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pregnancy, nutrition, birth

Lamaze you and your partner will learn controlled deep breathing, massage, & concentration to control pain
Braxton-Hicks unpredictable, irregular contractions. False labor
Bradley Delivery relaxation techniques to manage pain, and the effective involvement of the partner as coach.
Trimester How development in pregnancy is measured. There are 3 of these
Length of Pregnancy 40 weeks since the first day of the last period Or 280 days.
Average weight & length of baby 71/2 pounds, 21 inches long
First Trimester Body structures &organs are formed especially Brain& heart . At risk for miscarriage
Second Trimester Baby Moves & hear heartbeat. Eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails, and hair are formed, and teeth and bones are becoming denser, suck his or her thumb, yawn, stretch, and make faces.
Third Trimester Fetus puts on weight, practices breathing, prepares for birth
Lightening Baby drops in position for birth
caffiene should be limited during pregnancy
alcohol, drugs& over the counter medication do not take during pregnancy. Consult your doctor before taking anything.
Signs of pregnancy Breast tenderness, missed period, frequent urination, morning sickness
fetus the developing baby from 8-9 weeks to birth
Embryo the developing baby from the 3rd week to 8-9 week
zygote fertillized egg 2 weeks
miscarriage baby dies prior to the 20th week of pregnancy
stillbirth baby dies after the 20th week of pregnancy
amniotic fluid the liquid surrounding the developing baby in the uterus
The 3 stages of prenatal development germinal,embryo, & fetal stage
Obstetrician Doctor who studies the development & delivery of babies
Gynecologist Doctor who studies diseases of women
Midwife Nurse specifically trained to deliver babies
placenta a pancake shaped organ that connects the baby to the uterus.
Umbilical cord Connected to the placenta and carries oxygen & nutrients to baby and carries away waste & carbon dioxide.
Amniotic sack the bag of waters that contain the developing fetus
prenatal development development before birth
neonatal new birth, the first 30 days after birth
conception when the sperm fertilzes the egg
Pregnancy nutrition need additional 500 Calories per day.
ovulation when an egg is released every 28 days
fallopian tube connects ovary to uterus
Amniocentisis A sample of amniotic fluid is checked for birth defects
Alpha-fetoprotein AFP test Blood test to check for birth defects
FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Physical & mental disabilities that last a lifetime.
Created by: sfleece
Popular Family and Consumer sets




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