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Lola Rennt

Ich war durcheinander I was all screwed up
Ich krieg' Schiss I'm scared shitless
Was weiß ich denn! What the hell do I know!
Hast du 'nen Knall? Are you losing it?
Das merk' ich sofort I noticed that right away
Mach doch die Augen auf! Watch where you're going!
Es geht immer so weiter It's going to keep going on like this
Entscheide dich! Make up your mind!
Ich mein's ernst I'm serious
Ihr habt keine Ahnung You (guys) don't have a clue
Ich hab's satt I'm sick of this
Wie geht denn das? How does this work?
Hau ab, du blöde Kuh! Get out of my way, bitch!
Das geht dich nichts an! None of your business!
Lass mich in Ruhe! Leave me alone!
Merkst du nicht, was hier los ist? Can't you see we're busy?
Das ist mir scheißegal I don't give a fuck
Ich habe andere Sorgen I've got other things to worry about
Leck mich am Arsch! Kiss my ass!
Das Leben ist manchmal irre Life's weird sometimes
Alles in Ordnung? Everything okay?
Sehen wir uns nachher Let's get together later
Da fehlt aber noch etwas You're short
Gib mir wenigstens die How about giving me that?
Ich gehör zu ihm I'm with him
Wie siehst du denn aus! Look at you!
Keine Sorge Don't worry
klauen to steal
der Penner bum
Quatsch No way
Hau ab Get lost
Schlampe! Bitch!
Verdammt Damn
dringend urgent
Pass auf Listen up
Was soll's Whatever
stören to bother
Schluss damit Enough
Raus! Get out!
Was is'? What's wrong?
Mach schon! Hurry!
Kackschlampe! Fucking bitch!
die Tussi slut
hereinplatzen to burst in
Wag es nicht! Don't even!
Mahlzeit! Enjoy your lunch!
Created by: 100000482816806
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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