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La Cuidad de Bestias

Chapter 1-3 vocab

to succeed in, get, manager to alcanzar a
right away enseguida
standing, on foot de pie
to take a look at echar una mirada a
realize darse cuenta
He realized that it was not just plain luck Se dio cuenta que no era pura suerte.
He realized what was going on. Se dio cuenta de lo que pasaba.
to peek at, get a glimpse of asomamrse a
He peeked in the kitchen Asomó a la cocina
to dare atreverse a
without daring to raise his eyes sin atreverse a levantar la vista
again volver a
It will grow again Volverá a crecer
any way, at any rate de todos modos
deer el venado
skunk el zorrillo
bug el bicho
snail el caracol
piranha la piraña
to take advantage of aprovechar
to spit escupir
to succeed in lograr
to push empujar
to behave well-badly portarse bien-mal
to pack empacar
astute, shrewd astuto astuta
pale pálido pálida
anxious ansioso ansiosa
scared espantado espantada
friendly amistoso amistosa
from time to time, once in a while de vez en cuando
to become quedar
He is freed Queda liberado
to approach, come up to acercarse a
I approached Me acerqué
she approached se acercó
A girl approached him Se le acercó una muchacha
above all, especially sobre todo
just as tal como
Do it just as I told you Hazlo tal como te dije
in spite of a pesar de
to be in the habit of, accustomed to soler
He used to smoke Solía fumar
to take a long time to tardar en
They took 10 minutes to return Tardaron diez minutos en volver
to be successful tener éxito
to be one´s turn tocarle a uno
Now it is his turn to die Ahora le toca a él morir
to run over atropellar
to replace reemplazar
to place, to put colocar
to try to procurar
to shrug one´s shoulders encogerse de hombros
worn out, exhausted agotado agotada
sore adolorido adolorida
proud orgulloso orgullosa
powerful poderoso poderosa
to be difficult for someone costarle a uno
to begin something empezar a
nowhere ninguna parte
There wasn´t a tree anywhere No había un árbol por ninguna parte.
before, in the presense of ante
greet, say hello to saludar
more and more cada vez más
bigger and bigger cada vez más grande
more and more worried cada vez más inquieto
restless, worried, uneasy inquieto
quiet, no speaking callado
footprint, trace, sign la huella
to explain explicar
soaking wet empapado empapada
jam packed, stufffed atiborrado atiborrada
chaotic caótico caótica
muscular musculoso musculosa
worn down, spent gastado gastada
Indian el indio
tribe la tribu
the Amazon el Amazonas
native el indígena la indígena
sharp agudo aguda
Created by: jorrylin
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