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Third set of 50 hot words for the SAT
Term | Definition |
Labyrith (la-buh-rinth) | n. a maze from which it is very hard to extricate or free oneself |
Precarious (prih-care-ee-us) | adj. dangerous or risky; uncertain |
Quagmire (kwag-my-ur) | n. a difficult or troubling situation; a swampy ground, bog, mire |
Quandary (kwan-duh-ree) | n. a dilemma; a confusing or puzzling situation |
Turbulence (tur-byoo-luns) | n. great unrest; turmoil or disorder |
Turmoil (tur-moyl) | n. a turbulent scenario or situation; turmult |
Baneful (bane-ful) | adj. causing ruin; harmful; pernicious |
Deleterious (deh-luh-ti-ree-us) | adj. harmful to one's health or overall welfare; pernicious |
Detrimental (deh-truh-men-tl) | adj. harmful |
Devious (dee-vee-us) | adj. dishonest or deceptive; tricky |
Iniquitous (in-nih-kwuh-shus) | adj. showing a lack of fairness |
Malicious (muh-lih-shus) | adj. intending to hurt or harm another; spiteful |
Nefarious (nih-fehr-ee-us) | adj. very mean and wicked |
Odious (oh-dee-us) | adj. loathsome; evil; revolting in a disgusting way |
Ominous (ah-muh-nus) | adj. pertaining to an evil omen; foreboding |
Pernicious (puhr-ni-shus) | adj. very destructive or harmful, usually in an inconspicuous and relentless way |
Rancorous (rang-kuh-rus) | adj. deeply hateful or spiteful; malicious |
Virulent (vihr-uh-lunt) | adj. extremely poisonous; deadly; full of spiteful hatred |
Berate (bih-rate) | vb. to rebuke or scold in a harsh tone |
Carp (karp) | vb. to find fault; to be critical |
Castigate (kas-tuh-gate) | vb. to scold or punish |
Censure (sen-shur) | vb. to criticize strongly |
Chastise (chas-tize) | vb. to punish or scold harshly |
Deprecate (de-prih- kayt) | vb. to show mild disapproval |
Deride (dih-ride) | vb. to ridicule or make fun of ; to scoff at |
Impugn (im-pyoon) | vb. to oppose or attack someone or something as false or refutable |
Rebuff (rih-buf) | vb. to snub; to bluntly refuse |
Rebuke (rih-byook) | vb. to reprimand or scold sharply |
Reproce (rih-proov) | vb. to speak too in disapproving manner; to scold |
Upbraid (up-brayd) | vb. to chide; to scold bitterly |
Aloof (uh-loof) | adj. uninterested; showing no concern; emotionally removed or distant |
Apathetic (a-puh-theh-tik) | adj. indifferent; showing no caring, interest, or concern |
Detached (dih-tatcht) | adj. aloof; indifferent |
Impassive (im-pa-siv) | adj. lacking emotion or drive |
Indifferent (in-di-frunt) | adj. apathetic; showing little or no concern |
Listless (list-lis) | adj. lacking interest in something, usually because of illness, fatigue, or general sadness; spiritless |
Nonchalant (nahn-chuh-lahnt) | adj. casual and indifferent: not showing any great concern or worry about anything |
Phlegmatic (fleg-ma-tik) | adj. hard to get excited or emotional; calm; slow-moving |
Remote (rih-mote) | adj. emotionally distant and disinterested; aloof; uninvolved; distant, far away |
Stollid (stah-lud) | adj. lacking emotion or not showing any emotion;stoical |
Indolent (in-duh-lunt) | adj.lazy; not wanting to do any work |
Languor (lang-gur) | n. a weak or lifeless feeling |
Lassitude (la-suh-tood) | n. a tired feeling, usually resulting from depression or too much work |
Lethargic (luh-thar-jik) | adj. having little or no energy |
Sedentary (seh-dn-ter-ee) | adj. having to do with sitting around a lot |
Sluggish (sluh-gish) | adj. slow and lazy |
Soporific (sah-puh-ri-fik) | sleep-induced; sleepy |
Stagnant (stag-nunt) | adj. lacking movement or energy |
Torpid (tor- pud) | adj. lacking energy; relating to inactivity; feeling sluggish |
Compliant (kum-ply-unt) | adj. yielding, submissive |