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Santiago Rudge
10 words or phrases from 8.1 and 15 words or phrases from 8.2
Term | Definition |
apretado | tight |
la bufanda | scarf |
la caja | cash register |
las chancletas | flip-flops |
cobrar | to charge |
la corbata | tie |
el descuento | discount |
el espejo | mirror |
De verdad, no te sienta bien | Honestly, it doesn't look good on you |
Que te parece...? | What do you think of...? |
Bueno, se la regalo por... | Okay, I'll give it to you for... |
el acero | steel |
las adornos | decorations, ornaments |
el barro | clay |
bordado | embroidered |
la cadena | chain |
la cesta | basket |
el collar | necklace |
el encaje | lace |
la figura tallada | carved figure |
grande | big |
la hamaca | hammock |
las joyas | jewelry |
la madera | wood |
el mantel | tablecloth |