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V-XL L01
Vocabulary Excel Lesson 1
Term | Definition |
Active Cell | A cell that is highlighted or outlined by a bold black rectangle. This is also called the current or highlighted cell |
Backstage view | A view that shows you behind-the-scenes options for managing files such as opening, saving, printing, and documenting files |
cell | A box on the grid identified by the intersection of a column and a row.. |
column | Cells that run from top to bottom in a worksheet and are identified by letters. |
command group | Task-specific groups divided among the command tabs appropriate to the work a user currently performs |
command tabs | Task-oriented tabs that are organized on the ribbon. |
Dialog Box Launcher | An arrow in the lower, right corner of some command groups on the ribbon that opens a dialog box related to the command group. |
FILE tab | In Office 2013, the tab that takes you to Backstage view to access Save, Print, Options, and other commands. |
Help system | A system in Excel that is rich in information, illustrations, and tips that can help you complete any task as you create worksheets and workbooks |
KeyTip | Small "badges" displaying keyboard shortcuts for specific tabs and commands on the ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar. Also referred to as hotkeys |
Name Box | Located below the ribbon at the left end of the formula bar. When a user types a cell location into this box and presses Enter, the insertion point moves to that cell. |
Quick Access Toolbar | A toolbar that gives you fast and easy access to the tools you use most often in Excel. |
ribbon | A broad band that runs across the top of the Excel window that organizes commands and tools into an easy-to-use interface. The ribbon was introduced in Office 2007. |
row | A line of cells that start at the left edge of a worksheet, continue to the right, and are identified by numbers |
ScreenTips | A small, onscreen rectangle that displays descriptive text when you rest the pointer on a command or control. |
workbook | A collection of worksheets in a single file |
worksheet | A page in a workbook that consists of a grid of rows and columns in which you can enter text, values, and formulas, and perform calculations. |