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Test 1; MA; Ch. 1-5

is important to most Western music Harmony
a musical pitch produced by steady, definite vibrations Tone
is determined by the frequency of its vibrations: the faster the vibration, the higher it is Pitch
the distance between 2 pitches Interval
2 singers can create monophonic music, even if an octave apart Unison
a musical one generally has 5 horizontal lines Staff
is notes that are played smooth & connected Legato
is notes that are played short & detached Staccato
is a 3-note cord Triad
the first note of any scale built on the first step of the scale & sounds very stable & complete Tonic
is a group of notes that are played or sung together Chord
is a chord that is broken up & played one note at a time Arpeggio
means to play soft Piano
means to play medium soft Mezzo piano
means to play very soft Pianissimo
means to play loud Forte
means to play medium loud Mezzo forte
means to play very loud Fortissimo
means to gradually become louder Crescendo
means to gradually become softer Decrescendo
is the rate or speed of the beat Tempo
means to play broad, slow Largo
means to play cheerful, somewhat fast Allegro
means to play very quick Presto
is the pattern w w½ w w w½ Major scale
sounds sadder, the third scale degree is lower a half step Minor scale
includes all the notes of the piano, both the black & the white keys Chromatic scale
placed in front of the note, raises the note by half step Sharp sign
placed in front of the note, it lowers a note by half step Flat sign
is the sign that cancels out a sharp or flat Natural sign
is when flats & sharps are placed at the beginning of each line of music to indicate what key the work is played in Key Signature
shifting from one key to another within a single composition Modulation
is the term used to describe a central note, scale, or chord Key
means to add or change notes in the melody Embellish
are short sections of melodies Phrases
is a resting point in a melody Cadence
a round of canon results from this compositional technique Imitation
incorporates any of these formations: AB, AABB, AAB, or ABB Binary form
incorporates the form ABA Ternary form
is a polyphonic genre incorporating strict imitation Canon or round
is one melodic line with no accompaniment Monophony
is a single predominant line of music with accompaniment Homophony
is two or more melodies of equal interest Polyphony
is the highest female voice type Soprano
is the mid-range femlae voice type Mezzo soprano
is the lowest female voice type Alto
is the highest male voice type Tenor
is the mid-range male voice type Baritone
is the lowest male voice type Bass
is the technique of plucking a violin string with the finger Pizzicato
is a small group of instruments where each player plays his or her own part Chamber ensemble
is a large group of instruments from different families Orchestra
is a plucked string instrument, not a bowed one Harp
is a woodwind instrument, not a brass one Bassoon
is a keyboard instrument Harpsichord/Organ
is a brass instrument Trombone
is a percussion instrument Xylophone
is a woodwind instrument Flute
is a stringed instrument Double Bass
Some percussion instruments produce a ____ pitch & others produce an _____ pitch definite, indefinite
______ music does not need a conductor Chamber
___ ensembles do not include any stringed instruments Wind
if each word is set to a spearate note, a musical line is this Syllabic
is one syllable spread over several notes in a melody line Mellismatic
the texts for secular music in the Middle Ages were written in this style Vernacular
was developed in the Middle Ages, it was sung in Latin & is monophonic Gregorian Chant
was an abbess, a composer & an author Hildegard of Bingen
was a French composer who wrote the first complete polyphonic setting of the Ordinary of the Mass Guillaume de Machaut
was a troubadour & a noblewoman Beatriz of Dia
Music notation was developed during the ____ ____ Middle Ages
During Middle Ages, _____ did not participate in church music expect in convents women
The _____ was NOT a popular Renaissance keyboard instrument because it had not yet been invented piano
is a term used to indicate someone who is well educated in many areas Renaissance man
education & literacy became more widespread during the Renaissance, in part due to the invention of this Printing press
is a composer credited with returing church music to the simplicity of earlier times Palestrina
investigated every aspect of religious discipline, including church music Council of Trent
is a term that refers to music sung without accompainment A cappella
is the reaction by the Catholic church to the spread of Protestantism Counter-Reformation
is an Italian renaissance secular musical genre with sentimental or erotic poetry Madrigal
is a French secualr song Chanson
is a German secular song Lied
is a technique in music written to represent the literal meaning of the text Word painting
_____ music was written for dance music as well as other types of ____ music Instrumental
Created by: ibenoit95
Popular Music sets




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