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Unit 2 Test

Beginnings of Human Society

Anthropologist A social scientist that focuses on human cultural activity (ancient to modern, across the entire globe)
Census the official process of counting the number of people in a country, state, or town, and collecting information about them.
Prehistoric the time or period before recorded or written history
absolute (carbon) dating he process of determining a specific date of an artifact based on physical or chemical properties of the object
claim a statement about what someone thinks is true, especially when open to question
artifact any object made or used by mankind
evidence information used to support a claim
world history the field study concerned with global processes and patterns of humanity over time
Stone Age the earliest known period of human culture, marked by the creation and use of stone tools
cave paintings paintings on cavewalls and ceilings,especially those dating from prehistoric times.
relative dating determining the age of an object based upon surrounding fossils and geological deposits
archaeology the scientific study of ancient cultures through the examination of artifacts, buildings, and other remaining material evidence.
hominid humans and their closest relatives. Example: Humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans are all hominids.
bipedalism a form of motion where an organism moves by means of its two rear limbs.
Ardipithecus Ramidus an early human ancestor that had quadruped and biped features because of her anatomy.
Neanderthals early human ancestors that were known for living in caves
biome a major ecological community that corresponds to a climate and is characterized by plants that live in that are adapted to that environment
adaptation the process or state of changing to fit a new environment or different conditions
migration The physical movement by humans from one area to another, sometimes over long distances or in large groups.
Paleolithic Age of Foragers (modern human span: about 250,000 years long)
foragers another name for hunter-gatherers
agrarian associated with switching to farming
Great Thaw The time after the last Ice Age (roughly 15,000-12,500 years ago)
Neolithic Revolution The transition from foraging to farming
domestication Taming of plants and animals to make them more useful to humans
specialization another term for division of labor
Catal Hoyuk first example of a Neolithic village in modern Turkey
Ban Po Neolithic settlement in East Asia
Chilca Neolithic settlement in modern day Peru
Jericho near Jordan River: neolithic settlement
Created by: johnbacolor
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