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Quel temps fait-il?
Les conditions différentes en ce qui concernent le temps
Question | Answer |
What's the weather like? | Quel temps fait-il? |
The weather | Le temps |
The climate | Le climat |
Wine harvesting | Les vendagnes |
The Pyrenees | Les Pyrénées |
The Alpes | Les Alpes |
It was hot | Il faisait chaud |
It is hot | Il fait chaud |
It will be hot | Il fera chaud |
It was sunny | Il faisait soleil |
It is sunny | Il fait soleil |
It will be sunny | Il fera soleil |
It was raining | Il pleuvait |
It is raining | Il pleut |
It will be raining | Il pleuvra |
The weather was bad | Il faisait mauvais |
The weather is bad | Il fait mauvais |
The weather will be bad | Il fera mauvais |
The weather was cold | Il faisait froid |
Here is the weather forecast for today | Voici la météo pour aujourdhui |
It was foggy | Il y avait du brouillard |
It is foggy | Il y a du brouillard |
It will be foggy | Il y aura du brouillard |
The fog | Le brouillard |
There was ice | Il y avait du verglas |
There is ice | Il y a du verglas |
There will be ice | Il y aura du verglas |
The ice | Le verglas |
It was cloudy | Il y avait des nuages |
It is cloudy | Il y a des nuages |
There will be clouds | Il y aura des nuages |
The cloud | Le nuage |
cloudy | Nuageux/nuageuse |
There was a storm | Il y avait un orage |
There is a storm | Il y a un orage |
There will be a storm | Il y aura un orage |
The storm | L'orage (m) |
It was snowing | Il neigeait |
It is snowing | Il neige |
It will snow | Il neigera |
The snow | La neige |
It was windy | Il faisait du vent |
It is windy | Il fait du vent |
It will be windy | Il fera du vent |
The wind | Le vent |
The wind is blowing | Le vent souffle |
It was hailing | Il grêlait |
It is hailing | Il grêle |
It will be hailing | Il grêlera |
The hail | La grêle |
It was freezing | Il gelait |
It is freezing | Il gèle |
It will be freezing | Il gèlera |
The frost | Le gel |
It's bitterly cold | Il fait un froid de canard |
It's lashing rain | Il pleut des cordes |
The wind is gusting | Le vent souffle en rafales |
It's biting cold | Il fait un temps de chien |
I got sun burn | J'ai attrapé un coup de soleil |
The sun was shining | Le soleil brillait |
The sun is shining | Le soleil brille |
The sun will shine | Le soleil brillera |
The mist | La brume |
A clear spell | Une éclaircie |
Lightning | Un éclair |
The thunder | Le tonnerre |
A shower | Une averse |
A flood | Une inondation |
A heat wave | La canicule |
Degrees | Degrés |
Zero degrees | Zéro degrés |
Freezing point | Le point de congélation |
Minimum temperature | La température minimale |
Maximum temperature | La température maximale |
Climatologists | Les climatologues |
Climatic changes | Les changements climatiques |
The Mediterraen sea | La mer Méditerranée |