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Basics - Food 6
Question | Answer |
mangiano | they eat |
bolle | boils; (he/she boils) |
cucino | I cook |
cucina | he/she cooks |
taglio | I cut |
taglia | he/she cuts |
bollire | to boil |
bollo | I boil |
bolli | you boil |
bolle | boils; (he/she/it) boils |
cucinare | to cook |
cucino | I cook |
cucini | you cook |
cucina | (he/she) cooks |
tagliare | to cut/slice |
taglio | I cut |
tagliamo | we cut; let's cut |
tagli | you cut |
tagliate | you (pl) cut |
taglia | cuts |
tagliano | they cut |
cuciniamo | we cook; lets cook |
Lei taglia la mela | she slices the apple |
cucinate | you (pl) cook |
Voi mangiate il pane | You (pl) eat the bread |
cucinano | they cook |
Il cuoco cucina il cibo | The chef cooks the food |
Io taglio la torta | I cut the cake |
L'acqua bolle | The water boils |
Io cucino il pollo | I cook the chicken |
Loro mangiano pane. | They eat bread |
loro mangiano manzo | they eat beef |
Il cuoco taglia il manzo. | The chef cuts the beef |
io cucino pesce | I cook fish |