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STA Cadet Teaching

STA 1st Semester Cadet Final

Students who have a first language other than English and who are in the process of learning English are English Language Learners
Products, devices, or equipment designed to maintain, increase, or improve the capabilities of individuals with disabilities are assistive technology
According to a recent poll, the career with the highest level of public trust is teachers
An agreement that makes it fairly easy for educators who licensure in one state to gain licensure in another state is reciprocity agreement
Programs that allow graduates from various fields to participate in intensive prepatory programs lasting several weeks to enable them to join the teaching workforce are alternative certification programs
Experts unanimously agree that one of the most important factors in determining a child's academic success in education is parental involvement
Students who are likely to fail or drop out because of obstructive environmental circumtances are at-risk students
Teacher pay based on teacer performance in accordance with predetermined achievements or goals set up by the school is merit pay
The percentage of teachers that leave the field within five years is 50%
A status conferred upon an employee by which he or she is granted a permanent position is tenure
The process of gradual, but imposed, adjustment to and absorption of the values, attitudes, and customs of a new culture until conformity is established is assimilation
The process by which immigrants were assimilated into the dominant culture and which schools were the vehicle by which the process was implemented is Americanization
Differnces in racial or ethnic background, age, gender, sexual orientation, and religion is diversity
The minority group with the highest level of school absenteeism is Hispanic/Latino
According to the Anti-Bias Curriculum: Tools for Empowering Young Children, the age at which children are aware of gender differences and the various names for different skin colors around them is two
The theory that some students do poorly in school because the linguistic, social and cultural nature fo the home environment does not prepare them for the work they will be required to do in school is cultural deficit
The theory that students who are raised in different cultural settings may approach education and learn in different ways is cultural difference
The largest minority group represented in American schools is Hispanic/Latino
An individual's capacity to learn is intelligence
Jonathan is a7th grader who enjoys critical thinking activities and making predictions. He is most likely gifted in the category of mathematical/logical
A student who is gifted in the category of intrapersonal would most likely enjoy working alone on independent projects
Learning experiences that take place within the regular experience that involve changing the curriculum to accommodate a wider range of interest and learning styles are broadened
Students who are able to learn but consistently perform below the level fo their intelligence are learning disabled (LD)
The pwoer to challenge decisions made by a school regarding a student's education is procedural due process
The program in which teachers regularly monitor student progress to catch early signs of learning disabilities and to prevent students falling behind is response to intervention
The participation of students with disabilities in regular education classrooms, usually with support services is inclusion
The legislation that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity is Title IX
Socioeconomic status is determined by education, occupation, and income
The legislation that ensures homeless families will receive food, shelter, adult education, and job training is McKinney-Vento Act
Bullying through the use of electronic media and devices is cyber bullying
What is the trend in drug use among teens? the use of alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana is lower than they have ever been in the past
Students who incorporate information best through listening to it are auditory learners
The best definition of a kinesthetic learniner is a student who learns through manipulation of concrete or physical materials
"What is real?" "What s the origin of the world?" These are questions that are addressed by metaphysics
The branch of philosophy that considers how people come to learn what they know is epistemology
The branch of philosophy that considers the study of principles and values is axiology
Reasoning that takes specific examples and considers the general principles or rulest ath caused them is inductive
The branch of philosophy that considers the physical universe and the nature of ultimate reality is metaphysics
The philosophy that proposes that ideas are universal and eternal is idealism
The process of gaining knowledge by carefully questioning and then criticizing answers is Socratic method
The philosophy that theorizes that there are two separate worlds--the worlds of God and of humanity-- is religious idealism
The notion that the world exists in terms fo matter, separate from the world of ideas and independent of it, is realism
The modern role of a teacher--organizer, systmatizer, promoter of critical thinking--is largely founded on the principles of realism
A Pragmatist teacher would most likely believe they should select ideas, actions, and consequences with the most desirable outcome, learning from previous experience.
The school of thought that describes the cultural chnages to philosophy that are caused by present-day information such as from contemporary litereature, feminism, and art is postmodernism
The conclusion taht we construct our own truths from within, as opposed to theories of one universal truth, is existeialist phenomenology
An example of a teacher-centered philosophy is essentialism
Educational philosphies that focus on training individual student, emphasizing the individuality of students and helping them realize their potential, are student-centered
Examples of student-centered philosophiea are progressivism, social reconstructionism and existentialism
A teacher who believes in teaching basic skills and "training the mind" is most likely a(n) essentialist
Name the tools of the essentialist teacher lecturing, memorization, and repitition
A language arts teacher assigns the following books for her high school English class: Moby Dick, Macbeth, Great Expectations, and Inferno. This teacher is most likely a perennialist
A reconstructionist lesson might include free-writing in a journal
The processes that promote worldwide participation and relationships between people of different countries, cultures, and languages is existentialism
Learning that occurs from an external source, such as lecture and note-taking, is learning by transmission
A math teacher sets up centers throughout the room, providing role-play materials and games fro students to learn fractions. This teacher believes students learn by construction
An example of conceptualization of ideas is perfoming a play wrtitten in a foreign language
A written description of what you inerpret the best approach to education to be is a(n) philosophy of education
The law that required parents to make sure that their children knew the principles of religion and the laws of the commonwealth was the Massachusetts Act of 1642
Schools develeoped in the earely 17th century patronized by the wealthy and academically inclined children were grammar schools
An illustrated textbook comprised of religious readings used in 17th and 18th century schools was New England Primer
Parochial schools established by religious groups were private venture schools
Private secondary schools taht offered a broad range of subjects and practical training in the 18th centure and included courses in mathematics, languages, sciences, astronomy, athletics, and navigation were academies
The legislation that specified that all townships would be divided into 36 sections, of which one should be set aside for public schools was Northwest Ordinance
Free state-supported schools that provide education for all students are common schools
Legislation that granted land to each state based on the number of senators and representatives in the state in order for colleges to be built that focused on agriculture and the mechanical arts was Morrill Act
An occurence or phenomenon existing in reality, particularly in the absence of any formalized legislature is de facto
Impartiality, or the state of being fair and free of prejudice is equity
The state of being the same or equal is equality
The educational leader who emphasized observation of each child to detemine how to best tailor their education, believing that education should be developmentally appropriate for each child is Maria Montessori
A competitive program launcehd by the Obama administration to provide funding to states that have developed innovative reforms to increase student achievement is Race to the Top
Independent schools that receive governmental money but are freed rom the usual constraints of public shcools in exchange for increased accountablility for academic achievement are charter schools
Funds allocated to parents that they may use to purchse education for their children are vouchers
The legislation that provides veterans with payments for tuition and room and board at colleges and universities is GI Bill
The landmark court case that rules that segregation of African American and Europeon American children in public schools was unconstitutional was Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
The oldest and largest professional association for teachers and administrators is National Education Association (NEA)
Tests that have specific consequences for the test taker are problem - based learning
Schools offering curriculum that focus on a specific area such as mathematics, science or the performing arts, are magnet schools
Instruction that is delivered with out the need for a physical space or infrastructure, iwth learning taking place primarily via technology, is virtual
Schools that are operated by private educational corporations are for-profit
The largest educational management organization in the U.S. is Edison Schools, Inc.
Funds allocated to parents that they may use to purchase education for thier children form public or private schools are vouchers
Expenses for schooling are credited through the tax system with reimbursements in a tax credit program
The characteristics that make up and effective school are high expectations, qualtiy leadership, goals and direction
An alternative school model in which students are placed in smaller learning environments within a regular school is schools-within-schools
The system by which students are assigned to a position within an academic range or level is known as Tracking or ability grouping
"Least restrictive environment" refers to integrating students with disabilities into classrooms with non -disabled students whenever possible
The legislation that governs special education programs and practices is Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA)
Typical benefits of teaching in a private school are smaller class sizes, higher levels of support from other teachers, and higher leveles of support from adminisrators
School cultures consist of shared values, beliefs, and collective measures of the community as a cohesive unit
Created by: knash
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