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Fifth set of 50 hot words for the SAT.
Term | Definition |
Ample (am-pul) | adj. abundant; plentiful; enough or more than enough |
Copious (koh-pee-us) | adj. abundant; much; plentiful |
Lavish (La-vish) | adj. abundant; in excess |
Myriad (mir-ee-ud) | adj. or n.countless; a very large number |
Plethora (pleh-thuh-ruh) | adj. excess; abundance |
Profuse (pruh-fyoos) | adj. abundance; more than enough |
Prolific (pruh-li-fik) | adj. abundant; producing a great deal; fertile |
Superfluous (soo-pur-floo-us) | adj. over abundant; more than is needed unnecessary |
Surfeit (sur-fut) | n. an oversupply |
Abstemious (ab-stee-mee-us) | adj. holding back from eating or drinking too much |
Alimentary (a-luh-men-tree) | adj. relating to food and nourishment |
Culinary (kul-luh-ner-ee) | adj. having to do with cooking, preparing meals |
Delectable (dih-lek-tuh-bul) | adj. delicious |
Emaciated (ih-may-shee-ay-tid) | adj. very, very thin due to lack of adequate food |
Epicurean (eh-pih-kyoo-ree-un) n. epicure | adj. or n. having to do with relishing the pleasure of eating and drinking |
Glutton (gluh-tun) | n. one who overindulges in food and drink |
Palatable (pa-luh-tuh-bul) | adj. pleasing to the taste buds |
Ravenous (ra-vuh-nus) | adj. very hungry |
Savory (say-vuh-ree) | adj. tasty or good smelling |
Voracious (vuh-ray-shus) | adj. greedy; gluttonous; ravenous; insatiable |
Chary (chair-ee) | adj. cautious; wary |
Circumspect (sur-km-spekt) | adj. careful and cautious before acting |
Conscientious (kahn-shee-en-shus) | adj, relating to doing what one knows is right |
Exacting (ig-zak-ting) | adj. requiring a great deal of care or effort; painstaking |
Gingerly (jin-jer-lee) | adj. very carefully |
Heedful (heed-ful) | adj. paying attention to |
Meticulous (muh-tih-kyoo-lus) | adj. very careful; fussy; finicky; fastididious |
Scrupulous (skroo-pyoo-lus) | adj. showing great care and honesty, based on personal belief of what is right and proper |
Vigilant (vi-juh-lunt) | adj. carefully alert and watchful |
Wary (wair-ee) | adj. cautious, careful |
Ephemeral (ih-fem-rul) | adj. lasting a short time; fleeting |
Evanescent (eh-vuh-neh-snt) | adj. vanishing quickly; fleeting |
Fleeting (flee-ting) | adj. short-lived |
Itinerant (eye-tih-nuh-runt) | adj. wandering about: tending to move around, travel |
Nomadic (no-ma-dik) | adj. wandering |
Peripatetic (per-uh-puh-teh-tik) | adj. moving or walking about; itinerant |
Transient (tran-shee-unt) | adj. lasting for only a short time; temporary |
Transitory (tran-suh-tawr-ee) | adj. fleeting |
Volatile (vah-luh-tl) | adj. explosive or changing very quickly |
Antediluvian (an-tih-duh-loo-vee-un) | adj. very, very old; antiquated |
Antiquated (an-tuh-kway-tud) | adj. very old and no longer in use; obsolete |
Antiquity (an-tih-kwuh-tee) | n. ancient times |
Archaic (ar-kay-ik) | adj. old; from a much earlier time; antiquated |
Obsolete (ahb-suh-leet) | adj. old outdated, no longer in use |
Rlic (reh-lik) | n. a custom or object that has been around for generations |
Contemporary (kun-tem-puh-rer-ee) | adj. modern, new; relating to the same time period |
Inception (in-sep=shun) | n. the start, the beginning of something |
Innovation (ih-nuh-vay-shun) | n. something new |
Novel (nah-vul) | adj. new |
Unprecedented (un-preh-suh-den-tud) | adj. novel; unparalleled |