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Lista #1
"ir de compras"
Term | Definition |
El almacén | department store |
La farmacia | pharmacy |
La joyería | jewlry store |
La zapatería | shoe store |
La ropería | clothing store |
La tienda de descuentos | discount store |
Creo que sí. | I think so. |
Creo que no. | I don't think so. |
Es mala/buena idea. | It's a good/bad idea. |
Me parece que... | It seems to me... |
Encantar | to delight |
Importar | to be important |
Interesr | to interest |
Recomendar | to reccomend |
Las rebajas | sale; reduced prices |
Precio alto/bajo | high/low price |
Está abierto/a | It's open. |
Está cerrado/a | It's closed. |
Qué ganga! | What a bargain. |
Buscar | to look for |
Escoger | to chose |
El dinero en efectivo | cash |
La tarjeta de crédito | credit card |
El cheque personal | personal check |
El cheque de viajero | traveler's check |
El abrigo | coat |
Las botas | boots |
El chaleco | vest |
El cinturón | belt |
La falda | skirt |
La gorra | cap |
La pulsera | bracelet |
El reloj | watch |
El collar | neck |
Los aretes | earrings |
Las sandalias | sandals |
El suéter | sweater |
El traje | suit |
Estar de moda | to be in style |
De cuadros | plaid |
De rayas | striped |
El número | shoe size |
La talla | clothing size |
Cómo me queda/n? | How does it/do they fit me? |
Quedar bien | to fit well |
Quedar mal | to fit badly |
flojo/a | loose |
apretado/a | tight |
Los artículos | goods |
Barato/a | inexpensive |
Caro/a | expensive |
La artesanía | handicrafts |
Fino/a | fine |
La pintura | painting |
El retrato | portrait |
Único/a | unique |
Ser de | to be made of |
cerámica | ceramic |
cuero | leather |
madera | wood |
metal | metal |
oro | gold |
plata | silver |
pierda | stone |
algodón | cotton |
lana | wool |
regatear | to bargain |
Ven acá! | Come here! |
En qué puedo servirle? | How can I help you? |
Me deja ver...? | May I see? |
Con mucho gusta. | With pleasure. |
Con permiso. | Excuse me.(to pass by) |
De nada. | You're welcome. |
Disculpe | Excuse me; I'm sorry |
No hay qué. | Don't mention it. |
Pase. | Go ahead. |
Perdóneme. | Forgive me. |
El cambio | change |