒsɪlʌɪt/ a person who has converted from one opinion, religion, or party to another ; recently converted
malefactor جنایت کار ; a person who does wrong, illegal or immoral things
deter deter (somebody) (from something/from doing something) ; کسی رو از چیزی ترساندن
crotchet /ˈkrɒtʃɪt/ quarter note (in music notes)
awl درفش
apogee the highest point of something, where it is greatest or most successful ; climax ; اوج a religious community that was at its apogee in the twelfth century
nadir the worst moment of a particular situation the nadir of his career Company losses reached their nadir in 2009.
culmination climax ; the highest point or end of something, usually happening after a long time The reforms marked the successful culmination of a long campaign.
zenith the highest point that the sun or moon reaches in the sky, directly above you The sun rose towards its zenith.
opus a piece of music written by a famous composer and usually followed by a number that shows when it was written Beethoven's Opus 18
whimsical unusual and not serious in a way that is either amusing or annoying ; عجیب غریب to have a whimsical sense of humour Much of his writing has a whimsical quality. "a whimsical sense of humor"
notion an idea, a belief or an understanding of something ; تصور ؛ ایده a political system based on the notions of equality and liberty She had only a vague notion of what might happen.
commodious having a lot of space ; جادار
amiable pleasant; friendly and easy to like ; دوست داشتنی an amiable tone of voice Her parents seemed very amiable.
reciprocity a situation in which two people, countries, etc. provide the same help or advantages to each other ؛عمل متقابل
cordial /ˈkɔːrdʒəl/ pleasant and friendly ; صمیمی a cordial atmosphere/meeting/relationship
propinquity the state of being near in space or time ; proximity ; مجاورت ؛ نزدیکی
lumber 1 timber ; الوار ; 2 move in a slow, heavy, awkward way.
sidle to walk somewhere in a shy or uncertain way as if you do not want to be noticed ; یه وری راه رفتن ; She sidled up to me and whispered something in my ear. He sidled into the room.
traipse to walk somewhere slowly when you are tired and unwilling ; walk in a directionless way ; We spent the afternoon traipsing around the town.
trudge to walk slowly or with heavy steps, because you are tired or carrying something heavy ; He trudged the last two miles to the town.
unscathed unharmed ; The hostages emerged from their ordeal unscathed.
ordeal unpleasant experience
bemoan to complain or say that you are not happy about something ; express sorrow over sth ; They sat bemoaning the fact that no one would give them a chance.
sumptuous luxurious ; very expensive and looking very impressive ; a sumptuous meal ; We dined in sumptuous surroundings.
mercurial often changing or reacting in a way that is unexpected ; دمدمی ; synonym volatile ; Emily's mercurial temperament made her difficult to live with.
nugatory /ˈnuːɡətɔːri/ having no purpose or value ; worthless ; "a nugatory and pointless observation"
precarious not safe or certain; dangerous ; متزلزل ؛ پرمخاطره ; He earned a precarious living as an artist. The museum is in a financially precarious position.
banquet a formal meal for a large number of people, usually for a special occasion, at which speeches are often made ; ضیافت ; a state banquet in honour of the visiting President
render to cause somebody/something to be in a particular state or condition ; make ; to render something harmless/useless/ineffective ; Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake.
crescendo a gradual increase in how loudly a piece of music is played or sung ; opposite diminuendo
euphony pleasant to listen to ; صدای دلپذیر
obsolete no longer used because something new has been invented ; out of date ; obsolete technology
woebegone looking very sad ; miserable ; a woebegone expression
ethereal extremely delicate and light; seeming to belong to another, more spiritual, world ; ethereal music ; her ethereal beauty
effulgent shining brightly ; درخشنده
haggard looking very tired because of illness, worry or lack of sleep ; drawn He looked pale and haggard. a haggard face
epaulet /ˈepəlet/ سر دوشی ;
lax not strict, severe or careful enough about work, rules or standards of behaviour ; slack, careless ; سهل انگار ؛ شل ; lax security/discipline ; a lax attitude to health and safety regulations
construe to understand the meaning of a word, a sentence, or an action in a particular way ; interpret ; تعبیر کردن ; He considered how the remark was to be construed.
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