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TExES Competency 020

Study Guide for TExES Competency 020

What are the 5 periods that divides world history Ancient World The Age of Discovery Middle Ages Revolution and Industry Modern World
This world focuses on the development of the the first humans, the first farmers, and the first civilizations. Emphasizes the history of the civilizations of (Mesopotamia, Sumer, Assyriam Babylon, Egypt, The Indus Valley, megalith Europe, ancient China). The Ancient World (400 million years ago to 500 CE)
This period includes the (Byzantine civilization, the rise of Islam, civilizations of the Americas, the Vikings, the feudal system, the crusades, Genghis Khan and China, the African kingdoms and the Hundred Years' War. The Middle Ages (500-1400 CE)
This period includes the Renaissance, the development of the Aztec and Inca civilization, voyages of discovery from Spain & Portugal, African empires, the Reformation, the Ottoman Empire, & the Ming dynasty in the slave trade. Age of Discovery (1400-1700)
This period includes(Russian Empire, Manchu dynasty/ China, period of Enlightenment/Europe, growth of Austria&Prussia, birth of the US,French Revolution, Napoleonic era,Industrial Revolution,British Empire,American Civil War,&unification of Italy&Germany Revolution and Industry (1700-1900)
This period includes the struggle for equal rights for women, WWI, Russian Revolution, Great Depression, rise of fascism, revolution in China, WWII, Israel vs. Palestine, Cold War, space race, Korean & Vietnam wars, & globalization. The Modern World (1900-Present)
What Began in England in the mid 18th century. Industrial Revolution
Improvement on the __________ and __________ led to the mass production of goods and a better distribution system. Steam Engine Industrial Machines
The _________ motivated people to leave the rural areas and move to the cities. Economic Growth
The most developed ancient civilizations in the Americas were the Mayas, Toltecs, Olmecs, Aztecs, and Incas
One of the earliest civilizations of Mesoamerica was the _________ from regions of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, Guatemala, and Honduras Mayans
The Mayans developed a highly integrated society with elaborated religious observances for which they built _____ and ________. Stone Mortar Pyramids
Who developed an elaborate calendar, a system of writing, and the mathematical concept of zero. Mayans
Who flourished around 1200 BCE (these groups developed highly sophisticated civilizations). Olmecs *(followed by Toltecs abd Zapotecs)
What is the best known example of religious ceremonial sites built by the Zapotecs, Olmecs, and Toltecs. Teolihuacan
Who achieved the highest degree of development in Mexico, and also had a centralized government headed by a king & supported by a large army.They were skilled builders & engineers, accomplished astronomers and mathematicians. They also built TENOCHTITLAN Aztec
The ______ civilization covered the modern countries of Ecuador, Peru, and central Chile. They also have a well- developed political system. They also built a monumental road system to unify the empire. Cuzco is its capital. Incas
This group lived in the Great Lakes and Mississippi area. These people built burial mounds dated as early as 500 CE. Woodland Mississippian
The_______ people built flat-topped mounds as foundations for wooden temples dating from 500 CE. Mississippian
The ______ developed adobe architecture consisting of individual apartments, storage areas, and a central plaza. They worked the land extensively, they also had a highly developed system of irrigation, & made cloth and baskets. Anasazi
The_____ built separate stone and timber houses around a central plaza. Hohokam
_________ survived the Spanish conquest & colonization period. They were also able to produce drought- resistant corn & squash, which became the foundation of their diet. Pueblo Indians
The _____inhabited the area of Ontario, Canada & Upstate New York for at least 4,500 years before the arrival of Europeans. They hunted and fished but (farming was the main economic activity) Women did most of the farming to support the community. Iroquois
In____ the Spaniards established the 1st successful European settlement in North America (San Agustin/ near Jacksonville, Florida) 1565
The English attempted to establish a permanent colony on ___, an island off the coast of North Carolina. Roanoke
What are the thirteen colonies (New England): Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire (Middle) New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania (Southern): Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
The first English colony established by the London Company was___. The leader of this colony was________, who intervened to save his life. Virginia (Jamestown) 1607 Captain John Smith Pocahontas
Pocahontas married ______ a tobacco farmer from the the colony. John Rolfe
The Puritans who fled England to avoid religious persecution founded_____ . Before arriving at their destination they wrote the Mayflower Compact( a document containing rules to guide life in the community). Plymouth (Massachusetts 1620
Two groups founded this colony. The 1st group (Captain John Mason) established a fishing village in 1623. In 1638 (John Wheelwright) founded a 2nd settlement called Exter( was a proprietorship, but eventually became a royal colony) New Hampshire (1623)
The Dutch founded _____ in 1623, In 1702 this colony became an English colony. New Jersey (!623)
The area of this colony was part of New Amsterdam, and in 1685 this colony became an official royal colony. New York (1624)
In 1633 this colony was established as a refuge for freemen, especially Catholics. Maryland (1633)
Roger Williams founded this colony in 1636 & in 1638 Anne Hutchinson settled an additional part of the colony. Rhode Island (1636)
Thomas Hooker established the colony of______ he was seeking religious freedom after being expelled from Massachusetts. In 1662 this colony obtained a Royal Charter under the leadership of John Winthrop Jr. Connecticut (1636)
The Dutch & Swedish initially settled this colony. In 1683 this colony was awarded to William Penn. Delaware (1638)
By 1653, Virginia Colonists began moving south and settling in _______, by 1691 this region was officially recognized as a colony & Charles I granted a royal charter in 1729 North Carolina (1653)
This colony began as a proprietary colony & became a royal colony in 1719. South Carolina (1663)
This colony was made a safe haven for Quakers, and a large number of German Quakers settled in this colony. In 1683 the 1st group of settlers arrived and formed Germantown near Philly. Pennsylvania (1682)
This colony was founded with 2 main purposes: to establish a buffer zone from the Spanish settlement south of the colony and to provide a safe haven for poor people. Georgia (1732)
The ______ was the first colonial assembly of elected representatives from the Virginia settlement. It was established in Jamestown to represent the colonists in the state of Virginia in the lawmaking process. Virginia House of Burgesses
The _____ was used to bring workers to the New World. The ____ would sell him or herself to an agent or ship captain before leaving England. In turn the contract would be sold to a buyer in the colonies to recover the cost of passage. indentured servant system
The __ refers to a period during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries when people began questioning religious dogma and emphasizing scientific reasoning & knowledge.The result of this quest was the development of modern chemistry and biology. Enlightenment (Age of Reason)
What led to the American War of Independence. The British sent troops to Boston, where the groups clashed and several colonies were killed Boston Massacre
During this boycott the colonist dumped tea in the Boston harbor to protest against taxation. Boston Tea Party
When the Declaration of Independence signed July 4, 1776
Where did the American Revolution begin Massachusetts (Concord and Lexington)
The ____ officially signed in 1783, ended the war & gave independence to the new nation. Treaty of Paris
When the the Constitution ratified 1788
When was George Washington selected to be the first president of the United States. 1789
"America for Americans" is known as the _____________ Monroe Doctorine
The war between Mexico and the United States from 1846 to 1848 was known as _______. Manifest Destiny
Eli Whitney invented the ____ because this crop became the economic mainstay of the South. Cotton Gin/ Cotton
In ___, Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation , granting freedom to slaves in the South 1862
What Amendment gave African Americans full citizenship 14th
What Amendment Abolished slavery/freed all slaves without compensation to slave owners 13th
What Amendment grated voting rights to black men 15th
This battle was the most disastrous event of the war ans perhaps in the history of the United States. More than 50,000 soldiers from the North & South lost their lives. In 1865 the commander Gen. Robert E.Lee surrendered to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant Battle of Gettysburg
In a speech delivered on the battlefield in November 1863, President Lincoln eulogized the fallen Union soldiers in a speech known as the ______ Gettysburg Address
This period was characterized by hatred and violence. KKK was established during this period. Reconstruction Era (1865-1877)
This Amendment guaranteed women the right to vote in 1920 19th
The ____ were England, France, Russia & Italy Allies
The _____ were Germany, Austria-Hungary Empire, Turkey, & Bulgaria Central Powers
On October 29, 1929 the stock market crashed initiating a 10 year period known as the ____. Millions of people lost their capital and jobs Great Depression
On June 6, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower and a quarter of a million Allied soldiers crossed the English channel into France and launched 1 of the largest offensives against the German occupying forces D-Day
When did the Japanese government surrender during WWII 1945
A U.S. supported program that rebuild the economic infrastructure in Europe was known as ______ Marshall Plan
In ____ Texas became the 28th state of the American union. 1845
In ___ oil was discovered in the Spindle top Oil Field near Beaumont. 1901
______ was introduced in 1880 and ranchers began using scientific cattle breeding to increase production & improve the quality of meat. Barbed Wire
Created by: jwilliams2626
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